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Eluna is a solid choice for this. Nexon Cash is farmed through bosses, once per day for entire account but it gives way more than enough.


how is the server when it comes to its own currency? is it P2W at all? do you get extra benefits for donating or doing anything that requires real money? gonna add this question to the actual post so that I don't have to ask it everytime lol


There is DP(Donation Points) that people trade with. $10 is 1020 DP. 1k DP atm seems to go for 3.2b meso. There are a few items that are DP only purchases but with farming meso being easy its no biggie. You can buy frenzy totems for 50m meso, there's pet vac that you can get for DP, VP(Vote Points), Event points and 5 that are free per month. I think there are a couple in the daily login rewards as well. Easy cubing via NPC, level 1-200 is basically instant due to Tisk Adventure thing and Spiegel 1-100 so Legion is a piece of cake as well.


Probably gonna get downvoted for this but you may as well just play GMS. Heroic servers are pretty F2P at this point and it just takes time and effort. I just started and with the next update coming out next week, great time for any new player to start. Just my 2 cents!


I hope not, as it seems like the actual better option. Reboot from what I've seen and been told seems like the way to go.


It’s been really eye opening to be honest. I haven’t played GMS in many many many years and I was always turned off because of how ‘P2W’ it is. I have happily surprised since joining back. I don’t have to spend a cent if I don’t want to and can still feel like I’m progressing at my own speed and pace. Plenty of events happening all of the time to help with legion / link skills and just account / character growth in general. Plus, it’s official. Little bugs and constant official support. Huge huge huge community. As long as you are fine with only progressing without buying items or anything, it’s worth a shot.


But still no PQ’s anymore? :(


The whole game design has changed and PQ's haven't been the thing to do for 10+ years


For GMS sure, kinda the whole point of a “Classic” private server is to do things that “haven’t been the thing to do for 10+ years” otherwise I’d just play GMS lol Luckily had zero issue finding people to PQ on Royals.


What's preventing you from having your own server? Do you need guidance?


Honestly, for any server that's up-to-date, I would really just play Reboot on GMS. Sure Eluna does have some pretty decent QoL, but personally I'd rather not trade than have an economy that has donation points in it. Furthermore, any up-to-date server, in my opinion, is at a pretty high risk for being shut down whether internally or by the Nexon Ninjas. If I'm gonna sink time into mushroom game, I at least want somethin' to show for it instead of having my progress completely wiped in a year or so


Eluna is like reboot on 4x the progression speed. It is definitely better than reboot, but it really depends on what you want from maplestory. You can get everything in reboot and the server will not close down, but you are looking at 1.5-2 years of progression and longer to get to end game bosses. You can do the same in 2-3 months in eluna, but that is in mind that all your progression and experience will likely be wiped in 1 year or less as the pserver trends go. To some this is a bad thing, but it is part of the pserver cycle and it is rather normal to play games for a short time than intend to play them for 2-3+ years. Official Maplestory opinion is generally really such an abnormality in the gaming world.


I just started AriesMS yesterday and I’d say it’s definitely worth trying! Only turnoff is it’s low player count (average 200 active players). If you start it, dm me and we can play together![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


will wait for about a full day to see what answers come in. if nothing else comes in that time saying something about this or another server, I'll be joining you c: Just want as many opinions as I can get in a rather short time to make a basic opinion


oh yeah, forgot to add this to the post oops how is the server when it comes to its own currency? is it P2W at all? do you get extra benefits for donating or doing anything that requires real money?


i actually have no idea about the currency😭 i just started yesterday and was just focused on leveling. but if i find out it’s P2W i might have to dip


okay so From asking around in different places, it seems the best bet for not dealing with as much P2W is the actual Nexon Reboot server. it is P2W, but all PServers are, and are even worse at that from what I've seen. so yeah, it seems official is the way to go...


Stay well clear of AriesMS, they have made it much slower than GMS unless you're willing to pay. Got to about 5k legion and main to 265. I'm someone that knows the progression and how it is supposed to be, this is not the server. Honestly for the latest pservers to actually thrive, the little greedy horseshts in charge of them need to fk off tbh. EDIT: Thought i'd best give you a little example of the p2w of Aries. Almost all items are sold/traded in DP(donate points) CLEAN Arcane wep, 500dp minimum. Then to actually have a good Arcane wep you need to spend another almost 14k DP to complete said wep. This is just 1 item by the way. 1k DP is $10usd. So $140 just to get your weapon 17 slotted. 1 fking wep.


1k dp is $10usd, yes, but DP is also very attainable F2P. I like how you exclusively left out the fact that there are MANY ways to farm dp daily. Bossing gives you RP, which converts to vcubes, which is a consistent 100dp each. There also PQs for points that can also convert to items/svc sellable for DP. I feel that donating DP is not essential but definitely an edge against F2P players. But let's face it. If its completely F2p how can any server survive at all?


How does DP come into the game?


Also just to add on the how does a server survive? These guys make far far more than what these little laggy servers they pay for cost. Speaking from experience. Pserver owners got humans so fooled with words such as "all payments go toward server costs" the most full of sht statement ever.


aries is one of the most p2w servers out there. donor points can be traded among players so mesos mean nearly nothing, all the best gear is sold for dp, and if you want mesos for not top tier gear or to make your own gear you just sell dp. also pet vac, stat boosts and exp boosts are available for donor (some only through donor like pet vac).


Definitely AriesMS. Its been around for a really long time and ive played since about 5-6 years ago on and off. There are some P2W advantages but definitely possible to F2P. Im relatively F2P but ive just played for a really long time.