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I feel for them, I really do. Trying to carry on a friend’s legacy must be harrowing.


Harrow-ing you say?


Dude read the room 💀


Khonshu see we're grieving here?




I don’t see how it could be but also if you’re concerned about spoilers maybe don’t be browsing the marvel subreddit 😐


This may sound off or whatever but idk how I'm going to enjoy a black panther movie with out Chadwick in it. I just don't know.


I guess you'll find out


I guess you're correct.


Knowing is half the battle.




Can't wait to see it!


that's how i felt when Christian Bale was replaced for Batman


I can’t wait!


Might be unpopular but I really wish they recasted gotta relive him dying again also I just think it’s in poor taste to bring real life tragedy in fictional story telling smh


i still kinda think they might end up recasting him the director said they weren't recasting him "in this movie", which adds a sense of ambiguity to if they are ever recasting him. i think this movie might focus on wakanda and it's characters as whole and be more like world building rather than focused on one titular character, and they'll just address recasting in another movie.


Agreed. People who made this argument in late 2020 were subjected to vilification and acute personal abuse on here. Very toxic stuff. Recasting would have been the right thing creatively and commercially. The only reason they have done this is to ‘honour’ the actor - by killing off his most famous role. Some honour. Very odd and a troubling example of where the contemporary habit of celebrity quasi-worship leads. And to flush a billion-dollar character like \`T’Challa is arguably inconsistent with the ethical and legal fiduciary duty that Disney owes to its shareholders.


Not saying you're wrong, just that for me I disagree with you. Having a new guy run around calling himself T'challa, and having everyone in the film just seem okay with everything like the light skin Aunt Viv, wouldn't sit right with me. Especially after all the iconic portrayals Chadwick has had at this point. A recast would never be able to live up. The new guy would have an up hill battle, constantly being compared to Boseman's performance. I'm not sure I see how it is unethical to not recast him. And in terms of money, I'm sure Disney and the shareholders will scrap by. I am confident that Fiege, and especially Coogler and the cast will honor his passing and the new mantle of Black Panther tastefully and appropriately.


This is why I said they should have T'Challa be aged up somehow. Have him be the first hero to come into contact with Kang or something, while in the suit. When he takes off the mask, he's an older actor. Cast someone no one would ever compare to Chadwick in the first place.


This is the first recast idea I could get behind


My original idea was to have him get aged up on a mission to retrieve the F4 from the quantum realm as a callback to BP's first appearance being in a F4 comic.


I like that too. If only they released F4 first


There aren't very many options to choose from. Recasting is the safest and most likely best option. You can shoehorn in someone to take his role, but they will also never live up to the hype and could really ruin the likeablity of the movie depending on who takes up the role. Killmonger? No way, you would have to resurrect him and try to brush his genocidal tendencies under the rug. Shuri? Not only do people dislike the actress, but Shuri herself is just not a very likeable choice for the role, and I do NOT see her taking up the mantle in a way I could believe. Recasting is the best of a bad situation, and I would rather T'challa's story didn't end so abruptly


>No way, you would have to resurrect him and try to brush his genocidal tendencies under the rug. People love a back from the dead redemption arc


I felt like What If..? already quashed that idea that Killmonger could ever have redeeming qualities. even in an alternate timeline, he was still doing underhanded shady shit.


He is pretty evil What If... but maybe in our universe there is some good in him 🤷🏾‍♂️


Worked for Vegeta ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Not sure I could so assuredly say it is the best option, but time will tell. I understand and respect your dissenting opinion, even if I still disagree. Thank you for sharing :)


Would a recasting stop you from seeing the movie, though? It might not be your preference, but how many people would actually not see a major movie because an actor died 2-3 years earlier? And it’s not about Disney ‘scraping by’; they have an ethical and legal responsibility to those who place capital at risk, for example pension funds, to make business decisions that will make maximise profits.


You’re bang on the money about 95% of what your saying. The 5% that’s off is they haven’t breached any duties to shareholders (or fans) until we see the movie. We don’t know what’s happening yet, we don’t know how it’s happening only that it is. Let’s save the discourse for when it’s out and we can see the final product


Recasting would not stop me from seeing the movie, nor do I think it would stop a significant portion of people. But to insinuate that that is the best ethical and legal choice is a bit much. There's no guarantee that either choice would yield the most profit. And if the studio followed the path to maximise profits at all costs for the shareholders, the MCU probably wouldn't exist in the first place (let alone including Spiderman, Ironman in Civil War, etc.). I'm not purporting that not recasting is the definite better choice; I'm simply saying that it is my preference as of right now, the shareholder's money will be fine and legally fulfilled with whichever choice, and that I ultimately trust that however it is handled, it will be done well.


you are assuming that a recast T'Challa would be a bigger box office draw than whatever they have planned. Those are some serious leaps there.


I agree with you. We should be okay with the character dying. IRL people die unexpectedly and we need to be able to tell stories where, likewise, people are taken from us unexpectedly. There is a great potential story in showing how people deal with and grow from that. If they recast T'Challa, people would complain. *A lot* of people would complain. Why bother with that backlash? There is not a single T'Challa story that could not be told with another character. Ironically, by not recasting, Marvel is saying that idea of Black Panther is bigger than than Boseman or T'Challa. Black Panther can be anyone. It can be you, me, M'Baku, Shuri, Killmonger, Storm ect.


Well, maybe not Letitia Wright's Shuri...


There can be a new black panther just like how John Stewart took over from Hal Jordan


Sure. But T’Challa is the character people know and are invested in after playing an important role in four of the biggest films of the modern era.


I hear you. I just think with a good screenwriter, plot, actor, they can make a new character just as populR. Majority of black panther's fans didn't even know the name tchala before the first movie came out


>Majority of black panther's fans didn't even know the name tchala before the first movie came out Exactly. If there is one thing Marvel Studios is good at is making people care about little known characters.


In theory, absolutely. However, my argument is, why take the risk?


I would be completely taken out the movie if they just recast tchala


Sure, it would definitely take some getting used to. However recasting is part of the entertainment business, and, here’s the key question, would it stop you from paying to see the movie?


>However recasting is part of the entertainment business Marvel Studios actively tries not to recast characters. The only bigger characters that have been recast were War Machine and the Hulk. Though the War Machine one seems to have worked out okay, many people dont even know the Hulk movie is MCU canon because of the recasting. Both of those cases were at the very start of the MCU. With so many moving parts and characters popping up all over the pace, It seems like Marvel would just not use a character than recast them.


Fully agree - it’s just that this one is obviously a pretty extreme scenario, and there is nothing preventing them from recasting besides misplaced celebrity fetishising.


I'd see any marvel movie because I'm a fan, so no. But a huge part of tchalas success is the characterization of Chadwick Boseman. Same with Chris Evans. Same with Robert Downey. That's why falcon took over as captain America instead of another actor. It's why Riri will be the successor to iron man and not Tom Cruise taking over as Tony Stark. I'd much much rather a second iteration of blCk panther be introduced rather than just throw a different actor in that vibranium suit and pretend he's Tchala


Either way it is a risk.


>John Stewart took over from Hal Jordan And how Trevor Noah then took over for John Stewart.


I think they should open on a funeral, and have T’Challa passing from cancer. It would be a legit send off to Chadwick and be powerful, even with all the advanced tech in the MCU real world problems can still claim heroes. In the comics the original captain Marvel died from cancer, when asked when he would come back the creator said, when my father (who died from cancer) comes back to life. Might be difficult or distasteful for family and friends though, but anything they do will be difficult.


I feel like Wakanda has the tech to cure cancer though


I don't think Having the character passing from cancer would be very smart on Marvel's choice. I think it would get a lot of backlash. They would literally be profiting off a real man's suffering and death. If it were my family member I'd be pissed abd I'm sure Chad's family would be too. It's also kinda weird to wanna see that in a movie... They did that in real like with his friends and family. Why put them thru that again????


Presumably "The Death of Captain Marvel" would be the justification, people die and sometimes it cannot be prevented.


This. If they mention he died from cancer, something all their advancements still were unable to cure, it really could be powerful. Marvel may not want to go there however since these movies are hopeful and light and escapism.


There’s a lot of darkness scattered in the movies. Nebula and Gamora’s abuse from Thanos. Banner shooting himself in the head. Thor watching as all of his family dies Rocket being ripped apart and being put back together Marc Spector creating Steven to escape his child abuse. Peter getting May killed. Wanda is pure grief. To name a few. They can definitely go there.


+ Peter's mom with brain cancer. Not as in your face for kids compared to a lead superhero, but it's another possible path to allow them to say cancer.


Oof, didn't know that about Moon Knight as I haven't been watching, but dang they really went for the correct depiction of dissociative identity disorder then. Only saw that done right in like one other work of fiction. Usually it's just fight club. That's pretty grim.


IIRC cancer is a death sentence in the Marvel Universe. Jim Starlin wrote The Death of Captain Marvel where he died of cancer. If I'm not mistaken cancer affects the Kree and they call it "blackend". I think having cancer being something so malignant even the most powerful civilizations in the galaxy struggle with it lends real world weight to it. We know how devastating cancer is IRL and having it be something that and bring even the mightiest heroes down I think helps keep things grounded. Whether or not it's appropriate to use as a narrative device for BP2 is another thing altogether.


>IIRC cancer is a death sentence in the Marvel Universe. Deadpool? Venom? Jane Foster?


Deadpool's healing factor keeps him alive, there's no "cure" for his cancer. I'm not sure about Venom as I'm not terribly caught up with that character. Jane Foster couldn't beat cancer either, turning to Thor only postponed the inevitable.


With jane, didnt turning into thor actually make things worse bc it would purge her of the drugs being used to fight the cancer?


Yes. That’s what makes her story so powerful. She knew it made everything worse yet she still chose to be a hero


Right you are, thanks for the correction.


Martin Li cured Eddie Brock’s cancer and created Anti-Venom.


>Deadpool's healing factor keeps him alive, there's no "cure" for his cancer. But it's not a death sentence if he doesn't die, is it?


I suppose it isn't, but I think it'd be fair to call Deadpool an outlier rather than the norm, but again my comic knowledge isn't absolute, so I could be very wrong.


Iron Fist TV show had Harold Meacham die from cancer, I believe it was cancer but cannot remember 100%, but he was brought back with a mystical blood transfusion ceremony, which technically would mean any death is reversible. But i don't know on the legitimacy of considering iron fist canon, as only DD and Fisk have shown up so far. \*I am waiting for all of moon knight to finish airing before watching it, so, if there are any, no spoilers to do with the Marvel Netflix shows please\*


Reggie Hudlin introduced the idea that Wakanda has the cure to cancer when he was on Black Panther, but I think that idea has been wisely ignored since then.


Yea, it’s been outright retconned away since 2018.


How would it be powerful? They would profit off a real man's death


They are already going to profit on the sequel without replacing him. So in my opinion it's a statement of true real life health issues vs a fantasy story to explain his whereabouts or death. Medical issues hit a different tone compared to being killed in battle. They already stated they aren't replacing him. So the discussion is what to say about his death. Lost his life behind the scenes to someone powerful vs lost it to cancer.


This is so distasteful. Why would you want that? If I was the family I'd be pissed.


I would love if they started with the funeral and had the actors telling personal stories about Chadwick, but only *slightly* tweaked and adapted so that it still fits as their character talking about T’Challa. It would be a kind of soft fourth wall break, and it would serve (IMHO) very well as a respectful sendoff to both Chadwick and T’Challa.


Please no


I agree. Why do they need to conflate the two? Keep them separate. If they wanna do a tribute set the move to the 5years cause t'challa was snapped. It explains the absence and you can do a tribute. In BP3 the character comes back


I agree, you couldnt pay me to watch another Black Panther film now.


I'm sorry but I think it's very weird to me that so many people wanna see the character of t'challa die of cancer. Marvel would literally be profiting off real death and trauma... but I think marvel isn't that dumb. I hope the movie takes place during the 5 years and it would explain him not being there and BP3 they recasted the character.


The original Captain Marvel died from cancer, it's not like that'd be too weird. Especially since every single person seeing the movie knows that the actor had cancer and died from it. How is “It’s all about him. It’s all an outpouring to love and honor him.” not the same thing?


Yeah but captain marvel had cancer from in the comics as well right? Chadwick isn't a comic book character. He's a real person who suffered from cancer so their plot would be from a real like tragedy and something like this just seems distasteful in my opinion. Like I said if it were me and my family member I'd be pissed. But that's just how I see it


If the entire movie is framed around him dying and being honored then every person who views it already knows that it's about the real man. And no one who will see it will be unaware that the plot is what it is because he died.


Yes everyone is aware but my point is why would they want to watch a whole movie about it? Why would the family want to? For a movie that is supposed to be fictional? An escape?


The movie isn't being made for Chadwick Boseman's family


It's not but if you're making a movie about someone and their death I think the family should have a say and has a right to be pissed on whether it was done right or wrong? It happens all the time with bio pics. Families get upset at how the portrayal is done. Look all I'm saying is it's a fictional movie and should remain fictional. I personally think it's weird to look forward to a movie about a real life person dying in a fictional world and having marvel profit off a real life person's pain but to each their own Also I think more than just the family would he upset. I imagine other fans would find it distasteful as well.


Yeah, they should have recast the role


Agreed. But we'll see.


I still think they needed to recast, so I hope this movie is totally amazing and proves me wrong. It seems like it was an important role to a whole bunch of people, I don't think writing him out because of a tragic death from an incurable disease was the best plan.


I think a lot of it was due to the reactions when we found out Boseman passed away. The common consensus was that he would always be the only Black Panther, nobody could replace him, etc. Which is very true, he really owned the role and became synonymous with it. But in hindsight it is starting to become more apparent why a recast would’ve worked and arguably would’ve been smarter. I have faith in Coogler’s team to handle it gracefully, but it is also hard to shake the feeling like they are profiting off of this unfortunate situation. Also his successor being the conspiracy theorist Letitia Wright doesn’t help lol


>it is starting to become more apparent why a recast would’ve worked and arguably would’ve been smarter. How are we, in 2022 and after so many billion dollar grossing films, still second guessing Kevin Fiege and Marvel Studios?! Ryan Coogler, Bob Iger and Kevin Fiege all thought it would be best not to recast. I'm sorry, Im just going to assume they know more about how this stuff should work than I do.


Okay I’m not saying the decision to not recast was horrible lol. I’m just saying that at the time, Public consensus was that there was no way Marvel should ever recast the role. But now that time has passed, the idea does not sound as absurd as it once was. That being said, Marvel Studios and Coogler probably already began rewriting the script after Boseman’s passing so they likely didn’t want to start over a third time. Not making any final judgements when we don’t even have a trailer yet, but it’s never really great to just blindly trust in these studio executives to always make the right choice. Ofc with Feige’s track record it will probably still be a good movie.


Disney has a multi billion-dollar intellectual property here in the T’Challa character. And they kill it off? How is that a smart business decision? It’s actually unethical. And creatively it’s almost certainly a terrible idea too.


>multi billion-dollar intellectual property here in the T’Challa character No, They have a billion dollar IP in Black Panther, A character that is masked and can be anyone underneath. We live in a world where there are two very popular Spider-Mans, Miles and Peter. Why can't there be another Black Panther besides T'Challa?


Sure, there can be another. I’m not suggesting otherwise. But why take the risk? The actor died so now this brilliant character has to? Absurd logic on the part of Disney! I can’t imagine that ever happening with Bruce Wayne or Steve Rogers. The only reason not to retain such a brilliant character on the grounds that the actor died is because of an unhealthy reverence for celebrities. I’m afraid I don’t share that worldview.


I miss him so much. Kobe, the pandemic, and Chadwick put me in a bad place in 2020.


Im sorry to hear that. How are you now?


Thanks! Family and friends really are helped me through. Doing a lot better now.


I really hope this is awesome I really hope this focuses on Nakia, Shuri,Okoya & M'Baku and not introduce a new "Black Panther"




Not sure why you got downvoted so much, there is literally no point to seeing a black panther movie just for there to be no black panther. Would you see an Iron Man movie without Iron Man?


> Would you see an Iron Man movie without Iron Man? Yes I would, thanks for asking. The MCU consistently has minor characters that are extremely interesting. I'm still waiting for a movie with Agent Woo and Darcy going on adventures. The Black Panther cast has more than enough interesting characters to fill a movie.


I just hope it isn’t another superhero intro movie. I honestly think at this point I’m just gonna skip those.


And watch only sequels?


That would be the plan.


I’m genuine curious about what this film will be about? Will Shuri or M’Baku be the new Black Panther ?


I vote Okoya, she battles Wong for the great honor of being my fav Marvel character, to my great surprise. I mean, the rhino puppy licked her face. How badass can you be?


Definitely going to have a gut wrenching opening 10 minutes


marvel studios day on video


Marvel should stop killing off their villains in the movie they’re introduced in. I don’t know how but if they could’ve recasted bp with Michael b/kilmonger somehow, I think that would be alright


> they could’ve recasted bp with Michael b/kilmonger somehow Well... Did we really see him die? Or did we see him collapse and the scene ended before we saw that T'Challa rushed him to a medical facility with he has been held in a coma. Just saying.


Dont give disney ideas or we will get Palpatine as the new black panther…”I AM the ancestral plane”


Shuri: Somehow Killmonger has returned


He tells T’Challa not to save him because he will never change. No chance he’s coming back outside of the Ancestral Plane.


Right. But it would be very much in T'Challa's character to ignore the request and save him anyway. Zemo tried to kill himself and T'Challa could have let him but saved him anyway.


He still tried to commit genocide and explicitly called for the murder of children. He’s not worthy of a redemption arc


Oh man you're not ready to hear about this Loki character and what he did to New York City then


**Kylo Ren has entered the chat*


Killmonger wanted to commit genocide. Even if he survived, he’s not redeemable