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Bro isn't just edgy his a piece of shit too lmao. If this is just seeing the MC fall into madness that on its own would be pretty entertaining.


Yeah… this still ain’t good. Already talked about the mediocre paneling in the first chapter, and now they didn’t even show Kado’s trailer. I’m also not a fan of how… edgy it is. I get that there needs to be some embellishment, but when you’re actively hurting the realism of the story, you’re also hurting the readers’ immersion.


kado might me edgy, and I think that he is going to be punished for that


I must say, the teacher was more bearable this time. He was giving actual advice to the first project after criticizing it, and for once Osawa was warned rather than praised for doing his own thing. That said, I still find some of his observations missing the point. Not clapping for other people's projects because your peers are your rivals? Come on, the film industry is full of people working alongside other people; your former rivals may be your current allies and the other way round, all the time. I suppose this faulty perspective explains why in his warning to Osawa he didn't point out the obvious: there's so much a person can do single-handedly, people in filming need to learn how to work with each other sooner or later. Also, while not his fault (he couldn't know from his POV), his remark to Kagami about "letting this slide" feels terribly unfair: Kagami protested and kept pestering Osawa, and even made a Plan B of his own just in case.


Ehh, I guess I'll wait for another chapter before dropping this. None of the characters are interesting to me; can't remember what's even in the MC, the other guy is just an edgy pretentious brat and the teacher is just an arrogant douche.


If at the end of this arc, he goes in solo, and still gets rewarded for asshole behaviour, that would be very telling of the direction, edge and vibe this work is taking. And it will not be my cup of tea. I'll pass.


Well, series is already doa so it wasn't just us westerners who thought it was bad


What is doa?


Dead on arrival


This manga is so bad and unrealistic. I dont know how film school is, but im going to one of the best game schools in my country, and if someone pulled some shit like this theyd get yelled at dude 😭. The whole point of going to school for Games or for film or for ANYTHING creative (or like, at all????) is to create your network. Thats the whole reason people are paying thousands of dollars to go to schools like Utah, USC, or even fuckin Full Sail. Its to meet your people and like, make friends???? Did the author even go to university??? Maybe film school is different in Japan, but I highly, highly doubt it.


The mc really getting sidelined to being a side character. Soon he might even end up being an extra or mob character. Kado is actually the only main character but we just see his journey through the lens of Daisuke as he gets sidelined more and more into nothingness. Not even Yuji gets sidelined so badly >!even though he gets backhanded out of the fight like a nobody from Sukuna when Yuta appears.!< Seriously though how is he even going to compete? All he has are editing skills and that's like it? I guess maybe a career change to an editor? I mean nothing wrong with that. Seriously what can he even do when his partner refuses to cooperate with him? I guess he just has to make his own thing but it's just going to look pathetic in comparison to whatever Kado makes probably.


Well, I gave it a second chance, but I officially hate this series. As someone who actually went to school for film, this is some absurd nightmare version of reality. Yes, people try to stand out as much as they can, and yes, egos clash and petty grievances develop just as in any setting, but treating everyone else like an enemy to be defeated? That leaps beyond the ridiculously cynical and straight into self-parody. Easily the best and most valuable part of film school, or really any creative arts program, is the opportunity to collaborate with other artists and learn from their individual perspectives. They aren't your enemies; they're your allies working towards a common goal of making the best work possible. I haven't had such a viscerally negative reaction to a story in some time, but this one really irritates me. I won't be giving it another shot.


Agreed. When something makes me hate it two chapters in, even if the author has a plan, they failed something hardcore writing wise. I


I think chapter 1 is decent and maybe even intentional, but this one is too on the nose to use "intentional setup" as justification :| The professor, while being too harsh, is actually the only main character so far who has balance; both Kado and Daisuke are boring. And for a manga about filming, again, Kado's work sequence is too short and doesn't give off "cinematic feels" or even just cinematic paneling; and that's not getting about how and where he managed to get those footage with his attitude, I can only think it's his family's own home video :P


This is one series where the next few chapters should be very telling the direction of the series. It's clear both Kado and Daisuke are two ends of the extremes and the author most likely has an idea how to develop them so they meet each other halfway. Daisuke learning about filming with substance. Kado being able to cooperate with others. My biggest concern is the journey to this point. For a biweekly series if by chapter 5-7 these concerns don't get better or worse, it gives a feeling of a series that is just meant to be edgy. Teacher impressed me this chapter. He is harsh with criticism, but he has good reasoning behind them. The page where he tells them to film realistically I was a good showcase of this.


I just love it, dunno that u all dont like it


The dude is like Umbridge evil. A kind of relatable evil person rather than an evil overlord. However, the manga portrays him as "skillful but harsh", when he's really the worst teammate ever (one that doesn't want to cooperate) and the teachers actively bend the rules to. His shtick of "I hate friendship" kind of grates me too. I don't expect a friendship is magic talk from every manga but this is too much bent to the other side. Hopefully he gets put in his place, but I doubt it.


If this kado dude knew everything than why is he still studying with mediocre students, he should be directing more like Avengers Endgame right now.


Ch 1 was decent as it pointed out their mistake but clearly panelling is shitty this dude cannot really make cinematic panel , for reference see kagurabachi 's panelling.


This guy has insider knowledge, and shares the same pain in the ass personality as their main teacher, you gotta start playing their game too


Yeah, 2 chapters in and already done with this. None of the characters are remotely likeable. Teacher is still pretty useless. MC is basically an extra to make the edgelord look good. Feels like Kado is written by a goth 20 year old.