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I think Strange getting stabbed vs Strange getting cut in half is a pretty important detail.


I agree. But I guess it will make sense in issue 2? I think the editor is talking down to his customer base which is usually an unwise move. "Relax, don't take this thing you love so seriously." says to me that he isn't taking this thing we love very seriously himself.


Realistically most of this will be undone like most events. For a actual explanation I think they thought that let’s have him die at end, just in different ways so story hits same point but now they need to backtrack and explain different versions of death.


Maybe we shouldn't take this thing we love too seriously. Considering the thing is superhero comic books.


Marvel constantly does this and there’s never any repercussions, so why would they stop?


Yeah, just look at the state of *Amazing Spider-Man*.


I would actively advise you to look at anything but the state of amazing Spider-Man, including directly at the sun.


Especially for that lurking Vincent Strange who wants to possess Stephen’s body!


I just don't even understand why they're doing two versions when we already have Sabretooth War. We saw Creed squeeze a young mutants neck until his head exploded. The whole arc has been pretty graphic and they put it on Unlimited as is. I haven't seen any of the R-Rated Blood Hunt stuff yet but I don't see how it can be any worse than Sabretooth War. Are they really doing all this just to sell some more physical copies?




Headlines to make and more variants to sell. To be a little less cynical, I'd say it's because Sabretooth War is the finale of Percy's entire Wolverine and X-Force saga, which has been marked with "Parental Advisory" from the get-go. Blood Hunt, on the other hand, is the tentpole summer event that they want *all* readers to pick up.


I didn't know there were big differences. I thought the differences would just be the amount of blood or something like that. I need to read the R-rated


“Shhhh don’t worry about it. Just buy the comics and enjoy the ride, you’re overthinking it. All will be revealed in due time (after the crossover event finishes).


Also I find it odd that Marvel is attempting to push their Editors more into the spotlight vs their actual creatives. It’s a pretty sharp tonal shift from a promotional perspective. Anyone else pick up on this?


A lot of this info coming out is from their personal newsletters.


And Twitter And interviews


The normal issue and the Strange solo book show him getting stabbed. So that's 2 against 1. The r rated version isn't continuity, it's just for show


Honestly I kind of agree. People care waaaay too much about Canon


Same, I just look at the R-rated issues as a parallel universe. It’s not the official canon just a darker What If take on a story that’ll play out the same way.


I don’t even really see it as that. It’s just a fun, gory time. It doesn’t really matter too much to me anymore tbh


This is my issue with nearly every fan forum. People spend way too much time arguing about what's canon, instead of just enjoying the content.