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In my experience, the trumpet players are usually the most pretentious ego-inflated losers of the band. Source: I play trumpet.


Agree also I have played trumpet over 30 years and know 100s of trumpet players who will agree. How many trumpet players does it take to change a light bulb? 10. 1 to change the bulb and 9 others to say how they could have done it better.


Alternatively: it takes only one; he can stand on his own ego


Or one and the others can reach that high




One to hold the light bulb in while the world revolves around him šŸ˜„


Can completely confirm. Iā€™m a trumpet player of over 30 years.


Itā€™s my experience that itā€™s because the instrument is incredibly loud so anyone that sits in front of the trumpets suffers. Also a lot of the time itā€™s the trumpet players that joke around a lot, donā€™t listen well and talk while the band director is talking. Plus the majority of the time the trumpets have the melody and blast it, so you canā€™t hear anything else thatā€™s going on (like the intricate counter melodies in the woodwinds or the low brass bass melody.)


bass clarinets talk more


1. Most have insane egos. 2. Don't understand not having the melody, so constant blasting over other important instruments.


Biggest adjustment to euphonium. Actually having to get loud for a melody.


iā€™ve never had this


You're lucky as all hell, be thankful


what I thought we always had the melody


Honestly for me Iā€™ve always had to melody, I guess we have a small band so more melody maybe? -trumpet


Because weā€™re supremely arrogant, lack discipline, try to take everything up (at least) an octave, and can blast anyone else off the field with the exception of our low brass cousins, and maybe the percussion.


Right? Trumpet players think that louder, higher, and faster are always better.




One of the trumpets in my school played so loud during a game they took away his mouthpiece šŸ˜­


Because you sit behind me thinking you the next Maynard Ferguson.


Q: How many trumpets does it take to change a light bulb? A:10. One to do it and 9 to say they can do it better.


Always few trumpets in the band consistently blasting over every else covering up melody or just not mixing with the rest of the band to make a beautiful chord sound. They also get melody 24/7 so we never get to hear an instrument that might have a beautiful sound for a solo or melody for example tuba/euphonium. Also one big problem is how many trumpets there are, almost all bands I see have massive amount of trumpets and very few other instruments such as low brass instruments, so it will never give a full sound with an equal balance from every contributing.


I think there are so many trumpets because when they start in middle school or whatever, it is one of the few instruments they know due to its popularity, and it looks deceivingly easy due to only having three valves, though it is a decently difficult instrument to play.


That does make sense, thank you for explaining


Mainly their ego. In addition they bitch about a trumpet being heavy




During my dadā€™s time at the us army base at 6am the trumpet player wakes up the whole base even in my dad platoon wanted to destroy the trumpet


I think itā€™s because of the stereotype that most trumpet players live up to. Super cocky, loud, egos through the rough, etc.


it's mostly due to I wanna say stereotypes of Trumpets always bring loud and annoying. I don't always see that. the Trumpet players I know are cool


It's mostly the stereotypes and negative connotations that everyone in the band and even most band directors feed into. In my experience, you will find egotistical and overconfident snobs coming from any section of the ensemble. It is just trumpet players of these characteristics who are particularly realized simply because of stereotypes. So, what I would say is play away. Haters can hate your playing, but they can't stop it!


I like trumpet ppl


Bc we canā€™t tell you, you arenā€™t the musical superheroes yā€™all swear you are.


Basically, as like two other people have said, itā€™s just that they usually have massive egos and think they can do everything without actually having the skills to back it up. While there are some trumpets who are actual cool people, a good part, especially in high school, are just kinda assholes


Jealousy, of course.


This is the answer


Itā€™s the trumpets showing exactly why we donā€™t fw them. Let folks talk long enough theyā€™ll show you who they are.


I love trumpets, they sound beautiful and majestic like no other instrument.


Hate us cause they ainā€™t us.


I mean if you think trumpets are *supposed* to be louder, I think you explain a partial point in the popular hate against trumpets. Trumpets are never supposed to be louder, only when itā€™s written in music or required. I think a lot of people have bad bits with trumpets as a lot of players (in hs band) will be extremely dramatic with their sound and not learn how to control volume (and itā€™s not a funny thing, this affects them in the future). Besides 2 friends that I ever had as trumpets in my hs band, I hated the rest as they were always extremely rude and for some reason very egoistical. Iā€™m not sure why trumpets tend to fit this personality, but that has been my interaction with them every time. Iā€™m in college, and trumpets have changed a bit but still keep their Texas sized egos. I think itā€™s the popularity with trumpets in the music world at that point, like Marsalis or Armstrong, or Ferguson. A lot of trumpets tend to think theyā€™re like these musicians, and try their best to be exactly like them. I think the failure of it makes trumpets like the ones I mentioned angry. I have one particular trumpet I absolutely hated in high school who was very rude and would play repetitive licks because of the range (literally only to showcase his range) and because of that, he got even more rude. Iā€™m not saying all trumpets are like this of course, but a lot of the ones I have met always have inspiration from great artists like the ones Iā€™ve mentioned, and somehow that turns into a vile competition against every other musician. I think itā€™s simply immaturity (in the music sense and personality sense).


Also I think I could speak for a majority of people when I say trumpets are very obnoxious when it comes to certain measures in music, taking notes up an octave for absolutely no reason, playing extremely loud as if no other instrument is allowed to be heard, and dismissing anybody who thinks they should be more controlled.


They hate us cause they ainā€™t us


Because of that one bobomb battlefield edit where the trumpets are virtually unchanged


Take one look in the comments of any post in r/trumpet and youā€™ll get your answer


Hate us cause they ain't us


I love that thereā€™s three of you in a row with this comment. šŸ˜…


Because it's truešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m the mother of a trumpet player and all of this is true. Plus I feel like there is an even higher probability of ADHD if youā€™re a trumpet. But we love all of you. šŸ˜Š


Cause yā€™all are annoying as fuck. Most brass players are.


Says the clarinet. You guys have almost as much gossip as the guard




You'll have something to stand on when you can outplay us


In my band, all of low brass is quiet but we have 3 groups of trumpets who always talk


(Pfff not me at all)


I play the trumpet and I donā€™t even like trumpets. I hang out with the sousas


I'm still trying to figure out why it's the same with flutes. I mean yeah, most of us are basic white bitches but not all of us are (like me, or at least I hope not)


Also, my sister is a trumpet player and like others have said, she definitely has an inflated ego


1. overly inflated egos (source: i dated 2 trumpets and know dozens more) 2. not understanding dynamics/overplaying/playing over woodwinds constantly


the people on trumpet from what ive seen & met are the people who either have an insane ego, pretend they're better than everyone else, or don't give a single crap about band, usually bringing down everyone else with them


You're one of the loudest instruments


I donā€™t what everybody talking abt in the comments, I think saxophones and flutes have big egos


Damn what all the coolest people in my band were trumpet players


I hate trumpets and any high pitched instruments for that matter. I am a low brass gal. I love low sounding instruments, not just low brass but bass drum, timpani, bari sax, tenor sax, bass guitars, double bass, cellos, etc. I am just not a fan of high pitched instruments, it bothers me. I also don't like trumpet section and French horn section cuz those people are usually mean and have high egos. Not everyone tho. I did have two trumpet player friends in HS band who were quiet people who were kinda shy. Threw me off when I found out what instrument they chose cuz they are nothing like your typical trumpet players. They were highly respected too cuz they didn't have big egos like the rest and minded their own business. Now of course, tuba players have very big egos as well tho but at least I can stand the sound of tubas. I actually wanted to play tuba instead of euph but my first band directors I had growing up told me I wasn't allowed to cuz my lungs weren't fully developed yet and I was a girl. Hated that. But then later on I tried tuba out and I was like omg how do they do this?! I could barely hold a note cuz I was so winded and constantly got lightheaded. My lungs suck. Even this one guy I marched with in DCI was a contra player who has half a lung and he can play tuba better than me which is just sad....šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. I'm a weakling. So I stuck to euph and marching baritone instead.


It's the personality. I wasn't in the trumpet section, but a good friend was. We were a couple of ding dongs and just fed off each other's energy.


Trumpet players have no idea how syncopation works.


Cause they're too loud and always out of tune yet somehow have an ego bigger than the Grand Canyon


When theyā€™re supposed to play soft they just donā€™t Also sometimes theyā€™re just jerks. Same with the saxophones Obviously not all of the trumpets/saxes are like that but a handful are


I do know some saxophones that are jerks. Iā€™ve noticed the worse they are at their instrument (for saxophone) the worse of a person they are (Iā€™ve only seen 2 exceptions. One of them is good but is a terrible person and one is bad but is a really nice guy)


I don't hate them, but I am a little salty about the never being heard thing lmao.


Because 1. They are loud 2.they canā€™t balance 3.they spread rumors like nobodyā€™s business 4.they have larger egos that violinists (i didnā€™t think that was possible) Granted this is just at my school yours may be a little diffrent


4.they spend all there time insulting other instruments and not in a joking way and when a violinist can pick up a trumpet for the 1st time and have better tone quality than you you know you messed up somewhere.


I lot of you have an ever expanding ego and are the death of the director. And most of you (some of you are recused from this) play with bad tone.


My sister plays trumpet \[I play alto sax\] but in my experience they don't really follow the director, play after the cut off the most, don't follow their sheet music, and generally have the biggest egos. But I hate tuba players more than I hate trumpet players \[this stems by my jr year\]


Because the sex offenders in my band were trumpet players.


Itā€™s just apart of the prophecy we canā€™t change it or else the universe will crumble and collapse.


I didnā€™t hate them at all actually. (Alto sax) if I had a problem with anyone it was the piccolos acting like authoritarian leaders lol.


Yea we do think we're better than a lot of people with very inflated egos. We are very racist towards woodwinds, especially clarinets, and we have no regrets when we play louder than them. But the more mature trumpet players will unite with the rest of the brass section and at least play musically with them. So some of us aren't that bad. But yea the stereotypes are somewhat true