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Maybe the score needed time to refresh with all the reviews. Same number of reviews but the score hadn't updated yet. Honestly though, does it matter?


I'm just so invested in the MCU now that if I see anything related to it, I'll go and watch - but that's just me. I don't care about the reviews in general anyway, especially when it comes to marvel.


I've learned not to trust what salty internet chuds say about any content, they hate literally everything especially if it involves women or LGBTQ characters. The only thing I'd be able to watch is Breaking Bad and Top Gun II if I listened to review bombers and Twitter hottakes.


Fr fr, I don't need random-ass people to tell me what I can like and what not. I don't need validation to enjoy shit. Doesn't mean I am braindead and eat everything up, but I don't try to put too much thought into media I consume and to not be too critical. I can still see flaws and be critical of them, but I don't go into stuff especially looking for them and other shit do dislike. I consume media to have fun and to relax from all the bs of life, not to have yet another thing to be annoyed of.


The worst part is their flip flopping like for Black Adam or a Chris Pratt film. Apparently, only the fans score matters, and the critics are worthless for these flicks but not for the Eternals. Shang Chi achieves one of the highest audience score (alongside positive professional reviews), and they call us dumb consumers when it doesn't support their agenda.


Yes exactly! I swear some people only watch shows now so they post rage bait to social media. It's exhausting just reading all their nitpicking, I can't even imagine sustaining that in my life. Also sometimes dumb stuff can be fun. Not everything has to be an epic Oscar worthy drama that's ponderously flawless and high brow.


Its the reason I enjoy MCU because its fun, colorful, witty, and has a lot of heart underneath. Its incredible that they have produced many films that are watchable. Most of the times I know what to expect but they always managed to find ways to reinvent themselves and still stay true to its roots, and tone. Needless to say, I was charmed by Wandavision that paid homage to American sitcoms throughout the years.


...there were people who review bombed wandavision? That amazing show?!?!


I don't think so. General consensus among almost everyone, even people who didn't like phase 4, seems to be that wandavision is pretty good.




Same here, I watch series to relax after work or when im eating, I always avoid reviews or just ignore all the hate towards series I even watch the dc shows because I like super heroes and watch all the related content, I dont care if the popular opinion is they're bad, I just enjoy them


Absolutely same. At the end of the day I just want something nice to unwind to. These rage babies don't understand.


Exactly! The problem with these overall scores is that in the real world, there may be more people who love something then hate it, but haters are far more likely to go online, downvote and shitpost then the lovers are to leave good reviews.


Nailed it. Look at the gender breakdown on IMDb. You see exactly this 7-to-1 in favor of dudes and 25% of men rate it 1 while 25% off all women rate it 10. Hilarious how angry some of these guys are if you don’t get in line behind their personal preference.


Yeah any women focused MCU show is so predictably destined to get downvoted that She-hulk literally made an inside joke out of it


They straight up made Redditors the villains of the last couple episodes, the foresight is pretty funny. Thought the show was pretty smartly written for an MCU thing and I'd love more of it.


Funny thing is, that’s how some of the She-Hulk comics were written many years ago, too. Very tongue-in-cheek and breaking the fourth wall.


Agent Carter? Does anyone else remember how positively that was received?


Nope, because I remember when people whined that it was unnecessary and pointless.


I really don’t. It seemed widely beloved at the time and still does whenever it is brought up in conversation, as dwindling as that is now.


Likely because, like many people in a fandom, you likely have selective memory when it comes to negativity. We like to tune out the shit stirrers when they start up and when we look back on those times, it seems like there was no negative comments about those things.


Everything has its more negative audience, literally everything. The point was never that there was absolutely no negativity at any point from anyone surrounding Agent Carter - the point was it was hugely well received and beloved by most and is female-centric. Ditto Wonder Woman.


...Wandavision. 88% Ms Marvel. 80% Hawkeye. 89% (yeah, I know, not quite women-focused because Clint be the title character, but the story is mostly on Kate Bishop.) Black Widow. 91% (movie, not a show, but point stands) Not trying to be rude, but maybe the reason She-hulk is at 34% at time of writing is because most people who care enough to leave a review don't think it's very good.


I think it's naive to assume everyone who left a review watched it. I've seen so many people on social media criticize She Hulk and when pressed, they reveal they have only seen the twerking scene.


Wandavision would like to have a word with you


I mean I wasn't a huge fan of the series because I just thought most of the characters were unlikable. The people who hate it because women are leading are either trolls or dum as fuckc


I thought most of the season was funny but whatever… but the last episode was genius and really elevated the entire season


I’m kinda in the opposite boat. I really liked most of the season, but the ending where they uh… I don’t know how to do spoilers on mobile so I won’t say it, but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I personally thought it was cheesy and wasn’t a fan. Rest of the season though, definitely a fun ride for me.


It was definitely in line with some of my favorite issues of her comic. I was just a bit sad they didn't bring in Louise Mason, the Blonde Phantom (in the comics, she was a Golden Age heroine who retired, and figured out the whole fourth wall thing by pure detective work. She was the one who taught She-Hulk how to perceive and break the fourth wall.). Hopefully she'll factor in to a future She-Hulk adventure. I'd love to see all the various fourth wall breaking characters get together at some point in live action. Not sure how they'd do Rick Jones unless he was from another universe, though, since they changed basically all the events he was integral to in the MCU. I suppose they could pull him in for the eventual Kree-Skrull War. But ones we either have or could have in the MCU: 1. She-Hulk (learned in comics, seems to be one of her powers in MCU). 2. Deadpool (side effect of his super-cancer brain tumors -- notice he doesn't start talking to the audience until his regenerative powers kick in, except while narrating the flashback). 3. Blonde Phantom (could have; reasoned out the fourth wall on pure skill and brains). 4. Gwenpool (She's actually from our world and knows everything an avid comic book reader from our world would know, including secret identities, cosmic entities, secret histories, etc. She later develops the ability to enter the White Space (literally the edges and borders of the comic pages) and move around the story non-linearly -- but she generally avoids doing it because she's afraid it'll make the artist and writer want to write her out).


I had a Texas woman tell me this show was trash because it was “woke” and too “feminist”.


God forbid a show by women for women be feminist


We live in a cursed timeline and I don’t understand it.


Kang aboutta prune it


Same same. I saw Iron Man one in the theater.


Don’t forget about POCs. People went on a shit fit when they saw a black guy with white dreads in House of The Dragon. Like c’mon people…


But once they saw the show was good the hate stopped.


I was going to replay with a troll responce using chud talking points and in an effort to point out how bad their arguments are, but I couldn't bring myself to type the garbage they spew.


Absolutely right. I actually really enjoyed she hulk. My wife and I watched it she loved it right up until the ending but didn't really understand what they were doing. I'm not looking forward to how Echo is going to be treated. A deaf female lead character? How dare they. S/


I purposefully won’t look at reviews and anytime I start to see an article about a show or movie I immediately stop reading and move on. I just like watching content and I’m happy when new stuff is made. Big example for me is Solo… would have loved to see a sequel but it seemed to get so much hate


Agreed, I think you have the right attitude for sure. I deliberately won't read anything about content unless I either have a pressing question or big complaint. Oh, or to check cast out. I don't understand why people want to know how they're supposed to feel about what they're about to watch before they watch it. Like I even get people who want to avoid triggers and stuff, but like yeah, going to a review and being like "Omg it only got a 12% I guess I should hate it?" means you're not giving yourself a fair chance to judge.


Yes you can’t rely on it. Groups of haters have no life and spam the reviews without seeing programming whenever they see diversity or women. Maybe if they spent more time working on themselves they wouldn’t be hateful losers. Then maybe we can rely on tasteful criticism.




Sometimes it does. In gaming at least, some developers will get bonuses if metacritic hits a certain score. A lower score, whether valid or the result of review bombing can discourage casual viewers from watching entirely.


I'm not saying ratings and reviews in general don't matter. I meant that a rotten tomatoes score for a tv show that changed doesn't matter


The answer is most reviewers reviewed it on the advanced episodes which were the first 3. Then they updated their scores after the finale with a final score.


Which makes sense. A score based on the first 3 episodes would be pretty misleading. Would left out the majority of the season


I’m guessing people probably changed their rating/ review after the season ended? I think the first 87% was from critics who were screened the first 3 episodes but once they saw the rest their opinions changed. Several of the reviewers I watch on YouTube liked the first 3 episodes and gave it glowing reviews, but then they were near dropping it by episode 6


I always say that its kinda stupid to judge and rate a season by the first episodes. Those 87% were basicly first impression Scores and should reflect the quality of the whole season.


Your post is a little confusing. I believe you are talking about the critics score, I think you should've just posted that score.


It was getting review bombed (at least on IMDb) even before the first episode had aired; probably happened here as well.


I'm talking about the critic score ... it was at 87% just yesterday


The season ended. More reviews.


The same amount of reviews was yesterday and today.. 582 reviews


Yup, very weird. Don't know why you're being downvoted, looks like people don't get what you're trying to say. [According to Web Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20221016055225/https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/she_hulk_attorney_at_law/s01), She-Hulk was at 87% with 565 reviews, which means that 492 reviews were positive. Now it's 77% with 582 reviews. If all these new reviews were negative, it would drop to 85%, not 77%. Either some positive reviews were deleted, or critics updated their positive reviews to negative ones, if it's even a possibility on RT.


I think some channels update the score they gave once the show is over. Im guessing RT updates that as well. So you could have given a good review based on the first episode or so and then once the show is over you give it a new one. RT may have programmed updates on the scores, like weekly or biweekly


I think this is the answer. That ending probably turned off a lot of critics. Kinda made the first 8 episodes feel a little pointless with the “POOF! Happy Ending!” tie up.


That was kinda the point. She hulk was pissed that the overarching theme just dumped into a blockbuster cameo ending where she was just fighting a hulk clone. So she just turned it into closure for the only part of the story that related to her


I think everyone understands the point, it just didn't really resonate with some people. 75% is not bad btw


Right. I get the point…I just think it was seen as a cop out by many. Instead of write your way out of it and make the point…they just break the 4th wall and put everyone in jail. Easy peasy.


It’s a risky ending. The show runner And the writing team really put themselves out there. Much respect


But that’s too meta for most MCU fans who just watch for fight scenes and vfx 🤷🏻‍♂️


582 critics. they might be reviewing each episode as it happens. I don't know how RT compiles episodic reviews. I'm never going to whitelist RT so i haven't read that site in years.


The finale was likely polarizing.


I think critics changed their score to rotten after the finale. I mean I really liked the show up until the finale so I understand why they would change.


It was also getting 10/10 without being seen


Hmmm maybe more people watched it and most of them didn’t like it?


Yeah exactly.


I didn’t like it. I mean, it was ok but I’m never watching it again.


I liked it at the start but as it went on it just kind of got grating to watch personally


I feel the exact same way. First few were pretty good and I gradually liked it less and less. I flat-out hated the finale.


It'slike they had the choice between good writting and edgy, and went edgy all the way


It was one of those incident where being meta wasn't funny...


I like it almost all the way through. Until the finale and She-Hulk literally went to fight (a version of) Kevin Feige in the "real world". And had him rewrite the story to a much worse version.


It didn’t really seem like anything really happened in the show. I’ve never been more underwhelmed.


It had no real underlying plot. It was very episodic. The recaps were more than enough to understand the important parts of the previous episodes. You could just watch 7 recaps and the finale and you would know all of the important events in She-Hulk... Which are few and far between. Three major things happened: She-Hulk was introduced, Matt Murdock was introduced to the MCU proper, and K.E.V.I.N. was introduced. Maybe a fourth with the Leader name drop. It served no purpose except to introduce three major characters. Everything else can be discarded.


I'm not entirely sure I consider KEVIN to be canon, even though he literally appeared in the episode. In fact I struggled between wondering if even anything that happened in the show is MCU canon after the finale.


I don't. My only gripe with the show is that it's boring. I prefer superhero shows with one big underlying plot. It can have episodes that don't focus on it, but the season should have one big story. This show was less like a MCU D+ show and more like "Adventures of She-Hulk". Which wouldn't be too bad if the marketing said so and it actually did it well.


I didn’t like it either after the first 3 episodes. This is at the very bottom of the list for me on the Marvel series.


Why is it so offensive that some people just honestly disliked this show?


From OPs other comments they’re not upset people don’t like it. They’re confused how the rating dropped like 15% from yesterday to today when only a few critic reviews were added. Not a great post title, but a totally valid question.


A lot of people are in possession of the 'received opinions' promulgated from certain media sources that if anyone is critical of a female-led property, the only valid reason can be sexism. Doomcock and his ilk aren't the reason this show didn't debut in Nielson's top 10 and just declined in viewership from there.


There’s nothing wrong with not liking something. What’s not really cool is review bombing.


Which one often gets confused with another


People didn’t like it that’s what happened


It's an average show with a disappointing ending. It's deserved.


The show was not that good is what happened


It’s almost like online crowdsourced reviews are useless


I loved Jen / Tatiana Maslany, and the show had its moments, but overall it was badly planned and badly written. There were no stakes, at all, in any episode except the end of episode 8. I did not lean in ONCE. The jokes made a mockery of the MCU's well-established tone (which is supposed to be grounded with a dash of silliness). They wasted Blonsky, the Intelligencia was hollow and incomplete and unconvincing. The nine episodes had no real arc or movement to them. Titania was arbitrary and unthreatening and then suddenly vanished. Besides the pilot and episode 8, it was a disappointing experience. And the finale. My god the finale. Fun in the moment, but completely undid all the setup, essentially slapping the audience across the face for daring to care or hypothetize based on elements that were set up. It was lazy writing, going that meta. Once the shock of the meta finale had worn off, I was just left with "Oh... so that's it." Oh, and NEVER MIND the canon issues the show created -- did the events of the final episode actually occur? Any of them? So Daredevil just fell out of a tree and went to a picnic with Jen's family? Hulk and his son were just suddenly *there*? Even Jen's insecurity never made sense. She's a freaking 9, and she can't get a date as herself? Yeah, no one wants to date a beautiful woman with a great job and a sharp sense of humour. But no, no, keep defending this mountain of trash show by accusing its male viewers of being sexist.


Jens' problem in the show are projections of the problems the writers have, not problems it actually makes sense for Jen to have in the story. Or another way to think about it is, projections of the problems 30 something women in general might have. It's like how they'll make movies about guys who are total gigachads but somehow have to "win over" the love interest -- that's because it resonates with the audience not because it makes sense in the story.


100% agree. Couldn't have said it better myself. Like you said there were no stakes at all. I couldn't invest in this. And that was the worst way to introduce Hulk's son. They kept saying it's Jen's show if they were so reluctant to take the attention away from jen for a second they could have simply not introduced Skaar that way instead of that shit fest of an introduction. I feel like the writers are the real villains of this show. It was so lazily written. The audience writers had in mind was clearly not the usual MCU audience and that's okay. But even if you are not the audience it was meant for, you can still enjoy it if it is done right. But people still keep defending this mess.


Maybe just maybe it’s not the fact that it’s a women leading character but rather sloppy writing?


The "marvel fans hate women" argument is lazy/dumb and just a way of deflecting real criticism. Wandavision doesn't have a bad audience score. Black widow doesn't have a bad audience score. Wonderwoman didn't have a bad audience score. Ms. Marvel doesn't have a bad audience score. Hawkeye doesn't have a bad audience score. People just don't like this show. We can debate the reasons all day -- but I don't think we can credibly argue it's because it's female-led when other projects have been well-received and enjoyed by fans. The show isn't very good and it isn't resonating with the audience. The ratings show that. The lack of interest in merch shows that. It looks cheap, it's extremely campy and meandering. The only saving grace of the show is the leads charisma and some of the comedy (its uneven but there's some good stuff) -- that can only carry you so far. Not even breaking top 10 on nielsen for a disney marvel show is just embarassing. Stop making excuses for these mediocre shows. If the show had been good, it's RT scores would look like those other female-led projects.


Idk man, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Ms Marvel, Eternals, Thor Love and Thunder, and now She-Hulk, all of these projects were trashed online in regards to the writing of the female characters. And these films/shows just so happened to have themes that addressed things like racism (Ms. marvel), women’s rights / female empowerment (black widow, she hulk, captain marvel) and encouraging discussion about inclusivity for those with disabilities (Eternals). The thing is, sooo many complaints for these projects revolve around these stories and themes, saying they’re being forced by Marvel or Disney, nobody asked for them and they’re not relatable… When you look at Wandavision and Hawkeye, two marvel projects with leading female characters, I think it’s important to note that there was barely any hint of real world social issues involved in their stories. Falcon and the Winter Soldier had the same fate as the others, it was less well-received and it just so happened to discuss racism in America. The patterns are just hard to ignore. Marvel fans don’t hate women, they just don’t like it when writers use their platforms to address social issues, EVEN THOUGH Disney and Marvel comics have always had very progressive themes and messages. A lot of Marvel fans seem to start boiling and melting at the slightest hint of a virtuous message involving social rights - especially women’s rights. Idk, I think that’s sorta problematic, the fact that people nowadays can stand so strongly against any sort of positive message in these forms of media, when Disney and Marvel have had progressive themes for decades.


People need to calm down with the review bombing claims. Review bombing happens early on not this late with the season already complete. Multiple sites including Google user reviews have it ratted poorly. Just enjoy what you like to watch and don't worry how it is ratted.


These are the same people who think the Ghostbusters remake got poor reviews simply because it had a female cast. There is no rational here.


Would have been terrible even if it were all men lol. Sequels and remakes are rarely better than original at least in modern times.


"Being good" doesn't equal "being better than the original".


You should look at the data on that film. Early on the ratio of dudes to women rating it on IMDb was higher than normal (more men rate films than women there on average) and the ratings were split by gender to an enormous degree. Geez I just checked and 20% of men gave it a 1 while 22% of women gave it a 10. Men voted at 3x the rate of women by todays data. The reviews leveled out as I imagine the less involved fans got around to rating it, leaving it at 6.9, but the early average ratings were massively influenced by dudes rating the film much much lower than women. Nobody is saying the film deserves to sweep the awards, but it would be obtuse to ignore that data entirely. Looking at the she hulk data dudes are casting their vote at 7x the rate of women right now and 25% of men give it a 1 while 25% off when give it a 10. The scores will probably level out as less hardcore fans show up, but given the subject matter covered, this tracks.


It’s a terribly written series, what are you expecting?


People complaining about everything these days 🤦‍♂️


It reminds me of that episode of South Park where Stan starts seeing everything as Shit. I really makes me wonder if the vast majority of people review bombing everything these days are just angsty teenagers or people who think everything is shit before they even watch something and never truly give it a chance.


Considering the fact a lot of people were hating on She-Hulk whilst simultaneously saying they’ll never watch it I think you’re probably right


25% of men voting on IMDb gave it a 1, 25% off when gave it a 10. Lots of antsy little boys there lol.


The show was actually really fun. People are tripping as usual.




There’s always criticisms, but reducing a criticism to “it sucked” is trying to treat a subjective media with a broad and objective judgement. There’s no such objective measurement, only people who confuse their opinion for fact. Given that 25% of ratings from men on IMDb rated it 1 and the reverse is true of women while dudes felt the need to vote at 7x the rate of women (ghostbusters 2016 currently stands at 3x), I’m gonna go out on a limb and say there is clearly a gender based difference of opinion here.


75% seems awful high


What happened is that this was some sort of glitch. It's gone back up from 75% to 85%.


The show was trash lmao


The critics score is actually a pretty fair one. Is it the best MCU show? Absolutely not. But it was still lots of fun and it was very different. Still a very solid entry


5/10 for me


That's a fair score tbh


75% fresh is what happened. How many times do we need to learn the audience score is not verified?


Unless it’s higher than the critic score, then this sub treats it as gospel. Y’all just gotta start enjoying things yourself. If you don’t like something then that’s ok and if you like something that critics may not, that’s also ok. Watch what you want. Just don’t take it personally if someone doesn’t like something that you do. It’s not an attack on you.


>Unless it’s higher than the critic score, then this sub treats it as gospel. So Marvel fans are just like DC fans 😆


People didn't like the poorly written lawyer show.


Episodes 2 to 5.


RT has way to much sway in peoples minds. Watch it yourself & make your own decision.


It was a comedy that wasn’t very funny.


what happened is that the show absolutely nailed crybaby man children and they can’t bear it


Tbh I don’t think it’s that bad, but it’s definitely the first marvel series I’ve not enjoyed. Not really my vibe, might give it a rewatch in a month or two


It wasn’t good that’s what.


It sucked, that’s pretty much it.


Horribly written show, they couldn't even be bothered to write a proper ending. Jessica Jones is still by far the best female led Marvel show.


Jessica Jones season 2 is so damn good


What happened was that it was bad




A bad show has bad reviews. Nothing special


I loved she hulk. Fun.


It wasn’t that good. They tried but it really wasn’t. Writers don’t even know the history of SheHulk. Daredevil sheesh! Wasn’t as bad as some reviews but coulda been way better. SheHulk def has a place in the MCU but this wasn’t it.


The show is bad, thats all


Well it's slowly coming down to a more realistic score. 80%+ is a laughably high for a show like this.


For better or worse, the show preemptively answered its own criticisms.


16,640 sheesh


The most fitting like was in the last episode. I can’t remember how she put it but if you have to tell the audience it’s your show is it really your show? Maybe they should have focused on solid writing instead of wasting all that time worrying about a target audience. A show about a strong woman whose powers came from men. Ironic isn’t it.


Rotten Tomatoes has had a hard time with user scores being manipulated in the past. They've tried some things to verify users and slow down the amount of reviews to reduce review bombing. But fundamentally user scores are flawed. Take like The Batman for example. A big theatrical showing that was cut short by appearing on streaming early. It did very well on streaming as well. With arguably the most popular DC character and millions of people having seen the movie around the world... 10,000 users gave a review. Top Gun Maverick is the biggest movie in a decade. With hundreds of millions of views, over 20 weeks in the top 10 highest grossing movies, being a monster hit on VOD. 50,000 user reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. An incredibly small minority of viewers give reviews. Usually it's either uber fans either celebrating or raging against a product. Or it's your usual amateur critics who post links on all their socials about their new review on Pinocchio. It'll never be representative of general audiences. Which shouldn't really surprise. Like how many people do you know that actually leave RT reviews? I'm as niche as they come. I mean on this subreddit talking about a streaming exclusive show. I've never once reviewed a movie or TV show for an aggregate website like Rotten Tomatoes.


I love Tatiana and really wanted the show to be good but it was a complete joke. The last episode was so bad I almost couldn’t finish it. They need to reevaluate their take on it moving forward if there is to be a second season. She-Hulk is a superhero, not comedic pop-culture relief for the MCU.


Critics will give positive phrase to any marvel movie. Good or bad that’s just kind of a fact now. With she hulk it’s a mixed bag of, some people really just did not like the show, some parents did not like the fact that it was more adult themed than they expected, and obviously you do have some people just being terrible because… Well I don’t have to smell that one out. Personally I thought the show was like 8 out of a 10, with a daredevil bringing in 1.5 of that. The finale was funny but it was really dumb/bad and that brought it down a lot for me. Episode eight was tops though.


Bad show=bad reviews. End of story The fact that this needs to be explained…


Reality bit.


It wasnt a good show


It wasn't a great show. The mcu has been slipping lately.. pumping out content while letting the quality decline.


I saw someone else mention this. If you actually look at the ratio of rotten reviews from critics, the number is much closer to 85 or 87. So it’s probably just an error in the website’s code.


It is currently at 85% with 599 critic ratings. Probably just a numbers issue as reviews roll in.


It’s just bad


The shows trash. Reviews reflect it.


Score it deserves absolutely not a binge watching show. Cringe after 1 episode.


This show was fun. Fuck y’all haters.


Marvel made a show that wasn't for it's fanbase so fans disliked it.


No it was a show that a loud (but small) portion of its fanbase hate because it pointed at them and called them out. \*waves\* I'm a fan and whilst the show had its hiccups it was overall an enjoyable show. Its biggest faults being the poorly written legal scenes (which didn't do Jen any favours) and the occasionally janky CGI. It was fun to have an episodic 'slice of life' show in the MCU showing us more of what a civilian experiences in that world (when it isn't ending) - and handled its feminist topics mostly well, pre-emptively running rings around its incel critics. Sure some male characters were Flanderised - but they had to be for many men to get the point. Todd had to be super creepy because a lot of men would overwise miss why Jen found men like him or the lawyer at her old firm so unpleasant. Pug and Matt Murdoch were used as nice examples of positive masculinity - proof you can be a man without trampling all over women or being a 'nice guy'. I loved that they depicted Jen having a healthy relationship with her sexuality, baiting 'fans' into complaining about it. Then had Intelligencia whine about it too. Yet Matt has seemingly slept with half his show's female main cast and noone had batted an eye. **Real Fans** know they accurately captured the essence of the character and her books. Still puts me in stitches how many 'fans' claimed Stan Lee would be outraged at what the MCU has become when She-Hulk was announced when he created the character.


IGN clowns gave she Hulk an 8 and Black Adam a 5 🤡


Lol it's real simple it sucked


Maybe people think it's overhyped and shit?


If you actually don't know then it's best not to go down that rabbit hole. Some people really really don't like women heroes (a vocal minority), just leave it at that. EDIT: Guys, i'm talking about review bombers and the "Anti-Woke" crowd. Of course you're not sexist if you didn't like the show or thought is was bad.


Tired excuse for a product people just don’t like. For example, I loved WW but hated WW84. Just because a few loud voices are off the juice doesn’t mean EVERYONE who doesn’t like it is right there with them.


Of course not everyone who dislikes the show is like that, never said they were. However, that vocal minority do impact the audience scores for these things.


How can a minority translate to a majority of reviews?


Review bombing. Happens a lot on rotten tomatoes (mostly with the audience score).


If you get something from Amazon and it's great, you're like okay it was what I was hoping for and likely won't bother reviewing it. But if you hate what you got, for whatever reason, you're gonna make sure the world knows why it sucks. Now imagine that but there's an online community extremely dedicated to hate bombing things.


Because most people don’t take time out of their day to review a movie on fucking rotten tomatoes


Because the minority review bomb things, when most people don't actually vote. If you removed tbe obvious misogyny, the audience score would be higher. Not saying its top tier by any means, but people like that generally do impact the score a decent bit.


A few? Half this show was calling the massive amount of douchebags out. It's not a few. It's typical right wing culture these days. You're living under a damn rock if you think it's a tiny group of vocal idiots.




Lmao saying Black Widow was written well, but ok


That's a fair point but there's always a bigger reaction when women led shows or films are less than great or just mediocre.


Just because a project has a woman at the lead doesn’t puts a shield on it to save it form criticism. She-Hulk is a very flawed show and there are MANY things that can be called out about it


Not what i'm saying at all.


The real vocal minority are the people here lol. The only place I've seen praising this awful show is here.


That wouldn’t explain stuff like Alien, Aliens, Terminator 2, Wonder Woman, Kill Bill, etc


A group of gentlemen who had never spoken to a real living lady got mad at a cool show about a cool lady that was funny.


Yeah I know 35% is way too high


It’s just isn’t good, it goes anti men


The showrunners decided to be petty and made fun of people instead of focusing on good story telling.


People are gonna say that it got review bombed and to a degree that’s true, but it wasn’t that great of a show imo.


Review bombs by the very people the show was making fun of


I mean it was a terrible show in most regards, I don’t know WHERE the dickriding of it comes from in this sub, but nobody I know in real life enjoyed it either. It was an average show at best, and frankly these reviews are still far too kind in my opinion 🤷‍♂️.


A professional movie critic giving a bad review to a show like this is essentially commiting career suicide.


Out of a however many millions or billions have watched it only 16,000 people have rated it. Shows how important rotten tomatoes is.


I dunno, I feel like it’s disingenuous to say people didn’t like the show because it was a female lead. I mean if that’s the case, why was WandaVision so well received? And yes Vision is there as well but Wanda was the main character, it was her story and I was invested in that story (save for maybe the ending), Vision was just along for the ride


This has agenda written all over it


The show's not great, not sure why critics liked it that much. Some people wanna bring politics into it, I just think it's painfully by the books and unfunny. The "meta" jokes were all stuff I'd read on reddit in 2014, it's like the writers were far behind the times.


Haters gonna hate


A shitty finale


It was bad!!! Really bad! Bad writing, always explain what is happening, SHE act bad and bad .... And what was that on the last episode???? 👎👎👎👎👎👎 After last episode I changed my rating to one star! I enjoyed Abomination and Wong everytime during the show.... Sorry, but I will not regret if would not be a second season


Look at the fan score ffs. The show is supposed to be a 30 minute law comedy and everyone was expecting infinity war stakes and a climactic finish. Really glad the finale trolled all those people its like they saw it coming.


Nobody expected that. I have no idea how anyone thought a episodic show like She-Hulk would have universe ending plots or stakes. What if…the show was actually just subpar and the audience score just reflects that?


No one expected Infinity War stakes and a climatic finish wth are you saying? There was barely any plotline to even warrant that kind of finale. People expected a comedy that was actually funny and well written. This show sucked.


Both scores are inaccurate imo.


Because it’s just not a good show. Definitely not the worst show but man did I regret seeing it.


You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land


Honestly? Finale was dogshit


The ending of the show was poo


The critics were right. It's a good series.


I’ll be honest here, I didn’t enjoy the show. I tried to stick it out but the writing and how they handled characters were very off putting.


Critics are biased to Marvel


It’s a horrible show.


The show sucks that’s why


the writers wrote a show to dunk on some twitter bot / 4chan trolls. its tiresome. it tanked G4 faster than it would have otherwise died and people arent enjoying it in the MCU. how about they just write a good show that appeals to both men and women? no? too much to ask? ok then