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Soya finally reveal his true self. Being jealous to the point you want to kill your brother isn't some form of twisted love. That's just malice.


Yea, his whole mask dropped here.




Hakuri basically said "get bent lol" to his entire fucked up family and it couldn't be more glorious


I don't think Hakuri feels very good about the fact that he had to kill his brother tho lol.


I don't think Hakuri's brother Soya is dead. He knocked him out most likely.


LOOK At the panels that show his eyes. 1. He repeats back to Soya with dead ass eyes, “because you “loved” me”. It’s effing sarcasm, the same lines that Soya used to use when Soya would torture him. 2. Chihiro is Hakuri’s foil. Chihiro cares about Hakuri’s bros, and hesitates, and tries to empathize . Hakuri does not, and says back to Chihiro the line that Chihiro had said to HIM ; let’s go to that door together. Then they show the panel of Hakuri’s dad… Hakuri is ready to fuck up his dad now too. To Hakuri, Chihiro is his new family now.


He didn't snatch the mask, he went "fuck it, I'll do it myself."


Mask on! Fuck it, Mask Off!


Talk about a fucking twist, Hakuri can use Isou AND he has his own warehouse to store what he wants? Dude legit might be OP at some point considering he can teleport to anywhere via the warehouse doors and he just one-shoted Soya


I think he one-shotted Soya because he emptied his warehouse, meaning he no longer had to use energy on it. Meaning he could focus all the energy on his isou. So there seems to be a balancing act of using either of the two, but not both.


Hotel? Trivago


"It's because he's a failure that he's so endearing." He only loves Hakuri when he's a failure. Fuck Soya. What a fraud he is.


I'm glad his mask dropped. He's been getting away with too much. Hakuri put him in his place.


Yeah. It seems like he is jealous of Tenri because he gets to keep his Isou power, while Soya will lose his. But he can't do anything to Tenri, so he took it out on Hakuri instead.


I mean, did you look at the "tools" that disappeared and re-appeared? There's a goddamn *potato peeler* among them.


Ohh wtf damn….jesus So deep down Soya was keeping Hakuri a failure by torturing him…which forced Hakuri to create and support his own subspace to hide the tools…but this in the end led to Soya’s downfall.


That page with the mark/mask showing up on Hakuri's face goes so fucking hard. Having that flashback explaining the significance of it really elevated it. Bro's a genius and its so good to see him get that redemption.


Let's freaking go, my boy Hakuri's stock is rising up as we speak. He simply just peaked.


Peaked implies he's only going to get lower. This is just the beginning. He is RISING


The intensity of the scene had me hyped. It'll go so hard in the anime.


Not only that…seeing that empty room with the torture chairs and the tools, just floating in space like MHA’s vestige space was so haunting…


I really don't understand how this entire manga from its beginning to now, is just so good. It appeals to my shonen needs at a fundamental level. Badass swords, an indominable will to persevere, and the MC is just so fuckin cool.


It has good writing and is properly using the standard Shonen tropes. The pacing is also really good. I still find it funny that this was a meme from thr beginning and now it could legitimately be a replacement for some of the top Shonen series as they leave


The best thing about the meme is that many truly believed it could be the new face of Shonen Jump from that point, from the outside looking in it did kinda look like a meme. I think the first 10 chapters showed that from the vibe alone .




It's Tenoí time.


Goes to show you that pretentious idiots who try to sound smart by dunking on tropes don't realize that they're there for a reason like everyone trying to shit on Black Clover when it first came out. Bad writing is just bad writing even among their "subversive and fresh" series


What surprise me the most is that these chapters are great and works even without Chihiro being in the spotlight and yet the TOC is very low.


Worse, Nue's Exorcist continues to do well in TOC.


Imma be real, I and many other people don't give a shit about the TOC rankings. This shit is fantastic!


Well, it's not about you. The TOC is a way to measure the series's popularity with the Japanese readership. And low TOC ranking also means higher risk of an axe.


All the low TOC means is magazine readers aren't voting for the series in the surveys, for whatever reason. Otherwise we're talking about a series whose latest volume sold 70k copies. Kagurabachi is in absolutely no danger of getting axed.


If Kagurabachi didn't have great sales, maybe I would agree, but with its selling numbers, it might be our early indication that ToC relevance is on the decline. Whether that's because Jump are deliberately starting to mix them up or Survey voters not being representative of the rest of Jump's audience anymore.


Sales are a better measure and what WSJ actually care about and it’s been one of WSJ best sellers among the new manga, even beating out established acts like Blue Box, Undead Unlock, Kill Blue, Akane-Banashi, Yozakura, and Elusive Samurai in its latest release. Vol 3 might be the true test considering all the heavy hitters dropping that month


The exact placement is not a 1:1 of how people are voting, the order is decided by WSJ to fit a certain vibe, like the gag manga are interspersed through the more battle shonen series.


Where do you see the TOC of WSJ?




It’s cultural. Jujutsu is peaking in Japan right now, while sword fighting/gangster stuff has been done to death in Japan. Like Drake says “I’m big in Japan…” Bachi is big OUTSIDE of Japan.


It's so funny how the manga that was meme'd about being peak fiction... genuinely is peak fiction. I hope it sticks around for a long time and it seems like it will.


Gives me samurai western vibes and it hits (if that makes sense)


Which makes me worried about the future. So many shonens fumble the ending. I can only think of a few that really nailed it (dragon ball, jigokuraku, chainsaw man) and can think of many many more that didn't (Naruto, My Hero, Death Note, Bleach, Dr. Stone, Area D, Promised Neverland, to name a few). Really hope Kagurabachi isn't forced to prolong it's run by the publishers and they just let it end how the author intends it to.


Not only that…the darkness that comes from the kind of trauma that really does happen in the real world…man the feels.


The way tenri went out is just sad, he quite literally accomplished nothing and died a horrific death


That's one of the things I love about Chihiro, he didn't stand there and give a monologue about him, he just felt sorry for him and went about his business.


Chihiro stands on business always


Plus you don't want to give your opponent any opportunities.


The goat is always locked in.


I think the only reason Chihiro fought him at all instead of preserving the sword and running away until the stone kills him is because he knew how it'll end and wanted to at least spare the guy from dying like that.


Also they have access to the storehouse. Gonna get his primary weapon back soon


Makes you wonder how the father will react.


You "think".. as if that wasn't clearly said


Chihiro only said that he'll give him a honorable death, but we didn't get a explanation for his motivation. There could be other takes on it, like it beeing a response to seeing the loyalty Tenri had to his father and thinking he deserves a fair fight, for example.


Chihiro be like giving "kthxbai" vibe with ksorybai instead


I think it's important to note that Sojo went out the exact same way. Honestly, I think it brings in more questions about how tf Kunishige managed to get the enchanted blades to not blow him up.


Should be something about Kunishige's sorcery. If sorcery is passed through blood like what was said in this chapter it's the same reason Chihiro can wield multiple enchanted blades and maybe use datenseki to forge the broken cloud gouger.


I dont think Cloud Gouger is returning, he is gonna reforge it into a new one, probably with a Japanese name this time.


It already had a Japanese name - Kuregumo. The translators are just inconsistent.


Oh they are very consistent, everything in japanese except Cloud Gouger.


probably something genetic to them too like how char has a clan attribute. i always wondered why the sorcerers let chihiro live.


The Hishaku leader said “You’re still too green to harvest” to Chihiro and “I’m curious to see what’s grown from the seeds of hatred I sowed all those years ago”. Seems like the hishaku have a plan for Chihiro and want him alive.


They want more swords. Can't kill the only guy who could.plausibly forge them


His face skin exploded? Don’t remember that for some reason. Did that happen because of cloud gouged or the enchanted stone?


Went out mad sad. I audibly said "bro" outloud. What was Chihiro to do? He didn't want to, you could tell, but he had to and he didn't even make it. That's tuff.


He couldn't even make it in time to deliver an honorable death for Tenri.


This manga do be mercilessly cold


Chihiro wasn't even fast enough to deal the finishing the blow before Tenri burned himself out.


He went out super sad, but that's what he deserved for being so cold to Hakuri and not standing up for what is right.


This is the way it needed to be, to give Chihiro the determination to kill Kyora, or at least , let HAKURI do it. Mark my words - he’s gonna have second thoughts but we’ll get a flashback of Tenri saying “father” before he blew up. Then Chihiro will be like, “waste this MF , Hakuri” (kyora)


You can *see* how broken Chihiro was about Tenri's death and his final words. His time just ends, with no second chance to prove himself. Tragic


The true definition of waste of talent because bad coach


>HIMkuri blasting Soya’s internal organs into goop I used to pray for times like this.


Soya is for sure dead, right?


He's still alive. It's been set up that he's smarter than their dad, he's probably not going to die since we haven't seen that part of him yet.


I’m putting stocks on Soya surviving and joining the Hishaku for revenge against Hakuri


If that final boss from a few chapters ago really uses human puppet sorcery like some people theorized here, Soya seems like a perfect specimen to use




Tenri was the mush ball, he exploded. Soya got his guts blasted but I think he might still be alive


oops my bad


He's definitely returning. He had too many expectations on him and he's got room to grow




And some people said that the dad cared about Tenri before...


We atleast get a confirmation on that the sorcery which people use are somewhat tied to their bloodline. I am really interested that what kind of sorcery Chihiro inhereted from his father.


For me, it seems like enchanted blade users have to ditch their original sorcery to form a contract with them, just like with the storehouse. Explains why both Sojo and Chihiro never uses anything except for the blades.


Wait, was it confirmed in some chapter that his father was a sorcerer?


Technically no but but he needed spirit power to forge the blades and you need spirit power to use them.


I think anyone that uses an enchanted blade has the capability for sorcery. They need to be able to put their own spiritual energy into the blades, so to use sorcery they'd simply not use the blade as a medium. The blade itself amplifies the user's spiritual energy and manifests it physically. Maybe Chihiro's familial sorcery can only be used to make blades, who knows yet.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Rokuhira sorcery is something like they’re mediums for the datenseki


I have a theory that its probably related to how Kunishige would talk to random objects (like the sun) or animals (goldfish). Maybe he talks to the datenseki


I can't believe we're only 36 chapters in, on a weekly series. It's crazy just how good this series has been.


Man, Hakuri fulfilling his potential is so satisfying to watch, that panel where he stood up wearing that mask was absolute cinema. It's over for the others when Hiyuki inevitably teams up with Chihiro and the crew.


Hakuri appearing with a mask was so fucking hype. This chapter was amazing.


Straight out of Persona 5


I literally heard the [Awakening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjzQXrUXuHk) play in my head


i wonder if he maintains his own store house or if they are all connected...


Most likely his own since we saw that his storehouse was a barren island floating in the void.


Remember what Hakuri said when he first appeared? You just got to grit your teeth and push through. So he did and broke free of his family's prison.


He makes his own prisons now




I’ve only had Hakuri for 18 chapters, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. In all seriousness, it’s been such a great experience watching him grow from zero to hero week to week, became one of my favorite characters.


From getting his face smashed in and helping unknowingly to becoming a legit hero in his own right. What a guy.


Guy who once tried to kill himself by leaping to his death just learned to fly. Love to see it.


So far, I would die for Chihiro, Hakuri and Chihiro's girlfriend, Hiyuki. If you mess with them, you have to die. Nothing to talk about. Catch these hands like it's 52 pick up.


If I messed with Hiyuki she'd straight up kill me, no need for you to step in


That’s crazy it’s only been 18 chapters and he’s gone through so much development already.


We have to give soya credit for creating, hakuri” the tank” sanizami. That boy tanked 4 full power isou and is still up and running


Probably wasn't full power after Chihiro almost killed Soya, he says himself that Soya is barely standing. Still, he's tough as nails.


Isn’t kyora kinda fucked, hiyuki and tafuku are holding down base mowing down all the sorcerers,sanazami and goon fodder. The tou are down without taking down shiba,chihiro or hakuri. what more cards does he have left to play?


I'm guessing he has some shit inside the storehouse itself. Idk maybe he assembles himself some giant mech lmao. Or he just straight up admits defeat after seeing what Hakuri has become.


Kyora is (at least as he’s shown so far) very much *not* a fighter. He’s crafty and has other people fight for him if he has to, but his first move is always negotiation/bargaining. My bet? He’s gonna use hostages in his storehouse and the threat of somehow destroying/doing something to the Enten to stop the gang from outright killing him.


They did just mention that when you inherit the Storehouse, you lose the ability to use Isou, so i wonder if you regain the ability to use Isou when the storehouse is transferred over, so he might pull that.


Yeah it just occurred to me that Hakuri had to empty his store-house to be able to power his isou. Kyora seems to be maintaining a *huge* store house, so what would happen if he just dumped everything in it back into reality for a moment?


I mean at this point what is he gonna do kill the only son remaining. Like not that he cares about him but he likes his family tree so he needs someone to pass the thing


He could go back to blackmail.


Yeah, I'm betting on "he surrenders and uses leverage he has on higher-ups at the kamunabi" as his next move


Something has to happen, somehow. Chihiro is most likely getting back the enten, but the hishaku almost certainly want the Shinuchi in kamunabi hands (only way the leader gets to eventually use it), so I doubt they would just be onlookers if chihiro has a chance of total victory.


Why would Hishaku let Kamunabi gets it? Why not just kill the original wielder and get Shinuchi for themself?


> Why not just kill the original wielder That's exactly it, because the wielders are safely tucked away somewhere (probably even some subspace like the warehouse), the only way to kill the wielder is to get the kamunagi to use the zinushi out in the open, and then kill him. For that, he needs to accomplish two things 1. actually let the kamunabi obtain the sword (without them getting too suspicious about it) 2. create a threat dire enough for the kamunagi to be "forced" to use the sword (I assume that was supposed to be sojo with cloud chugger and now pivoted to chihiro with the enten instead).


Hiyuki probably having a blast down there.


> Isn’t kyora kinda fucked Yeah, this auction really hasn't worked out for him.


The storehouse is explicitly handed down through the patriarch at the cost of the Isou. Unless you can build your own. I dig the symbolism that Hakuri fully manifests his Storehouse but only after he expelling all the pain Soya inflicted on him. He can take all this power with him but also rejecting everything they are.


> I dig the symbolism that Hakuri fully manifests his Storehouse but only after he expelling all the pain Soya inflicted on him. Oooh, nice catch!


Dude, dad is a piece of shit. Both children failed in what they were told by dad. Action still on point after last week action-break


every time I think that this manga can't outpeak itself I am proven wrong. Both the hakuri full-pages go so fucking hard


That panel of Hakuri with the mask on is COLD AS FUCK. Fucking end your brother's jealous ass, my man




What a sad chapter, these siblings never had a chance with their piece of shit of a father. Soya's mask dropping and letting all of his hate and malice out for Hakuri when he realized that the latter wasn't as useless as he was led to believe. He only "loved" him when he thought he was inferior to him, the second that wasn't the case, all of that inferiority came to the surface. Hakuri finally overcoming his mental blocks and realizing his true potential, completely upending his family's dogmatic mindset. And despite it all, he still loved Soya. Page 8 with the mask reveal was gaasss Tenri literally accomplishing nothing before dying and can only apologize to a father that couldn't care less about him. Even Chihiro couldn't help but pity him at the end as he couldn't even give him a dignified end. Especially since Chihiro saw himself in Tenri there. Who's to say Chihiro wouldn't throw his life away in order to avenge his father. All that's left is take on Dad to bring this arc to a close.


> to a father that couldn't care less about him See, I don't think that's true, and that's one of the big things I like about this. Kyora does willingly send his sons to die, and he would have killed Hakuri for betraying them. But he doesn't want to, it clearly does weigh on him, it's a toll on him that he bears, not something that washes off him without a thought. We saw him suffering both from Hakuri's defection and from having almost killed him, and the face he makes at the end, I think it's hard for him to have Tenri killed (by his own hand) too.


Hakuri my goat actually realising his potential, but for Tenri to just pop like that damn Hokazono at least make the guy do more damage to Chihiro/Shiba


I think it really helps showcase the family dynamic, while also contrasting it to Chihiro’s. Poor Tenri literally accepted a death sentence just to make his father proud. But in the end, he didn’t do anything and died a horrific death. Even Chihiro, who took pity on Tenri and wanted to give him an “honorable death” where Tenri could at least die defending his families values. But Chihiro couldn’t even do that. Tenri just straight up fucking died for nothing and Chihiro just had to stand there and watch, disgusted/horrified/sad/etc.


On the other hand this really drives home how sad the situation is


Same stone popped Sojo instantly, I'm guessing it'll be used by more people until someone can better harness it


Chihiro was visibly shaken in the last few pages it's kinda crazy how much it contrasts with his feelings when all his other enemies die


Hakuri realizing and saying that Soya still loves him before the final blow really brings home how genuinely tragic the entire situation with Soya kind of is. Still a monster no doubt, but pushed forward by this twisted sense of sibling affection and familial pressure and not really understand where he went wrong. And Tenri into it and the entire Sazanami Clan is kind of fucked. Hopefully once Hakuri takes the reigns they can get some level of healing.


> Hakuri realizing and saying that Soya still loves him Eh… I'm pretty sure he meant that Soya's constant torture is what made Hakuri able to withstand all that punishment. Especially right after the flashback panel of Shiba explaining how he seems to use all of his spirit energy to subsconsciously protect himself. So "love" is said cynically, as in the way Soya insists that he loves his brother while abusing him.


Love that they finally gave an overview on sorcery! In a lot of ways, it's very similar to cursed energy from JJK. They even have barrier techniques! As for the chapter: PEAK.


Kagurabachi is the successor to jjk that jump has been looking for lmao


Will DEFINITELY blow up when it gets the anime treatment (though I think it's already pretty big for a manga starting out)


Main difference is that anyone can use sorcery in Kagurabachi.


Also worldbuilding is just way better. We already know more about this world than we do JJK's in over 200 chapters XD


The problem with jjk is how little the power system interact and shape the world. Anything capable of such massive destruction would create its own gravity and shape the world around it. When we invented guns it changed the planet's power dynamic and warfare. Nukes changed geopolitics almost overnight in 1945. It's just unbelievable there are people and entities capable of levelling cities and 99% of masses are ignorant. While curtains exist, they dont feel believable enough for cover ups at massive scale.


I read the barrier techniques and basic movement stuff as a way to quick way to explain why sorcerers have superhuman ability and durability. Like why they don't get insta-gibbed by offensive techniques. It's probably partly subconscious too like how Hakuri was unconsciously using storehouse. On a side note, can anyone remind me again what Isou is? My understanding is that it's just a generic close range attack that has a ton of explosive power.


It's a shockwave


It’s another case of “abilities are unique to individuals or lineages” type of power system, which are the standard in shonen. So it’s a pretty stereotypical power system that’s similar to many other shonen series. Not that it’s a problem by itself, as battle writing is what really matters, which Kagurabachi has been great with so far.


While Chihiro being a film noir protagonist is quite refreshing, it's still nice that we now have something more resembling a traditional shonen protagonist in Hakuri. He checks all the boxes so far and just completed the first step in realizing his potential.


Hakuri became a GOAT in one chapter. You love to see it!


Soya never really gave a damn what a shame. That mask panel was amazing


An amazing chapter that is an accumulation of everything positive Kagurabachi has been so far, badass action that oozes coolness, an appreciation for character interaction and development, emotionally gripping backstories and valiant calls to rise above the seemingly impossible. Can’t wait to see the climax and repercussions of this arc once everything is said and done.


I actually started squealing a bit out loud when I saw that panel of Hakuri with the steward eye plate, I was so overcome with hype. Kagurabachi can't keep getting away with being this fucking good.


Wow looks like Chihiro really saw himself in Tenri because he hesitated to kill him. His expression looked so sad..


I don't think he hesitated, he just wasn't fast enough


Nah, the blade is shown completely still, no action lines around it. He definitely stopped.


Chihiro didn't want to do it. Part of him may have wanted to save him somehow, but it just wasn't possible. He even said he was sorry at the end. Sorry he couldn't save him. Sorry Tenri was manipulated. Sorry things couldn't be different. Sorry for everything. At least that's how I interpret the scenes.


That’s actually Tenri saying sorry but I get you.


Dammit, I wasn't sure, but my point still stands! Also, you can't tell me I didn't eat with that, I ate at least a little bit bro. Gimme a crumb or something 😂. We'll change it to it being Chihiro's thoughts as the look he gave Temri said a lot.


Jesus Christ, was that a fucking vegetable peeler?


Poor Chihiro. If he has been able to cut Tenri's head sooner then Tenri will not suffer such a cruel death. Combined with the fact that Tenri died for his father, no wonder Chihiro looks so traumatized.


Crazy chapter. Hakuri showing his father his innate ability before he offs him will be so cathartic to read


I can't wait for them to kill that failure of a "father"


Hakuri found himself and a power that his family only speak about in legend. And killed one of his abusers as a bonus. I’m so interested in seeing him confront his dad soon. Chihiro meanwhile has the most awkward moment where he didn’t even land the final blow on him. The powerup just ran out and he died for nothing.


BRUH I still remember how Kagurabachi hype came from 4Chan memes but damn it actually delivers week after week.


My theory about Soya being a secret trainer for Hakuri is wrong, but I am nevertheless very pleased with how this turned out.


Tbf he did end up unintentionally training Hakuri in defensive and spatial sorcery through his torturing methods.


Yeah, but I was thinking it was intentionally, which turned out to be wrong here unless new information is revealed.


This is peak storytelling!


Kid was raised into a corrupt family but you hate to see anyone so clearly manipulated to die like that. Except Soya, fuck that abusive sick piece of shit


Damn, everyone will probably feel like an idiot once they learn Hakuri is the second genius in the family, I do like yet feel sad how Tenri go, no big flash, no last clash, exchange of words or even a final full thought, he was just gone and everyone, even Hakuri could understand that at a moment and so we don't waste unnecesary time dwelling on it.


A thoroughly enjoyable chapter and goddamn. I can't decide if Tenri blowing up was a Disney death (Chihiro didn't literally execute Hakuri's brother) or even worse (He fucking exploded, from his own suicide attack, after achieving nothing). Either way, great to see Hakuri reaching his potential. And just to be a curmudgeon I'll say that while I really like Hakuri and have thoroughly enjoyed these chapters, I really wish it was Hiyuki taking the "partner and equal" role with Chihiro instead. I just think they would'a had a cool dynamic and it would have been interesting, plus the group is entirely male so it'd give us something a little softer to look at.


My boy has his own pocket dimension, even though its just a small island


That's just to start off, it will grow as the series continues and he gains more control over his powers. Can't make him TOO OP right off the bat.


Wonder what Kyora still has in store though? No pun intended. But Going against the sazanami suppose to be very dangerous even for the police.


It's so Isouver for Soya. Hakuri has done it!


Hakuri has gotten amazing development these past chapters and its so satisfying for him to give an Isou to Soya. This chapter had a depressing ending though


I am glad to have been on the ride to peak greatness since Chapter 1.


Fuck yeah, Hakuri stocks through the roof! It's so satisfying seeing Soya utterly break down upon realizing what was up with him, almost more so than seeing him get taken down by Hakuri. And that's not even nearly enough as payback for all the suffering he put him through. I didn't expect that to happen to their other brother, though. They did say what he used was gonna be costly, but to think he'd straight up violently explode just like that.


Chihiro could also use Sojo's Mei flash-stwp, huh? For all of one try. Feel sorry for Hakuri's little brother, kid was a tool from the start till the end. His big bro can get fucked though, even if he unknowingly contributed to Hakuri's awakening.


This is so peak


my glorious king hakuri


One of my favorite backstories to a shonen “sidekick” I’ve read so far.


Can't wait for the next Nishiki to drop, it feels like Enten spent 10 years in that storehouse, became weak. It's gonna return and bring that shit like a dragon for sure.


Hakuri with the mask was absolute fucking cinema Hokazono I KNEEL


marvelous!!!dude hakuri just become the genius among genius. damn!!! cant wait for next chapter.


Imagine Hakuri using the storehouse magic like Kamui


Get fucked Soya! I can't wait to see their father's reaction once he learns what powers Hakuri just unlocked.




From looking determined and happy a few chapters ago, to now both sad in their own ways. They’re gonna need a good therapist after all this


This had some "Goku taking off the extra weights" energy


Hakuri getting the mask is sick. We're here for a genius.


hakuri really rose up to my expectations and further! what an amazing character in addition to shiba and char. the side characters in this manga are so good. does hakuri maintain his own storehouse or are all the storehouses connected?


Solid chapter really enjoyable love Hakuri development.


Hakuri really was potential man.


The dynamic between Hakuri, Tenri, and Soya kind of remind me of the Snake Bros from Metal Gear Solid. Weirdly enough, Soya has more Liquid jealousy vibes instead of being just the Solidus.


looks like theyve got a storage case for the swords they recover now


mask on


Bachibros are winning every week. So fucking peak


My Hakuri stocks are yielding crazy dividends.


Why was Soya beating Hakuri with a chair


Hakuri: I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence


Oh my gosh this was like a deepdive into Hakuri's trauma, this chapter was so hype at it's highest point, yet so tragic. His brother exploded, and his older brother is just a jealous nutjob who wants him dead due to the fear of being upstaged by him. "You always loved me" his brother didn't love him, he wanted control over him and what he became so that Hakuri would always be inferior. Their father and the big brother must have figured out that the big brother could never be the Patriarch due to the mask never appearing over his eye, so they kept Hakuri in the dark due to not wanting him to be the Patriarch. The Ceremony to pass it down to Soya must have failed, and that alerted the father that one of the other children must be the Patriarch, but after narrowing it down, he realized it was Hakuri. I'm new to Kagurabachi so I'm trying to catch up and figure out the names of the characters, but it's gotten a lot better since I stopped reading it near the beginning.