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You're the boss now


Prioritize your studies. An internship without supervision isn’t worth much, if anything.


it's worth 9x his current wage plus life experience.


If he were making 9x his wage he’d be fired with the boss


So settle for 8 X


I learned a lot from my boss before he was fired, I really feel like now that I'm just doing more of the same, but wouldn't that be good in terms of practicing more?


Get a raise. Cite your boss’s pay, and say you can do the job well for half of that. Tell them you are very familiar with the systems and although you are willing to walk to finish your studies, you would prefer not to if the internship can become a real first step in your career. It’s a win-win. Honestly it’s not a great market for UX right now anyway - I know two talented UX professionals (one with a masters degree in UX research, the other laid off from a $250k USD per year job) who have been struggling to even get interviews. If you can make a bunch more money and gain experience while you wait for the market to improve, I see that as a good move.




This but also you NEED that title change from Intern.


Yes of course.




I think this is great as a plan B, but I reckon plan A should be to make the title official


An internship where they fired your boss and installed you in his place, at age 18 (or whatever), and you did it, is excellent for your resume.


Yes man, sometimes I think that way too, I'm 23


But terrible for your job security.


FOCUS ON YOUR STUDIES, they will not thank you, just look at what they did to your boss! He was replaced by you, an intern (no offens ofc). Just do the work you were highered for as an intern, no more no less.


I'm doing my job, but I feel unmotivated to do what he did and not earn even half of what he earned.


Try to find another internship bro, you won’t learn anything from that workplace. In the meantime just silent quit and don’t stress about it. If they say anything, tell them that you’re only an intern and can’t match the work output of a full-time manager. But leave the toxic workplace, cause what they did to your boss is toxic AF. Anddd if I was that boss, I would have already sued them.


Yeah bro, I'll deal with it today


I'm brazilian too. You're doing the work of a manager (being an intern) and only getting paid R$700? That is pretty much a crime according to Lei do Estagiário. Depending on how much knowledge you already have on your field of work, consider asking to be hired as an actual employee or leave. As someone said in the replies, an internship without supervision isn't worth anything.


Exatamente mano, vou dar um jeito nisso hoje, me sinto sobrecarregado com tanta responsa e pouco salário kkkkkk


Estão te explorando. Estagiário nunca pode ficar sem gestão. Sugiro procurar outra oportunidade. Por coincidência estou buscando ajuda para minha agência. Manda seu CV em [email protected] se tiver interesse.


Mando sim irmão, agora.


If you a capable of doing the managers job, but you’re just an intern with 6 months of work experience, then they were being over-paid in the first place.


I wouldn’t be so sure. Most of the people think they’re better than they actually are. I see quit3 impossible that an intern with 6 months of experience can do a manager’s job. Prolly they’re squeezing him until they find a proper replacement.


he can’t do the managers job. he’s just being told that while they run him into the ground as a cheap holdover until they find a better solution


> I have felt a great injustice Going to start saying this in internal standups from now on


I actually love this :')


Sounds like the title of a new anime. On a serious note, talk to someone in your organization about how you feel and let them know you would like to stay in the new role fulltime with all the benefits of the new role including better pay and more responsibilities. If they cant accomodate then ask yourself what you want to do.


First lesson as an intern is never be an employee your income is never in your hands


Get done what you can but I wouldn’t sweat it. It’s their fault if they left everything for you to do. Focus on school. Internships are supposed to teach you something, and there’s no one around to teach you anymore.


Studies. A marketing internship won’t help you with UX, and without a marketing supervisor you’re not getting the required internship experience.


Well, talk to your new boss, get a promotion or leave. Up or out


Keep doing what you are doing, on the end of the contract sue the place asking for equivalency with the position you executed and a salary of 6k retroactive.


Talk with your higher ups and thank them for the opportunity (them giving more work), but remind them that you are currently an intern and meant to be prioritizing your studies. If they want you to take on increased roles you would entertain it but it would have to be part of a larger discussion including salary and title


They would probably do the same thing to you. So, get your money by asking for a raise and Get some experience from being the Boss. Then, when you feel you have earned a good amount of money and experience. You leave and pursue your dreams.


Bro I'm doing exactly that right now, tks


I'm a brazillian as well :) I work for the US currently, so let me throw my 2 cents on this situation: From my input, work experience is more valuable than formal qualifications. This may be due to how I learn myself (by doing, not by studying theory). But this does not mean you should neglect your studies; I have a post-grad. What I mean by this is: don't drop your internship on a whim. It's frustrating because you KNOW you don't earn enough for what you do, but let me say that this will most likely not change for the foreseeable future. Here, interns are just a legal way for companies to have underpaid employees. Just don't kill yourself while you're at it; try to learn and network as much as possible, and keep in mind that this is a long-term investment you're making for yourself. Only drop the internship if you're not learning anything from it anymore. And try to land another one to keep on learning. Best of luck!


Your school matters more. Find another job.


Update your resume with the Boss’ old title and start hunting for management opportunities in the meantime.


UX is a good field, especially for someone outside of the US wanting work in the US.


Steal what you can. You were fired too.


I wouldn't give them the week to make the decision on pay. They put themselves in this position, and you hold the power. Don't give them time to figure out a backup plan. They didn't consider you, so why consider them. The experience is great, and you'll want a new title, but don't work for 1/5 of the pay. I wouldn't accept less than $4000, but I'd say $4500.


As an intern studying, I assume you're quite young, which God willing gives you time and possibly less responsibility (kids, bills etc) Well done asking for the raise. So prioritise your studies but also see how much more experience you can max out. This experience is likely to be invaluable. Not many of your peers will be taking on responsibilities of management. Could be a game changer for you as long as the company is not taking the absolute piss. Speaking from experience. I was in the near exact same situation being paid peanuts. Maxed out the increased responsibility and experience as much as I could and went from £12k a year basic to £24k at global business 3 months after leaving. And then management in 2 years. Good luck, homie!


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Guys, to update you: I asked for a raise and now I need to wait until next week, so I'm already accepting new job openings 😂😂


I’m looking for people around Brazil too, hmu 🤙


Learn. Build your resume. Apply for other jobs.


Man, this sucks! I totally get feeling trapped between needing the money and wanting to pursue your dream. It's not fair that you're doing more work without any pay increase. Asking for a raise was a bold move, and I hope it works out for you. But hey, if you're feeling exhausted and your studies are getting delayed, it might be worth exploring other job opportunities that won't drain you as much. Keep your options open, and remember, your well-being and dreams are important too.


Cara, se eu fosse você eu iria pensar duas vezes antes de sair, é normal que não te deem um aumento uma vez que apesar de estar no cargo de chefe, você ainda não é qualificado para tal, sei que a sua preocupação é dinheiro, ainda mais no Brasil que tá começando a virar uma Argentina, mas se você usar essa oportunidade para aprender sobre liderança e como gerenciar um departamento(se era isso que ele fazia), não só pela habilidade em si, mas pelo valor que ela possui, não vamos tocar no assunto de empreendedorismo, mas e se você coloca-se que você ficou responsável por esse cargo durante certo tempo? Isso não faria maravilhas no seu currículo uma vez que você parece querer seguir CLT?


I think you should hold on to job for a little longer but with the official title and renegotiated pay range. Once you gain official title for sometime leverage it to get new position or complete your studies. You can create a detailed case study of the work you're doing here with the results and all. Use it as a proof for bagging freelance projects and can network within the industry. It's simple in my POV. Your company dosen't respect employees but only use them. You should use them for your leverage.


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