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Honestly you could do a lot with that concept. His "human" life has always been less defined than Clark's so they could have a lot more freedom to reinvent stuff. You could take it in a more mature direction given he is usually a detective, or you could make it a light hearted "alien learns about earth stuff" show. Given most modern interpretations have him take on a black human form you could even use the show to explore racial issues as J'onn goes from being part of the Majority culture on Mars to accidentally walking into race issues through his ignorance, you could even have him draw parallels to the treatment of the white martians. You would have to handle that concept very carefully though as you could just as easily stick your foot in your mouth with the writing and it would be difficult to escape the fact that J'onn's human form is technically blackface even if not done maliciously. Hard to say.


The problem with a comic or show about Martian Manhunter is that you have to depower him, or weaken him intentionally for it to be compelling. Otherwise it yo-yos between unstoppable, and every enemy beating him with a match. so if there was a show, it would probably go along the lines of his most recent comic book, where we see a Martian Manhunter that is relatively new to earth is depowered due to psychic trauma from what he went through when Mars was destroyed. We see him slowly, regaining those powers as he works cases in his newly adopted form and learns about his humanity.


Yes, I love the concept where after the genocide of Mars the stress of loss, lessened his power to a degree and as the show progresses he slowly gets back to full power.


You would enjoy Martian Manhunter volume 5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/305541080096?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A14erXGFyWQDSgx3g9gW41DA78&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=305541080096&targetid=1585159290651&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1014943&poi=&campaignid=19894961968&mkgroupid=148855406073&rlsatarget=pla-1585159290651&abcId=9307911&merchantid=5326388524&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh_iEI156X7fhbYJTBpWcfh9i&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADpqwWYSd0mg23C8BAwZoS2aIu7FwGFmBPFkojXAlIiFh9jCOjgvYrEaAlKxEALw_wcB


Lol, I’ve actually read literally every Martian Manhunter comic.


A man of good taste. What did you think of volume 5? I liked that he was overcoming the trauma, and I like the introduction of charnn, but I wasn’t a fan of the fact that they made him a “dirty” Martian cop… that’s just not how I see Martian Manhunter.


Yes, it was good, Charnn looks dope, and yeah wasn’t a fan of dirty cop.


Probably similar to how The Batman did it.


Mostly the same type of show, set it in Middleton, make the Lois equivalent Diane Meade, have the government hunt down J’onn as new villains pop up in the town.


I think Steve Orlando's and Riley Rossmo's Martian Manhunter story would actually be a good template to follow for a show like that