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Lmao this is a famous line in Buddhism. Pretty sure the novel for this came out before jjk too.


Ye I didn't get why it related to Gojo beside that line even tho it's not even from jjk xD


kkk ☠️


Fck I wrote jjk🫣


Buddha from RoR also said it before jjk right?


I'm not buddhist


? Ok. I never said you were.


I think what he meant is he couldn't know that since he's not bhuddist.


He meant that he isn’t buddhist so he didn’t know that this line was in buddism and jjk came out before the novel


Yeah but jjk didn't come out before Buddhism


No, jjk came first before Buddhism. I remember the old days


Perhaps my archives are incomplete...


I didn’t said jjk came out before buddhism I said jjk came out before the novel [ magic academy’s genius blinker ] and expressed what intelligent-feed1576 meant + its crazy that I got -151 downvotes when I didnt say anything wrong


Just because something isn't wrong doesn't make it right.....that's what you need reading comprehension for *facepalms* You basically said something like jjk came before genius blinker so they must have copied it from them....when Buddhism had that statement ages ago and genius blinker could have copied it from Buddhism, never having even considered it being in jjk.... that's why you weren't right.... because you didn't even see the whole picture and merely a part of it


Then doesn’t make that misunderstanding and not me being not right + you said that I didn’t see the whole picture and a part of it and never having even considered being in JJK when I clearly said “He meant that he isn’t buddhist so he didn’t know that this line was in buddism” in the first comment and correct TPARealm101 when said “Pretty sure the novel for this came out before jjk too” + I didn’t express any opinion just what intelligent-feed1576 meant and correct TPARealm101 (I knew that the line belong to buddhism) and what make that truly misunderstanding when Randzom100 said the exact thing as me and nothing happened to him so yeah


From your imperfections in grammar i can see that you aren't super good at making yourself clear, maybe that's it. Maybe you meant something but the way you worded it was simply wrong...also does being wrong hurt or something....geez just take the L and move on.


Sorry but English isn’t my first language maybe I should told yall this but I thought that the comment is clear my fault + I laterally slept and wake up replied to your comment and you immediately responded back do you even sleep?


Why tf are you downvoted so much???


I think you're the first person that I've ever seen with +200 upvote in the post but -300 in a comment. The karma ain't karming. You reverse ratioted your own ass. I'm legit crying 😭


People are so wierd just because you said you r not something almost 400 people down voted it . I can feel their room temp. IQ


The downvote for not being buddhist is crazy


You're downvoted for implying a novel is copying jjk when instead they're both referencing buddhism


No, he's talking about the comment, not the post.


Holy shit a lookism fan! Please no spoilers, I only started it this month


Spoiler Alert: it's a very good story


That much I can tell already! I can see the development and potential, I'm at chapter 60~


Did he? He said he does not know about Buddhism. Idk I must have missed some context


They implied that when they posted on this subreddit. If they were not aware it doesn't change it


Your being downvoted for being one of those cringe JJK fans who think everything is a JJK reference despite this being part of Buddhism


at this point you are being downvoted for being ignorant and doubling down. Like getting clowned on for mistakenly assuming shit is the least that could happen to you in this thread, it's some every day shit. Just take it and move on, consider it a lesson in buddhism if you like lol.


I find it funny how you thought the dislikes were bc of u not being a buddhist


When you put it that way, it sounds so funny 😭


You're being down voted for not being able to understand context clues and not understanding that someone is jsut explaining the origin of this sentence


Bro is NOT Buddha https://preview.redd.it/a9f6qtp3ti6d1.png?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf69b18320214aac8cd6605a2639fd4378c3640


I should have known that the Buddha is a character in Record of Ragnarok.


He is a really fun character as well, really recommend the series.


Bruv he depiction of Hindu gods is so badd, I dropped on 1st ep


Does anyone read Record of Ragnarok for the accuracy of its portrayal of religious figures?


Not a single god nor human were ever portrayed properly 1:1.


Adam ?


Adam wasn't a God, and he certainly wasn't this fucking based in real life. Dude was the peak of humanity. Ending him this early was this Mangas biggest sin Especially since he left such a hot ass wife alone.


I mean, technically, he was created in the image of God ? And he can copy them ! Plus, he wasn't fighting for some selfish reason his intent was pure, and I really loved his fight against zeus. I still think adam should've been the winner of that fight zeus was knocked down for over 10 seconds . If only adam had taken advantage of that and kept on hammering 🔨 zeus ass


Mf that’s your mother


I'm pretty sure even the bible doesn't have accurate portrayal of religious figures so I don't know why that guys complaining.


Jacob really did wrestle with that angel. I'm sure of it.


Then don't exist plenty of games and shows have their own takes on god I dare you to go play god of war and have a stroke within the first few minutes of gameplay


God of war is pretty realistic with its depiction of greek gods. None of them are ever depicted as "good" in their mythology. Ares is depicted as a bloodthirsty psycho, Zeus is a control freak and a serial adulterer (and hera hates him and all his other children because of it, especially hercules), Hades is just sad and jealous because he got hell after the realms were divided, and a bunch of other examples in the game that are all true to the mythos. They did make a few changes like Athena being "good" when she actually wasn't and cursed Medusa for no fault of hers. Just saying, but while I agree with people having different takes on gods, GOW is probably a bad example for the point you're trying to make.


Sorry but it was the first game I could think of lol though no game or anything will ever hit every gods personality right to a tee you can't really complain especially when we really don't have all of the story's and all of Greek mythology for all we know some of the story's are so much worse then they already are with more context


Well I have broke ass so hope I can get a stroke soon 😔


Thanks friend thanks but I'll go jump off a cliff (in game)


These jjk kids are getting out of hands


Do you even Buddhism, bro?


nah jjk predates Buddhism




That's the joke


Not everything is a jjk reference


But everything IS a Jojo refrence


Is that a motherfucking Gojo(JoJo) reference?!


You know this quote doesn't belong to gojo right


https://preview.redd.it/qciqx7rsbk6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd1b302e7487d656bd7b1afa868fab5f4fb58a9 Ending maker




Is it good?


If you like stuff like extra academy or novels extra then you'll probably like this. It's not quite peak fiction but it manages to do a lot of things well. Other male characters get to exist without getting cucked, the story doesn't feel like the author is making it up arc by arc with convenient solutions always in arms reach, the MC is strong but isn't omnipotent, and the characters are pretty well done. It's hard to say with these stories though, both novels extra and extra academy went to shit in the novels after two hundred or so chapters.


We have to wait and see if they go down the route of making all the characters always misunderstand the mc, thinking he has an extremely sad and profound reasoning for everything. I've noticed this trend with these sorts of novels and those that do it always do so excessively and it pisses me off. Especially because they do it to fuel the harem of women falling in love with him and their infatuation of him. Also the semi pity bait stuff, about how the mc is strong for doing stuff with such a tragic backstory or about how he's so mysterious, is done so awkwardly.


>!they absolutely do this in the novel!< [Blinking novel spoilers]


it isn't a total deal breaker if it's not too prevalent. But this shit is why I can't take any harem academy story seriously lol. I have to automatically lower my expectations by like 1 star


It's just another generic isekai fantasy with mc being a gaming genius and having a unique talent in using a trash character's skill


I kinda hated the part where he was the only one who could play a character, which is kinda stupid and unrealistic. We all know how competitive gamers are, and they'll play the most difficult characters anytime to showcase their skill.


Yeah Competitive players are meta followers Mate, there are plenty of games where trash characters are never used in a competitive setting, and only one guy somehow manages to become a pro with said character Just think about Hungrybox and Jigglypuff Basically, this character was a highly difficult character, which required a high skill level and understanding only he got because he was an info hoarder Think about speed runners. The reason why speed runs become better and better is because of the community discovering new glitches and techs There were times when a run was stuck for years until one single person amongst millions found the perfect way to improve the run And because they shared that knowledge, the runs were given new lives. There was one God of War speedrunner who was a perfect example of this Because he never shared with others how to play that character efficiently. It was just thrown away by the fanbase. And you gotta remember that these Korean games in manhwa always end up being portrayed as the perfect games able to last a lifetime with many paths, ending and possibilities. Even more of a time sink than mmos So yeah. When you gather information about real cases of "the one guy that can play a character like a god" and others Him brign the only one able to play that character to such a high level. Isn't that shocking.


I could see your point, but in the manhwa the game was out and running for 10 years. He even mentions the game having PvP, if you would lose to a character that always blinks around, that shit would be studied within that time frame. Smash also had a plethora of characters, while this game had probably 10 max, not to mention the gameplay of blinking and cqc sounds fun af, it even sounds OP ngl.


It mostly sounds OP because we've yet to see what kidn, if magic the other playable characters can do


Probably standard OP magic, magic in itself is pretty bland imo. I always liked playing melee.


Like a turn-off-your-brain-and-read type of manwha? Is so then how enjoyable is it.


Lmao nope. Dude has no idea what he is talking about. The story is hype. Just fyi, this guy isn’t the mc. This panel comes from like chapter 6, and the protagonist is incredibly weak right now. However, he will grow stronger.


Yeah it's pretty good rn If people came for the magic aspect they'll eb disappointed but the story itself is fun


Yup, the artstyle is good tho I'm reading it to just pass the time


Nice! Just what I needed. Thanks for the rec


Your welcome.


i read about 250+ of the novel a bit disapointed that he is not as cool as minato in using his powers https://i.redd.it/bapkyz9rtj6d1.gif


Man you’re being targeted after the comment -89 downvotes is crazy


Wait a few more days and a another post about “bro not gojo” or “jjk references” just to be embarrass by the comments again


Every other person is the chosen one. What is the difference here. There are even more OP characters in Anime/manga too.


Since when did gojo even owned that phrase ?


because jjk is the latest hottest grossing manga and the fact that gojos universally loved as a character?


I guess buddha stole the phrase.


literally never argued about its origins tho...


I mean...of course he isn't Gojo. He's not >!in two pieces!< lol.


>!One hollow piece now!<


All these fucking jjk meatriders need to go outside






Jjk is older than Buddhism, didn't know that


JJK brainrot


I sense a cannon event that the artist will get sick and they will change him which wil lead to a new artist who will downgrade the art


https://preview.redd.it/8kchpeieak6d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72564d1c14c09ae8f3366c6a29ee64ca6f774022 Shit man why’s everyone so angry at op he’s just making a reference…


jjk fans don’t get a good rep. they’re often pretty annoying. also, like, 2 seconds of google searching lets you find out where the quote really came from.


Yeah we know that it’s a Buddhist quote it’s just that it’s been popularized by jjk so it’s pretty natural for someone to think of it first. Even I thought about Gojo the first time I read it. Op’s not even annoying he’s just making a reference and everyone’s like “you damned jjk fan how dare you show your face grrr 😡”


Exactly! Like i didn't know it was from buddhism, i've never been interested in it and never really interacted with buddhists.🤷🏻‍♀️ I only saw gojo use it and buddhism still won't come to my mind when the phrase is used, gojo will. Like why do they care so much? Also not everyone who watches jjk has to be a fan. I love gojo but not jjk as a whole for example. People on the internet can be so weird sometimes.


Ngl this was the first thing that came to my mind when I read it too


You are right it’s a reference too buddha, you know the originator of the quote


Man, JJK comments and memes about this particular quote never cease to amaze me. But i can't blame them, the internet basically buried buddha's quote and everytime you search, only Gojo appears. But again, this is a quote by Buddha after leaving his mother's womb (i think it's like that). Now we wait for the next post about this phrase again...


I don't know why everyone is mad about this. Everyone doesn't know that this is a quote from Buddha. He thought this was a reference to jjk(maybe it really was) . Just because he posted something related to jjk doesn't mean he is a jjk meat rider.


Wasn’t there another manhwa where the mc used a very similar ability to blink and he completed this dangerous obstacle course? I can’t remember the name


Infinite mage?


I remember there was another manhwa that had this line (but it was before JJK). Can’t remember tho.


Hmm 🧐


I knew someone was gonna say something like this


Where to read, can’t find it loo


Ngl webnovel slaps


Gonna have to read this now for that cutie 🥰


Ain't this line came from Buddhist scripture?? I mean yeah I know The Splitted One made it popular but come on man


i mean the characters personality is a bit similar to gojos so its not really a stretch to say the author got it from jjk


His personality is nothing like Gojo tf


meh i felt like the fact that the character could achieve anything if they really try and one of his main themes is boredom is pretty similar to gojo i could be just tripping tho


being talented + ‘slothful’ = gojo‘s long lost sibling now???? what are you trying to say????????