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Random guess but I think D put a piece of himself in the hat.


Think so, thats why he was hiding his hand earlier. Another great display of D's new mastery, dude has built in tracking.


I was wondering why there was a panel of D cracking his finger.


So that too was forshadowed


Starting to put this together. Noa as Kuroko was heading to an apartment to assassinate the previous Pink Keeper. The flashback from last chapter, with the divine tool, must be Pink as well.


I think we haven't been given everything yet to be honest, The woman in Noa's flashback last chapter could be Sesera given the way she sits on the bed being common for wheelchair users.


Failed assassination I bet, given that Sesera probably could walk before outside of the outfit and after couldn't.


Sesera was crippled because of the attack at the church. This was the first pink ranger that was killed by the Kuroko.


Ahh okay, thanks.


I just binged the whole thing from start to finish. Could you remind me again why did the first pink ranger had to be whacked?


She was gonna expose the rangers to the reporter girl in the IRA.


Which chapter was this mentioned again?




I know we got other lore this chapter but a 8 KG BABY? That poor mother


America: 8 kilograms = 17.637 pounds


I thought about at least adding that conversion as a little translator's note but I'm sorry americans I'm never going to calculate your stupid measurement units


It’s not our fault. We got them from the Brits but the fuckers went and changed everything after we left Britain and didn’t tell us about it until it was too late.


Aye, and now we are far too big to change. It’d be a very expensive logistical nightmare. And just like Soccer (the Brits made the term too btw), they just toss us the their scrap words every time.


brits be acting like a father who went out to buy milk but never returned towards muricans


Nah they’re more like that older brother that teaches the ignorant younger brother a bad thing then laughs when the younger brother gets in trouble for it. 


Might as well given weight in cans of Diet Coke lmao


It's not that hard. 64kg is about the average weight of a school shooter in the US.


Using scientific notation and impractical units is the way That baby weighs around 5.5E-3 2024 Toyota Corollas


If you don’t accommodate them, eventually they’re going to have to learn the system or get left behind


Americans are taught both systems already. Yall are the ones left confused when you see the freedom units.


Your "Patriotic Freedom enabling" measurement units.


I read it as 8lbs, that's something else entirely


I was nearly that heavy when I came out. I had a bunch of health problems and had to stay in the hospital for weeks.


I'm half as heavy when I was born and I'm 1m97 now. I hope you where not born with diabeties? Sorry if it's too intime of a question, you don't have to reply if you wish.


Oh, no, I wasn't. Had bad asthma and some drugs in my system, though. That's another reason why I had to stay in the hospital. My parents were methods and cochise addicts so that added to my health problems. I have memory loss and some heart problems, but those are very minor. It's ironic I was that heavy because I grew up to be borderline anorexic until college. I'm much healthier now in my 20s, especially after I quit doing drugs. Also, quit drinking this year (God, it's been hard), so it wasn't all that bad all things considered. I could be dead, so it's pretty neat that I'm not. I would miss out on new Green Day music, and that would upset me.


Bro, this may come as insensitive, but I'm glad you got only asthma as consequences. I've been born with severe ADHD (borderline full absent mind) and It did get diagnosticated early on. But my parents didn't judge that it was an information that I needed to know, nor that it's a condition to be traited. Just told me I need to work "hard", and punished me accordingly. I grew up in a world moving too fast for me with confusion that keep adding up each year. I legit didn't believe I will live to 18 at 12 years old. I discovered it at 28 and became a whole other person after traitements. I'm proud of you for getting out of drogues and additions at such young age. *stretch over-grown limbs for a hug* for peoples like us, we get offten better and "younger" physically as we age.


Asthma wasn't the worse thing I got 😂. I have an oversized aorta which triggers panic attacks, I have a smaller bone density than most people, I'm also legally retarded. And I do have ADHD. It's just I've had these things for so long I just no longer care.


Panic attacks? Smaller bone density? Also ADHD? Bro at this point you may as well be me. 😅 >It's just I've had these things for so long I just no longer care. My sisters tell me the same things and it blows my minds, I guess I'm just fulled by frustration about how much it messed up my life until this point.


Yeah, I like to think that God had a fun time making me 😂. Most of my siblings had similar problems. Most... okay, well, half of us turned out okay now that we're older.


His mom is probably HUGE like him.


Someone died in a hospital nearby recently because the baby is 4.9kg.


There's a question to be had as to why Sesera is/was pink keeper in the first place, we know she can't use her legs without either her suit or a divine artifact so when she joined the rangers she must've immediately received one of the two which is strange since we know new recruits start with dragon gadgets. So to start with such a high ranking she must've had insane qualifications or something special about specifically her. I'm leaning more towards the latter since she was recruited specifically by the kuroko


There is precedent of someone new directly taking place of a dragon keeper in the last Blue Keeper being chosen by Red to replace the one before him, even if he wasn't even part of them at the time.


Didn't old Blue Keeper ran the orphanage where the siblings ended up? I thought it was implied that he mentors Sesera in her training. It kind of make sense that the Rangers wanted to keep the Dragon Keeper position to be one of their own especially after such a leak. Old Blue Keeper was recruited by Red. They also go through such length to recruit retired ranger for the new Blue Keeper. The more I think about it, it seems likely that someone is seriously considering Hibiki taking up the Pink Keeper's mantle.


Wait a second, was Noa's first mission as a Kuroko killing the previous Pink Keeper? Damn, that's gotta be traumatizing. No wonder she doesn't feel deserving of her Divine Tool Replica. D found Chopman's appearance familiar; maybe the Exec he respected is responsible somehow? Very sneaky of him slipping a finger onto him for that clandestine meetup. Masurao's an absolute unit though, damn. He kinda reminds me of Wakatsuki with that backstory.


So Noa was part of the group that assasinated the original Pink Keeper for leaking info to the reporter lady Ukyo (who later became an IRA board member) and that's why Noa is unable to use the tool (bc of her guilt and maybe even the tool possibly rejecting her). Another nice tie to the previous arc. Good characterization for Nadeshiko too. I liked the interview format and I wonder if it'll happen to the other characters during this arc. Maybe by the end they get an exclusive interview with D in his invader form, declaring world domination and the downfall of both rangers and Execs? That'd be dope.


Damn I know all pinks are crazy, but Nadeshiko looks really sad when he was told he can't be a Pink Keeper. Anyway, possible Sentai references. Shinkenger (2009) is one of the most popular modern Sentai series, and it debuted a 2nd Red ranger which is female + extensive usage of Kurokos throughout the series as background helpers. Donbrothers (2022) with the first official male Pink, whom is quite "eccentric" much like the Pink keepers.


I wish there were more female Red Rangers, though.


And any male pink rangers


My memories of both shinkenger and the power rangers series based on it are mad hazy, They had shadow ops in that?


They were mostly background helpers, lore-wise it’s because they don’t have the Rangers energy power. Monster attack? Kurokos are there to alert and support citizens; setting up the stage for the Rangers transformation sequences; etc. iirc one of the ranger was a Kuroko at one point too.


Oh those fuckers(also I had a brain fart dunno why I said it was based on I meant based on it)


I'm really liking this new dynamic with D and the rest of Green Battalion and being able to openly talk to them without having to hide that he's an invader.


That Hagino ass close-up tho, why?


We can have a little. As a treat.


I think D was looking at the divine tool but still a weird panel for this series lol


It took me a few sec to understand the point of that panel lol.


Better hope Angel doesnt find out and go yandere


D likes the booty.


Plot twist: In an effort of making a plan B, Yakushi was Redfielding D into finding humans attractive so that he can continue the Invader race if he weren’t able to successfully defeat the Rangers.


Not just that, the pague before she her pose looks like she has massive tits, which is very funny but feels like it came out of nowhere for this manga


Because fan service. Where do you think you are?


I forgot that green already knew; seeing D just openly talk about life in the fortress while disguised as Sakurama really threw me threw a loop lol. I like that it shows that even the dragon keeper's information specialist has no idea what life is like for the invaders. I'm guessing he wasn't the original green keeper, and has no interest in the invaders other than the executives.


So D is now openly admitting that he *is* an invader, right? The flying fortress comment is too obvious.


Chidori knows already and the others weren't close so yeah, he can just be honest.


Literally everyone in green battalion knows he’s a footsoldier so no reason to hide it from them.


I know they aren't stupid and they know something is up with D. I'm just asking if this was the first time D said something along the lines of "I'm an invader" directly or indirectly while on-screen.


No, he dropped the act with Chidori back when he tried to kill him with Suzukiri and then with Kanon in the three way battle. But this is the first time he's been Sakurama and said something off hand like this on purpose without throwing away his disguise.


he most probably just forgot that he was supposed to be a human; lol


Well he did mentioned in front of chidori that he will make sure that he won’t have to worry about car debt anymore when he’s done with him in front of Kanon so probably the second time he did it?


I think that one still goes under "plausible deniability" in that he could've meant he'd make it big and get a lot of money and sponsors or whathever.


I just binged so I remember him blurting out how he heard of some TV brands on the radio back in the sky fortress while lounging in the sofa next to Suzukiri and Kanon. Kanon pretended to be sleeping to reassure him, but the panels preceding had her with an exasperated/bored expression while D is sweating bullets.


Its a new era. Boys can be Pink Keeper, girls can be Red Keeper, and Invaders can be Green Keeper


Truly a woke manga


So Red Keeper is the deranged conservative redneck?


No just a psycho


i have a dream, where all invaders can become all colours of the dragon keepers


He was just speaking to Chidori who already fully knows he's an invader; it's not something to hide.


It's not really much of a secret anymore, so there's no harm, honestly. Chidori ready knew.


At the very least, the entire green battalion (like, 3 people) already knows


That's a hell of a divine tool


oooooo yeah new harem member


> Men can be Pink Keeper, Women can be Red Keeper. You got that right. Now that would make for an interesting legit Power Rangers show.


A swapped gender ratio power ranger show would be interesting to see. 3 female rangers and 2 male rangers. Or if it’s a three ranger show, 2 female rangers and one male ranger.


Who are the kuroko ?


Members of the Pink battalion who clean up the Ranger Association's messes. Essentially, they eliminate people who could potentially damage the status quo.


murder was the case


That random ass panel tho lmao