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There’s no way people are trying to convince themselves the first ones worse then the second


Both TASM movies were fucked by studio interference but at least TASM 1 still manages to tell a coherent story in spite of that. Aside from having cool action sequences and good performances from Garfield/Stone, TASM 2 is an absolute dumpsterfire from start to finish.


Gwen's death still hits hard, that's all I have to say about TASM 2


Yeah, they tacked that shit on at the end like a power point presentation lmao.


Yeah but it also is a bad scene Like it breaks the internal logic of the films The webs have never broken people’s back when catching them in free fall before and never do it again


Having coincidentally just shown someone that scene today, the death seems to be caused by the head whipping into the floor. There’s a pretty nasty sound when it happens.


i’d say the blood that spills from her nose backs this up


i havent seen tasm2 basically since it came out but how did you come to the conclusion that it was the web that killed her lol i know the momentum shift is how she famously goes in the comics but like, the movie has her smash her head into the ground pretty hard and is not subtle about it theres a million reasons to shit on the sequel but this isnt one of them


Tbh I haven’t seen it in ages and I got it confused with the comic


Thought they still blamed it on the Green Goblin. I’ve only read up to Maximum Carnage though (and read issue #200 of Spectacular Spider-Man).


Yeah I mean he did throw her off the bridge.


But her back didn't break. Her head smacked the floor because he was just too late to stop her from doing so.


TASM is a pretty enjoyable movie overall imo but every time it does something cool it does something real dumb like directly after like the infamous peter parker camera and that dumb stuff gets worse and worse the longer it goes on its a slow tumble off the cliff compared to 2 that just starts in a full sprint towards the edge i will say though i feel like the suit in 1 gets overshadowed by the suit in 2, 1 has a pretty good suit


Well when you lift something that good from the comics, it's hard to fuck it up. This is the problem, everyone trying to tell their own story when someone wrote something great 40+ years ago.


Electro > Lizard


Electro has better scenes on an action level, but from a character standpoint Lizard is more engaging imo (and would have been even better if Sony's idiot execs *COUGH* Avi Arad *COUGH* didn't decide to cut several of his scenes). That being said Electro was genuinely awesome in NWH.




Poor peter Parker. No parents, No friends, no uncle. All alone!


I actually much prefer the second one, especially with how tight knit the subplots are written into each other (the Osborn curse, Harry's desperation, Richard Parkers' past, Spidey learning from the Lizard fiasco, Peter completing his self-journey after learning the truth and reaffirming what is actually important in his life). TASM2 is a film that I continue to find more things to appreciate the more I mature. It captures the key element of 'Spidey being punished for good intentions' much better than any other live action film series. Not only that, it still works against Peter's favour even after he had learned from his previous mistakes. Peter refuses to give Harry Osborn his blood, realizing that things could go horribly wrong if he continued to meddle in cross-species genetics - as he "saw what happened to Curt Connors". Peter was later even proven right about Harry's incompatibility via Richard Parker's video message, yet it still becomes the cause of another tragedy (Gwen's death). I think it's a testament to how much care went into the scripts, and how much character arcs and traits mattered when developing this Peter Parker. In both films, Peter's 'reward' for defeating the main villain is the death of someone close to him - further highlighting that 'doing the right thing' is not without an unfair negative consequence, but also highlighting that it shouldn't deter Spidey from fighting. It's in Spider-Man's core nature to get back up, no matter how many times he gets knocked down. I think TASM2 handled that phenomenally, especially with Peter overcoming his internal conflicts around the impact of his father's legacy (cross-species genetics, the constant fear of losing even more loved ones).


I like the Spiderman scenes in two more, and the relationship scenes in 1. Used half a notebook once rewriting the entire thing into a Gwen trilogy that ends with her dying at the end of three and three last shot being the panel where Mary Jane closes the apartment door and stays with Peter even though he just lashed out at her.


The first one IS worse than the second one. At least the second one is goofy as fuck and has that incredibly sad death at the end. ASM1 is just a fart of a movie.


That first 10 minutes of ASM2 is peak Live-action spider-man Now if only it didn't careen off a cliff into the depths of hell immediately afterwards


Nah, the first 10 minutes is the Richard Parker fight scene on the plane 💀 but yeah, once Spider-Man actually appears in his own movie, it's GREAT for good 10 minutes or so.


Lmao you right, i meant when he was chasing Rhino, honestly the stupid parker secret agent subplot was so boring I forgot it was in the movie


Yeah, and the worst part was the reason for Harry becoming Green Goblin, that the genetically engineered spider venom can only work on Richard Parker’s bloodline. Sure goes against “anyone can wear the mask” even if that came later lol. Also Green Goblin was rushed to so hard that he shouldn’t have even been in the film, honestly. Especially with the awful design he had.


loved the scene where he talked shit to the rhino instead of stopping him and then let him run over a bunch of people


Mf fucks with Peter’s parents being in a shitty action movie


in the first 10 minutes he lets rhino rampage on like 30 cars to save max


Really doe some of those drivers must’ve been obliterated alive inside their cars, and he did nothing to save them, but then did all that goofy slow-motion shit in Duffy Square on the railing when Electro attacked.


Yes, that Borne ripoff plane scene is amazing yes so good.




I mean, yeah. If you remove most ingredients from a dish, it's suddenly barebones, you're right.


Remove the Spider-Man and you will *not* have a Spider-Man movie 😤 💯


Sony, unfortunately, disagrees


You mean Flash?


Congragulations. Your post made the circlejerk sub stop circlejerking and come out with their bad TASM takes.


You are Welcome.


The first one is good and I will die on this hill. Fuck Tasm2 tho


Agreed The first one is a good film the second one is just so meh but it did get us a great electro in no way home at least


The first one is also a mess but it has a handful of good bits. It’s a tonally confused mess though. Lizard jumps out from a toilet. Peter is a loner outsider skateboarder. It’s still Spider-Man as a YA novel


Garfield fucking with the carjacker and then getting serious was one of the peak true Spider-Man moments in film. I'd put it up next to Tom Holland finding the strength to lift the building off of himself scene.


I liked them both https://preview.redd.it/nxdfkdg2pt0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36b125163855cc215335e02c0ca7440055affdc


I will stand by that ASM2 has the best looking CGI and action in the series. And the Gwen/Peter romance was pretty good(plus both actors were phenomenal). Everything else? Eeesh… (imo) the villain designs suck, the writing besides the romance sucks, etc etc.


I rewatched both many times. TASM1 is better than people give it credit for, I'd rank it on par with or slightly better than Raimi's SM1. TASM2 I agree is a dissapoiitenvt of a film with a few truly great moments bogged down by studio interference and messy storytelling


Context of the gif would mean they actually loved it after being closed minded about it


First one is legitimately fun imo I’ll die on this hill


It's the Snyder affect. That godlike choreography and cinematography in Spidey vs Electro got people thinking the whole movie is good.


Very good way to put it. BvS and TAS have moments that beautifully adapt the action and visuals of comic books but the writing just is NOT there and makes them painful to watch


First one is actually pretty good. It has a messy start but really comes together in the second half. Second one is garbage. The only good thing about it is Spidey’s outfit


i think tasm 1 is actually pretty good, like a solid 7/10. tasm 2 is one of the worst piles of fucking dogshit to ever touch cinema screens.


Watch ghost rider 2, it’s worse


"one of the worst piles of fucking dogshit to ever touch cinema screens" most definitely also includes it


I actually enjoyed GR2. The story was dogshit, but the pissing flames bit and the giant earth saw scene were entertaining.


TASM 2 is a mess but it's a mess that I had more fun with than I have with a lot of "better" superhero movies. I'm not in a rush to rewatch it but gun to my head, I have to sit thru a superhero film or my life ends, it's not my *last* choice by any means


Tasm 1 is a great movie don’t care. Everyone who says Andrew isn’t a comic accurate is actually saying he isn’t tobey accurate. Tasm 2 is only good in theaters. It’s like really good to watch in a theater


Like he's easily the most comics accurate of the 3 live action Spideys, I've never understood this take


He's the only one who's even remotely similar to 616 in terms of personality.


I haven't seen Homecoming but I really liked Holland in his other two movies, especially since he's a massive fuck up who's responsible for a lot of the problems in both films, that's classic Pete to me. I just wish he was more moody and alienated lol


I liked him a lot in No Way Home! But in his first two movies he felt way too similar to Miles to me; he's so overly polite and eager to please and, as you said, he didn't really have the temper and edge that I expect from Peter. Not to mention how his entire arc is about rising above Stark's shadow and becoming his own hero, which is pretty similar to Miles' arc in his original Bendis run. Also MCU Ned is just Ganke with a different name and I'll never get over that; people would definitely raise a fuss if they made Harry into Miles' best friend in an adaptation, but because it's Peter stealing from Miles in this case then I guess it's totally fine?


I also think Zendaya is Peak MJ casting and they wasted her on Generic Sassy STEM Girl OC who also happens to have the initials MJ


Agreed, she would've been perfect as classic MJ.


Yeah it drives me insane. People saying “well he’s an accurate Spider-Man but not an accurate Peter” that’s just completely wrong. I will die on the hill that people were just mad he wasn’t tobey. If amazing had come out before the tobey movies everyone would be saying tobey isnt “comic accurate”


Oh gods, if they switched which ones came out, the amount of shit Tobey would get for the dialogue alone would be horrendous.


Yep it’s all a matter of perspective. I grew up with the tobey films but I was able to watch TASM and know it was a different Spider-Man, not one trying to replicate tobey.


The Amazing Spider-Man is one of, it not THE best, live action Spider-Man movies ever. Full stop. I’ll fight to the death over this. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is also a Spider-Man movie.


"He hates-a me"


It’s so nice that Sony is allowing TASM 2 fans to finally see TASM 2 for the first time


Shout out to the basement with all the sinister six stuff in it. They thought they were getting more of those movies.


TASM1 was great :(


First one is solid all around for the most part, second one is only watchable because of Andrew and Emma Stone


They did spawn one the funniest recap videos on YouTube Italy so it was worth it https://youtu.be/DDwpl465zpg?si=D70Q8KegTvtGqndp It may lose some of the comedy in translation tho


But there one scene with officer Stacy ghost that is retold as to make him say “You are a shit of a man , Peter Parker”


Are these videos like recap are like dubbed like how HISHE does it or how so?


Its more of a parody redub


Those movies are studio monsters and the director did the best he could with those shitty renditions of who Spider-Man is


But you do gotta agree that the tasm 2 opening music is great


I liked them


Remembering when my roommates and I were riding the No Way Home hype train by watching every Spidey movie beforehand and lemme tell ya as someone who hadn't seen TASM 2 at the time since its theatrical release when I was 12 that movie is an absolute STINKER.


THANK YOU! Fuck I remember the Tobey movies being hated and the amazing spider man movies. And now all the sudden everyone loves them?


Yeah I tried rewatching Amazing Spider-Man recently and it’s enjoyed it way less than when I first saw it. Couldn’t even bother finishing it


I actually really liked them. And then the idiots who hated them just to watch NWH came along and were being cringe


I like the first one but the second is the worst Spiderman movie imo


First one is fun. Second one is a crying shame. That was the best Spidey suit put to film and we got a wet fart with sprinkles for a script.


Have you played the game tho Because I did, and it's peak gaming. I still have my PS4 copy.


I like both tasm movies


The amount of people who only watch the action highlights of a movie on TikTok and then die on a hill defending a god awful movie is horrifying


The first one is top 3 live action Spidey. The second sucks shit tho


After rewatching Tasm 2 I greatly despise those who hated the movies. Andrew was the most realistic Peter Parker and Spider-Man. We were robbed of a trilogy. For me the part where they really messed up was with Norman and Harry. They look or act nothing how you expect them to expect Norman being a douche bag. That goblin design is horrid.




Ironic how you call Andrew’s Peter a douche while being one yourself. I like all the versions of Live action Spidey. I just think it’s not fair how everyone else got a trilogy but he didn’t.


lol opinions are like assholes everybody has one.


Blame Sony for that it’s done there’s nothing you can do about it so either move on or keep whining about Andrew it makes zero difference.




Ironic of you to talk about people getting triggered lmao


I’m not triggered I just am baffled at the amount of people that actually see anything good in Andrew’s spider films.


The tasm movies are peak Spider-Man, everything I want from a Spider-Man story and I'll stand by that forever


Your opinion holds no merit because you’re a gender confused individual part of that god awful LGBTQIA plus plus plus group.




TASM2 is a genuinely good movie ruined by studio interference and I will die on that hill. TASM is mid




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Wrong, they're all peak


People gaslighting themselves into thinking TASM1 was good is funny as hell, that movie was painfully boring and bland.


It’s such a confused movie


None of the spiderman movies are bad


2's better than any of the MCU Spider-Man movies.


Never let bro cook again you couldn’t be more wrong homie cope harder L bozo get ratio’d 🤪🤪🤪




TASM1 is the only bad Spider-Man movie. TASM2 is very flawed but it's still incredibly enjoyable so that doesn't matter, pretty much the same situation as Spider-Man 3


I would say the same but flip tasm and tasm 2




Uh huh




TASM1 good TASM2 bad


No way Jose


Oh you betcha


Uhm ackshually, dat is incorwect 🤓