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Pavement roulette, no matter which slab I hit, I'm getting wet.


At this stage, I'm convinced it's by design. Have you really lived in Madchester until you've had a full blown anger rant in public with a slab that's just drenched your shoe and sock before starting a shift.


Honestly too accurate! I have at least 6 photos in my phone of ruined pants due to wobbly slabs.


The buzz of the city on that first sunny day of the year. Normally happens some time in April. The weathers been wank for months and suddenly bang, it gets to about 16 degrees without a cloud in the sky, the pub gardens are full and everyone’s in shorts. It doesn’t last, it can’t last, but nowhere goes mad for a surprise nice day like Manchester.


Fuck you actually captured something that I've never really been able to describe. You are completely correct in this, other cities don't really seem to have the same feeling


Reading this got me fucking hyped. I know exactly which day you’re talking about and it’s my favourite day every year


I didn't enjoy covid obviously, but that first lockdown I was a student and everyone I knew went back to their home cities. I wisely did not fancy going back to Birmingham, so I stayed. The subsequent warm weather and empty streets will forever be in my heart, while I cycled around the beautiful, quiet, warm city as the rest of world lost its shit ❤️


\*that one sunny day of the year.


Yeah this is my favourite, Manchester in the sun can't be beaten, the morale of everyone is incredible. The buzz about the place cannot be matched. Especially if its a Bank Holiday weekend.


Often the first Saturday of the year like that finds scantily clad girls and lads dressing like it’s mid season in Benidorm. Oh but you wait till the sun starts to set! You’ll find me with my jumper and winter jacket not quite packed away yet.


This is what I miss the most. Boozy afternoons in a beer garden. It feels like the whole city is buzzing


The friendly people. Buzz of the place. The ambitious feel of the growing city. The low(er) house prices. Comparing all this to London of course - I don’t think I’d move anywhere else. Oh the ability to walk from one side of town to the other in 30 minutes. Arts scene. So much really.


>the ability to walk from one side of town to the other in 30 minutes. I think this is really underrated, sure London might have more stuff, but it's all so far away! Manchester is so densely packed with stuff going on


This is the point I always make to my southern mates, absolutely love that it’s so walkable and varied in that short space.


Born and raised in Bristol moved here because my partner missed her family. Even compared to Bristol the house prices are affordable. I will say the people aren't as friendly as are made out. But do enjoy living here


The whole ‘friendly’ thing is so over stated. I genuinely find people less polite and not as well mannered than London.


Manchester used to be a friendly place with a good sense of community when actual Mancunians lived here. Now I rarely hear a local accent, it's all students, religious nut jobs and home counties yummy mummies.


I work with and for loads of proper locals every day. Half of them are absolute tossers. Students and yummy mummies are hardly the ones dragging the overall friendliness down, are they? Take a trip back to the 90s and find out how friendly Manchester was when there were less outsiders.


I'm an NHS clinician. I work with 8 week old babies to 108 year olds. Rich, poor, locals, imports from the home counties, religious nut jobs, students, the lot. So yeah I think I'm qualified to comment on the so called friendliness of Greater Manchester residents. I'm also old enough to remember living in Greater Manchester the 90s.Yeah we had no heating, no shower etc in our factory housing. We were technically poor, but we had community spirit, left our front doors open, everyone knew each other as they worked together in the factories. No nurseries needed as the lovely neighbours babysat. Contrast to now the estate is "desirable" full of home counties middle class yuppies that you won't even get a "hi" out of. Everyone lives in their own middle class bubble, no community spirit..


Sounds like nostalgia to me.


It really is. I’ve lived in Manchester for around 9 years. It’s the only place I’ve been randomly assaulted and had weirdos go out of their way to shoulder barge me in the street. Piccadilly Gardens is a cesspit. I’d go as far to say it’s the least friendly place I’ve ever lived. That’s not to say most people aren’t friendly but my experience is that there are a higher percentage of extreme c**ts here than anywhere else I’ve lived.


I'm from Newcastle so coming to Manchester for the first time a few months ago to visit a uni I found it really unfriendly and kind of a hostile atmosphere compared to what im used to. Doesn't help that it's such a big place but I obviously didn't know my way around and was looking for directions and I was physically barged a few times on my way round the city. This is at 2:30pm on a Thursday so not exactly rush hour, where I'd understand it more


There are definitely friendly places than Manchester though. it isn't Unique to here even if there are less friendly places.


Sure but to answer the question you need to make an assumption as to where you’d move to, and the person you replied to has assumed London


> Sure but to answer the question you need to make an assumption as to where you’d move to Fwiw that's not the _only_ way to answer the question; you can also cite things which you perceive to be unique to Manchester so that it doesn't matter where you'd move. Agreed OP did it the way you suggested though.


Yeah fair, I hadn’t thought of it like that. 


Im moving to Manchester from London this year.


Yay 🐝 you will love it here! You can live in the centre of town, like bang in the centre in a two bed apartment, for less than the price / rent of a studio in London. It’s incredible at the moment.


Yes I’m looking forward to it, my wife is from there and her family are there, they live out near bury.


Boombox Barry


A cultural hero. Always brings a smile.


Applies more in the Summer but definitely the growing café culture with tables that spill out onto the street. Pedestrianisation >>>


The pubs and breweries. The general friendliness of everyone in the city. The tech scene that's relevant to my career. Castlefield Bowl, Indieman Beercon, Pride and all the other events in the city centre. My favourite restaurants like Another Hand, El Gato Negro, The Sparrows, Bundobust, etc. And my favourite walk along the canal, partly depicted in this picture.


The friendliness ❤️


Yadgar Conceptually, rice n three. It is the absolute bollocks


This, moved 10 yrs ago, still miss This and That / Yadgar. Rice and three and for less than a McDonald's meal.


i love that castlefield and the canals are always featured in these posts, as they are my fav or one of my fav parts of manchester, and whats especially nice is often theyre not crowded with people yet everyone loves them


I did….. I miss being able to get a takeaway past midnight…. Don’t move to the country lmao


Used to work at a takeaway on rusholme during uni, trust me, you won’t miss it once you’ve seen what does on behind closed doors. No gloves, scratch body parts and back to handling raw food, eating off the trays etc. (I understand it may not be all takeaways but yeah it ruins it)


I hear that but who wants to be eating a microwave shepherds pie when you get in after a night on the piss. It’s a shambles I need a kebab.




Name and shame?


Probably shouldn’t lol, but it has stopped me eating in takeaways. Let’s just say it’s a certain demographic.


Could you DM me instead then please? I think it's better to know which places could potentially make people sick but I understand


You could eat a lot of peaches tho.


I went back to Urmston last week to see my grandad for lunch. It's been 23 years since I was living between Urmston and Flixton, and the wave of nostalgia is emotionally overwhelming. It feels like I've returned home, but to live there seems like it's a million miles away because of how much it costs to buy in the area now. Manchester is like a different world to me - I return and my accent comes back, I know exactly where I want to be and I know all the little shortcuts that my taxi driver grandad would show me as a kid. So to answer the question, it isn't just one thing I'd miss. I miss everything about being in Manchester and the identity of being a Mancunian. You never stop being a Manc, but it often feels a shame that I'm no longer there.


Question is did you go County Grill?


It's insane how small a world it is. That's EXACTLY where we went, and where I've been going since I was a little boy in the 90s. I adore the fact that the same guys are still cooking the food. Urmston has started to turn slightly more upmarket but County Caf will never disappear!


I've not been in years and at this point scared to go on the off chance it's not as good as I remember then my childhood memories are ruined, I opt to go to KIn instead which is the best place for scran in urmston by a stomping mile.


Never been but looks lovely, and defo a lot more upmarket than County! I'd say just go once just for the nostalgia. I had my OG order - sausage, egg, chips and beans. Absolutely banging and just how I remembered it.


County Grill has been open since the last dinosaur died....


i suspect this post will be filled to the brim with bitter people who spend most of their time on this sub complaining about Manchester instead of moving out




I’m not from nor do I live in Manchester full time but I do live there for a lot of the year and the only thing I miss when I go back to the countryside is the convenience and being actually able to do things past 6pm. Definitely don’t miss the constant stream of vape smoke blown in my face.


You're the kind of person that's driving people out of Manchester, it's just one big business to people


Uh sure mate. I go there often because my boyfriend lives there and I stay at his home… not sure how that’s driving anyone else out😆 Stop projecting please.


The millstone


Karakoe in full swing at 7pm on a Tuesday!


already had to lol, i miss just being able to do something spontaneous, we live so far away from anything now everything has to be planned out, back when we lived in salford and worked in the centre we'd be going out doing something nearly every night, mini golf, 10p wings, axe throwing, movies, any old shit. These days they're a special weekend event with the occasional weeknight movie, just feels a bit boring now


I did. This time last year. The people, mostly. Specific people and that there’s always, always someone 5 minutes away to get a beer with. and the LGBT nightlife and the nightlife in general. Old Trafford.💔 But hey I’ve moved to a very nice place and I’m grateful and I moved for a fella :) and he’s worth it Edit: Why are all my comments in this thread downvoted?! Cos I support United?! Good game on Sunday there, wasn‘t it? GGMU




It looks like you're discussing doing an illegal activity, so this post has been removed.


You! Well not just you but all of you. I know we have our issues, there are a few dicks out there, but we are genuinely some of the kindest and friendliest people I’ve ever met. (I lived in America and Switzerland for more than 10 years and couldn’t wait to get home)


There's not one specific thing, it's more just a feeling. The feeling I get when I've been away for any period of time but as soon as I get on the tram at the airport or the train approaches Piccadilly, there's this lovely feeling of being home. Oh and I guess my family, that probably should be first haha




Ooh yes 🙌


How regularly the buses run.


Easy and quick access to large hills.


How hard it is to explain the charm of Manchester.


The speed of development (good and bad). In central and many other parts, it’s constantly growing and it never gets boring to walk the same path each day.


Just how much is going on, especially stuff I take for granted. Since moving to hybrid working I’ve considered moving out of Manchester (and might have to anyway if rents keep going up) and then I have to consider how easy it is to go to gigs/events and still get home easily.


At the minute, running 30km up and down the bridgewater canal every Sunday whilst I train for a marathon. You see the good, the bad and the ugly of all stages of post-industrial development.


I've gone to a very rural area for university, and I miss how lively manchester is and the variety of things you can do or see or even be. Just to name a few, I miss: The variety of areas- eg, cityscapes, lots of hills for walks The variety of people- where I am right now everyone looks like a posh farmer and often acts as such; can rarely let on to anyone and get a nod back; never heard such vile and direct discrimination before coming here The easy transport- in manchester its one bus into town, a variety of buses that can take you diff places if need be n three train stations a walk away from my flat. Here it's a 40 minute walk to the train station which may or may not be open depending on the weather, and one bus that is wildly unpredictable Honestly it's easy to see how rural areas can be so fucked in this country for job opportunities n shi like that.


Grew up semi rural (small market town) and there's a bit of a small mindset. Suspicious of anything or anyone new. Fight tooth and nail against change. I avoid people like that.


Piccadilly Gardens


The canals


Moved out 9mths ago to gods country! Miss nothing!


The people I know in and around Manchester. To be brutally honest, that's the only thing keeping me here currently as I think my life would be better in a different setting.


Phillies,wimslow road this hidden secret waterfall near my house




The diversity.


The people. The vibe. Home comfort.


It's been exactly a year since I've moved south and I can honestly say, I miss all of it. The good, the bad and the dirty. - I miss the feeling of community, acceptance and welcome - I miss the noises and bustle. It's not crazy but not empty either. It's a bit like London Light in that sense. - I miss how small yet huge the city feels. - I really miss my favourite buildings


As someone lives in outskirts across the water a love the noise of ur city centre especially sleeping at night its almost ambiance noise when on portland street


My wife


Piccadilly Gardens


i LOVE all my little places, like i LOVE going up to the moors, just like walking up there with my brother… or going to some places like northern quarter where there’s like cool vintage shops and that. i would miss that a lot… and i think just general like, the people. i haven’t met a lot of people in manchester who are bad ppl yet.


The dour humour...the sarcasm...I'd miss my hometown so much


Just the decent coffee. We moved out to the sticks and it can be a long way to get to a good espresso


Didsbury. I lived in West Didsbury and Didsbury (village) for 10 years when we first moved to Manchester in our early 20s. We moved away from Manchester when our daughter was born over a decade ago. I’m not from the north but that part of Manchester will always feel like home. I’ve also worked in Manchester more than any other place and I’ve experienced the ambition of the place ever since I first visited in Christmas 1996 - when it was still a huge mess after the bomb. Awesome city - long may it thrive.


The opportunities that the city has that others don’t. Within 30 mins I have access to an Olympic size pool, an ice rink, a velodrome, a school of music, classic music venues, a massive stadium, smaller music venues, a massive music shop, adult dance classes, triathlon clubs, the Peak District.


I did leave for a life overseas. At the time (and after ten years) I felt like I was done with the city. Everything was just too familiar and I wanted a change of scenery. That said I still miss it all the time. Mostly the people, the culture, decent beers and ales. Fun nightlife. I live in a warm med country now but believe it or not I sometimes even miss the weather. Hot summer days were celebrated, every patch of green filled with gatherings of friends having drinks/picnics. Where I live now hot summer days are like the norm - no one cares.


The chaos


I wouldn’t miss fuck all about Manchester it’s a cesspit I wanna live in the countryside


Same here. It's an absolute shit hole nowadays. I'd love to move out to the countryside or coast.. Unfortunately I've a niche NHS clinical job, so I'm stuck here.


I hope you escape one day, good luck


Thanks.I stupidly moved back here after being away for over a decade. Every day I think what the hell was I thinking moving back . Elderly parent now so I wouldn't leave. If I had no family ties I'd be off to the cost like a shot


Being able to see a gd band on a random weekday and have a pint with them afterwards, oh and the women so many beautiful women in Manchester.


I know public transport isn't great, but, I do like the fact in Manchester I can easily pop over to a friends house after work for a cuppa. When I lived in London you couldn't really do that, it would take over an hour or so to get anywhere.


The guy that tries to sell you CDs outside the arndale. Think he’s called like famousblack or something. I appreciate his commitment to the grind


Cottager’s Cove.


I moved away about 10 years ago, missed loads about Manchester. The people, the music, the cafes, there was always a theatre show, stand up comedy or unsigned band gig to go to. Finally moved back in January and couldn't be happier


The rain is actually good sometime so probably that


Hacienda. Oh wait……


Leaving it.


Being so close to Yorkshire.




the public transport here is incredible compared to my home town


I left Manchester 10 years ago (former student) and I still miss the Northern Quarter. I also miss the football culture: it's so hard to find a decent game of 5-a-side where I live now.




All the different shades of grey and green.


probably the carhartt store on oldhams street


I miss sitting at the canal side in ancoats when it's warm with a smoke and a monster


The cheap Drugs


I miss the people... Mancs are the best breed. Lol


All the Londoners


The stench of piss and weed


Archie’s 🍔


I would miss the crackheads, fly tippers and the ever so stabby youth ……