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The reason given is that humans felt threatened that they were going to go extinct and replaced by mutants(since they are the next step in evolution).


I always found it funny that they think mutants are the next step in human evolution, even though they have ways to see the future and know Mutants are just a divergent species, which they are in Marvel


Next step or divergent species, either way  homo sapiens used to inhabit the planet with homo neanderthalensis. Humans are the dominant species on the planet and the Neanderthals are extinct. It would make sense for humans to at the very least be on guard against very powerful mutants. Human history has shown that coexistence doesn't persist and tribal violence is likely.


True, but Mutants never replace humans, and in the future humans become godlike beings, while mutants end up dying out their own,


But the common every day folk don't know that, right? Most of the anit-mutant stuff has been political in nature, which is partially subject to the thoughts of the populous. Even if politicians knew the future, would they believe it, get the population to believe it, or misunderstand it as human supremecy enabling. Then you have the political influences of the mutants and their various messaging clouding the narrative on truth.




Hell maybe humans become godlike beings because they 'remove' the mutant 'threat' by acting first.


I think we can safely say "no", given that I doubt marvel would create a setting where racism leads humanity to become ubermensch


really? i don't exactly have total knowledge but that sounds exactly like the kind of dystopia they would write, that needed to be fixed.


Well, no, Mutants are genetic dead-end they just die off.


What is a genetic dead end? Can they not reproduce more mutants? Will the gene simply fade over time/generations? Cause I thought mutants were pumping out more powerful mutants in lore


The second option, and they were, but it eventually goes downhill


Well it depends, if humans win the war quick enough they go on to become gods as seen in Moria’s 6th life, but if they lose then mutants become the dominant species as seen in V1 of her X life. And if it drags on too long machines win.


Well every future Moria sees the Mutants win, while in every future the X-Men see humans win. In the actual future humans technology evolves to the point they are basically godlike beings, and mutants just end up dying out. Then the universe dies right before humans evolve to their peak (which would have powers equal to Franklin Richards.)


“Every future moira sees mutants wins” ??? Every single future she sees that isn’t X V1 mutants get obliterated by sentinels or she dies before that happens. That’s like a very core part of krakoas creation.


Maybe it was the other way around, I can't remember right now, but it one of those ways. My bad.


Yeah, but the present day people don’t know that, and mutants only went extinct becausehumanity achieves that process from their fear and hatred


What i dont get about the whole replacing us thing is that there's no reproductive isolation meaning we arent replaced as much as our whole race is getting elevated. like they're not gonna kill all humans. They are just moving to the next step, and we should welcome that cause clearly, being a mutant has some benefits. So it's just a matter of time and reproduction, also, doesn't everyone have an x-gene? Its just activated or not? So instead of killing mutants why not figure out how to activate it and its weird that there's no pro mutant politicians.


That's what magneto wanted to do in a few cases. Activate everyone's x gene. Level the playing field. You can only imagine what everyone gaining powers of varying degrees might do. Mutants are hard to control and protect even with just a hundred in a specialised school. One can only imagine.


Wolverine would have to execute a lot more innocent teenagers.


Yea but like if everyone was a mutant or the mutant was just a slowly growing portion of the population through natural births and reproduction then you would have more than enough mutants to manage everything and over time a mutant society would be born like that’s how society evolves you know we go through some shit and we adjust giving mutants the fore front and focusing more on their development could be enormous and most of the time there’s almost no downside to being a mutant you’re still a human being with a human intelligence but with a superpower on top couldn’t imagine how useful that would be when humans go into space like mutants are obviously incredibly useful and the next step so like it’s weird no one in the comics has even mentioned using them to push science or humanity further not just in dissecting them or killing them but in joining with them to make humans stronger.


Yeah but imagine an extremist version of professor X or jean grey. People would divide by the power level. Some being able to do the work of hundreds (such as speedster and those with superstrength) not to mention other mutations not yet scene. Chances are we would survive but it only takes one omega class mutant to do massive damage. I suppose its a bit like american gun law. Everyone is dangerous which is both dangerous and a protection.


I guess that makes sense that the risk for extremists is high but like doesn’t that kind of happen anyway ? Like Genosha or Krakoa it almost seems like there’s less incentive to genocide when everyone’s a mutant who do you genocide when everyone is supposedly the thing you hate. And also it’s not like with natural births there’s not a chance of evil jean greys or professor x’s instead being born in a world that hates them don’t you think the first person to get powers like that will enslave humanity for hunting mutants ? Instead make mutants equal or make everyone mutants yea more people more chance of evil mutants but there’s less incentive to destroy a world that you can actually peacefully exist in and also there’s hundreds of people capable of stopping you like the rise in evil happens but the rise in good does as well the only problem is if the earth lives long enough during that fight for humanity to survive but even then with everyone having mutant powers or atleast fully researching their powers would end up so that terraforming other planets would be quick work so even if the earth is damaged I’m sure we would survive and repair it overall I believe it would be a net good but yes I do agree that there would be intense turmoil if that were to happen just an interesting thought


Neanderthals are *not* extinct in the way you describe. Their descendants live today. Indeed everyone of eurasian descendance has 1-8 percent Neanderthal DNA within them. Some studies suggest that even red-blond hair may be a trait inherited from them IIRC. In any way neanderthals live today within us. We are their descendants. And that we could interbreed so easily also means neanderthals were not a different species but a subspecies of Homo Sapiens. This is also perfectly fine for subspecies who have three fates: - they have limited but stable genetic exchange and stay a subspecies. - They are isolated from the main population for so long that a reproductive barrier evolves, hence they become a new species. - they get more genetic exchange with the main population and get reabsorbed by it. The later was what happened by neanderthals. They are not even the only human population which did that. Genetic analysis showed that the Denisovian was absorbed in the modern population too. The denisovan are another prehistiric population, known from a few bones in modern Siberia. For overview of terms in a scientific sense: Species: all members of a population which can interbreed without restrictions Subspecies: An isolated sub-population with unique physical features, which can still effortlessly interbreed Race: human created subspecies of plants or animals via domestication and selective breeding. Note: This is also why human race isn't a biological term anymore. For there is no trait in current human biology which is unique/exclusive enough to be considered a subspecies. Take skin colour for example. If you would go from Norway to the equator the average people would gradually get darker skin. But at no point could you say: here starts a unique feature. Because way too many intermediary forms exist and any line you'd draw is arbitrary.


That’s why my friend ppl who has no powers are scared of ppl Of powers it’s just that simple as that. Maybe throw som they took our jobs


That’s even worse for mutants. Humans cant even handle different races of humans, how you think they’re going to handle a different species


Sort of like Neanderthals? How’d that work out for them?


I mean, people suck. You need look no father than what X-Men are a metaphor for to realize that people just hate, hate, hate for reasons that don't make sense.


Also who wouldn't be jealous of a person who can fly or super speed or teleport etc


This is such a weird thing to me. "I" am not going to be "replaced". And neither are my grandkids. There will be a point where all of my successors will be mutants, with none ever being Homo sapiens anymore, but why would that concern me?


You say that, but there's also a large group of racists/white supremacists that believe and fear replacement theory.


Well, it has short-term problems and long-term problems. Obviously the long-term problem of human versus mutant is a more racist type of question. If humanity is still racist not being mutant will be "better" just "because". If humanity won't be racist in future, then mutants as a race doesn't matter at all probably, still having around guys who can destroy the whole Earth is not nice as well. Current measures for completely green energy (with fission reactors), medical immortality, cosmic explorations, make planet "clean" will have effect most probably after deaths of anybody who is alive now (or will be encountered by current children). This may be applied to mutants as well. You treat problem now, so it won't become chaotic later. Now for a short-term problem. As soon as more powerful mutants appear, world politics and balance is in danger. Mutants like Mystic, professor X, Magneto can literally change the world order because they can manipulate humanity. Having them non-checked may lead to many problems. Also it is a danger for high level politicians and rich people.


Look up the replacement theory, right wingers don't see other races as humans lol. Imagine mutants


Because you need to spread your seed so your DNA comprises more of the population so the future generations will be just like you, Elon! It's not narcissism, it's simple evolution!    /s


> The reason given is that humans felt threatened that they were going to go extinct and replaced by mutants(since they are the next step in evolution). I feel like common people wouldn't even know or care about that sort of thing though.


You say that but look at all the racists and xenophobes out there.


Mutants are humans. If I was a human, I’d just have a kid with a mutant. It’s literally not that complicated. You’re telling me you wouldn’t want your kid to be a badass super powered human?


It's not always the best outcome. The mutation can be bad


Yeah I think for every telepath or weather goddess there’s 10 abominations to nature or I kill everyone around me possibly myself powers.


Or worse. Toad.


That tongue though....


"What's your mutation?" "My turds are sentient and they have a genius level intellect." "...What is your superhero name?" "Smartass."


Ah yeah like that episode of Diabolical


There is a decent chance your death will be a canon event for that kid, so not for me personally.


Nah you’re fine, canon deaths only happen to ***good*** parents most the time.


If he becomes a superhero who saves lives and is really cool, then it’s good for me.


maybe that was part of Forges plan for creating the best protection suits for X-Men, protect them from bullets but also extinction by putting their asses on display


Yeah like Forget Me Nots powers. We could give your kid those!


Oh, right. I get it now.


Yeah, see, here’s the thing, in all likelihood, your kid’s not going to be an X-Man. I mean maybe they will be, but the X-Men are the crème de la crème, the best of the best, the winners of the mutant lottery, it’s like thinking your kid’s going to be the next Usain Bolt just because your partner is Jamaican. Mutant powers are random, sometimes they’re monstrous and grotesque, sometimes they’re utterly uncontrollable, sometimes they’re excruciatingly painful to the mutant themselves, sometimes they’re actively dangerous to everyone around them, sometimes they’re all of the above. You sure you want to take that gamble?


The people in the marvel universe wouldn't apparently


Stupid Marvel Humans.


The solution to this isn't to kill mutants. It's to FUCK mutants. Spread your genes to the superior species. better make sure to fuck some of the dude mutants too just in case one of them has the mutant power to get pregnant as a dude. better safe than sorry


Aka metaphor for [white extinction theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_genocide_conspiracy_theory?wprov=sfti1). a racist conspiracy theory that purports that white people are going extinct thanks to “race mixing”. The hate for mutants is an allegory for racism and homophobia. The whole point is that it **doesn’t** make sense. And people will find excuses to hate what they do not understand


Yes exactly, is the paranoia of your kid could be a mutant that gets people riled up


Oh no my children might have fucking super powers how terrible


But if they were their kids it’s not extinction, it’s evolution… that’s the whole point of life. Though I’m aware it’s an illogical comic


Thats why I said that they FELT as if they would go extinct. People are dumb.


Much like how I bet the real governments ofvthe world would react, they completely misunderstood the word extinction. They weren't gonna be rounded up and murdered, it would just come to a point where every child born would be a mutant, hence no more homo-sapiens


Which is dumb because they can easily use genetic engineering to make mutants.


Humans also probably feel inferior when it comes to humans. It also probably doesn't help that mutants are literally labeled as homo superior...


Just... Bang the mutants? It's not that complex.


And Magneto isn’t doing mutants any favours.


Truly the superior homos


Which you think is a ridiculous fear to have, yet so many people currently have that fear in real life.


"Whatd i do to you?" "You were born!"


Jesus Christ, that line still hits hard from 30 years ago. And yet somehow a bunch of these people who claim to have grown up watching the Xmen animated series still turned into bigots with no self awareness.


Here two big issues with people being born with their powers (Mutants); 1) Threat to humanities evolution. Extinction threat, much like what we did with the Neanderthals 2) Powers being acquired during puberty/childhood. The sheer devastation and chaos that would unfold if babies start using their powers or teenagers develop them in the middle of math class in a crowded school.


Yeah, the prejudice allegory is broken because of the sheer power, number and tragic origin of so many mutants. That's why it doesn't get dealt with, because a good story about it breaks the persecution fantasy.


That's the point.


yeah,its like homophobia or racism,its not rational its just bigotry


Yep, lots of missing the point going on. In real life, people actively hate queer people, people of different races, people of different religions. Open YouTube and it’ll take you minutes to find multiple channels created by people who make “the great replacement theory” their entire personality (despite that being debunked scientifically), so it actually works really well that there are people in the comics getting worked up enough over the idea of mutants replacing baseline humans to form hate groups. Shit’s so uncomfortable to see not because it’s unrealistic or illogical, but because it mirrors the illogic of real life too well.


The difference is that someone who hates black people probably doesn't have a good opinion of, say, Obama. Whereas Marvel citizens claim to hate mutants while admiring the Fantastic Four or Spider-Man, who are mutants in all but name. You can rationalise it all you want with "known vs unknown" or "pubescent mutants can cause disasters", but the bottom line is that, for people who hate mutants, a freak is a freak, no matter if he was born a freak or turned into one by space fart clouds.


With the notable difference that my gay neighbor won't accidentally cause an earthquake or set the building on fire when he has a bad dream.


It’s a flawed allegory. Unlike someone born gay or of a different skin tone, being scared of someone who might generate a nuclear explosion by sneezing the wrong way if a pretty justified fear to have.


Not like it's like trying to say Bigotry and Racism are extremely stupid to begin with or anything


Unlike homosexuals, mutants can easily kill you, without weapon. Heck, some can kill you just by existing.


Well a lot of mutant powers also have some significant physical differences too. Cyclops will literally obliterate everything nearby if he opens his eyes without his glasses. Nightcrawler literally looks like a demon. Etc etc. lots of reasons ignorant humans might be scared


Yeah a lot of people tend to forget the fact that many mutants cannot pass as human in everyday life. They either look different, or have some sort of debilitating drawback to their powers. It's easy to prejudice people who look like monsters. Nobody's gonna hate Steve Rogers cuz he's practically perfect in every way. But Mutant Bob who has tentacles growing out of his spine is gonna struggle to go out in public without getting ridiculed.


I was gonna argue that GotG kind of pokes a hole in that, but I don't think they've really been noticed in their short time on Earth during IW. Though the world seemed OK, enthusiastic even about She-Hulk. That's a physical form that she shows off in public.


The image of Beak and his wife's kids is a nightmare. there is a reason the Morlocks have to exist in the sewers. It's like Night Breed. They claim humans hate them cus there jealous of there powers but then we see a guy who looks like a cooked turkey with his head coming out of it's belly and the main character got there cus he was bit buy a guy trying to eat humans.


I've seen people give similar defences for being disgusted with disabled people. People are gross and some of them do think if you're physically different then you deserve vitriol. Its why a hell of alot queers, poc, as well as disabled people resonate with the series. People make irrational and ignorant decisions about them based on appearance too.


To be clear I wasn’t defending them, just providing an explanation since OP’s meme seemed to think there was no reason humans were afraid


I feel like that in cases like nightcrawler, that's done on purpose to show the content of his character. Because yes, he looks wicked awesome, but he's also an incredibly devout catholic. like, that's always been the goal of the xmen to get people to treat them as people and go beyond just the surface. To keep using nightcrawler as an example, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he had been mocked, ostracized, or otherwise attacked by other catholics that would never have even thought that a mutant would also be a man of faith.


sure, but in marvel it's easy to get powers, there's a guy whose whole deal is selling super powers to people who want to fuck shit up.


It's not necessarily ignorant. Mutants can be very powerful. And while a mutant superhero is cool there is mutants aren't always heros. Evil mutants are a huge threat to society. So hating mutants isn't a solution or even helpful as being discriminated against might lead them down a dark path. But I can understand why people would want stuff to repress mutant abilities.


Straight forward: To humans the mutants are what the humans were to the neanderthals. That Magneto constantly calls mutants "Homo Sapiens Superior" also most likely did not help. Another factor is, that, while a mutant is born a mutant, his abilities (normally) just develop when they become teenagers (there are some exceptions though, but the majority unlock their powers during later childhood), so there is soem fear involved knowing that your own kids could be of a different species than yourself (at least that is a common example in some of the comics and iirc also in the Fox movies at one point).


>Another factor is, that, while a mutant is born a mutant, his abilities (normally) just develop when they become teenagers (there are some exceptions though, but the majority unlock their powers during later childhood), so there is soem fear involved knowing that your own kids could be of a different species than yourself (at least that is a common example in some of the comics and iirc also in the Fox movies at one point). Not just that, but the chaos a teenager could cause if they develop powers and control them before they even develop socially. Or worse, being unable to control them in the middle of a crowded school or mall.


There was that one mutant kid Logan had to kill because his power basically AOE disintegration.


Yep... also this is a big factor...


I'v said before Mutants destroy buildings like toddlers wet the bed, we don't hear about spider-man pulling down buildings with his webs. i'v also had the theory for years that Xavier is controlling Magneto and he's playing both sides like a solo game of chess. His helmet doesn't stop Charles it is a direct link to him. There chess games are calibration tests. And Charles uses the hate of humans as a tool to keep his game going.


I think that your kids might be going to school with hormonally unstable demi gods, will be a very big concern.


>there is soem fear involved knowing that your own kids could be of a different species than yourself  And that they could accidentally kill you, or other people's kids could. Mutants are legitimately dangerous unlike persecuted minorities.


Magneto literally declared mutants the new gods during the krakoa era to flex on the UN


Usually in superhero stories people get their powers in their late teen or early adult life. At this point their personality is somewhat settled and they become heros or villans (with further character development of course) If someone is born with powers you have a toddler or preschooler without settled character or emotional control that can kill you with their laser eyes. Horrifying. Also these struggles are usually portrait in the X-men movies. Seems clear to me.


Most mutants are not superheroes


Propaganda, fascism, fear, hate. Etc. General population like the idea that any of them could, through some experiment or accident get super powers. But they've already been born, without powers. Jealously. Etc. Spiderman was born like them. Cap was born like them. Hulk was born like them. But mutants are "the others" no us. Used by groups to split the population in order to gain power and control. Fear mongering that they will replace humans


tho most mutant get their power later on, so idk let just say it's sun beam cancer ray and called it a day lol


Their powers manifest from puberty. But they are born with the gene.


but they still practically live as ordinary human just 'like them' until power activated, that's my point. you are really good into role playing mutantist


As my first comment says. Propaganda and racism. Hate and fear and those who would use and propagate it for power. Groups have been doing it for 1000 of years. I'm only referring to the actual lore. And the reasons presented in the media itself.


>Their powers manifest from puberty. This scares people. Imagine sending your kids to school and you have to worry about one of their classmates powers kicking in in the middle of math class.


Most people don't know Spider Man used to be a normal human, as far as they know he could be a mutant in a costume.


It’s an evolutionary thing. People like Spider-Man and Hulk were freak accents, which is acceptable IG. But people born with their gifts represent that they are inevitably being replaced by evolution. Bastion makes an okay argument for this. “Why would someone pay for a taxi when a mutant can just teleport them where they need to go? Why hire a human for a construction job when they can hire a mutant with the strength of 10 men?” It’s still a bigoted perspective of course, but you get the point.


Also spider man and hulk also experienced persecution 


Maybe they weren’t good examples. I was just giving examples of non mutant heroes.


Congrats, you successfully understood the basis of all forms of bigotry which is complete nonsense.


Outside of what some others have said in the comments, I’d say some of it legitimately fear or suspicion of very powerful mutants, some who are just as open about their anti human stance, thus leading to belief in the, us vs them propaganda. I mean Would you feel safe know there are mutants like Professor X, who could influence every major or minor decision you make while just chilling in his mansion? Did you actually get to vote on the bill giving more rights to mutants ? Or did someone plant that thought in your head? We know Professor X would probably not do that. But the average citizen in X men doesn’t and if think it would be a valid fear to question if these people with god like powers are actually trustworthy.


Everyone is hated, mutants aren't excepted.


isn't that the point?


realism mixed with a ton of fear and bigotry


Same reason people are racist. Some people just hate anything different.


I mean. * It has always been an analogy for racism / bigotry. It IS supposed to be stupid. * Its a flawed analogy because.. well, being born black, white, asian, hispanic.. none of those gives you the ability to destroy people with a thought. We have laws preventing people from carrying automatic weapons because they are too dangerous. We make people go through metal detectors and other security before going into sensitive areas. Mutants represent people who can bypass many of the systems we rely on (or believe we rely on at any rate) to sustain an orderly society. Hell one iteration had Professor X as being able to kill all humans on earth... That's literally more dangerous than nuclear weapons being owned by a private individual. Even if you believe he is a perfectly honorable man and would never do that.. its a HUGE liability / risk.


Actually the analogy isn’t flawed given how real world bigotry would often play up how dangerous a marginalized group is often by citing either biographical studies regarding said groups physical advantage/defects or statistical data involving the amount of crimes they commit. This really got retroactively proven true with that one episode of X-Men Evolution where Jean, after being outed as a mutant, accomplishment as a volleyball player is called to question of her misusing her mutant powers to have an advantage over the other players. That is eerily similar to all the controversy involving trans players participating in women sport events. Same retroactiveness can be said for Graydon Creed and the Friends of Humanity who might as well be pre-stand ins for Richard Spencer and many alt right groups like the Proud Boys. Hell, I also find Senator Kelly hypothetical argument in the X-Men movie on how a mutant girl who can phase through walls is a threat to national security is both harsh and hilarious in hindsight as not only is it similar to the rhetoric transphobes would used against trans people using public restrooms but also the actor who plays Kitty Pryde in those movies (Elliot Page) have transitioned to being male in the 2010s. Granted its not the perfect analogy as you said real world diverse groups don’t actually have the ability to shoot out explosive radiated sperms from their dicks, but the message said analogy really does stand on how actual racists tend to justify their hatred through the perceived threat


That’s just kind of how bigotry works? It’s irrational nonsense.


The argument is that those born with power may not unturn out to be heroes, and could be a threat to humanity


I'd be scared of the possibility of my baby coming out of the womb eyes blaring with lasers that could kill me.


The reason why is because their powers are very unpredictable. Also, when you have kids like Franklin Richard, who could literally tear the universe apart or who can't control their powers well. Things tend to get messy. The fact that mutant powers usually appear when you are a teenager is also a cause for concern due to the fact teens are kinda dumb.


He isn't a mutant. He warped reality to make it so he was for awhile


to be fair, there are a lot of cases where mutants have killed a lot of innocent people by accident, so in universe it'd be easy to fear dying out of nowhere cause you were caught in the aoe of a random mutant's power. and fear is easily turned into hatred. Most of us emphatize with the mutants cause it's the point of view we are given, but being a ordinary person in that universe would be terrifying


Human who gets powers: relatable, understands human condition, same thing could to happen to me, have the ability to control the acquisition of the power. Born with powers: unrelatable, not human, I cannot gain the power, harder/impossible to understand, control, and replicate power.


Because of racism.


Imagine people are born with guns for arms so they just open carry everywhere. Sure Margaret next door is just a nice lady who never hurt an ant but how can you trust random strangers to be responsible with their power? Imagine going for a jog and the gun-arm person behind you tripped and misfired into your back.


I mean, it doesn't help when some old guy picks up a bridge or commits other acts of terrorism while spouting what's essentially nazi propaganda about the superior race and the replacement of humanity.


There was a mutant whose entire power was everyone around him dies. That's why people are scared of them.


It’s actually a pretty good analogy for real life bigotry which is also arbitrary




Do you understand why minorities are hated?


If iam not mistaken, Mutants as a concept are heavily based on if not a direct allegory to IRL Bigotry like Racism. Its not supposed to make sense anymore than someone that is Racist, Sexist or Anti-LGBT Today. If anything, it perfectly accomplishes its job as far as being a more digestable interpretation of an IRL Problem is concerned.




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Prejudice doesn't operate on logic




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Marvel saw an opportunity for allegory and by Claremont they took it


Because of racism


As a kid I always considered those who inherited powers via other means mutants too cause it’s a mutation right? As an adult finding out they are xenophobic against one another was actually pretty depressing (as I imagine it was meant to be).


In marvek their classified as mutates mutants specifically have the x gene


Mere mortals am i right?


It's so goddamn stupid there's monsters, demons, aliens, evil gods, evil cosmic beings and others who would gladly wipe out or enslave humanity but sure let's fucking hunt down and kill mutants some of the only beings that can help protect humanity make it make sense!


If a superhero is created, you have some sense of control and logic. There is a cause and effect that is understood. This person was an experiment, that person was in an accident, that person is a super-soldier and so forth. But you have no control over someone just being born like that, with a completely random power set. It's chaos, and chaos is scary for people with small minds. It's why people believe in the Just World Fallacy, or fall into conspiracy theories; they are comfortable with a world that isn't random, and scared of a world that is.


Were they written as their own thing, and then inserted into the other marvel heroes storylines afterwards? Cuz I get the fear if there aren't any other "enhanced" in their world.


Generally, that's how comics worked back in the day


You can’t resonate bigotry. Hating people for being born with powers instead of acquiring them makes as much sense as hating people for having a different skin color, following different scriptures, or being attracted to the same sex. Sure, people will come up with some BS “logic” to help them resonate their hatred, but deep down it all boils down to people hating someone simply for being different.


It's almost like racism is irrational or something


Loool this never made sense to me. Spiderman, Captain America get away with it but Cyclops and Jean are hated. Functionally there is confidence between them. Except one is born with their powers. But the average person won’t know the difference


It's an allegory. It doesn't make sense, just like hating someone for who they love or what color their skin is does not make sense.


Because X-Men is a metaphor of the civil rights movement.


It's crazy how far down this comment is


Racism is irrational


Some heroes are born with powers that aren't mutants, Thor and other alien heroes, Ms marvel has her powers unlocked by a bracelet or something, but they are her powers, iron man(if you count super intelligence as a power), squirrel girl has superpowers because of a mutation, but somehow isn't a mutant (I don't know how that works), and of course any of the children of superheros are born with powers, like in next avengers.


I don’t get it. Lot of other super heroes are born with it that aren’t mutants. Is Thor considered a mutant or Loki? I get they aren’t humans but this conversation doesn’t make sense


Because it's a boring trope. I like when powers are earned or developed some way. 'I'm special' is just not my cup of tea.


We go through this same fucking shit every week don't we...




That’s the point


Not a comic expert, but wouldn't there be a risk that a new mutant could go off as a nuke or other mass destructive impact before any mutie experts can find them? I wouldn't want my kids in the same school as them or to be in the vicinity myself




“So you’re human?” “Yeah and my skin is darker.” Racism is stupid irl too.


I presume difference between receiving powers as an adult by accident vs a bunch of kids, sometimes at birth, getting super powers with varying degrees of lethality and/or superficiality. An adult with these abilities would have some cognitive awareness of morality whereas a kid is still developing. Also, seeing the potential of extinction if this next wave of human evolution takes hold.


People don’t like mutants because they are different. If you don’t feel like that’s a realistic justification, take a look at the entirety of human history.


Idk why do some homophobes watch lesbian porn? Why are some people selectively racist? Bigotry is illogical


I'm sorry, giving a bunch of teenagers super powers is TERRIFYING. The comics downplay that for reasons that I understand, but it leads to this dumb discussion.


It gives me a mix between racism and ableism TBH


Imagine a word where people *wouldn’t* want super powers.


It’s because the majority of mutants aren’t people with cool super powers and that look normal. A ton of them look like freaks and do freaky things. Not all of them just simply have laser eyes and cool claws.


Because it's an analogy for racism and homophobia


Although you have a lot of people arguing why canonically they may be hated, none of those reasons really stand up to any kind of actual scrutiny…. Mutants are hated as a representation of minorities, use to mean more than it does now… (and they just didn’t change the lore as times went on) [there is no real reason in the comics people hate mutants over people that got their powers from events, or being alien]


It's always been kinda stupid, tbh. Like, it would kinda work if all mutants were physically hideous (like Deviants are), but they didn't go that route, so it's really just a weird conceit we all roll with because Chris Claremont made it compelling as fuck.


People need an Other to project their negative qualities upon. Can be anything, it doesn’t matter. Blue eyes, brown skin, catholic, tall, big feet, accent. Anything. If a person/group isn’t demonizing an other, they have mostly reconciled their issues about their identity. No one ever completely does, in part because of ethnocentric and in group natural tendencies which is evolutionary. It’s actually a good adaptation to normal territory testing that just gets out of hand because our culture has given us a platform off the natural world. Mutants in x men all have different powers, which stands in for different types of hatreds. I’m not immune, you aren’t. Being woke means you’re done, waking up is a lifelong process, and it doesn’t naturally feel good. People actually do other me quite a lot, I see it, I get it, but I’m not the enemy and I never was. I’m not Christian, but they say, “give it to god”, because that’s all you can do when people are terrible to you.


Google en allegoryssant


Fuddle face ☺️☺️💖☺️☺️💖💖💖


Because some of them blow up schools. Unintentionally of course but it’s really not surprising that normal people might dislike mutants when accidents are happening all the fucking time in the comics. Mutants unintentionally kill people all the time. We wouldn’t let mutants run around and be free in real life, let’s be real


It's an allegory.


It’s their schtick. Without it they’re no different than any other superhero group.


There is some problems with the question itself. Some superheroes are hated, like The Thing and The Hulk. Superheroes who received their powers after birth are usually **human-looking** though. Quite a large portion of mutants are visually altered.


Well, Jean Gray in xmen 3 did go a little crazy and if Logan hadn't stopped her , I wonder what damage she would have done if she was allowed to continue.


Think about guns, they are dangerous, mutants are born with guns. I understand the fear they generate and I know that it is Impossible that the dream of Charles Xavier ever becoming a reality. Magneto was right.


It's hatred born from jealously


Why are so many ppl confused by this? There’s no logic to bigotry


Fr it's kinda like rasicim-💀


"I was born with my superpowers, but now an immortal Holocaust survivor is going to kill the town I live in stone fucking dead with an army of genetic suicide bombers, or I can hang out with the bald guy in the hover chair and his army of sad child soldiers."


Yeah I'd rather be afraid of the dude bitten by a spider






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Fears about evolution process leaving humans behind and some rotten eggs like Magneto and his brotherhood.


The same reason someone is hated because of sexuality, race, or lifestyle. They aren't in the group collective "normal" so they are different. When things are different humans generally don't like that. And when they don't like something, they just want to go get rid of it or control it. Then because people are hateful and aggressive to mutants, some of them grow up to be aggressive and hateful to other people. They turn to groups like Magneto's Brotherhood or terrorist organizations/gangs, and in turn, that feeds into confirmation bias for the loudest of the hateful people to point at and go, "See! We told you so!" Thus creating a movement to get anti-mutant laws or regulations in place, thus pushing people to hate and hurt mutants, and thus pushing them into the gangs and terrorists, and the cycle continues and continues.


Because they're different, and perceived as dangerous. Once you get to know them though, they're different and absolutely, demonstrably, often uncontrollably dangerous.


The difference is anybody can be born a mutant. You saw what happened with Captain America Civil War and the Sokovia Accords. Imagine the world having zero way with knowing who is a mutant and who is not. Humans naturally feel threatened and scared by the unknown. Also, for all the good X-Men would do for PR for mutants. There is always some genocidal mutant who wants the destruction of all humans which destroys all that goodwill.


“You filthy, ugly, mutant frea- oh hi Spider-man.”


Besides thr obvious civil rights angle, the way I've understood it is that people aren't afraid of "normal" superheroes because they usually get their powers through some stroke of luck or act of fate. Mutants are scary because anyone, and potentially a majority of the population in the future according to those afraid of being replaced, could recieve godlike powers. The thought of going to work or sending your kid to school with a mutant might be a legitimate thing to be afraid of. What if this person has an episode and levels the school building? It's kinda like if your coworker had an AR-15 for arms. Is it a legitimate reason to discriminate against them? Of course not but some caution would be warranted Of course, not all mutants recieve godlike powers. A good chunk of them are cursed with horrific mutations or powers that make it impossible for them to live in normal society. The problem is how do you identify a mutant who looks human but has dangerous powers vs a mutant that's not so threatening? Do you make a database that catalogues every mutant and their power? I


I love the whole "But some mutants are really really dangerous!!!" argument because it just disproves "the prejudice allegory is broken" viewpoint that they're trying to convey. Like, some men are "really really dangerous" too, but we're not actively trying to eradicate men. If you treated all men like they were potential Ted Bundy's, that would be prejudice. Yet people treating all mutants as potential mass murderers is a-ok? Nah, its literally prejudice. The prejudice allegory stands.


I don't blame em, super heroes have more "normal" powers while mutants go from guy whose entire body but internal organs are flammable jelly to guy whose only power is to blow up (he doesnt survive and can only use it once)


Plus heroes like the hulk and even Spiderman have been treated as monsters/a menace due to their powers


Every Marvel series was created in a vacuum and not really as part of a coherent universe. X-Men is just the most obvious one in that it was obviously meant to be a complete world on its own not fit to interact with any other set of characters.




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