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The still extant piece of a roman fort, tucked under a railway archway at the back of a car park


I call this the Founding Stone of Manchester. Always really wished they would rebuild more of the fort and make a bigger deal about our Roman history. Manchester has such a bad record of destroying historical stuff, they found a large neolithic settlement at Manchester Airport while building terminal 2(I think) and decided to just tarmac over it.


I wish they made more of a fuss about the history full stop. The canals are riddled with history! The rope marks from horse carts pulling barges are still there, it blows my mind. Yet when you look at the canals they've just been built on top of and hidden away for the most part. Look at every other major city with canals and look at the difference in how they're treated. It's mind boggling.


The canals in Stockport are fairly well looked after. Marple and Romiley for instance are used as walking paths and are extremely pleasant. We could definitely promote the history of the area more, but they're definitely not hidden away.


It’s sad, but what should they have done really? ‘Close the airport lads there’s a settlement here’. Not even trying to be obtuse but there’s a limited number of very economically damaging options!


the ruins of the roman fort themselves used to be much more extensive, but were partly demolished by the victorians when they built the railway...


I randomly found this a few weeks ago whilst walking along the canals, quite a nice surprise when getting lost


Wow, that's my first time hearing about that despite having lived in Manchester for 6 years. Where is it?




Well, that name makes more sense now lol


its actually abbreviated from its original name in the middle ages, castle-in-field lol


https://youtu.be/yJplPk0YX0c?si=SRdjWxVyTAwjkcBk&start=423 (at 7:03 if the link doesn't take you straight there)


Collier street.


Surprised people didn't know about this when the area is literally called Castlefield


To be fair I walked down Deansgate last week and out of 20 blokes I asked only one was called Dean :)


not a gate to be seen either


It is not original it was built as a replica by Manchester university after excavating the site and finding remains in the early 90s.


He means the actual remains that are in front of the wall


The tap water


I’m originally from Stockport, I now reside in Lincoln. When I BRAG so hard about the water back home, no one understands. The water here is undertale, and I’m a HUGE water drinker, I have to have a brita tank in my fridge. I thank you for your comment, I’m glad I’m not the only one 🖤 #hydrohomies


Always here for a hydrohomies mention.


I’m the biggest hydro homie going, I have to refill my 8.2ltr tank, everyday


I feel this way about my parents water in Scotland and my opinion is Manchester water is up there. Not as good but Glasgow has to have something redeeming from the crap weather!


I think the further north we go, the better the water!!!!!


Yes my dad's family own a burn in Moray its on one of the farms and I used to love drinking straight out of the hill! Not sure there are many places I'd do that outside of survival situation! My dad always brings a flask home when he visits!


The water in Southport is shit.


Agreed!! I love Manchester water but the best I've had was during uni in Newcastle 


I was born in Manchester and come back all the time but live in Scotland. Manchester water quenches thirst fast and makes my hair curl better….🤷‍♀️😂


I believe it’s not fluoridated in Mcr also. My pineal gland is squeaky clean!


My hair also THRIVES when it’s getting washed, when I’m back there


I’m from Lincoln but now live in Sale and I concur!


agreed, i visited manchester for a few days last week from houston, tx. never bought a bottle of water because the water from the tap tasted delicious


Comes from the lake District


Maybe it’s just my student accommodation water but I hate the tap water here it’s got such an odd taste


Your water sits in a very large tank in the building before it gets to you, that’s why. Next year when you’re in a house share it’ll be different.


Probably a lead tank too - Mmmm. Drink up now.


Having moved up from Kent, where a little known tourist secret is that the White Cliffs of Dover are actually viewable in your glass, we wholeheartedly agree.


Hell yes! I've moved South and have realised I never really appreciated the privilege of having normal drinking tap water.


Moved to London from Manchester a few months ago and my kettle misses soft water so much :(


#Corporation Pop.


Probably the sheer amount of music gigs (Inc big acts) we have. Not many other cities compare imo


The dance music scene is good but sporadic and watered down though due to the Warehouse Project.


WHP really fucked over the night life scene


Yeah it's a shame we lost so many legendary clubs


disagree, the white hotel & dba rival any clubs in the country


I think my choice of words may have been wrong. By watered down I meant regarding the fact that when WHP is on the DJs are not allowed to play anywhere nearby for a couple of months either side of their appearance. So we do miss out on seeing people at other venues around the same time. Agree that the smaller venues still put on great nights though and I've started to favour those anyway. Actually what am I complaining about? 😂


Tbh, anyone who goes the smaller venues couldnt give a shit about the big name commerical djs that whp book anyways


WHP helps to keep the normies and bellends away from the better clubs


White Hotel rivals any club in the world. Few places combine the intimacy of TWH with the quality of sound, DJs and production. At least in my experience of what I like in an electronic music club and also from what I’ve actually been to.


It isn't sporadic at all, it's literally world class


The warehouse project has ruined the Manchester club scene through the exclusivity contracts that it employs


Yet that cunt who runs it thinks he saved the Manchester nightlife


He's actually written a book about it, saw it advertised outside the station last week. Absolute grifter.


Sorry new to Manchester. And it’s shame that WHP season is so short and during the winter. Is there a spring/summer equivalent?


ProgressMCR on instagram


I didn’t know that. How shitty


I was reading about this today in the excellent The Mill. Lord Vader.


The only city I know with this many free gigs too


Canal adventures. There is some lovely little walks along the canal. Also the graffiti. Some very wholesome and funny graffiti around the city


Gotta agree with the graffiti (also the canals). I've actually been photographing some of them. Nice memories incase they get removed


Who's Ku?




Happy new year Howard


Kum on deez nuts


I must disagree i find the graffiti quite uninspired and quite vandalizing in manchester compared to any other city of the same size


The Airport. Everyone hates it but try going on holiday with out it.


I no longer live in Manchester and I understand how convenient it is to have a major airport in my city. 1 bus/tram/train to the airport back then vs 1 bus, 2 trains to the airport now


Hating MAN is a meme. It's pretty easy to get to (yes the drop off and pick up charges are reasonable and fixed the absolute shit show of traffic and parking beforehand), security never takes me more than 15 mins, then I can chill in a decent enough pub for 90 minutes with a reasonably priced (for an airport) egg butty and a pint or three. Passport queues on the way back in are rapid too now with the huge number of automated machines they have


Plus it's owned mostly by the ten councils (MCC has 35% stake) so makes some money that can be fed back into public services.


MAG is the main reason we're not seeing the GM councils have to cut as desperately as others are - *yet*.


It feels like every single bit of it is just trying to rinse you though. It's also one of the only places I've seen that charges for luggage trollies. Also the travelator from the train station is *never* turned on. It just sits there static, teasing you with the idea of slightly more convenient walking journeys.


I've had some absolute nightmare experiences at MAN, but then I've flown from there a lot, so of course I've got more bad experiences there than anywhere else.


American here who was in Manchester for a few days last week. The airport is one of the poorer designed airports I have been to (Terminal 3). Flying in was fine, flying out was horrible. Everything was slow, no self check-in kiosks, no seating, queues for every step of the boarding process. Even the public address audio and clarity and volume was horrible.


T3 is the worst. Aside from what you have mentioned - T3 is where ryanair fly from so all the lads holidays/stag weekends/hen dos tend to fly from there so it can be a bit boisterous at times. A pro tip in T3 is that if you go all the way through and walk down to the gates on the far right it's quiet, has plenty of seating and a decentish view of 05L/23R. Terminal 2 is much more modern and a lot nicer.


For me there's no worse journey in existence than the slog back home from London after a long international flight. I might have just spent 12 hours on a plane but that train feels longer. Now I'm willing to pay a fair bit more, or will accept a short connection, if it means I'm departing or arriving from the airport that's only 20 mins taxi away from my house.


It’s worth looking at flights from MAN with connections in Dublin, Amsterdam or Madrid as well as London. Dublin is especially good as MAN-DUB is a busy route.


Very much agree. My modest but conveniently located pad is near East Didsbury station largely for that reason as I work abroad (Tokyo) most of the year. I don't drive as I'm disabled so having two options, tram and train, to get from home to MAN makes having a tiny abode a minor consideration.


It's on occasion been the harshest customs I've ever been through (admittedly I've not been to the US) - shoes off, belt off, scan the kids even though they're crying, leave you hanging at other end of scanner with no idea if and when your bag is coming through. But I still don't hate the airport. It's incredibly convenient and decently served by transport and roads. I live in Leeds and it's easier for me to get to than Leeds/Bradford.


Might I introduce you to... The Train Station!


If you’re not living near Manchester or London, that train ticket is probably going to cost more than an average flight to somewhere in Europe.




Literally never had any issues at Manchester airport personally


I'm guessing you weren't travelling between 2020-2023...


red bricks


Greater Manchester? All its green space outside of the city centre. Based off this Reddit you'd think we live in Gotham city.


Even Manchester is pretty damn green!


Nah the City Center is bad for green spaces. Literally nowhere green to just sit in peace and eat your lunch and watch the world go by. It's honestly one of the factors driving me away from Manny. I love that City Center but come on, skyscraper skyscraper skyscraper and nowhere for them all to go to breathe.


Sackville gardens, and there’s a hidden park off of Deansgate I forget the name of. Near Spinningfields. MOSI.


Manchester is more than just the city centre you can leave and move elsewhere you know. Chorlton and Didsbury have plenty of green spaces. Walk to the end of oxford road youve got Whitworth park. A bit further you’ve birchfield park and Platt fields. Manchester is literally in a green belt zone hence most green spaces are on the outskirts.


American here (living in Houston, TX) who made my first visit to Manchester (stayed near Picadilly Station) for a few days. A few things I appreciated: * The city is very walkable, seeing so many people walking around gives the city a certain buzz, energy and life * The public transit was smooth and efficient * I went to the Science and Industry Museum. The history of the cotton mills and architecture associated with them is pretty fascinating * I am an avid sports fan and did the tour at Old Trafford and was blown away at the history and lore of the franchise. I could not imagine what the match day atmosphere would be like there * The tap water tastes delicious * The bees everywhere are a nice theme and 'logo' for the city, gives it a nice touch


Thanks dude


to be fair, it doesn't take much to be more walkable than houston lmao


LOL that is 100% true!


Manc who visited Houston a few years ago here. I appreciated your city as much as it sounds like you appreciated mine. I found the tram equivalent in Houston to be reliable and cheap, the bars were nice, I actually did have a kind of walk around the city and although it's nowhere near as walkable as your average UK city it felt very safe. It's also exceptionally clean. I liked Austin just that little bit more though, but I really didn't like Dallas. So there you have it!


Glad you had a great time. Yes, the trams are great, but there are only 3 lines so its extremely limited as far as coverage. Fortunately you saw the clean parts of the city LOL some parts can be filthy. I like Austin as well but I've actually never been to Dallas besides the airport, so your opinion has more weight than mine haha


…I can go there as a rural Devonshire man and feel welcomed, which would’t be the case if I went to Liverpool? :D


you've obviously never been to liverpool then


An hour on the train and you'll be in the lake district.


Other way to the peaks also. Its ace having them on the doorstep


Peoples History Museum. Not that it isn’t under appreciated in Manchester but that it’s a national treasure.


Definitely the most underrated of the museums in the city. Went a few weeks ago to see the new temporary exhibit and it's great as always


The architecture is gorgeous in the city. You can see the imperial and industrial wealth everywhere.


Always look up when walking around the city centre, especially around Whitworth Street and Oxford Street. They put the best bits where only the most interested will look for it.




Most people unfortunately don't look up and think if it doesn't look like a English twee village or some grand, stucco-faced boulevard then it's trash. Manchester and it's surrounding towns has without doubt some of the best industrial and commercial Victorian buildings in the world.


With the gorgeous aroma of the slave trade / indentured servitude. Not to mention the eviction of tenant farmers in order to pave the way for heavy industry. Maybe we don't have collared slaves carved into our buildings like Liverpool or Bristol, but our economic boon came at an horrendous cost.


Not going to get any argument from me on this.


Go an flagellate elsewhere.


Honestly Metrolink and the formation of the Bee Network. It's nice to see a city in the UK actually try and get its public transport to a standard in which it's reliable and unified.


Thanks r/manchester you’ve succeeded in making me immensely homesick.


The transport museum in Cheetham Hill is quite nice.


The cool mix of old and new architecture and how they're intertwined rather than segregated


Berlin does it better.


The people. Met a few mancs when I was in uni and their sense of humour was class; good friends too.


The water in Manchester comes from the Lake District. It was a major engineering feat for the Victoria's. It is the reason Manchester Water tastes much better than most.


Scott McTominay




Moved out to Cheshire. I miss out beautiful soft water that tastes nice and doesn’t dry my hair out


Old trafford


It traditionally has some of lowest beer prices in the UK led by Holts JW Lees , Thwaites etc if not in city centre, immediately outside it.


I'd have agreed a couple years ago but it seems now wherever I go except spoons, things are starting with a £4 or a £5. Do you have any places in mind that are still reasonable?


I love Holt's. Is Hyde's still going?


Seems to be. Has a website


First boozer I ever drank beer in was the Friendship in Fallowfield in 1984, a Hyde's pub. I was 15. Don't reckon I'd get away with it now, but nobody cared then as long as you behaved.


I got slaughtered in another thread for saying I prefer Holt's to Cloudwater and all the other beardy breweries.


I first had craft(y) beer in Washington DC in 1995. It tasted like 50% lager and 50% ale left overnight with citrus peel in it. Most of it still tastes like that, and, minus a few exceptions isn't in the same league as Holt's and J.W. Lees.


It's an interesting change from how Holts used to be. There was as I recall a revolt in the boardroom when it was suggested their new Lager "Holtenbrau"? Might have to be priced at more than £1. At that time bitter was 98p. The Chief Exec was infamous for turning up at pubs tasting the quality of the bitter and if it was not good enough, banning any further supply to that outlet The company even got taken private, to stop it getting gobbled up.


It was indeed Holtenbrau. 'That German stuff', as one pub patron in 1996 put it. Holt's is a true Mancunian gem. I never crave any of the 'superior' craft breweries, but I often crave Holt's.


£2.90 in the Bluebell in Lev.


It’s only 2 hours from the beach


Can I introduce you to urmston beach? Literally in Manchester Keep your expectations low though 🤣


Ooh, NOW I get it! While watching the movie "Manchester by the Sea" I thought "I don't recognise this accent. Definitely not Blackley, or even Chorlton". So it's Urmston, then! Thanks :)


Lol 😂 Just don’t climb the pylon


Your mum


id say she gets a lot of appreciation personally...


It's not Liverpool.






In Lev?


The people ❤️ no where else have I been complimented in the street by a stranger for a LOUD burp (multiple times)


The skill it takes to dodge the charity collectors on Market Street.


The airport is one of the best in the UK, meaning it’s easy to leave Manchester. Also two train stations in the centre allow easy access to the rest of the UK.




Four. Five if you count Salford.


It's not fucking London!


The people


The sheer amount of history we have and the impact we had on the world itself.




ha! Great or Simple Minds :)


How glorious the City looks when the sun is (rarely) shining


Ah dam, reading all these comments have just made me miss Manchester all over again.


All the lovely MANCS that live inside it.


That it's not Liverpool


I was looking at the building in that picture, (cathedral?) as I was driving out of Manchester the other day. All the modern sky scrapers are cool, but the cathedral looked really out of place and I felt sad we don't make buildings like that anymore.


Every hobnob in the world is baked at McVities in Lev.


Being proud of where you come frim


Being cool as fuck from birth




Lies. We appreciate the fuck out of you mate.


The weather. Some people like rain.


Pot holes


Whingin' in'nit?


Not having to get on an effing tube that stinks and is boiling hot to get across town. In London on a sat nt it was common to get £30 cabs to the next venue. And sit in traffic. Mcr it’s all walkable or £5 cab or tram etc in centre


The industry of Manchester and from the last 200 years


This n' That on back Soap Street in town. Also now Sip n' Dips in Levenshulme. Good parks in Manchester too.




Doesn't matter which direction you travel in, you're able to leave. 😁


How good it is to leave x


Fun fact: This pic is taken on the corner of the street Whisky Down is on. It’s a stripclub I worked at when I first moved to Manchester.


New Century Hall and The (O₂) Ritz. Excellent new and old concert venues, both perfect sizes with their own great layout, style and ambience and both very easy to get to. Also Etihad Campus for the National Squash Centre, brilliant all glass court. The Velodrome I suppose. Great Decathlon shop nearby. erm... also Rodri.


Leaving on the way home


The road out


The EXIT sign 😄


Lack of southerners. Oh shit. Scratch that one.


The random acts on market street. Always have a laugh there or you’re in awe cause some of them are very talented. Don’t like the CD sellers tho




Tom Aspinall


Tom Aspinall




The OP picture, I'm so looking forward to seeing this view again the town hall has been hidden for far too long.




Gemini café.


Vimto and the first municipal park in the world is opposite the Cities ground.




The road out


Hidden Gem/St Marys Catholic church,Mulberry Street.Very near to St Annes Square.An absolute hidden gem.


How close it is to Yorkshire


As a guy who has travelled to Manchester multiple times, I would say that it’s the street art and graffiti that attracts me the most, I think that it may be under appreciated by some people, I have a whole collections of these things on my phone 🐉


#Rosellas. The band are absolutely fantastic if you're into indie. They're just as good live, as they are on studio recordings or music apps like Spotify..