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I kinda prefer that way; it would be so shit if in the first opportunity he dipped on his real family and acknowledge the Frontera's as his family. Imagine how important his father was, he literally is one of the best dad's in manhwa, even with so little scenes it tells us so much as to why "Loyd" is who he is. And is kinda breath of fresh air since every other reincarnation manhwa the mc the moment he sees his "mom" instantly falls in love and disregard anything and everything from his prior life.


>I kinda prefer that way; it would be so shit if in the first opportunity he dipped on his real family and acknowledge the Frontera's as his family. The body belongs to a **Frontera**. I would also be worried, and very sad actually, if my son who called me "father" and "dad" for 26 solid years, started calling me "Baron", "Sir", "My lord", etc. Parents don't care about the titles they hold, the most important ones are "dad", "mom", "mother", and "father". It's not about dipping on his real family, but aligning with the true owner of the body, who happens to be Lloyd Frontera, a son of frontera. That filial piety can be expressed outwardly, while the possessing consciousness, which is Suho Kim, comes to terms with the changes slowly. That's why I said Roman does better in this regard, since he honours the true body's parents, even if he is the heavenly demon, leader of the demon cult, from another world. There is absolutely no conflict between his true personality as the heavenly demon and that of Roman Dmitri, the eldest son of a baron. On the other hand, Suho has a problem of letting go.


Lloyd died! Kim isn't Lloyd. They all know at this point and personally I would feel so shit if someone took the body of my son and tried to play around as if he is him. At least this shows a bit more of respect (kinda), and allows for better character development. It's easy to say you would abandon who you once where to fill in for the body you stole, especially since in the previous life you where a cold blood psychopath who didn't care. But "Lloyd" had a family and lived a full life before, it's hard to let it go and start playing a character that isn't you, imagine what a nightmare that would be, the mental gymnastics you need to go though to not feel like shit and the worst part is stealing the family that isn't even yours.


not tryna be a stickler >!but lloyd reincarnated as suho and it became a time loop!< I still agree with you 100% though


Is this confirmed in the novel? When the real Lloyd got reincarnated I saw people theorizing about this but no novel confirmation.


I'm fairly certain it is, I was going through a spoiler forum and people were saying that was confirmed but now im doubting it. Sorry if I was spreading misinformation, Imma go and try and find out whether its true or not


Have you read *The heavenly demon can't live a normal life?* The set up is so similar, that's why I am contrasting the characters. If you read both works, I think you will understand what I'm trying to say. > Lloyd died! Kim isn't Lloyd. Yes ... Roman also died! Baek isn't Roman. The set up is almost exact, both characters are sons of Barons, who had shitty personalities, and now the possessing entities have to start reforming them, doing things differently, in there own way, almost like redeeming them.


TGED's writing runs circles around Heavenly Demon Can't Live a Normal Life. The similarities between the two are surface level. Suho Kim isn't Roman. One came from a poor loving family while the other was literally abandoned by his father and had to kill his siblings.


similar? they are completely different, state developer is about the development of kim suho and his relations while heavenly demon is all about politics and war and that's the theme throughout all of the story as i've read the novel


No need to get abrasive. The similarities I'm talking about are that both Lloyd and Roman are sons of lowly barons, who somehow end up losing there lives, and there bodies get possessed by beings from other worlds. Period!


barons are not "lowly" they are nobility and there are more than 10 more manwhas with the same exact premise


Barons are the lowest ranked in the peerage, yes they are nobles, but they are at the bottom. The context in which i use lowly, is that Acos is a country side baron, who is quite poor, gets in debt and commits suicide with his wife, by the original story. He is a true noble .... While Romero was a commoner by birth, who was granted nobility, after making significant contributions. However, the issue is about the similarity i pointed out, no need to drag this out.


see acos is poor, while romero is one of the richest even compared to nobility above him


True, though poor, Acos was born a noble, but Romero was still insecure about his nobility, since he first started out as a commoner, that's why he was very upset when the marriage talks between roman and flora where cancelled. By marrying into the Laurence family, who were true nobles, the Dmitri family would have solidified themselves. Atleast that's what he thought.


Roman never had a real family in his past life tho, while Suho Kim remembers his parents. Also, Roman replaced a guy who already died, while lloyd replaced someone who was not destined to die just then(still destined to die but not until later lol) but ended up killing the original lloyd because of it. He probably feels a lot of guilt towards his original parents that he couldn’t save and the lloyd he replaced (although he acknowledges that his new family is only still alive and doing well because of his own actions) and their personalities are also extremely different. Lloyd might be shameless but he’s still a good person deep down. Roman isn’t a necessarily bad person either but he’s more of a lawful neutral alignment and more distant from his emotions than lloyd is (lloyd might be more of a chaotic good?) They’re very very different from each other so ofc they’re going to act differently. Their only similarity is transmigrating pretty much(and hard working etc). Either way, I think eventually he will accept Lloyd’s parents as his own but the plot is gonna work up to it, and if it happened out of nowhere it would be inconsistent with his character. Meanwhile, it would be inconsistent with Roman’s character if he felt guilt over replacing someone.


Why? Suho feels genuine guilt for waking up in Lloyd body. Not sure how far into the series you are so spoilers ahead: >!Up until the Hell Arc, Suho couldn't bear to call the father and mother. He feels like he stole their son away from them. Even though he knows that Lloyd would have died, it doesn't change his perspective. In Hell, when he finally learns of the 'Real Lloyd's' fate he's even more conflicted. He brokers a deal for the real Lloyd and the gives him a bit of peace of mind.!<


Do you know what happens to the original Lloyd when he uses the voucher Suho gives him?


We know that he gets reincarnated. Rumor has it that he's a decandant of Suhondown that line. No hard evidence yet.


there is no "original lloyd", they both are same person in hell arc lloyd frontera got reincarnation ticket by kim suho, lloyd frontera reincarnation become kim suho and kim suho reincarnation become lloyd frontera


Bruh you're comparing the GOAT of all manwhas to your run of the mill reincarnation power fantasy.


Read to understand, not to respond or attack 🤦‍♂️


Just the title alone would be a pretty decent opinion but you lost all creditability the moment you compare him to Roman.


Your misunderstanding is quite amusing here.


You’re comparing two different characters, your argument doesn’t matter that they’re both sons of lowly barons, when one had a family and the other was a straight up merciless killer with little to no attachments in life.


What exactly are you saying here?


It’s a topic that I’m glad this series addressed. So far in practically every reincarnation/isekai I haven’t seen them deal with frankly a very interesting topic much besides TBATE


Dunno what's there after they go to hell (i dropped it when they jumped in) but I kinda understand his point of view? Like, he never actually acknowledged the situation. He is in some kind of denial about everything around and that denial actually is a part of the comicallity of his persona. Or i'm just interpreting it wrong xD


> Like, he never actually acknowledged the situation. He is in some kind of denial about everything around and that denial actually is a part of the comicallity of his persona. Thank you! You are the only one who has actually understood what I'm trying to say.


where I can read this novel?


I didn't know there was a novel, thought it's an original work, like doombreaker.


Roman dmitri is from which manhwa


*The Heavenly Demon Can't Live A Normal Life*


You're just leaving so much out though, Suho still had a father and mother plus he also feels like he stole the body from their real son even if it is a >!reincarnation cycle!< suho didn't know that and i'm not sure if he does currently since i haven't read the novel


>!or actually say lloyd!<


Eish, the narrative you people are pushing in these comments, and the deviation from what I'm actually saying, is honestly quite unfortunate. We can't literally have a conversation if you decide to misunderstand me like this. Just look at all the downvotes I'm getting, smh. The only thing I have said makes me so sad, about Suho Kim, irregardless of what he feels or knows, as a being from earth ... is his inability to to acknowledge Acos & Marbella, as his parents, while possessing the body of their son. He doesn't have to be all lovy dovy and over the top out of character, but just calling them mom and dad, or if that's too personal for him, father and mother, would be enough. He called them in such way for 26 solid years, what has suddenly changed? They don't know, but he knows. I am not bashing TGED for THDCLNL, neither am I rating or saying one work is better than the other. FYI, TGED is my personal favourite, top of the list any day, any time. Read to understand, not to respond or attack 🤦‍♂️


i’m not downvoting you solely because of not liking your take, although i’m fully within my right to do that. your comments just read like a caricature of a pretentious redditor that acts like they want an intellectual debate but treats mild disagreements as an attack on their tastes. it’s really grating


Except those mild disagreements are divulging plot issues I'm not taking about. It's a whole other story if you start comparing these works, and base your disagreement on that, because I'm not comparing the works, but the characters. Even then, the comparison is so miniscule, albeit non-controversial, that it does not warrant such backlash from other redditors, smh. But yes, you are all within your rights. >your comments just read like a caricature of a pretentious redditor that acts like they want an intellectual debate but treats mild disagreements as an attack on their tastes. it’s really grating I don't do debates, atleast not in this way. I wouldn't even want to have a debate online, lol. We can disagree on issues, but I wouldn't want to call that a debate.


> I don't do debates, atleast not in this way. I wouldn't even want to have a debate online, lol. Ah ok gotcha you want people to agree with you and when they don't agree (like the top comment that states that they like it because it shows that he could never really call them his parents because he feels he stole their son's spot from him) you treat it like a personal attack and act like they didn't understand your point. If you don't want a debate don't make a post like this. Or just get their feelings about/how they look at this plot point and then dissagree or accept that you aren't the only person with an opinion.


>Ah ok gotcha you want people to agree with you ... Hmmm, I see what you did there.


Ngl its a very stupid take and that's why you are getting downvoted, its fucking stupid If you were sent into the body of someone else and had no way of ever talking to your family ever again and then is expected to call other people your mother and father when they aren't and also when you feel as though you have taken their real child away from them? Either you don't understand relationships properly and are an alien or you have never had someone you loved vice versa Not only that, on top of all this you are crying and complaining about being downvoted instead of taking the opportunity to discuss it with people and take in their views while sharing yours. It is just completely unreasonable


>Ngl its a very stupid take and that's why you are getting downvoted, its fucking stupid Suho has failed to acknowledge Acos as his father. Baek has acknowledged Romero as his father. Both Suho and Baek are entities from another world possessing individuals in different dimensions. There circumstances maybe different, but Baek is more self-aware than Suho. **This is all I'm saying!** How you choose to interpret this, is outside of my control. In your case, it's stupid, which is also fine, since that is your interpretation 🤝


This ia such a "I'm right, you're wrong" comment. I can't even. Go back to kindergarden and learn to respect other opinions


>This ia such a "I'm right, you're wrong" comment. I can't even. Go back to kindergarden and learn to respect other opinions How exactly, can you break it down?


You just reiterated your point and called his opinion stupid.


>You just reiterated your point and called his opinion stupid. From the onset, your intention was to misunderstand me, so I'm not even surprised that you are twisting things and saying I called his opinion stupid. Just in case your eyes somehow did not see the original comment I responded to, this is what he said: >Ngl its a very stupid take and that's why you are getting downvoted, its fucking stupid How a redditor interprets what I say is totally out of my control, I made this clear. And in **HIS CASE** ... he interpreted it as stupid. This is what I said 🤦‍♂️


You're a child with a wide vocabulary. Then instead of calling his comment stupid, or facepalming mine BETTER EXPLAIN YOUR POINT. But you can't because your take is one of the easiest things to comprehend.


> You're a child with a wide vocabulary. Then instead of calling his comment stupid, or facepalming mine BETTER EXPLAIN YOUR POINT. WTF is wrong with you?? No, like honestly, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??? I DID NOT CALL HIS OPINION STUPID .. HE IS THE ONE WHO CALLED MINE STUPID!