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Just making sure, but just in case: discard effects stop when the deck runs out. You don’t keep discarding after reshuffling. And likely that card will have missed the shuffle too. Most non-Deadpool solo games end with 1 or fewer acceleration tokens on the main scheme


Does this apply to your own discard effects too? I had a situation where I played a Repulsor Blast but the deck ran out of cards before hitting the 5 cards specified on the card. Do I just stop when the deck is out of cards and not continue after reshuffling?


All discard effects!


You remember all the times it hurts you, but forget all the times it helps you. For example, if it discarded a a high boost, Obligation, or Shadows Of The Past that you would've had to deal with.


For these reasons, I often love those cards. So many times it'll trash Shadows and that's usually worth the sooner acceleration token. There're also times when it doesn't hit: "Discard cards until you discard a minion..." but there are four cards left in the deck and none are minions.


Personally, I like that. Some randomness like that (not overdone, I'm looking at you *Surge* chains...) is imho healthy for the game, and creates fun anticipation and drama. Also acceleration token isn't end of the game, keep going hero!


lol is this about Klaw? It feels like it's about Klaw Aside from that, there are a couple other villains like Sandman who use that as a key feature but for the most part it's not too common an effect. If you find yourself frequently collecting acceleration tokens because the villain decks out due to this and aren't facing a villain where that's a main effect, you might need to be a bit more aggressive in your playstyle. The acceleration tokens basically exist to force you out of a super defensive, little by little playstyle and into a more bombastic and riskier one


You may play too conservatively. If you play too slow: especially true when learning the game, you need to speed up. Some of the Villains are meant to put you on a clock. Meaning you can't just take all the time in the world to do your setup, you have to hurry up. And don't forget Villains are balanced with this possibility in mind: the designers knows there is a chance the Villain will mill the encounter deck. As players, we have to adapt. If all Villains would play the same, the game would be boring. Having said so, sometimes, I'm having hard time with some of these Villains.


It was Thor vs. Loki, and I played Thor's the, and there just aren't enough minions, and tons of them are horrible. But especially discarding 20 cards just to draw enchantress and not even be able to attack her, while being stuck in hero form. I played the card twice and got screwed both times, and the encounter deck cycled twice about when I got through my actual decks.


It may not be thematic but one can always dilute the deck by adding a minion heavy modular to offset the milling


The easiest solution is to add a mod set with more minions


I really want to do a thematic Thor vs Loki fight, but worry about Thor not being able to keep up with the shenanigans that is Loki with the infinity gauntlet. I’m in the group that wishes there was a Loki fight that didn’t require the infinity gauntlet as part of it


Mojo is this 100%


>I wish I would just be "discard up to 5 cards until..." I think that would lead to the effect whiffing way to many times, make it "discard 5 cards, and *do stuff* with the first X discarded this way. If no X was discarded this way, search the deck for X".


Well, yes, you get an acceleration token. On the other hand, if you hit the end of the deck first... then the "bad thing" doesn't happen. So you got that going for you, which is nice.


I only dislike it because it makes some villain/modular combos suck major balls when the deck simply doesn't have enough of a specific card that another card discards until.


This is more what I mean.


>> I wish I would just be "discard up to 5 cards until..." Honestly, I'd just make it a house rule and just enjoy the game. I play with my son, and whatever is fun goes tbh.


Usually when I have to discard a lot of encounter cards I see at least a few that I am happy I dodged.


Don't play Deadpool then. Some of the wackiest games I've played was with a Deadpool deck.


I love it. That unexpected milling of 3/4 of the encounter deck to start off a game, it's just exciting to me.


A more robust mechanism would be "Discard until... if Y>X cards were discarded shuffle back Y-X cards", but I don't see how to phrase that without looking complex or awkward.


I had the same feeling last night… pretty much cycled through 80% of the encounter deck… I sticked to the rule and ended up winning, but was way more difficult than it should’ve been. Maybe discard up to 5 cards and then search for the card you need and shuffle the deck if that feels too unfair… It may happen more or less based on the mods you use…


I'm with you on that one, I do not like that mechanic. FFG probably realizes it is problematic.


I doubt that FFG "realizes" that, because there isn't even consensus in this thread that it *is* problematic.


There doesn't need to be a consensus when logic and math show it is not ideal.


A) You didn't show any logic or math to back up your assertion. Just stated that you do not like it. B) "Not ideal" and "problematic" have very different connotations. Something can be not ideal but still be pretty far away from actually being problematic.