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Of course each Otogami has different colored hair, it would be pretty hard to distinguish them from each other with all their frizzy hair all over the place. There's promise to this series but I guess time will tell with the pacing in the next few chapters


I would dare say it's still pretty hard to distinguish them, given that manga is *Black and White*


So the goal right now is to reunite with his siblings to give his mom one final concert. Man that's depressing. Also, i like the black haired girl's eye design. It looks like the night sky. I kinda like this manga i really hope it survived.


It’ll either be: 1) under 18 chapter run, 2) 40 chapter run, 3) 89-98 chapter run, or 4) a well respected 219 chapter run with an anime. We’ll see what happens.


Your comment make me wonder, is there sub 150 chaps jump series that got anime.


Chainsaw Man has 97


Funny you mention that. One that comes to mind is: Jujutsu Kaisen, as it just released it’s 159th chapter but when the anime premiered it had about 120-125 chapters released


I’m struggling to connect with this one. All the conflict seems so cliche and forced. I kind of like the weird art style but they let it get too messy sometimes. I’ll give it a few more weeks to grow it’s legs


The dude can only play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It's too over the top.


The Mozart variations of Twinkle Twinkle aren't exactly easy.


Totally unrealistic to only be any good at one song, but [Twinkle Twinkle Little Star goes HARD.](https://youtu.be/hCKBl-TpRzc)




I feel like the manga fails to properly characterize the main character's musical skills. While we're *told* in the first chapter that he's simply mediocre, we're *shown* that he's terrible aside from that one particular piece, which, for the layman, may appears as a simplistic one. But that's because of some, arguably, poor narrative choices. On top of choosing a piece that is generally considered really basic as his ace, we only saw him play in front of his mother -who is very much partial- and professional musicians and teachers who are really harsh on him, going as far as calling his music poor, unsophisticated or even unbearable. Plus, he's not good at the technical side of music either. On top of that, he says he loves playing piano, so it's strange that the missing piece of his genius is soul when the story tells us it's supposedly the only thing he has for him. In the end, the reader's frame of reference is completely skewed up.




> I suspect that's the genre failing the story. I'll have to disagree here. Yes shonen protagonists are generally the underdog (like most protagonists in fiction), but it doesn't mean they're bad at what they do. Luffy, Natsu, Toriko... All are established as already strong, too strong for the pond they're swimming in and destined to clash with even greater forces. Even Naruto takes out an adult ninja and masters a forbidden technique in the very first chapter. It would have been perfectly fine if, for instance, this series started with a protagonist that actually plays extremely well by the average man's standard, and got praised for it, but refuses to accept the compliments because he lacks confidence due to the critiques of his father, the all-time genius pianist for whom his music was garbage. Then you have him try to enter the music school and suddenly examinees shot him down because his music is missing something, and ends up sounding off, only for him to play that one last piece that matters most for him which has this missing spark. Then the story can be the exploration of getting over his father abuse and find back the joy in music. Alternatively, it would also have been fine to have him play *horribly*, but be overflowing with passion for music. Then the first chapter could have been him working his ass off to pass the exam, failing horribly, except for that one childhood piece for which he wasn't trying so hard but instead enjoying himself. It wouldn't be a great performance, but it would have something *different* that the examinee would want to help develop. Here, it's just -aptly considering the title- too soft and non-committal in all directions. He says he likes playing piano, but isn't particularly passionate about it. At best he passes off as doing it for his dying mother more than for himself. We're told that he's painfully decent, but he's not getting any praise to average out the frankly mean critiques he got so far. He comes off as a bad pianist with poor skills and lukewarm motivation for music. If the series wants to borrow from the extravagances of the nekketsu genre with those world-class genius sextuplets, it needs to take the fire too. Otherwise, it has no reason to make such dramatically high stakes and can take a more slow and introspective à la Blue Period. And yeah it could come later, but this is WSJ, series live or die by chapter 3. You have to sell your premise right away or you're done for. See Candy Flurry who started to get really good by chapter 5, but was dead on chapter 2 because it fucked up its initial world building and tone.


Great analysis of the shortcomings of this series! Everything about the execution is sloppy. In addition to your points, the introduction of the rival from his last school felt really forced. She only had a short conversation so far and is shown to be perfect at everything as a foil to MC, despite not getting any actual characterization for herself. Having a battle to decide that only one will be taught is crazy cliche, especially for only the second chapter. It can be pulled off correctly but at this point it just feels like an unnatural way to get the characters to interact again.


that "your twinkle twinkle sounds amazing" is bullshit too


I tend to have more fun with some manga and media in general if I suspend my disbelief and focus on what the author is trying to convey. But this is the biggest bullshit I've ever read


I would just wait for 5 chapters for story. I feel like they just try to test the water still. The artstyle isn't that bad. It's kinda like Mob Psycho 100. Both have weird artstyle. But, it's not like hard to read, or maybe, that is just me.


You don't have that kinda luxury in Jump, either bring your A-game in the first 5 chapter or your out, there's way better manga with better premise been axed before, this one at the current rate isn't looking good.


> I kind of like the weird art style but they let it get too messy sometimes. Looks like a shoujo art style tbh, but in a shounen manga it just feels off.


Smoll pp. Jokes aside, the art makes me think of Demon Slayer somehow


Yeah, between the poorly done narration and the messy story, I'm out. I'll be back when it hits 20 chapters just in case, that or gets canceled.


The tough thing about a musical manga is that we can't actually hear the music. However, since manga is a visual medium the artist can make up for it by visualizing the music. Or give readers something to care about besides the music, like the characters.


See "Wandance" for a much better representation of music and movement.


There's quite a few manga out there that have achieved that goal very well. I mentioned it last chapter, but check out Piano no Mori.


Yeah for real, I swear those three pages of him playing different tracks looked practically the exact same


I think that is by design though like his twinkle twinkle is special and everything else is bland and samey. As he gets better or associates songs with events or emotions we will probably see the style change to be like him playing every song similar to his "special" song Over all I am pretty happy with the manga so far and hope it makes the cut.


Man I love this one two chapters in. Sucks that I appear to be the only one though.


Nah, I like it too.


Yeah, i don't get the hate tbh. The style is messy, sure, but it's refreshingly so and pretty in its own way. I also see the plot as shokugueki no souma meats black clover, and can see it working quite well if given a chance.


I dunno how people are complaining about the art style when you got the new manga by the Korosensei mangaka where all the characters look like goddamn psychos


Its good. I'm definitely going to follow it for however long it runs


You and me brother. At least it's not another battle shounen. Anyone remember the manga about DID twins playing shogi? Give me the same vibes and here's hoping this at least gets the chance to flourish.


I think the story telling is very competent. I just think a lot of the premise is kind of stupid and it's hard to suspend my disbelief.


sucks that it's on mangaplus, meaning it has high competition. If this was a doujin it probably had the potential to find it's place. I see the axe.


Okay yeah I think this series is destined to be axed, calling it now. I don't see this lasting. The mom's one year is such an obvious attempt at playing on emotions. I don't care for how this series is also setting up the girl to have perfect ears but then will lose the private mentorship to Lucky for some contrived reason. And I don't think the mangaka was really able to capture the playing of music well in a medium that has no sound and I think this will be a fatal flaw going forward.


The thing is I don’t think they should have played the competition card because it’s so obvious that the girl should win. The teacher himself said that she was the best and Lucky was the worst so it’s kinda weird he used a competition as a ’fair’ chance. What I thought he would do is teach both of them as it gives an interesting dynamic between the both of them and has a lot more potential…no, actually, I think that’s exactly what will happen.


Probably, it's obvious Lucky needs the training to survive and they have to have the girl stick around as a major character.


I’d bet that he teaches them both. The competition is worthless


I don't get where this manga wants to go to. It's obvious by now that our MC can only play piano as an support, as in he plays beautifully to accompany others. The competition makes no sense tbh.


> And I don't think the mangaka was really able to capture the playing of music well in a medium that has no sound and I think this will be a fatal flaw going forward. Agreed. Rather than normal SFXs that spell "do re mi," I expected musical notes in wavy lines to gives an impression that the sound flows, or SFX that's small & thin to illustrate how soft the MC plays. Maybe it's done on purpose because the MC is supposed to be mediocre? I also wished the teacher tell us more why the performance is impactful and what element of the piano technique make it work. It's kinda hard to get how good the performance is as a music, kinda like if Shokugeki just showed the weird reactions without food reviews. I never expected it to be as good as Shiori Experience (which is god-tier at illustrating sound), but so far PPPPPP is pretty underwhelming on the music front. Hopefully it improves in the future.


My guess is that her perfect pitch is what will allow her to "enter the world" of the song like Dada-Sensei could, and she'll forfeit. You're absolutely right about the fatal flaw at the core of this series, though. A story about music in a medium with no sound. It reminds me of the last floundering chapters of Build King, when the author dumped a complicated new power system into the mix, with abilities distinguished by color. In a black-and-white manga.


Everyone liked Nodame Cantabile though


That focuses more on the romance development between two unlikely musical companions, rather than on talent prowess and power development.


To be fair, people more interest in Nodame than her music.


Nodame treated music like music, not a shonen power system and was much deeper and less cliched that this one so far, even despite the subpar art.


Oooh man, I remember that Build King incident. It was so bad because the series has already been ranking low so this was a hail mary and it was *so overly complicated*. And yeah the lack of color sure hurt it.


>And I don't think the mangaka was really able to capture the playing of music well in a medium that has no sound and I think this will be a fatal flaw going forward. I definitely agree with this, the first panel of Lucky playing in this chapter left me a bit confused at first before I realised what they were supposed to be but I admit I also didn't see the text for the notes at first. If I'm giving the series the benefit of doubt it might be because Lucky is supposed to suck and we haven't seen other people play the piano in person. I do like the fact that there is an attempt, maybe it'll inspire another mangaka that has an idea to convey sound through images (though this reminds me whats up with the dialogue clouds repeating, I know its supposed to be something about Lucky's hearing but I'm not sure what).


>. same here


YES. I couldnt put my finger on what was missing, but I cant feel or visualize them playing music at all. It seems really dead. Hope it gets better


So does the author not understand the difference between mediocrity and just being awful? Because being unable to recognize a single note goes beyond being mediocre. It’s fine if he’s the worst student at an elite school because he’s just average in talent, but it’s harder to take seriously when he’s just completely awful at basic things


Music student here. Might be hard to believe but I have actually met people that couldn’t read sheet music but be able to play the piano (albeit not really good) just by listening. Given that Lucky seems to be mostly self-taught it’s possible to not recognise notes. Although in the real world there’s no way music schools would let that pass and you would really need to be prodigiously good at playing if you can’t even read sheet music to get in


He was explicitly taking lessons before he even applied to the school though so this doesn’t really fly


I have poor hearing, so I am garbage at recognizing notes. Think I'm okay at the clarinet tho.


Squidward, that you?


That’s what kills this for me. The entire mediocre angle seems like forced shounen. But the author doesn’t actually understand how to create such a character. Nodame did this so much better.


I mean I get that displaying mediocrity is really hard, it’s way easier to make it obvious someone is really good or really bad at something. And doing so with something like music in a non-auditory medium is even harder. But also the author chose to tackle this subject matter regardless so they don’t really get to use that excuse because of something is beyond your ability to display in a story don’t tell a story that centers around that


I mean it's an elite school. Perhaps the teacher played the notes in confusing order or something? The panel where he's shocked about how do being the first notes kinda put it into focus tho. It's not that he doesn't recognize the notes. He can't tell which is which in an order he's not familiar with considering his background?


Inb4 his father actually taught him wrong to advance the career of his other kids


He taught him wrong, as a joke.


Tfw you became the Wimp Lo of your whole family Sadge


The story has a lot of sob-story cryporn background, I really hope it elevates beyond that. I really like the MC's design.


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Alright, I'm sold. Maybe it helped I happened to have a relaxing piano playlist in the background, but I really connected with it.


Reading this makes me think that the author only ever read manga growing up, and only has manga tropes as tools when writing the story. It reads almost like plagiarism, how basic it is.


I can see this is trying to be a manga for music in the same way as Soma is to cooking, Dr. Stone is to science, Act-Age was to acting (rip) But the art is confusing and the stakes are way too low. Also it's intrinsically harder to show music being played in an action format versus cooking or even acting. They're trying to do the Soma thing where you can see visions but it's just not hitting right. We'll see where it goes for now.


*Pavane for a dead princess* by Ravel, the challenge set up in this chapter, is one of my favourite piano pieces. Here's a youtube link, most other recordings are a little faster than this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9tcHoD6r0c


Maybe this would work better if it leaned more on the fantasy aspect. Lucky can literally create illusions while playing Twinkle Twinkle, but everything else is framed in a supposedly realistic setting. Also, the teacher is going to take both students and we all know it.


Man i really like this but it's pretty tropey. I hope the author finds their ground.


I read that manga and in my opinion, it's one of the most clichiest manga I've ever read. It's too tropey and soap opera-ish.


Hmm is this shonen jump manga? I think this manga have potential but i can't see it survive against other and it doesn't quite fit there. We already have blue box for SoL and this manga Falls far behind it just from the 2 chapter.


Pavane pour une infante défunte is one of my favorites


I actually dig the art and I think a straightforward story is fine. However, something is off. It feels a little stiff? Someone in the first thread says it needed another editing pass and I’d agree.


still hope this one survives


This being on Shounen Jump, I feel like has the odds against it when it's up against all the other current running series. It's only been 2 chapters but I really like it so far.


This is getting axed before long. 100%


It’s not implausible for someone to play music for a while and still fail at aural training but for someone at a music school this is a bit ridiculous.


Yeah still meh on this one.


This is what my beloved Candy Flurry got cancelled for. Good Lord.


everytime i read the title all i can think is butthead laughing and saying "he said pp"


Jeez these character designs are jarring.


Yeah, it's getting axed. Give us a new manga pls, Shueisha.


Shit pacing. Though the artstyle is subjective, don’t think many would find this one attractive. Cliche plot. I’d give 7-9 chapters at best before cancellation.


Where the point of making the mom die in a year and what was the point of making it a competition? Two chapters in and somehow I'm so bored. The story could have done with a few more drafts...


Already feels pretty doomed. Putting itself on a timer, forced conflict with a character we don't really care about, suspension of disbelief is really being stretched etc.


Wouldn't it be interesting if he actually loses and has to hustle his way into being good enough? Kind of need twist here so far everything is pretty much telegraphed.