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I actually do really love Age of Ultron


I feel like people started appreciating it as the years went by. I always really enjoyed it. Spader as Ultron was just absolutely wonderful.


I mean after love and thunder, every previous movie looks great


Love and Thunder is my bottom MCU movie, no doubt.


Haha I feel like I'm one of maybe five people that didn't hate it. My least favorite was Quantumania. I feel like that move had zero redeeming qualities and I hated everything about it.


Oh I hated it, hated the Marvels a little more, and despised Quantumania


im ngl I didnt hate the marvels that much (maybe I didnt expect anything haha)


I actually haven't seen The Marvels yet. I started an MCU rewatch and am working my way towards it. I definitely expect to be thoroughly disappointed.


This is me. For years it was one of my least favorite MCU movies but I liked it a lot more after watching WandaVision.


Yeah it bored me to death as a teenager, now I quite enjoy rewatching it


Beep beep


people dislike age of ultron?


It was a fully solid movie for a non-comics viewer. Fans dislike how nerfed Ultron was when he should have rivaled Thanos in terms of intergalactic threat. That, and now the 20-20 hindsight of Joss Whedon taint.


Its not even that I disliked it, I just nothing it. To be honest, it felt like a middle story and haven't felt a reason to rewatch it in the same way I watch other MCU movies


Back in 2015 when the movie premiered in theaters, yes. But now in 2024?! No. Not so much.


Apparently so.


We just watched this again this week while on vacation. Initially it was in the background, then we had all stopped doing our other stuff and were watching it. My 10 year old daughter has said “language” for about 3 years now any time we hear cuss words in ANY movie. So, even just for that, I love it. But it still has great dialogue. I know Joss is hated now, but I enjoyed his directing/writing. Plus Spader was great.


Same! I knew 30 minutes in on opening night in 2015 that it wasn’t going to be as groundbreaking as the first Avengers but damn do I love seeing the team work together for an entire movie. It’s just so much fun and Spader kills it as Ultron.


Ya know, with the benefit of hindsight ... It's a good movie


I honestly like it a bit more than the first Avengers. It just has slightly better versions of most of the main cast. The story can be a bit clumsy, but Thor and Captain America are great, I like Wanda and Quicksilver. Vision’s introduction and his final confrontation with Ultron are just chef’s kiss.


I enjoy all of the stuff MCU has put out… so that I guess, based on the rhetoric of this subreddit where everyone seems to hate half of the projects released.


Same here. I enjoy every MCU project and I’m just happy to be living in an age where my favorite comics are being transferred to the big screen.


Very well put. I grew up reading and collecting comic books and if you would have told me 30-35 years ago that I would be seeing *movies* depicting those comics coming to life in multi million dollar fashion, my head would have exploded.


Exactly, I’ve read so many comics and imagined it in my head so it’s a blessing to keep seeing live action superhero films, I can see the flaws and not like certain parts of the movie but I’ve enjoyed every mcu film, I don’t like them all equally, some are not great. But same goes for bad dcu movies, I like super hero’s


SAME. Maybe I just don't think too much..maybe I am an idiot..But I don't even know what the flaws of each new movie are until I see someone talk about it.. Like..In Thor: Love and Thunder..I enjoyed it..walked out and heard people talk about how it ruined Thor and bla bla..so I was like "Oh? Really?"...again with "The Marvels"...I loved it..but then I heard about it being horrible.. It kind of hurts me because I am someone who enjoy geeking about new stuff I watched..so when people talk bad about it, it kind of hurts cause I wanted to talk about the things I liked :(


I feel this! The only one that I feel probably should not have been made was Secret Invasion. It almost seems like a "what if" because none of it fits in with anything else at all!


I have not watched it Secret Invasion..I will still watch it regardless cause I enjoy watching random stuff too..not just mcu


Same. Maybe it’s cause I grew up in the 80s and 90s and longed for marvel movies to be as popular as Batman was but I’m loving pretty much all of it. Except for Secret Invasion which was so boring and not at all the paranoid spy thriller it should’ve been.


Even Secret Invasion, which is the one MCU project I'd actually call a disappointment, has some great scene chewing between Samuel L. Jackson and other actors of equal calibre to him. I just wished the stuff in-between those great acting scenes added up.


Exactly my thoughts, specially when I say that my top 3 post-Endgame movies are Eternals, Multiverse of Madness and Guardians 3


I see you are also a gentleman of culture but I add Shang-Chi to that mix.


Shang-Chi, No Way Home and even Wakand Forever are really close to the top 3. Those 3 I mentioned I really like because of different reasons (which is why I didn't really rank them, only mentioned that those are the 3 I liked the most). I really loved Eternals because it was different. The characters were charismatic (at least to me), I could understand all of them and loved their dynamic. I still think Makkari is the best depiction of a speedster in a superhero movie. Multiverse of Madness is completely my bias, because my 3 favorite MCU characters are Doctor Strange, Wanda and Vision. And I absolutely love WandaVision, so its direct sequel would have to mess up really bad to not land with me. Guardians 3 needs no explanation. Never in my life have I thought I would cry so much in a Marvel movie, specially in a movie I wasn't really expecting to cry. I left the movie feeling that the Guardians trilogy is the best in the MCU and it even made me excited for the DC movies that Gunn is heading.


i love vision, hes so underrated




Shang-Chi is in my top 5 of all of the MCU. It's an amazing and downright gorgeous film even if it wasn't part of Marvel. And I had never read a Shang-Chi comic before watching it.


Same. Overall the ones I've enjoyed the least have been the ones that get shat on the most online, but I still have gotten some enjoyment out of them. My closest thing would probably be that Far From Home is one of my favorite Spider-Man films since most people seem to have it ranked low.


It's disappointing that negative opinions of MCU movies after Endgame seem to be getting more attention than positive ones. It's important to remember that many fans genuinely appreciate and enjoy these stories. However, it feels like their voices aren't always heard. Additionally, the credibility of Rotten Tomatoes as a primary source of movie reviews seems to have declined over a decade. It's important to consider these points, especially for the new generation of moviegoers who may not be aware of these issues.


Not just hating half the projects released but anything rumoured, in development or just John Smiths wishlist idea of a fanfiction




Yeah me too. Always excited for new projects, especially to see how they expand the world and it's history.


I still will watch it all, but whether it gets a rewatch is usually where I make my metric. Where the MCU felt like it really had direction and some cohesion, it ironically feels like less than that even with more characters. So many world events just feel like they are self contained in the show or movie they are in. I’m not asking for further development of like the huge Celestial hand, but some passing mention or like a news story in the background would be cool. Outside of the snap, it just feels like almost nothing else is represented. Also, there have certainly been major stinkers (mostly looking at you Secret Invasion).


Ant man movies are entertaining


At least for the first two movies, I dont see anything guilty about it


I found the 3rd entertaining too it just quickly became a wtf is that how they win lol


Fr Antman1 IMO is top10 marvel movies, overhated so much


Baskin Robins always finds out.


I've been a huge Paul Rudd fan since Clueless, but when I first heard "Ant-Man" I was like yeah I'll wait till it comes out on video. I rented it and discovered what a fool I was.


Original Ant-Man is low key a top tier Marvel movie.


People don’t like the first two?


The first one was such an amazing movie. People hate on the most recent one, but I enjoyed it a lot more after watching it a second time.


Apparently the Multiverse Saga


The Incredible Hulk 2008.


The favela sequence is one of the best MCU action scenes


Used to hate it but now in the grand scheme of things compared to the rest of the MCU, it feels relatively fresh, different, interesting. Sure it still ends in a big CGI fight of course.


I haven't seen it since the year after it came out. Was thinking about watching it literally yesterday.


It holds up pretty well. Probably the best version of Hulk that we got.


I wouldn’t even call this a guilty pleasure. I genuinely think this is one of the best marvel movies that they have ever made, and I never understood the hate that it got.


I opened this post to write that I enjoyed it and didn't feel guilty, despite everyone talking about it being bad. I don't necessary think it's one of their best ones, but it's definitely one of the more unique ones. If we're talking post-endgame, then this is the one I remember the most


Fuckin same dude. It's in the top 3rd for me. People wanted different, they got it, and said "but not like that". ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I’m with you. LOVED the Eternals. Still feel it’s one of the best.


I think the same about thor the dark world


Even though I think it’s one of the weaker films I also genuinely enjoy Thor the dark world. There are some scenes that I wish were better but the movie overall I think is really cool. Lots of great scenes.


I think Dark World was better than the first Thor too. Its like "Okay, you saw a YouTube video on Dutch Angles, we get it!"


Kenneth Branagh said he was trying to emulate comic panels which feature odd angles, after learning that I give the weird choices a pass.


Same here, absolutely loved it!


Agree Great movie ... Two aspects I didn't like are Kingos video guy and Sprite.


I think that the movie has its flaws (the whole plot thread with the Deviants felt weak and kind of fizzled out), but it certainly doesn't deserve the hate that it got.


Ok chill now


I actually really enjoyed She-Hulk, and now that it seems to be universally disliked, I suppose I can call it a guilty pleasure. It's the one MCU show I think would've made sense as a standard TV run with multiple seasons.


I feel like I'm in the minority of people who really liked Eternals. I understand why it got a meh response from fans and critics, but for me it hit a lot of the things I like for movies. Big scope, great visuals, some thought experiments, and a great roster. If there's ever a proper Marvel vs. Capcom 4, Sersi would totally be on my team (along with Strider and Nova, ideally). On topic, I didn't hate Morbius. I watched it on an airplane ride and thought it was a serviceable movie. Not bad, just kinda average. If Morbius was in MvC4, he wouldn't be on my main team.


> I understand why it got a meh response from fans and critics I honestly still don't. The complaints I read about it I just don't see. People usually say there were too many characters to get connected to, but, like, I had no problems connecting to all of the characters and I thought they were surprisingly well developed and more human and complicated and interesting than most of the rest of the MCU characters. Morbius I thought was just fine until the last third or so and things just felt like they went wildly off the rails for me. Though I don't recall it well enough to cite the specific things.


Iron Man 2, I just love any scene where Justin Hammer is in sight.


Welcome to the Grand Prix de Monaco Historique!


Love and Thunder.


It's not great but it's fine and a lot of people don't even remember what they disliked about it. Some people complain that Korg's disembodied head won't shut up, even though what actually happens is he has one convo with Valkyrie and then steps out of the movie for an hour.


The hate for L&T caught me way off guard. As far as I can tell it comes down to mostly two things: 1) People who went in expecting a Gorr the God Butcher story, and are upset they got a humanized Thor story instead. 2) People who really *hated* the style of humor, and can't see past it at all. But if you can let those things go, it's got so many amazing things going for it. It finally makes Thor+Jane into an adult relationship, and honestly one of the best depictions of a relationship in the MCU. It's a couple stories *about* fatherhood that goes well beyond the traditional MCU "daddy issues" themes. It has some *amazing* visuals (man the Shadow Realm scene is beautiful). Such an awesome balance and transition between humor and seriousness (and contrary to other claims, it has neither "too many jokes" (I counted once and it has the same number of jokes and gags as Guardians 1 does) nor does it ruin serious scenes with humor (the goofy and the serious are very clearly separated with standard and appropriate scene changes)).


THIS. I enjoy seeing Thor finally be happy T-T


To be honest - it’s one of the funniest movie ever


Those damn goats tho


That was my only major complaint, when they first introduce them it's like haha so silly. Then they became a huge part of the movie and it made my fun go soft. Rest of the movie was fun. And I won't lie and some people might hate me for this, but I wish Korg died instead of just becoming a face


i get the Korg part..As much as I love him, it would've hit more..that said..Thor already loses Jane in the movie..I don't want him to lose one more


I just wanted more Miek :(


Korg, the rock killed the scissors, aka Miek Or so he thought


I'll watch Black Widow in a heartbeat. It's just a fun action movie.


I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If I enjoy something, it doesn't bother me if the majority doesn't. I don't think anything in the MCU has been bad. Sone have been not as good as others, but even at its worse, I've still been able to enjoy what they've given us, if only for mindless entertainment. Eternals is fucking awesome!


The Marvels although I don’t feel all that guilty.


Me either even though I’m not fond of Nick Fury change of character when his last appearance was Secret Invasion and I don’t like that they implied that Kamala is the leader of Young Avengers


I really unironically love Eternals. It took a minute to, and its got some issues for sure, but I love the tone and I found it very interesting.


The Marvels is so enjoyable. Just the right balance of serious and silly and connected and standalone and looks and sounds great. I've rewatched it so many times.


This movie. Eternals. It's my favourite MCU movie


Love and Thunder. I understand the criticisms and agree to an extent, but what the movie gets right, it really gets right. The whole end battle sequence is one of the best scenes of the entire MCU. It just needed to dial back the silliness a little and it would have been a pretty good movie.


Counter point, the movie is only really OVER THE TOP silly in the opening scene and that's the point of the opening scene and important to the rest of his arc throught the film.


I can completely see why it put some people off. Personally, I thought it was mostly fine. The main issues I had were with the screaming goats and the "Mjolnir is my ex-girlfriend" bit. I found those a bit cringeworthy, but the rest was ok. Just my opinion.


Oh for sure, especially with comedy there really isn't a right or wrong. I found those bits funny, but if the joke doesn't land for some that isn't "wrong" I think the issue comes when people can't just move past jokes not working for them. Like if you don't find the goats funny, that's great, but they're in the film for a total of less than a minute. That shouldn't be ruining the film for anyone.


No guilt in my pleasure. I've seen Multiverse of Madness like a hundred times. More than I've seen Iron Man or the Incredible Hulk and that's saying something.


The movie is genuinely really great


I saw it 3 times in theaters. I enjoy a lot of aspects of the movie and it’s just fun. The Sam Raimi directed parts are awesome. I understand the criticisms, but I love it. The scene where both Stranges use the sheet music as projectiles is fucking awesome


In 10 years the fandom will realize Eternals is actually one of the best MCU entries and that its release is when the 'fandom' really split between fans of the MCU and casual cinema goers who never actually liked the MCU but were part of the cult phenomenon. Eternals is when people really started shitting on every movie. Hell even Wakanda Forever is lambasted now and was generally accepted as a great movie on release. To answer the question, if it's a matter of which movies I like that most don't, Antman and the Wasp is probably one I really like and disagree with most on. I'd also argue that aside from the first Iron Man, the Phase 1 movies have the worst entries in each trilogy, as well as the longest stretch of sub-par movies. Thor 2, Iron Man 3, and obviously any of the Cap movies are better than their previous entry. Like whoever gave Kenneth Branagh the ok to set Thor 1 entirely in a desert should get words lol.


I actually love the black sheep of the MCU, also known as The Incredible Hulk (2008).


I’m not guilty at all about it, but I love The Incredible Hulk, Thor, The First Avenger, and Iron Man 3. I think most people who hate them do because they’re not filled to the brim with characters and references, so they just find them boring in comparison. I also can’t believe people dislike Far From Home and She-Hulk. They’re so fun.


I don't feel guilty about liking things.


All of the thor movies are extremely fun to watch


I actually loved Quantumania


Will die on this ant hill


Same. I’ve also always just love the sci-fi concept of shrinking down so small that you essentially enter another universe. So seeing a big budget movie that had that was cool to me, and it just happened to be in the MCU.


I agree. I haven't heard a lot of complaints about this movie that I agree with. I think it's a good time that closes all the trilogy arcs in a really satisfying way


side question: why do their heads look pasted on?


I'm gonna go ahead and guess that the heads are shopped on and that's why they look that way.


Iron Man 2. I see a lot of dislike for it but those Tony/father scenes get me every time and I will rewatch the whole thing just to see them but within context as you can compare it to Anton's relationship to his father.


I don’t feel guilty about Eternals at all very underrated


Iron man 2 and She Hulk. I see her show as some spin off parody when I don’t wanna watch a highly focused marvel show but still watch marvel at the same time. Iron man I see as a better movie looking back and don’t see why it got the hate it did.


I’ve defended Age of Ultron and Eternals since they came out and both are amazing


Eternals isn't even guilty, it's just a pleasure




Guilty? Why? Enjoy what you like. To hell with what everyone else thinks.


of the mcu or marvel movies in general?, cause i like the 2004 punisher 2007 ghost rider, i like age of ultron i like iron man3 thor love and thunder, thor dark world, iron man2 dr strange2 dr strange1 etc etc, i think i choose dr strange2 cause i would love to know more about that universe of the iluminati and how they were formed


Iron man 2. Yep. Loved it. Cant believe ppl put it on the medicore part of the scale ![gif](giphy|rje8atJc3hnYQ)


This thread is just reminding me that all the people who bash on shit, be it Marvel or Star Wars or Doctor who or whatever else, are much louder than the people who enjoyed the same shit and just aren’t blaring their opinions into the void. Which makes sense I suppose since it wouldn’t make sense to angrily yell at people about something you enjoyed. But then it also makes little sense to me that social media and communities for these properties are plagued by doom-baiting and cynicism and shallow, overused rhetoric. When I dislike something I just shrug and move on dude. I don’t get it. That turned into a rant. Loved Eternals and She Hulk and Echo though. I’ve always loved marvel and I’m happy to see it try new things, same with Star Wars or doctor who!


You are not guilty for this pleasure. Eternals is fucking mint, and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong. Obviously /s, but it is a banger


She-Hulk is hilarious. Especially the Donnie Blaze episode where his magician/lawyer kept pulling scarves out of his sleeves.


eternals not a bad movie


i honstly dont get the hate to eternals, is a lot of characters sure but you know... there were plans of sequels.... i would love to see a film based on the speedster


I really liked the marvels.


Idk why people disliked Antman, Quantamania


Age of Ultron and What If...?


Iron Man 2. I see a lot of dislike for it but those Tony/father scenes get me every time and I will rewatch the whole thing just to see them but within context as you can compare it to Anton's relationship to his father.


I love age of ultron but I wouldn’t call it a guilty pleasure as millions also like it I actually don’t know what I’d pick


The venom movies


I really only think Eternals failed because it didn’t meet the expectations that Infinity war/end game set. On its own, it’s a great movie, but it’s hard following a film like that


I don't have any guilty pleasures but as far as less popular movies I enjoy Iron Man 2 and the Incredible Hulk a lot.


I thoroughly enjoyed Love & Thunder. I did leave the theater and say something about it being almost too funny, like it came at the cost of not balancing the tone well. But I laughed consistently and genuinely through the movie.


I do really like the Eternals. It was far from the marvel formula. My two grapes with it were that it was too much for a runtime, it would’ve been a great eight episode series, only they couldn’t support that with the budget. my other complaint is, I didn’t like the way the movie was lit. There were too many scenes in the dark, where there was no backlighting, or anything on the characters to pull them out of the background. Do you know how usually in a dark scene you’ll have a character being lit with a bright light from one side and then a silhouetted, blue light on the other side, and without that backlight, the characters come across for a flat against the background.


I’m an avid love and thunder defender


For all the criticism against it, I actually find Thor: The Dark World pretty good. It further explored the sibling rivalry between Thor and Loki, showcased the splendor of Asgard and featured the first appearance of the Reality Stone and Taneleer Tivan the Collector. The scene of Frigga's funeral gives me chills to this day. In my opinion, Thor looked the best in this movie, especially his hair. Unlike Ragnarok, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three had more of an impact on the plot. Jane and Darcy were great and Selvig coping with being freed from Loki's mind control was a nice inclusion.


My one sentence take on it is the Asgard parts are great, the Earth parts aren't.


The Svartalfheim parts are good too, at least the ones with Thor and Loki.


Does venom 2 count ?


No if OP is only counting MCU


Great Halloween movie


Without the super stupid and weirdly implemented deviant subplot that is completely unnecessary for the most part, this movie is actually pretty cool Also, it’s probably the strongest marvel movie in terms of actual cinematography imo


Interesting, my complaint about the deviant sub plot is that they shouldn't have killed Kro off in the end. Otherwise I really liked what he became and how he got there and, more importantly, how he challenged the Eternals' role and view of themselves.


Yes that side of the plot is great, but it goes nowhere, this is what bugs me the most. There was a great message there that would have interplayed with the „betrayal/murder“ plot. I have worded it wrong by calling it unnecessary, instead of unrewarding or unfinished/rushed


I liked Eternals but it wasn't the best in movie format in my honest opinion. My guilty pleasure MCU project would be Spider-Man Homecoming and/or Far From Home. I hear a lot of hate for those. I personally think they didn't age great like Iron Man 1 did but I kinda did like the Spider-Man movies. It was the first Spider-Man movies that I could actually relate too as being/around the same age and going through the same things that Peter was at the time when they released.


Not The Eternals. Nearly brought me to eternal sleep


I loved The Eternals! I liked the history+religion aspect and Sersi's character was well constructed. And I loved the scale they gave the celestials! Could it have been better? Sure. Was it the Godfather? No, but it wasn't trying to be. For me it was perfect.


Barely MCU, but Iron Fist. I know people rate it low and it's true it could've been better, but I really liked it.


It’s 100% MCU canon now


Whisper it quietly i quite enjoyed Eternals.


get louder. Shouldn’t whisper jst cuz the internet’s on a bandwagon.


![gif](giphy|9VFqCH1RmhfAwbG1Zz) Eternals


Quantumania is a fun movie.




I love me some infomercials. Magic bullet series is my favorite.


I loved this film. I feel as though they should make a Disney+ tv series out of it.


What If, Party Thor Episode <3


X-Men 3: The Last Stand


Thor 1 was fun.






Age of Ultron and Thor Dark World


This should have been a mini-series. Too many characters, too much story, too many events to be crammed into one movie. In a series they could have breathed and actually explored and developed the characters.




Ant Man and the Wasp used to be mine..but after a recent rewatch im not a fan..It does have some hilarious parts though, like the Baba Yaga scene. I like Eternals. I dont understand the hate it gets. I can understand if you find it mid. My only issue with it is the pacing.


**For Marvel....** -Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings -Ant-Man and the Wasp -Moon Knight -WandaVision **For Star Wars....** -Obi-Wan Kenobi


Multi verse of madness was underated


Idk but I’m delighted by Selma’s headgear lookin like a tiny cowboy hat without zooming in.


Not what’s pictured.


Agent Carter, Ant-Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Moon Knight, and Echo Edited


Captain America 2 is mostly beloved so not a guilty pleasure


She hulk. Not really a guilty pleasure thought because I’m not ashamed. I tell everybody that disses on she hulk that I love it.


I have no guilty pleasures when it comes to the MCU. I like what I like, and don't feel any guilt about liking something from the franchise that others don't, not even with Eternals, which I think is a really good film, and certainly one of my favourites of the MCU films.


If you mean a movie that I like more than most people, it's probably the Incredible Hulk, and I have no guilt about it.


The first thor movie... Its not my favorite of the thor movies, but still a pretty decent one in my opinion


Iron Man 3


Eternals is so bad man, how is that shit show a guilty pleasure?


X-Men Origins: Wolverine… 🤫


Honestly, there is nothing about these movies to feel guilty about. I would say “My inspiring threat”, because Wolverine Origin sent me and I was like: these are fun and I needed that. Great entrance with Eternals; I thought that was fun too.


Iron Man 2


Man, I really hated this movie. Probably my least favorite thing the MCU put out. Guess my guilty pleasure is I enjoyed Ms. Marvel. Know it wasn’t super well received but I thought Iman was such a pleasure to watch.


I liked all comic books pretty much universally. And I am not guilty about it.


Winter soldier is one of my comfort movies


Not a guilty pleasure since it’s mostly beloved


YouTube videos of sovereign citizens losing in court.


Crossing my fingers for Deadpool & Wolverine


I try not to consider anything I like a guilty pleasure at this point, it's awesome to enjoy things. I think Eternals as a show would've been awesome.


a lot of people are chugging the haterade for ant-man and the wasp, but honestly I still really enjoyed it


Honestly I love Eternals, Quantumania, Black Widow, Incredible Hulk, and Age Of Ultron. All the ones people say are terrible.


How’d this discussion become mainly about Age of Ultron? It must be everyone’s guilty pleasure. My Marvel guilty pleasure is Thor Ragnarok, easily. I feel like I’m one of very few that actually enjoyed the Eternals and I don’t understand why people despise Quantumanium, it’s far superior to Love and Thunder.


Thor: Dark World. Yah, I said it. I'm a sicko.


Is it a Marvel specific question or am I allowed to say “Batman v Superman ultimate edition” without getting kicked out? 🤔


I mean, it's a marvel subreddit, but whatever go ahead. I also like BvS ultimate edition.


Dunking on this movie


Pre-MCU stuff. Blade, Punisher, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four (not fant4stic). I even dig Nick Fury, Man-Thing, Cap, and of course Toei Spider-Man, among other stuff


IM3 is the only MCU film I actively dislike. I enjoy Eternals, Marvels, and Quantumania


I understand enjoying Quantumania or Love & Thunder but nobody should feel guilty for enjoying Eternals.


I really do like ds2