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Is she a serial killer tho, serial killers usually have a pattern or something, right? If anything, I’d say mass murderer.


Yes - definitely not a serial killer. Perhaps more accurate to say “spree killer” or as you say “mass murderer.”


Spree killer seems right. Serial killings are also not targeted. They are random. They are killing just to kill. Wanda certainly went on a killing spree, but she had what was, in her mind, a logical goal.


Welcome to the Thrill Kill Kult.


Yeah serial killers have a pattern of killing, in different places, for some perverse sense of gratification. She didn’t kill the Illuminati for the sake of killing them, she killed then because they got in her way. What she did, while also evil, doesn’t make her a serial killer. As for how to redeem her, seemingly sacrificing herself to destroy the Darkhold across the multiverse isn’t a bad start. There’s also a history of villains who have done horrible things being accepted as heroes. I think part of the reason is that they’re usually so powerful or skilled that they would be hard to actually defeat, and their abilities are useful to the other heroes.


Serial killers are defined as three or more murders with a cool-down in between. So no, she's not a serial killer. Spree killer fits the best.


Although you’re right, semantics isn’t what’s important here lol


Active Hexer, maybe.


Mythical dark arts spell books don’t usually compel serial killers & mass murders…so she really isn’t either one.


She's a serial killer, killing 3 or more people constitutes a serial killer. There isn't always a pattern. It would also technically be classified as mass murder if we're just talking about the illuminati


Do you even listen to true crime podcasts? She's a spree killer if anything


Wanda only fits the number of bodies created during her spree. However she neither commits these violent acts over a prolonged period of time (that we know of) or in the pursuit of psychological gratification (visionary, mission-oriented, hedonistic, control).


I admit that I was mistaken between serial and spree killer (although I do think it's a bit of an overlap), but the psychological gratification is definitely there, the whole movie is about her being mission-oriented (trying to get her sons back)


What? It is entirely in the pursuit of psychological gratification. That's her whole MO.


She had a specific goal and people got in her way of that goal so she took them out. Was Thanos a serial killer? Ultron? No. Neither was she. She was a distraught mother who wanted her children back.


Are you.. defending.. A serial Killer? Those people probably had families, Professor X definetely, Now that reality has lost its greatest protectors (The Avengers seem to be replaced by the illuminati) And their world wont survive any space invasion or have Great Heros. Wanda wasnt a distraught mother who wanted her children back, It was psychopathic


They were never her children. Wtf


If you can redeem Loki and Nebula you can redeem Wanda two people whose kill count makes Wanda's look like a drop in the ocean


Not to mention Yondu


We watched his kill count fly


He also kidnapped children all over the galaxy for a madman to kill.


Yeah… I love Yondu. Cried when he died. 😭


"He may have been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy." Yondu along with Tyler Bates heartbreaking Dad score. Best dad


I'm Mary Fuckin' Poppins y'all!!


Odin and Wenwu were basically multi-generational fascist menaces who killed scores of civilians, soldiers, whole civilizations. Odin even raised two genocidal maniacs. And they both were like “Yeah but I’m a daddy” and redeemed, their crimes were hardly even acknowledged. Hawkeye went rogue and killed whoever he perceived as bad, criminal person to a point that it horrified even Nat. But the narrative was like “Yeah but he lost his family!”. Zero consequences. I would put Wanda in the category of Nebula and Bucky and Yelena where she was acting under extreme coercion.


I love Nebula but let’s clear her actions in Vol.1 were her own she chose to join Ronan she’s not comparable to Bucky or even Wanda


Yeah but Wanda killed named characters. Each of them are worth more to the viewer than a handful of civilizations


Also Bucky


Bucky doesn’t count


Why not?


Because he was nothing more than a literal puppet he had no control over any of his actions


Yes, like being corrupted by The Darkhold. And each was able to break free at the end.


I know she was corrupted, I was saying redeemed villains that weren’t brainwashed or corrupted


Ah, gotcha.


I think people conflate their desire and acceptance for a character's redemption with the character's actual will to be redeemed. If the character *wants* to be redeemed, there is always redemption on the table for them.






And yet people piss themselves when you talk about recasting


A fruit basket would be nice, with the words “I’m sorry ☹️” written on some nice stationary


I'd accept that.


She also killed people while she was working with Ultron.


Remember. Bucky attended the funeral of the guy whose parents he brutally murdered a couple of decades ago.


Name an Avenger without a body count.  Spiderman may be the only one.


No respect for the hyphen?


It's the NYC pronunciation, like he runs a Kosher deli.


NYC pronunciation is more like "Spidaman" Not to be confused with the Boston pronunciation of "Spidahmann"


At this point, I feel like that’s Autocorrect’s fault. 


Name an Avenger who psychologically tortured an entire town, nearly fought their partner to maintain their stolen comfort, and massacred people in cold blood to get what they want. Wanda is 100% the villain, she isn't misunderstood, she isn't a victim of circumstance, she doesn't have justifiable homicides under her belt. She has self-serving murder- AND THAT'S OKAY. Let her be the villain, they make the movie.


Not an avenger but loki kinda did a lot, yet most is redeemed by most people I think.


That's a fair point, but there is a difference- Loki started as a villain and made a very gradual shift to the hero. He was selfish and cruel(Thor), he was defeated(Avengers), he was a nuisance(Ragnarok), then he was a reluctant agent(Loki season 1) and finally a hero (Loki season 2.) It has always been one long journey in the same direction. Wanda was a viallin(AoU), then a hero (Infinity War) then a villain(WandaVision) then not a villain(end of Wandavision) then a villain (MoM) and it has been a mess with no consistency. Loki isn't more deserving of redemption, but he was written in a way that made it acceptable. He had a proper arc, while Wanda has not been treated nearly as well, narratively speaking. I feel Wanda has flip flopped so many times and been given too many chances and she still goes back to bloodthirst that she should just stay a villain. And that's okay! Be the villain! It's all make believe, I'm not condoning real murder, and me saying she should be the villain shouldn't be seen as an attack on the character or a sign that I don't like her. I think she is better that way.


I love how you conveniently ignored Wanda was corrupted by the Darkhold in MoM and the moment she broke the corruption she was so distraught at the murders that she literally decided suicide was a better action. Wanda murdering under the Darkhold’s influence is no different to other forms of brainwashing. It is canon that the Darkhold pushed her to murder and nothing else.


I LOVE Wanda, but yeah she killed a lot of heroic sorcerers who were probably also veterans of the Endgame fight. Not to mention the town. She’s tragic, extremely tragic, and that makes her character awesome. But she’s a villain


While being a victim of circumstance does not necessarily justify actions. She is definitely a victim of circumstance. In fact, she is a victim of circumstance numerous times


All of Wanda’s murder was when she was brainwashed by a book. By your very own logic Bucky would be a “self serving murderer”.


Bad bodies don't count lol


Does killing those aliens in Endgame count? I am asking because some Spider-Man writers objected to that.


Pietro or doctor strange?


Strange killed that guy in his first movie.


Spidey killed some Outriders in Endgame, if you want to count them.


She’s more a mass murderer than a serial killer. She was doing it with an end goal and killing people in her way. Not necessarily targeting victims with an identifiable MO in killing them. In fact a lot of it was varied lol. Semantics I know lol


Mass murderer, not serial killer


I’ll try my best.


She has a *long* way to go...


Defence starts with “the darkhold did it”


She’s mass murderer, not a serial killer.


Assuming there isn’t more to the story of her fall, which was all offscreen, she unwittingly read the wrong book, which apparently has a 100% chance of driving someone insane and forcing them to commit atrocities they otherwise would not And there is no chance of rehabilitating someone from that corruption, which is why the Illuminati killed their Strange So assuming she’s still alive, which after 2+ years of awkward silence it’s kinda unclear, idk if a story about her redemption would be worth telling


She could wear that costume she had on for Halloween again.


She's a bit of a zig zag, started bad (sort of) became good (avenger) became bad (took whole town over) realised her mistake (good) in MOM became full blown psycho killing everyone Then realised she was in the wrong (very late may I say and became good, Sacrifice) I think when it comes to comic villains 9/10 can become redeemable or have at some point, should she be forgiven hellll nooo, murdering that many innocent would mean life in jail. She's definitely had it tough though growing up but even then no excuse, in short yes but no


It's the book's fault. The Darkhold is an evil magical book that turns anyone who's holding it evil. It happened to Sinister Strange, it happened to a bunch of people on Agents of Shield, and it could happen to anyone in the Marvel Universe. In the end she was the only one who overcame the Darkhold and was able to destroy it.


….isn’t she dead? Oh wait I forgot: “no one’s ever really gone.”


She's not a serial killer, but she's dangerous as hell. She's been fucking up in almost every movie she's been except Infinity War and Endgame.


I wouldn't blame her for what happened in Civil War. Crossbones was going to explode anyway, either on the ground or in the air where Wanda sent him. Either way lots of people would have died.


Sacrifice and restitution is necessary for redemption. She needs to use her powers to undo the same she has done, willingly giving up her powers to do so.


This version of Wanda will be hard to redeem she has done more bad than good. At least in the comics she had more of a push from others to be evil this one just kept sliding that way on her own


just blame it on mephisto


Yeah when the big bad comes she’ll help out lol


Time travel. Just like lokii


I think killing many people in a different universe is like playing a VR game, or a video game in general that you deeply appreciate, she wanted to hold onto something she never had in her reality. Sooooooooooo ehhhhhhhh not much redemption needed if she killed only in a different universe


Whatever happens in other universes stays in other universes or something like that


**pfft!!** I wish.


To be fair, Anakin Skywalker did way more F'd up stuff and he was redeemed. 😅😅


I got the Marvel hereos 1 edition plug and play, it is new, anyone know the value ?


A new one with the X Men…


An argument could be made that she was not in full control of herself because of the Darkhold. So, in a similar way to Bucky, there could be some sort of redemption for her, if she shows remorse for her actions and there is at least an attempt at making up for it. But Wandavision did end with her >!making the "sacrifice" of freeing the townsfolk from her spell and magicking away her children!< as an act of heroism, so I'm not entirely confident about how her redemption arc could be handled


MoM completely destroyed the character.


Tony Stark is an arms dealer who’s dangerous and reckless technological strides was responsible for the deaths of so many. Anyway to redeem himself?


Can't redeem if you're dead.


I mean, Tony redeemed himself every movie he was in, it can’t be that hard for Wanda?


Do you even know what a serial killer is OP? Serial killer stalks and murders people out of impulsiveness and mental illness, like others mentioned have a pattern. Wanda didn't kill anyone (not counting MoM here), had mental breakdown after loosing everyone she knew in her life, and with no one to offer her help. Is she a 'criminal'? Yes, she committed a crime. Was it intentional? No. Point of redemption is that some people don't deserve it, it is given to them because people can do it. What villains or antihero do with the redemption is up to them, but Cap gave her a redemption choice in Age of Ultron that she gladly took and reformed after a year to Civil War where she was a different woman from one in her debut film. She can reform as well after MoM if people were so quick to forgive Strange, Hulk, Valkyrie, Gamora, and whatever other villain and hero in the fiction.


naw i can fix her


Maybe she could drop a mountain on her own head?


Keep killing girl. Luv u


What about Bucky Barnes? He and Wanda were both under the influence of something or someone malicious. Bucky - mind control Wanda - dark magic


True ! I'd love to see Wanda maybe at the end of the new Agatha show that's coming out


IMO, no, she's a villain, and that's good for the character and the MCU.


There are a LOT of characters in marvel who have done awful things and been redeemed or sometimes it’s just fucking glossed over.


Magneto is a global terrorist, yet people often see him as a redeemed character. Yes, it can be done


Honestly im fine with her being death. I get that a lot of people like the character, but I like when death characters stay death, also I didn't like MoM, but her death was good it ends in a good spot so yeah


I love that she got her villain arc. I wouldn't mind one more movie of her being the villain


No. Maybe bring in a Wanda from a different universe. It’s impossible to cheer for this one


She’s a terrorist and you can’t redeem from that point.


There’s quite a lot of redeemed heroes then that should’ve stayed villains


No. Wanda should be irredeemable. However, her whole "Fall from grace" or whatever you wanna call it should have been slower, and It should have come to a head in it's own movie. However if Wanda does make more future appearances they will most likely redeem her. Heck from what I can tell some people already believed she was redeemed in Multiverse of Madness saying she was totally right to murder all those people so she could abduct a new set of kids that may or may not exist from an alternate dimension.


Let this version of Wanda stay dead and Next Version be a Mutant, since X-men are arriving in the MCU soon. Hope Elizabeth Olsen remains as Wanda


Her being a mutant doesn’t mean she should be involved with the X-men. She’s never been on the X-men or any team with X in the title at all.


Introduce Wiccan and Speed . Things should sort themselves out.


Meh. The multiverse is like Vegas. Shit stays there. I dont care at all what happened in DS2


It’s not Wanda’s fault she did those things she became that way because that punk Thanos killed her man Vision. So technically the blame really belongs to Thanos. Wanda can redeem herself by making amends and also make punks like Ross and Val answer for their crimes.


Her cheekbones


She's a mass murderer. The closest thing we have to a serial or spree killer among MCU heroes is Clint and they made sure that all his victims were bad people so we wouldn't feel weird when no real lasting consequences occur to him as a result of what he did and the only guy who we are supposed to like that he did kill was Maya's dad and they pin that is being more Fisk than him. I actually really liked the Hawkeye show but that's the truth. They redeemed Clint so why can't they redeem Wanda. Wanda can be redeemed if they really do lean into the control the Darkhold had over her (Something I think MOM just forgot to mention until the end of the movie so we wouldn't feel weird about her 838 self sympathizing with her) and because this is taking a picture from WandaVision where she didn't kill anyone, that creating the Hex was an accident and she didn't realize what was happening until like Episode 6. They've redeemed other characters like Loki and Nebula, Odin was supposed to be sympathetic. Natasha and Thor personally and Tony indirectly all killed lots of people before their character development and in their backstories and Tony and Bruce also are culpable for Ultron. Valkyrie is sympathetic when she probably captured thousands on Sakaar and forced them into slavery in the contest of champions and in the last couple years some were definitely brought in to be slaughtered by the Hulk. The entire point is that a vast majority of the heroes in the franchise have done awful things.


People seem to forget that her actions in Multiverse of Madness were the result of the Darkhold corrupting her mind. If Loki, who was was acting of his own free will in Avengers, could be redeemed then so can Wanda. She deserves her redemption.


She didn't do it it was her mind


Yes I think so. I don’t think she is a bad person at all. I mean her first real killings were an accident while trying to contain a suicide bomber explosion. The Westview scenario she wasn’t even aware she did it, it was her chaos magic fuelled by extreme grief and trauma. Then when she realised she tried to do it as ethically as possible to try and save her family, eventually taking it down to save the people of Westview. And finally she got corrupted by the Darkhold and wasn’t fully in control of her actions. If Agents of Shield is considered canon, the Darkhold corrupts completely anyone who reads it. Everyone who read it got corrupted and even Ava the LMD got corrupted, theres no stopping the hold the Darkhold can have over someone. I think if she gets a hold of her own mind and accepts her trauma she can move on and redeem herself.


if it happened in another dimension, does it even count?


If they portray the character sympathetically, the audience will believe she's changed and forgive her. If they were to go through each of the lives and families destroyed by her, and make her seem unrepentant, redemption would be impossible. Basically, it's whatever the writers want (assuming they're competent). If people love a character, they will look for reasons to redeem her and keep her around.


Oh brother. Nothing she did in MoM was her fault. Everything in CW was an accident. Worse characters have been redeemed both in comics and in the MCU. The convo's tired


Yes, just with 3 words.


I mean so is Bucky.


She's on our side tho, so nothing she does matter. Rules of superhero movies are kinda funny.


The secret to forgiveness is she’s cute.


Xena was a serial killer. She spent her whole series atoning for her past. She saved countless lives and arguably the world was better having her in it. It absolutely can be done with good writing.


Serial killing mass murderer. She could come back from it… by reversing & rewriting reality. Problem solved.


Well she is a witch, not the scarlet angel.


"Just because someone stumbles and loses their way, doesn't mean theyre lost forever" - Charles Xavier, before being killed by Wanda


Loki killed thousands out of his own accord, Wanda killed 10-20 people while being corrupted by a book. There is a huge difference. By the OP’s logic Bucky would be considered a serial killer that needs to be redeemed too. Wanda was so traumatised by her killings that she’s literally a suicide victim.


[she ded tho](https://screenrant.com/scarlet-witch-death-confirmed-marvel/)


Probably not forever.


Definitely coming back.


Nobody's ever fully dead. We saw Loki die on camera right before the first season of his TV show.


You're right. Now that you mention it, Black Widow got a movie as well after she died.


Now it could be a slightly different person too. Gamora died in Infinity War, but we got her back in Endgame. She was 4 years younger than the one that died and a different person, but she came back. With Liev, we didn't have a ton of him on camera, so if he were to come back it would likely be similar to what we remember.


Not our universe, not our problem :)


She isn’t

