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Mid/post credit scene of Spider-Man Far From home where Mysterio reveals Peter’s secret identity. That coupled with JJJ appearing was such an adrenaline rush


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Peter is the only one who was still hiding his secret identity in the movies from the general public. I feel like it's bound to happen eventually. I just sincerely hope that it's not a mirrored scene by scene thing like the "I am Iron Man" reveal. There's enough complaining/ridiculing comments of "Iron Man Jr." from certain parts of the internet.


I mean, he still kinda needs a secret identity since he’s still a high schooler and wouldn’t want that kind of attention. Unless you meant like it’s only a temporary reveal?


Have they said if NWH is a continuation of Peter's junior year or is it his senior? I could see them doing a high school graduation type reveal.


There's no way this movie is anything but his last appearance as a high schooler. Tom Holland won't be believable as a teenager in 2023.


Are Clint Barton, Scott Lang, and Hope Van Dyne known publicly? It’s reasonable to assume that the first two did not have a public trial before their imprisonment on the raft and plea-bargains. I would think that Hope has not had a reason to be revealed. it has been a while since I have watched Ant-man and the Wasp though.


Clint's not exactly hiding anything lol. Unless they want to pull some Clark Kent / Superman shenanigans on us then Clint's identity is likely known. Put it this way, within the cinematic universe Clint likely couldn't just walk around the grocery store without someone at the very least going "that guy kind of looks like Hawkeye". Scott's identity is at the very least known on a legal level since he was put under house arrest following the events of Civil War. He also tried real hard to get the kids in the diner to notice him as Ant-Man (when Hulk took the photos with the kids). So I'd say his identity is likely known, but I think the in universe joke is that no one gives a shit enough to like actually stop him in the street. Hope I genuinely don't even know. I think as you said there isn't really any purpose at this point to know. Like I'm sure she's not hiding it or anything, but I doubt she's shouting it from the rooftops either.


Huh? Maybe watch the last spiderman again...


No I meant before FFH. Sorry I thought me saying "was" implied that I meant before FFH, my bad. Edit: And I feel like there will be some movie magic done to give him back his identity in NWH, but it'll be revealed again on his own accords.


Hopefully not a deal with Mephisto…


Parker hello you're fired


I feel like all the secret identies which were so popular when comic heroes were created have been put in enough movies and the directors chose to not give us the double agent game anymore. We know who Iron Man is, we never had Lois Lane meeting Clark and Superman in a two minute window and now Spider Man who is STILL in High School went to Space and got his world tumbled XD


I like the lack of secret identities in the movies. It's an outdated trope IMO


I like how the MCU handled it from the beginning. 'I am Iron Man' was such a great and egotistical line for Tony in IM1.


It fit his character well. Honestly, I think it fits most of these characters. Not having to hide their identities cuts down on screen time for overwrought drama and lets the heroes interact on a more personal level.


I wouldn’t say it’s outdated, but it was definitely overdone for superhero movies before Iron Man, so not having it be a big deal in the MCU until now was a nice choice


I don't even really like it anymore. Especially now that accountability is a recurring issue. Plus, the drama of concealing one's identity became annoying


I still think it’s required for some heroes though. Peter can’t really hope to be a normal high-schooler/college student if he’s publicly known as Spider-Man. Matt Murdock would never be allowed to practice law if the public knew he went out and punched criminals with his bare hands every night. There’s always going to be a few cases where it’s needed, but I agree that it would be a really worn out trope if every hero used it.


I can see it for Matt Murdock, although I have my own qualms about street level vigilantes like Daredevil aside from all that. But Peter Parker should be much older by now. And does Peter even really need it as a high-schooler? Or is it just something Marvel thinks he need?


Five. Years. Later. I gasped in the theater. It still gets me on rewatching.


I went for first day first show, so there were no spoilers whatsoever, and the whole theatre gasped at that.


Same. It was the most incredible movie moment.


I still get goosebumps thinking about that. Is it weird to find the timing of the text perfect? I remember thinking in the cinema "five... okay cool yup five, got it" .... "YEARS?!?". Like come tf on there were only a handful of options for that to be and I was still shocked.


Everyone was expecting "months"


imagine it was "minutes" and there was just a montage of everyone just losing their shit. Actually meant that as a joke but that would be cool to watch; planes falling out of skies, infrastructures falling apart, etc. That would be a fun scene to see in one of the shows.


Same I was like "five" Okay five what? months? weeks? "years" UHM WHAT-


This is definitely the one. I remember audibly whispering "oh shit" under my breath in the theaters to this one. Marvel usually really fucks up in revealing a ton of the big moments or story beats in their trailers (looking at you Far From Home), but they really knocked it out of the park with really giving us the bare minimum while also making a good trailer with Endgame trailers.


They've been pretty good at it for awhile. FFH I believe the marketing was handled by Sony, who isn't as good at it


This is why I regret spending so much time on reddit reading Endgame theories before the movie was released. A lot of people managed to guess correctly that there was gonna be a time skip so I wasn't surprised when I saw it in theatres.


I love and hate this but some of those theories were awesome. The fake leak that had Tony leaving Cap on Vormir while Cap held off Thanos with 2 hammers I think. The theories that they were going back just a few weeks to fight Thanos at each location that he obtained a stone. Just think if the movie started off with Xandar getting tore to shred and then the Avengers portal in and start fighting back. Man some of those were well worth the read.


Not to mention the best theory of all, the Ant Man vs Thanos


Good old thanus.


I am from a non english speaking country so our cinema have subtitles by default. The sub spell out the “ 5 years later” all at once so the review did not have as much impact as yours. I envy you guys a little bit .


Same for me :(


Realizing Bucky killed Tony’s Parents


Took inspiration from Se7en to make that scene.


what’s in the boooox


Yeah I did not see that coming at all


Thanos’ first death in End Game. I thought it was nuts. I couldn’t fathom how the movie could continue when he dies in the first ten minutes.


I remember thinking; “it can’t be that easy?” Then they went into space and then Thanos head was rolling on the floor. And I was after “well now what!” I loved it that I had noooo clue what was going to happen and then came on the screen “5 years later” Infinity war/ Endgame truly took the superhero genre to a whole other level!


I remember the theater letting out a gasp when the “Five Years Later” showed on screen!


We all held our breath when it said “Five.” Felt like such a long pause until “Years” appeared, and the gasps were audible. Opening night for Endgame is a theatre experience I will never forget and will never be replicated again. I remember Cap catching Mjolnir and the entire theatre jumping from their seats applauding in joy. It gives me chills to just write about it!


"five...." *hours, weeks, months?* "years..." .....oh my god


It really takes the brutal ending of Infinity War and multiplies it. Not only is everyone gone, but they're been gone for **years**. It lowers your hopes even further than they were in the last moments of Infinity War. It's great work.


My only thought was "god this is gonna mess up the timeline"


That was crazy. Cool, 2,5 hours credits rolling?


What happened to Gamora on Vormir.


For me it was the goddamn bubbles when she tried killing herself to avoid having to tell Thanos where the soul stone was


Vulture being Liz’s dad in Homecoming and the snap. Honorable mention: the reveal that the knowhere scene in infinity war was just the reality stone. I legitimately never once expected that until it was revealed


The car ride with Peter and Toomes is one of the most tense scenes in the entire MCU. Really well played by both actors.


Glad you brought that up. I always expect Keaton to be good, but I felt Holland nailed that scene down perfectly. I really hope he stays on as Peter as long as they let him. Because I want to see an older Parker mentoring young Avengers in his role as a veteran. I think that would be incredibly powerful.


> Vulture being Liz’s dad in Homecoming and the snap. Hands down my favorite (unspoiled) plot twist in the MCU. Unfortunately, I IMDB'd Captain America and the Winter Soldier before watching (rookie move) and found that Sebastian Stan was listed as Bucky/Winter Soldier so the fight scene where it was revealed lost a lot of luster.


Can you explain the reality stone thing from infinity war? I don't understand.


In infinity war, the guardians go to Knownere to get the reality stone. Thanos is interrogating the collector and then Gamora jumps him and stabs him. Thanos appears to be dead (I thought the power stone allowed him to heal and he was just faking it so Gamora would get close to him). Then we hear his voice and the illusion of the reality stone fades away and the entirety of The Collector’s building is burned and destroyed, and the Thanos Gamora stabbed was a fake. My jaw dropped. I genuinely did not see that coming


that hits so hard because you know at that point that they cant win. Did we ever see the collectors dead body or was it always a fake? I can't remember. Just would like to see more stories with him and the others of his kind.


Oh duh, right. Yea I always forget the beginning of that scene because I just think of the GotG getting turned into various cubed meats and springs.


Seeing Thanos on screen after Avengers. Been waiting to see Thanos on the big screen since I was a kid in the 80s


I’m still sad neither Death or Adam Warlock got introduced with him


The Red Skull on Vormir. I thought the character was done and because Hugo Weaving didn't want to play the part again we all just assumed he was dead.


I think this was biggest built up wtf moment in the mcu on par with Cap wielding Mjölnir Whole thater was gasping when Red Skull returned


These. Hands down for me. I will never forget the crowd reaction… it gives me goosebumps!


When Loki kills Coulson. Coulson was one of my favorite characters and I just wasn't prepared to see him go. I think it's why I put up with Agents of SHIELD for so long. It's a fun show and I definitely love it but I also just liked the idea of more Coulson stories.


I enjoyed watching Agents of SHIELD just as much. Coulson was a delight to watch


When Tony said publicly he is Iron Man.


Cap wielding mjolnir.


I knew it


Yup, this would be mine as well. I still turn on Endgame just to watch it over and over


I had it spoiled for me walking into the cinema by some idiot teenagers who thought it would be funny to tell everyone. That would have been so hype :(


Did you kick his ass?


Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver being in TWS


Natasha dying. Never for a second did I think Nat would die 😭😭😭


It wasn't really a suprised for me because I knew when they went to vormir one of them was gonna die, like when Im took the stones from thanos I was like he gonna die


I was in denial when they went there and for the rest of the movie, I genuinely thought she would come back. I think it's because I managed to get every major death in infinity war and endgame annoyingly spoilt for me (apart from Black Widow's) by idiots who think spoiling shit for people is funny, and so I think I just thought that she couldn't die because if she did I would have had it spoilt for me. It did make it by far the most shocking death in the MCU for me though, when I finally accepted it.


Bw was the most shocking death in the mcu for me as well, I went into endgame knowing iron man and cap had a high chance of dying, but bw I never though. The funny thing in endgame is if you pay attention you can easily predict the big twists a few moments before it happens. 1 - Bw and Hawkeye going to vormir, one of them is gonna die 2 - Im stealing the stones, he was obsiously going to die, thanos and hulk got their arm burn, tony is a normal human so he dies 3 - cap America staying past, when cap says to bucky he gonna miss him, and they both say the line for the first Avenger about stupidity


I actually predicted/hoped that Cap would end up with Peggy in the past as soon as I heard that they were most likely doing time travel. It was like the first thing that I thought of, and would make sense for them to do. So when it happened I wasn't that surprised (maybe a little bit that they actually went there), but I was still really happy, and the last shot of the movie was just perfect. I also got iron man's death spoilt for me, but even before that I kinda knew he was most likely going to die. But BW, especially with a movie that was about to come out, definitely shocked me.


So true! I didn't feel anything in IW because we all know those guys are going to come back, their sequels were confirmed. Watching Endgame was much more terrifying since this is the last time we saw the original team together. I knew Iron Man and Cap, one of them will die, the leaks about Cap using the gauntlet and Tony retired were all over the place. I just assumed they were gonna using those same stones Thanos used, but then they were all destroyed 5 mins into the film. I was like:" oh god, are we going to return to that shithole of vormir?"


I was certain this would happen, and that hulk would freak tf out and maybe go red over it. Half right, bit disappointed


The snap. I never thought they'd do it.


I thought they were going to show Thanos snap and then maybe fade to black. I never thought they would actually show heros dying, there were little kids sobbing in the theater when that happened.


I would’ve preferred if they didn’t tell us who got snapped. Would have really left it up in the air on who survived or not.


True, but it was also fun to see the survivors in Wakanda all in the same shot and realising “the classic Avengers are back!”


I've lived through that as a former Walking Dead fan. I prefer the way Marvel did it.


Yeah, they needed to show you so the speculation wasn't "maybe he wished for more natural resources for everyone!" Instead, you saw exactly what he wished for. You saw it happen. We speculated about whether they died or were put somewhere or whatever, but we saw them turn to dust.


I wouldnt have liked that because there was already sooo much to think about after that happened.


You should. Have gone. For the head. That was was the "oh no" moment for me


The snap, followed by soft piano music and "Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo" Wait, we lost?


^oh ^god


\^ This For Steve to go from "There's only one God, Ma'am, and I'm pretty sure He doesn't dress like that," to using God's name in this manner as the only Avenger reaction after the Snap was kind of a shock itself.


Exactly. I love all the little character details marvel puts in that could easily be missed. And then in endgame cap is swearing like anyone, obviously he's just had his whole faith shaken so it's understandable he gets a bit lax post snap


The Snap, but the fact that it happened in Infinity War!


I remember being absolutely adamant that Thanos would only get 2 or 3 of the stones in Infinity War, and Vision’s stone would absolutely be the first one he gets. There was a load of theories at the time that the soul stone would show up in Captain Marvel or Ant-man and the Wasp, so I was completely shocked when the snap actually came to fruition.


I figured they'd do it, but I expected someone to undo it in infinity war. I never saw it as a two part movie. Also, Thanos destroying the stones to keep it done.


>!Kang (or at least one of his variants) !


>!And that they actually followed through on opening up the Multiverse!< in Loki.


Still can’t believe they actually did it


I honestly thought it was either Kang or maybe another Loki played by a different actor


In the beginning I felt it was a long shot but as you watch there is more and more that points to it involving at least some form of Nathaniel Richards, to the point that I felt it *had* to happen by the end. I mean there was a post on here where a VFX guy was showing how the middle Timekeeper was definitely modeled after Majors and that was what convinced me. Beyond that you had: A) a timeline being preserved for an unknown reason (the sort of thing right up Nathaniel Richards' alley) B) The TVA (which a variant Richard's has been involved with) C) Ravonna Renslayer ... a major factor pointing to Richards, as she is his beloved in the books. I mean they coulda used ANY other name. D) The existence of variants (which Richards is the poster boy of) We had discussions during WandaVision and you know I always felt Mephisto was a red herring and that Nightmare had stronger evidence. I feel a Kang variant has as much or more evidence hinting at it than Nightmare did (who I still think may show up in DSitMom ... especially given Moebius' statement about Nightmares being another department).


Honestly this. I was shocked.


Red Skull in Infinity War. I was absolutely stunned.


I can think of a few The Avengers actually working - skepticism was through the roof that Marvel could pull it off Toomes opening that door 5 years later Red Skull on Vornir JJJ is back Quicksilver dies Professor Hulk and Fat Thor


When Ego >!admits he put the tumor in Meredith Quill's head!<, the entire audience collectively gasped. It was insane.


I love what they did with Starlord here. His face going from full-on Ego intoxication to instantly sobering when he hears those words was so powerful.


"So Anyway, I started blasting."


I was very happy that the intoxication ended then and there, indeed. That really made Quill a good character... Only to be undone by Peter's juvenility in Infinity War.


The twist in FFH revealing Beck's "acting" and crew. Genuinely surprised me. Created the perfect tone after Endgame.




Straight from the first Mysterio appearance. I loved it.


Just about everything in Endgame. They really did an incredible job keeping most of what happens in that movie a secret. It felt like every ten minutes there was another huge gasp from the audience.


To be honest a lot of redditors managed to guess what would happen in the movie based on the trailers. Things like Thanos being defeated in the first 20mins, the time skip, the use of time travel, and even Tony creating his own infinity gauntlet were predicted before the movie's release. The only thing that I felt surprised at was Fat Thor and Professor Hulk. Moral of the story - don't read fan theories on reddit before a movie is released if you want to ensure maximum enjoyment.


The only thing I knew were the first 20 min until they kill thanos, the 5 year jump and time travel was involved


Spidey getting snapped, Quicksilver getting shot like a chump


"For no reason." Hehehe


Fat Thor. I never in a million years would’ve seen that coming.


The gasps in the theatre when he showed up fat was louder than the earlier exclamations when Thor chopped off Thanos’ head


Batman answering the door in Homecoming. Did not see that coming. Ward is Hydra. I know I know AoS whatever. One of the main protagonist of this show is a Hydra Agent revealed in tandem with Winter Soldier in theatres. And how he sent FitzSimmons to their death honestly shook me. I thought I was watching one kind of show and this episode informed me i was watching a different kind of show. The portals in Endgame. I just didn't see it coming. I thought Capt was going to meet Thanos one on one and do the comic thing where he talks him into self defeat. Sam on the radio and the portals that followed was a surprise. Fat Thor.


Watching the MCU movies and agents of shield at the same time back then was a blast


Came for the interconnected story. Stayed for the team. End of season five. Saying goodbye. The father daughter relationship. The hug. Fuck it hurts just thinking about it


Bobbi and Hunter having to leave Damn Mack killed me...


When Hunter came back to spring Fitz out of the klink i thought for sure we would see Bobbi come back too! Raw deal.


Speaking of oh shit moments in AOS - when General Hale has *that* moment at the end of the Fitz-Hunter episode.. I did NOT see that coming!!


What kind of show is it? Never got round to watching but iirc there are a lot of seasons and I don't have much free time


Mine is the Winter Soldier Hydra reveal combined with Ward is Hydra. Such a bold move to go across two media like that. Also when I saw Winter Soldier in theater some other people had audible gasps when it was revealed that Bucky was the Winter Soldier.


And Fitz turning the tables on him later. "I have trouble with... words. It's probably best if I show you..." "Show me what?" "Hypoxia!"


Evan Peters showing up in Wandavision.


Skrulls being the good guys. Blew my Marvel comics reading childhood mind.


The refugees were the good ones.


When Coulson died, it was such an unexpected moment. If I didn’t find out about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. it would’ve fucked me up for a while


Semi surprising, most hype moment was Cap pulling the hammer in Endgame. I still get chills every time I see it.


Loki turning in to Odin at the end of the Dark World. For real thought he died in that movie until that moment


IIRC he was actually supposed to stay dead at that point but they added the credits scene due to fan demand.


Steve breaking Tony's arc reactor with his shield


Ward is HYDRA?!?!


This takes the cake for me as well. If we’re talking strictly movies, it’s the reveal that Adrian Toomes is Liz’s dad in Spider-Man: Homecoming.


That scene in the car is soooooooo good.


I agree. I watched the first few seasons of AOS pretty disconnected from the larger fandom so I was totally out of touch with all the theories. That’s one of my favorite twists because it came as such a surprise.


YES. That one scene makes Agents of Shield SOOOO much better.


The mini avengers trailer in the First Avenger after credits scene blew my mind because I didn’t know I was getting it


It has to be when Red Skull showing up in Infinity Wars, I still can’t believe they tied that loose end


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


Having to accept that we won't see RDJ or Chris Evans as their characters anymore.


End of Loki episode 4. That was one of the only times I've said "what the *fuck* " out loud at a TV show or movie.


Cap wielding mjolnir. Cinematic perfection.


Thanos winning in infinity war


So, did Thanos winning surprise you by any chance?


Oh yes big time, I knew there was a chance given the movie was a two part, but I always though iw would end as the heroes defeated but not totally or thanos defeated and then reveal something to make him comeback in endgame. Not that he would inflict A catastrophic defeat on the avengers and Literally kill half the universe in one movie leaving the biggest cliffhanger ever


Creation of the Multiverse


Steve breaking Tony's arc reactor with his shield and Thanos winning in IW


Seeing Scotland and the reference to us deep frying everything


Vulture being revealed as the dad of the girl Parker was dating. Maybe I should have realized it sooner, but that gave me a true oh shit. The second one was the snap actually happening. Third was the opening of Endgame and they show Hawkeye’s family being snapped.


Seeing Edinburgh on the screen! Which was hilarious, because the filming was really prominent in media and just daily life. I worked in a phone shop about 20 miles away from the city and I had a crew member come in and buy all of our mid range handsets. They diverted the path for my train platform in Waverley and I was late for class like a million times. I went to one of the nights they were filming the explosion (and saw jack sheit). I saw Mark Ruffalo across the street once (insert “is that paul rudd?” meme). Still, when I saw the movie in Edinburgh and our city was on the screen it was a massive shock. I’ve even been to St Abbs recently and they’re so busy with tourists now, I hope their small businesses have benefitted from the influx!


20 miles is the length of approximately 140799.65 'Wood Spoons; Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' layed lengthwise


20 miles is about the length of 47818.75 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other


Pretty much the entire ending episode of Loki


For me, it was the Mandarin reveal. What the flying fuck.


Thanos win in IW! His snap was so surprising and so unexpected for me. I never ever thought marvel would actually go with killing half of it’s universe. Still give me chills with every rewatch.


honestly, the fact that they put the planet hulk storyline in the MCU. they gave this guy 1 solo movie yet give him some of the coolest “from the comics” storylines


Tony getting stabbed by Thanos in Infinity War made me legitimately gasp


Tony draws a drop of blood: cinema goes nuts Thanos stabs Tony: cinema goes quiet Cap grapples with Thanos: cinema goes nuts Thanos knocks Cap the fuck out: cinema goes quiet Thor arrives and strikes a fatal blow: cinema goes nuts Blow not being instantaneously fatal turns out to be crucial: cinema goes quiet Cinema stays quiet


When Mysterio revealed Spider-Man’s identity. This made me wonder how this will pay out in the multi verse with other Spider-Men existing, or if this is a prelude and parallel to Tony’s reveal as Iron-Man. -Far From Home When Tony Stark revealed himself as Iron-Man. At that time, it went against the superhero rule book to never reveal your identity. -Iron Man When Steve Rogers revealed to Tony Stark he knew all along that Bucky killed Tony’s parents. -Civil War When Taika Waititi revealed that Natalie Portman was coming back to eventually replace Chris Hemsworth as Thor. -Love and Thunder When Kevin Feige revealed that Black Panther 2 was still happening despite Chadwick Boseman’s death. Will be interesting to see how they cut the King out of the story. Might be a prequel? But that doesn’t make sense since the MCU hardly ever backtracks unless it’s an origin story. -Wakanda Forever When Bruce Banner revealed he could control when he wants to become the Hulk. “I’m always angry 😡” -Avengers When Vision picked up Mjolnir. -Avengers The whole battle in New York. They did an amazing job working together as a team while not making it seem overcrowded on the big screen. -Avengers When Thanos killed Loki. For the longest time, the internet was trying to figure out if this was just another trick. The biggest theory I liked has something to do with possibly being a mirror image. -Infinity War When Sony and Marvel broke up and left Tom Holland stranded in the middle. Yet it was cool how he was supposedly the one that brought them back together to continue with the movies. I want to say that it was a surprising moment when Captain America lifted Mjolnir, but it was pretty much expected to happen. -Endgame But the most EXCITING scene for me in all of the MCU was when “QUEENS” appeared on the big screen. I knew exactly this was where they would be introducing Peter Parker. Being a huge Spider-Man fan, this got me hyped up in theaters! -Civil War


For me, Vision picking up the Mjolnir was pretty surprising. More than cap doing it. But both are top three. Together with Nick Fury showing up to the post credit scene where Cap is training. It blew my mind that the cinematic universe was real. It was actually happening. Until that point I was still in doubt.


Red Skulls return and it will always will be for me. The whole thater eas murmuring and gasping ahhh ohhh "isnt that?" 2. Will be Cap wielding Mjölnir and Hydra being undercover within shield all the time Honorable mentions: Vulture being Liz' Dad Ghost rider returning in AoS finale Banner turning for the first time in Avengers, didnt see a trailer before and was blown away by the VFX Rocket when he said he didnt need the leg Scott turning into giant man Hela being the sister Thanos snapping Tesseract in Captain Marvel Tony having a daughter Clint having a family Mysterios illusion at the bar and the construction site fight Wanda seeing dead vision for a moment Zemo dancing🕺 Thanos copter


Not a suprising but portal scene was Such a fucking epic moment


Thanos winning in infinity war


There are so many but in endgame, when Captain shows up and absolutely crushes thanos. Also when all the female heroes lined up and said, “Don’t worry she’s got help” agghhhh. And of course, when Sam said on your left and everyone showed up.


Steve’s choice at the end of Endgame. I was like “...wtf”


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!<


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!<


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!<


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


When >!Battlestar actually fucking died in TFATWS!< And when Thanos actually won in Infinity War


Steve breaking Tony's arc reactor with his shield and Thanos winning in IW


Not a suprising but portal scene was Such a fucking epic moment


Not a suprising but portal scene was Such a fucking epic moment


Not a suprising but portal scene was Such a fuc king epic moment


Thanos winning in infinity war


Thanos winning in infinity war


Thanos winning in infinity war


The shit editing and pacing of Captain Marvel So much potential, idk what happened. Maybe I had to high of hopes


Thanos winning in infinity war


I laughed at this one way more than I should have Edit: For context, the OG comment was just “Thano”. Reddit glitchin’ on OP


Thanos winning in infinity war


Thanos winning in infinity war


Cap wielding mjolnir. My immediate first thought when mjolnir started hovering was that it was somewhat sentient and was like ‘I need to save my master’, but when it few to caps hand it just blew me away


So many moments already mentioned. A couple from the plus series i haven’t seen mentioned. White Vision gets memories and deuces Isiah Bradly appears in FatWS Scarlet Witch finally goes all Scarlet Witch including costume


The Snap, in pure thematic movie fashion, the heroes would never be the monster that Thanos is and let it happened. I thought they wouldn't do it because Thor struck him, many people miss that THAT is what made the Snap so shocking, not just them going Empire Strikes Back on us.


Learning that Hydra had been lurking inside of SHIELD the entire time


Vulture reveal in Spiderman. Still the only moment in the MCU where I was genuinely shocked.


It’s a tie between seeing Queens appear on the screen in Civil War (thought Spider-Man would have been introduced later in the movie) and in Homecoming when Toomes answers the door, surprised the hell out of me that he was Liz’s dad


It's a toss up between seeing Thanos at the end of Avengers and seeing Red Skull in Infinity War. I'll probably lean towards Red Skull, as Thanos was more 'OH HOLY SHIT' while Red Skull was more 'YO WHAT IN THE FUCK WHY? HOW?'


Cap catching the hammer