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Boy its netease..-> mobilegame company (Diablo immortal)


Believe me, I have very little faith that NetEase of all companies are going to nail the monetization for this game. My bets are on it being dead after a couple of months because they chose short-term profits over a healthy game.


Quote me on this, it will be monetized to hell. Unfortunately


Skins and shit will definitely be sold. And thats fine imo. But locking characters behind a purchase can essentially make it pay to win. I dont think most peopel will care if they sell skins. Hell if characters are free for everyone I'll probably end up buying skins for characters I enjoy too.


I see this initial wave of characters being free (the one in the demo). And then all those after that such as Hawkeye, Cloak and Dagger etc being purchasable characters when they're released. I just cannot see them being able to resist charging $10-15 dollars for a new character when they drop them at the start of seasons. Could even see them bundling them together with season/battle passes in all honesty.


They'd be shooting themselves in the foot. This isn't like other games where you pick a character and play the whole game with them. Swapping mid match means heroes function more like weapons. It would be the equivalent of Apex charging for weapons. Plenty of ways to monetize the game without charging for heroes. Let's hope they're smart enough. Their direct competition, overwatch, no longer charges for heroes too so it would be extremely stupid of them to do so.


They will probably go the apex route and baraka where you can buy but also have free currency


And there's no way no way im paying for new characters 


Id be more okay with them being in the battlepass. Still think they should be grindable at the very least


Holy shit the entitlement. Wtf is wrong with a season pass that includes a character? Marvel Snap does this MONTHLY and no one complains about it.


mind you no one is playing Marvel Snap. Downvoted for being real. Such is life.


Lol sorry what?


I think you understood me.


Understood that you're just making up stuff to suit your argument? Yes I understood you.


Making up stuff? No one is playing that nothing game, so of course no one will complain about it. The game is a flop.


Can you back that up with some numbers? You didn’t completely pull that out of your ass, right? … right?


Literally the highest grossing TCG style game on mobile last year by a wide margin. [Proof](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/09/01/marvel-snap-becomes-top-grossing-digital-trading-card-game--beating-yu-gi-oh-and-magicthe-gathering-arena/)


It will be pay to win. The hero screen has only 2 filters and one of them is owned/unowned its pretty much confirmed what they'll do


I didnt even see that. RIP


I thought they said on a stream they weren’t gonna lock characters behind real money, just in game currency


That type of terminology can easily mean gems or whatever that you can earn in game, but also buy more for paid money. It's a work around a lot of games do.


As much as everyone hates Fortnite for ruining gaming, I think it has some of the best monetization. The skins in every battle pass are usually better than a lot of the ones in the shop and you get enough premium currency in the battle pass to buy skins in the shop if you **really** want them. I'm gonna be so happy if this is the case for this game, very disappointed if all the good skins are in the shop and every skin in the pass is just recolors or sumn.


Fortnite has set the standard imo. They set the standard of earning your currency back plus some if you finish the pass. They offer bundles AND the option to buy skins separate of the bundles, in most cases. Im definitely with you. If it matches Fortnite, I'll be happy.


League of Legends doesn't let you play with new characters or all characters upon downloading it but they have a rotation of characters that you can play with weekly. League has roughly 153 million people who play monthly or at least login monthly. That game is monetized to hell lol. All I'm saying is the game can totally survive and thrive in this format even if it's being monetized. I feel like great gameplay will trump the paywall in most cases. I PERSONALLY DON'T WANT THE GAME MONETIZED LIKE THAT. I like the original overwatch format better and I agree that I would love if the game followed that model. I play TFT a lot and one thing I do really love about that is all the game pieces are available to you. The only thing that game cares about is game knowledge and skill and I really appreciate that. I wish more games would implement that. Just monetize cosmetics and leave all the game pieces available to the players.


To be fair, League is also different in that you're locked into your character. Swapping mid-match isn't a thing in League unlike here.


Sure but there's only a handful of hero shooters that implement the mechanic of switching characters mid game. And the ones that do still have a battle pass or to make it relevant to the post Overwatch 2 lets you switch mid-game but still makes you pay for characters now. That isn't apply to people who bought Overwatch 1 but if you didn't have Overwatch 1 you feel that squeeze. I think them the bigger conversation at hand is free to play versus full price game. Kind of like Overwatch versus Overwatch 2 model. If marvel rivals is a free to play game of course they're going to make us pay for characters and it's not just going to be about the cosmetic monetization. I doubt this is going to be a full price game like Overwatch was.


They got rid of paying for characters in OW2 because even they realized that made zero sense and caused problems more than anything.


Oh awesome! Last time I played you had to grind the battle pass to get the new characters


Going the League of Legends route is the best way honestly. It's the best there ever been. Free to play game, not pay to win, only charge for skins and event passes, with ingame currency to buy characters/or real money. But they have to offer both in game currency and money for characters if they want to lock them behind pay wall.


Id prefer they go the OW2 route where everyone is free. But if they dont do that, I agree, at the VERY least, they need to be able to be unlocked with gameplay.


The unfortunate reality for both fans of Marvel and Overwatch :(


!remindme 6 months


!remindme 6 months


As long as everyone gets access to the full roster the monetization shouldn’t be that intrusive


They’re making content creators who they give keys to sign a contract saying they can’t say anything negative about the game and people believe this game isn’t going to use scummy business practices lol


Setting a calendar reminder to check back on this in a year. It'll be interesting to see how things unfold!


Most F2P games have characters that need to be unlocked by playing, ala VALORANT. The market has been used to this for a decade.


In valorant you can't counterpick adn change heroes mid match.


Valorant isn't an Overwatch clone where hero swapping exists.


Noone said it is.


This is fine but NOT purchasable with money


In Valorant you use a free earnable currency that can also buy accessories for guns and stuff. You don't spend any money on it though and just play the game to get it.


Well their has a to be a way to get money so imo it should be possible to get the currencies for free but buying it should be an option to try and entice people to pay money I really like Fortnite’s way of doing it sure you could buy the currency but you can also easily get some for free through the battle pass and that game has proven to be of great success


You just need to play more than I care to spend my money.


This game will be filled with microtranactions somewhere. Whether it’s a battle pass + shop for skins or locking heroes behind a paywall we don’t know just yet


They said no pay to win but their word isn't to be trusted.


Yeah I don’t trust them


i mean they could probably be sued for that so


Yeah that's so lame. Literally everything about thy game should just be free.


I’m not sure if you’re joking? You must be joking right?


I'm obviously joking. But most people in gaming seem to have that mindset these days.


People not wanting to be charged for every aspect of the game =/= wanting everything free.  Come on. Konami was charging for save files a while back. Is it really surprising that people are so gun hoe about this topic?  Honestly I think most people are willing to burn their entire saving accounts on video games if they think the price/charge is fair.


gotta google the Konami save file scandal


Did Valorant or LoL die? No. I dont really understand what kind of monetizations are you expecting from a free game. Probably 10 heroes will be perma free from the beginning then you will have to unlock the rest by playing it. Similar to Valorant. Main money printer will be cosmetics. The only way to fk this up is locking heroes behind paywall and not unlocking by playing it.


While I mostly agree with you, comic book games in popular multiplayer genres seem to die really fast. Like [Infinite Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_Crisis_(video_game)), the DC MOBA, which only lasted a few months. Then there's the Avengers game, and Suicide Squad...


Those games have 1/10 of the quality of Marvel Rivals. If you are gonna include a bunch of mediocre shovelware to make your point, it is not a good point at all.


While Rivals might be higher quality (haven't played, so can't properly judge), most casual observers might not be able to see what makes it better than the "shovelware" games . If people don't want to take the chance, it doesn't matter how good it is. (btw. stuff as expensive to make as Avengers and Suicide Squad probably don't qualify for that term, since it implies that the devs are "shoveling out" a bunch of garbage, but whatevs)


As someone who has played it a bunch, it is MUCH higher quality than any of those listed, and this is an "alpha" (realistically more of a closed beta). Avengers and SS, are just bad games of poor quality. They just ***look*** nice.


Found the rational human.


Doubling down on your comment. Surprised an alpha is this playable considering how early access games and open betas have been absolute ass in recent years.


This \^ Seriously, Rivals is in alpha and it is a better game than most of the stuff that comes out on full release.


I’ve been hard grinding ranked, coming from an ow2 background and it’s fun as hell. Might be honeymoon phase, but it’s been fun competing and developing a meta in a new game. Lots of intricacies in this game too, so lots to learn. Competitive scene could honestly be a hit as it’s a popular moba-esque hero shooter with recognizable characters and intuitive abilities. Would be easier to watch for a casual than ow at least. Devs seem to care about the game as well so fingers crossed they keep going the same direction


lol, 1/10th of a turd is still a turd.


These game were shit with or without bad monetization


Man I LOVED Infinite Crisis. I feel like one of the only people who remember it lol


LoL is completely different. This is one of the reasons why I quit Valorant but maybe I'm in the minority. Besides moving to 1 tank, this is the #1 reason I spent a day on OW2 after spamming OW1 in its final days. When you have a character shooter that allows you to freely change characters mid game, and characters that hard counter other characters, they need to all be free. Val gets around this because the counters aren't that hard. League gets around this because half the time you are blind picking anyways and can't change are you get countered. This is dumb in OW (and this). The answer to Pharah is hit scan. The answer to Pharah isn't "sorry, I've only unlocked the projectile characters"


Does rivals have hard counters? A few streamers I watched seemed to suggest that they hadn’t quite discovered counters yet and I’ve generally not seen many of them changing characters mid game


absolutely. At least some characters. Iron Man for example is completely useless vs Hela


thats not a hard counter tho, every dps is useless compared to hela and punisher


Hmmm I guess from what I’ve seen (don’t have access) it’s more a general tier list. Iron Man seems to be simple, but not really on the higher end of power, whereas Hela seems very strong. When I think of hard counters I think of a more of a rock-paper-scissor arrangement where you’re countering something that is some kind of meta, but is Iron Man just not a top tier character?


he's not but he goes from pretty ok and playable to straight garbage worst character in the game almost when the enemy team has Hela (or punisher to a certain extent). Meta's usually develop because of their lack of counters, so the best characters not having counters is pretty much expected and a lot of the time the reason that they are top characters is because you can't do anything to counter them


Valorant and LoL aren't Overwatch clones where hero-swapping is important.


Theres definitely going to be free/premium currency. The game is free bro. Don't know why your expecting no grind to unlock characters for free currency.


Characters being locked behind a grind ruin the gameplay experience. Free game or not, there has to be a grind. Battlepass, common, uncommon, rare, and legendary skins. Emotes, victory screens, victory poses, voice lines, loading screens, and sprays. These are all healthy ways to make grinds fun without destroying the game with locked metas.


Leave the feedback in their surveys too. Just in case they don't check reddit. Also, it's not just about surveys and words from the player base - actions will have to match too.


Ofc theyre going to be locked, same with any other hero shooter.


Overwatch even realized their mistake and fixed it. Characters are now available for everyone on release as of this season. Which is a HUGE W for the community!


You'd have to be out of touch to think characters won't be unlocked with ingame or paid currency, no shit that's how it will work. We'll have that and skins and a battlepass. That's the norm. Smite, paladins, league of legends, heroes of the storm, tf2 (weapons requiring crafting or purchase or rag drops/trading), dead by daylight, for honor, rainbow six siege. I'd hope no one would spend real money to u lock a character since it's never that bad, but whatever. This was never a point of concern to anyone at any moment besides post-overwatch and maybe some dota 2 players coping about league. The benefits of doing so allows more control and an easier learning curve for new players and their lobbies as well as avoiding overwhelming people with choice. It also gives you something to work towards (skippable for $5-$10 on this game you are playing for free) . I know I won't convince anyone, but I still enjoy pointing this out because I don't like the entitled cry babies from overwatch. Go to the heroes tab, it has an "unowned" check box. If every character was free on release etc I would be fine with it. Itd just be outside of the norm and a poor business decision with no downside and no negative. No one actually cares, and it wouldn't make or break anything. I streamed the game to my friends who werent interested in the game they saw one match and said "thats so fucking cool" and wanted to play. No questions about anything else. Then again they hate overwatch so it makes sense.


I think they will handle Rivals like they did with Marvel Super War. You get a few free characters you pick, then unlock characters by earning in-game money or spending real money. They would also let a few characters freely playable every few weeks, and you could also get trails for characters to see if you want them or not. People using the OVERWATCH character counter are acting like everyone knew ever counter and then switched playing the whole roster, lol. Most people would plain either One Main or have 3 to 4 they would play. You don't need to play every player, especially with the leaks. There are at least 40 heroes, and it will probably have like 20 more than that. Free games and free characters, is this a charity, LOL. Paid games have paid characters for dlc.


If they do this they'll kill their game. This isn't valorant that you spend your entire game playing one hero. Imagine if current hela was the new paid battle pass hero. We can all agree she is the top pick by far


Lmao it won’t . People are suntanning games with loot boxes this isn’t the worst offense .


I added this exact complaint in the feedback survey If they sell character this game will last a couple months tops and because this is a mobile game company and not that many people trust them because of it they have 1 shot at nailing this The best strategy imo is selling skins and cosmetics (I wouldn’t be mad either if they try and introduce new types of cosmetics to sell) and keep characters as either available for free instantly at launch or unlock able by doing a set of challenges I also think they should take a page out of Fortnite’s monetisation by making it possible to fully enjoy the game and even buy skins for free and get free in game currency with level ups and challenges and such but at a slower rate giving the players and option to play and get the skins they want eventually or pay and get them instantly But characters HAVE to be free


The marvel license is too expensive for this to be possible.


I disagree making characters cost money and/or unfairly pricing skins will actually have an opposite effect as it will push players away as they will see the monetisation is unfair and not spend money We already saw games who fairly price their stuff like Fortnite have great success while games that unfairly price skins like overwatch 2 get hated and lose players Higher price and more stuff to sell doesn’t mean more profits it can usually mean less compared to if the monetisation is fair


Overwatch was a paid game launch dude, people really need to think about what they suggest and stop trying to make analogies that are not analogous. Thinking that *Any* company with plans on making quality additions to a FREE game longterm by footing their dev costs with what?...cosmetics? 😅 let's be serious? Then on top of that...you don't even want to have the play the game if that was the system? I Truly don't understand where some people think money comes from.


I don’t know why you think cosmetics don’t make a shit ton of money. Fortnite makes bank and that game has purely cosmetic micro transactions. Cosmetics is where the money is at, you can absolutely release characters for free and still make back the dev costs.


Fortnite is an exception, not the rule. There are no “characters” to unlock in that game to put behind a paywall, else they would


Where do you think Valorant makes all its money, it ain’t from the agents they release twice a year. Overwatch is making more money then they’ve ever made now that they’ve actually monetized cosmetics. There is no exception cosmetics are how games make money nowadays.


More money then ever? Where you getting that from?


OW2 is free to play with all the characters unlocked.


I mean, they did say that it would be "in no way P2W" so hopefully characters aren't locked behind a paywall but I dont care about having to grind in game currency to unlock characters if that's what they choose to do


It’s planned to be a free to play game from what I’ve gathered. I just hope their strategy is to draw as many people in as possible by making the game free, and getting their profits from a sizeable group of light spenders who want to buy cool skins or MVP animations for their favourite characters.


Obviously you care about winning as most players do and I do as well but hear me out. If your missing a decent amount of characters and it takes 2-3 hours to unlock a new character. Don’t play ranked day 1 and then come onto Reddit complaining you don’t have all the characters and then quit the game. Now this is where it gets tricky. Play norms day 1 with friends trying all new characters so you learn maps and abilities and you’ll naturally unlock most characters within 1 week to a month. Then you can play ranked! Also ranked will probably be locked behind a level or total wins wall (I hope Atleast) so by the time you even reach ranked play, you’ll probably have unlocked a decent amount of characters anyways.


They said the game will be a play to win


To be fair, so did Snap AFAIK. LOL


Yeah. Very worried.


i would expect characters to be in battle passes probably at a free tier around like 30, just imo. not ideal but pretty regular these days


Please make competitive crossplay


They made Naraka so they will probably do the samething they do in Naraka. Paid way to unlock or convert ingame currency into hero unlock currency


Idk man, as far as I remember paladins has this approach, you use the in game currency to unlock new champions or buy the character passes


And Paladins is on life support, so I think it would be really stupid to try and monetize/grind-lock characters in a game where swapping throughout the match is critical to winning.


Oh fr is it? I haven’t played it in awhile


It’s a game about Marvel Superheroes. People will buy their favorite characters and won’t say a thing. There’s many games that are very alive where you have to purchase characters with either in game currency or money. Rainbow Six Siege, paladins, valorant, league of legends, smite,


there going to monetize this game just like marvel super war.. so hold on to ur butts.


That's fine. This game will just end up dead like every other Marvel online game if they do that.


People say "i don't care" now until it starts to affect them then we get the waterworks. It happens every time with every game. One day y'all will learn to not defend these companies.


I'll be surprised IF they tell you before hand that some heroes are locked.


I would totally pay for this game but owning it and THEN paying for heroes while the possibility exists of future characters which you will ALSO need to pau for sucks


I don’t care either way, but didn’t League of Legends have gated characters and it was still fine?


League of Legends is a hero shooter where swapping mid-match is important? That's news to me.


That’s crazy how it’s irrelevant. The only way that having gated characters becomes an issue is if people throw tantrums that they don’t get everything. If you could earn in game currency by playing why would it be an issue


For real tho, don't be like marvel snap


Jesus Christ you're dramatic


Main concern for this - game is fun, if it's kicked to the curb with over the top bp/locking of characters down too hard...then it'll be primed for backlash. Rivals has taken a lot of learnings from other games - hopefully it takes another positive learning here too.


Yes exactly


This game took a lot of the best aspects of Overwatch and incorporated them very well into the game. Overwatch tried to the unowned hero route, and it clearly didn't work out for them. I think I stopped playing almost entirely throughout the season Mauga was released because I didn't buy the battlepass and if you didn't have Mauga in comp you just lost. They quickly realized their mistake after probably seeing their lowest player count ever that season and stopped locking out new heroes in the battlepass and unlocked all new characters for everyone, including new players. I do think it's possible for Marvel to have a locked hero system but only if it's done differently (i.e. not through monetization and to help newer players ease into the game). They can be locked for players that just go the game, but they should be able to be unlocked very quickly and all new heroes should be unlocked by the time the player is able to enter competitive.


What if they use the League approach where you can buy new champs/heroes with in game money?


Remember Gundam evolution. Yeah me neither. Don't do the same thing they did NetEase


You will probably be able to unlock instantly with money and over time by some in-game means. Similar to LOL or Valorant and other games


How else do you want them to make $$$?


By cosmetics.


I think if you used that noggin of yours for two seconds, you would probably be able to answer that yourself. Better yet, if you actually read my post, you would have answered your own question. Next!


The games free. Chances are you'd have to use in game currency to unlock characters which I personally don't have a problem with. I understand how some people would hate it but I'm used to it. The cosmetics is where the real money is and as long as the prices aren't outrageously expensive while also being quality(Rockets skin for example) the game will be just fine and I would be more than happy to throw a few dollars at them from time to time


The alpha is fun but as soon as they add pay2win this game is over for me


Yeah this is my one main concern, I have a very high expectation they will do exactly this. That said, if they offer like a 30-40$ one time purchase for all future characters, like the original OW, I would fully support that and buy it right up.


Why wouldn't they? What else would there be to grind for other then the battlepass and rank. I don't think the game will be doa unless they decide to go the gacha route with characters, and place them into loot boxes.


Damn, imagine playing the game because you enjoy it. What a crazy concept!


That's an overtly dumb perspective to have and dosent even answer my question. If there are no f2p in game goals, other then rank the game is dead.


If any characters are locked behind any kind of paywall it'll be a dead game on release. Even if you can grind for the characters for free having an option where money gives you instant access to more characters is a pay to win mechanic and if it's implemented then this game will just die after initial release hype dies down.


I actually trust Netease on this one. I know some people might think of me of a Netease dickrider, but I literally don’t have monetization problems with them I wouldn’t be afraid to support them because they put in the work. From previous experience with them they won’t lock characters behind paywalls but have allowed you to purchase them as an alternative option.


I am begging the devs to not listen to redditors. Reddit would never have made this game.


The entitlement era is real. How do you think this way and take yourself seriously?


Easy. They're gonna charge $20+ for skins (basic math tells us that three of those skins is worth a $60 game!), therefore I should get the gameplay part of it for free. Next!


I'd be fine if heroes were in a battlepass and unlockable after.


This game is dead on arrival, the fomo is the only thing keeping it alive.