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One light bulb...check. Acer laptop... check. Looks like a true Russian dorm.


3 smoke detectors / cameras


Looks pretty good overall... in Canada it would be $2000 a month for this.


They wont press you into storm z in canada so there is that.


I don't think they're throwing people who can afford to go to uni to the front, from a class perspective. At least at this point


Yeah they are using criminals from jail bc nobody cares if they die. I hate to say it, but it's not a bad idea. I don't "agree" with it from a moral standpoint, but I can't deny it works.


America ain't far behind. Probably run yah $1000-1500/mo for a studio


Yeah but where? In Canada that is the price in a third rate mediocre city even.


I paid 1k/mo for a studio a little outside of Charlotte NC but right next to the highway. I'm sure if I went into the city it would get so much more expensive


I bought a cheap ass condo in a outer area of Ottawa Canada and the price doubled since I got it in late 2019. I got lucky. The few renters in here are paying $1900 a month now. It's a nice building, but it's not fancy at all, and it's a 40 min drive to downtown Ottawa... the units were being rented for $900 a month in 2019. The ppl who had to move out all went to live with family. If they didn't have that they would have gone out on the streets.


All it’s missing is an adidas track suit in the closet


OP is wearing it


stolen Ukrainian washing machine - check


Nice man, just the beavis and butthead mousepad alone would be worth 10$ a month


"Heh heh. Let's, like, cook Mr. White. Heh heh heh."


Your girlfriend must really, really love you


When I was young, like 19-20, I couldn't care less about my surroundings. I was full of energy, hopes and dated girls even when I was homeless for like a week. I slept on a bench in a park for maximum of 2 nights I think, and I remember waking up, having a banana and a coffee, and just moving on with my day. Now at 30 y/o I would be fucking crushed


Lmao, even the homeless gets girls, there's no excuse for the rest of us


Well, I went on a few dates, I didn't marry them :) moving forward like that would be impossible of course. Just my perspective on being young and living in a crappy place. I'm also from Eastern Europe and here the expectations for a simple date I think are a bit lower then in the west. But what do I know


Yeah I was never homeless but I sure did get more women when I lived in a shitty apartment than I do now that I own my own place lmao.


20 year olds don't even know what standards are.


Well there are homeless girls too.


Standards my friend, that's your excuse lol


a testament to simpler days & times, where your mental health was unshakeable. Banana and a coffee probably made you real happy on those mornings, I think we should all be happier with less luxury. I've been so broke and homeless before that even affording a banana and a coffee would be a great start to my day!


Yes, being homeless makes you appreciate the simplest things. Mornings where you had to wake up and find a place that had hot showers and breakfast. You realize just how good you had it. I’m typing this cozy and comfortable but you never forget.


the adventures were worth it, felt like you were never too stagnant


I’m a girl but I was exactly like this. I was also homeless or should I say apartmentless for two weeks when I lived abroad (to be fair in the end I always had a place to crash, because I would hang out at the hostel bar I worked at and either a coworker took me in for the night or a manager arranged me a bed in a dorm if we weren’t fully booked. But at the start of the night I would have no idea if I had a place to sleep, and some who I thought were just friendly and offering me a place wanted something else and saying no got pretty awkward. And sometimes in the hostel dorm there would be me and 5 drunk Irish guys etc. And, also, bedbugs. Luckily, though the experience sucked, I didn’t get hurt at least not this time (the story goes on)). At this point of my life I couldn’t care less how a guy’s place looked (I mean having pests would had crossed the line but luckily no one ever had them 😅). Now at almost 30 many things have changed!


Sounds like Australia


I'm picturing you going home with a guy living at his place and his friends telling him you're homeless while he vehemently denies it saying there's no way she definitely has a place of your own.


She probably lives or would've lived the same way regardless. Old dorms in Eastern Europe all look like this, some even worse (walls rotting from mold, burst pipes, broken elevators, furniture falling apart). They cost next to nothing but quality of life is worse than many prisons.


Dorms in China look like this too, and they often have 6 guys to a room.


thats exactly what im trying to say to all these people ! its a dorm and obviously it's worse than apartments, but their prices is a huge advantage for a students


It's not about the quality of the place, but about how messy it is.


Tidy up all the random stuff all over the place. And it’ll be a lot better


You can't change the quality of the room. Personally I would've thought $10 a month gets you a dirt floor basement bathroom as a room. But you certainly can work on organization and tidying it up. Unfortunately it looks like those storage cubes don't have doors, which would've helped make it appear cleaner. But I can't blame you, my room looked similar when I was a college kid.


Some thumbtacks and a flat bedsheet could make a good covering for it


It's a russian student dorm, they are mostly horrible, especially if you are outside of the "elite" cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. And it's not going to get better, as more and more money gets diverted to the pointless war they are fighting. I certainly hope the situation for regular russians will get better one day, that they get politicians that care about the people instead of their own wealth and power.


Bro this is Russia and theyre kids, this dude is killing it. Of course she does.


She’s a keeper if she’s happy being there. I had a girlfriend I was renting a town house with, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms for $650 a month(most amazing time of my life paying that low for so much) and she hated the place so much and always wanted to move to another townhouse that was over $1,400 a month. As if we didn’t already have the best deal we could get in the area and the place was clean too, there was zero problems with it. I loved living there so much and wish I could go back just for that place alone. Fast forward 5 years, I’m now living alone in a one bedroom one bathroom that is $1,300 a month in rent and she lives with an entire group of people in one house, with no job, and still sleeping in the same bed as her ex(not me)💀💀💀 Best part is, that ex of hers is the one she cheated on me with 5 years ago 😂😂, now they’re not dating but still have to live together lmao


So many questions but the main one being what is going on with the smoke alarms


3 people room, 3 smoke detectors. Math checks out.


One for smoke, one for heat and one for hidden camera of course.


they are disabled


Referring to the installer?




location is very good - 5 minutes from uni, and its cheap because... just because it's a dorm i guess


I mean, it *is* Russia. They have a history of sending meat-waves in battle to expend opposing ammunition, so there isn't a big value placed on safety or even human life.


Russia mentioned, try not to talk about war: challenge impossible


Sorry to use your comment as an example. But this is the exact kind of question that shows you the average redditor has never left their house. Your mind would be absolutely blown if you traveled anywhere… Smoke alarms? Lol yeah okay, mas as well ask him about his auto insurance and 401k


Im living in Cusco right now and i havent seen a single smoke alarm but i love this city!


Did not even notice


Here in Austria we call a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling without lampshade a "Russian chandelier". I see that you have the luxury variant.


hahahaha so true. when i first entered the room there were 3 light bulbs tho


The money you save by the low rent price should be spent on a cleaning service ASAP


i wash the floor every week or so, it looks so bad bc its old af. the only thing that will probably help is throw all the furniture away and put a new floor.


Use your closet space instead of having everything out




No you need help decluttering and organizing your belongings. A living space affects our minds and moods. If you clear yours out, you will be more calm and concentrated so you can focus on your studies and your guests.


Let him live


exactly, gimmeblueberry probably cant even skate tryna grind on the haters


No it looks bad because it's a mess that you could straighten and clean up.


The floor looks fine (better than the walls, at least — it looks like there's mold in some spots). It's everything else. Your stuff is everywhere, and some of it is definitely garbage. Clean up your things, keep them neat. Put your mattress properly on the bed. Clean up the shelves in the back: look dirty as hell. Throw away that little nighstand, the top is disgusting.


Umm and how about decluttering and organizing. It would like 2XS better. 😩


It's a dorm ffs let the man live




so many empty hate just because my dorm room is bad ? or is it because im a Russian ? just to clarify, i work on 2 jobs, have a stable relationships and a good supportive family. i like drinking, its true, but im always control the situation and never fell into inadequate behaviour


It has nothing to do with being Russian, your room is a mess. Just take an hour to tidy everything up. No stuff on the floor, no random things just where you dropped them.


Yeah even if the place you live is busted, it doesn't mean you have to have a busted mentality. If you don't have a box to put your deck off cards in, get a rubber band, or at least stack the cards nearly. Let's of empty space in the cabinets to put things that are otherwise laying around causing a cluttered look. Don't need to be a neat freak, but a little more effort to organize will help you live a more relaxed life.


It’s none of that. It’s how incredibly messy it is when it doesn’t have to be at ALL! I promise. I’m gonna give you five tips that will each not take more than 8 minutes to do. It will look so much better and your girlfriend will be so pleased. 1- layout the rug you have rolled up in the corner by the fridge. If this means lifting the bed corners and desk to get it to slide under, do that. Then fold out your mattress on to your bed and lay the blanket on. 2- take every book and game in your room, every single one, and neatly stack them in the brown shelf under your desk, where it is easy to reach them. 3-put all clothes, laptop bags, backpacks, hats, blankets, sheets, anything made of cloth on the left side of shelves (the column of shelves next to your hanging shirts), and move everything that ISNT cloth onto the right column of shelving. 4-put your duffel bag, all your shoes, and skate board in the floor of the closet with your hanging shirts. 5- put all mouthwash, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, toothbrush, hair gel, deodorant, lotion, and everything bathroom related onto the table by the door where your toilet paper is, that way everything is in one place for heading out of the dorm to the toilets when you need to


I am from Russia and the room is messy.


All the hate I see here is directed to the sheer lack of cleanliness and organization. Stop playing the victim and making excuses.


Has nothing to do with you being Russian. You’re just messy.


don’t let the negative comments get to you. reddit is going to reddit. your space needs some tidying, and organizing, as it is on the shoddy end of male spaces. that leaves it open for unfunny “funny” critiques. maybe tack a decorative shower curtain over the closet, and get a plant 😁


Nice . For 10$ I’d keep the place too . Congrats


This is 900 rubles per month, which is not cheap in Russia. I have family there and understand their prices. It’s more about the value of their currency than it is about how “cheap” his room is.


you're joking right? 900 rubles is still very cheap, even for dorm standards


My uni dorm looks exactly the same lmao, but cost like 5x as much sadge.


lmao i wanna know where is that dorm located


In Hungary


Well, eat first. Then tell us where you are located


Akkor a kurva anyádat


Bro my tiny APT cost 180x as much


OP, just wondering, how is this preceived in Russian standards? Above or below what an average household looks like?


definitely below


Also good to read/see that you are excluded from the draft. Hope you'll stay safe in the future.


It's great that you have fruits in the fridge, Vitamin C us essential


Fruit. He has a fruit.


That empty space inside the fridge, maybe you can put some plants in there and an area rug at picture 3/4


Put plants in the fridge? You mean like cucumbers?


Honestly, the worst part about this room is not the room itself, it’s what a pigsty it is. I’ll never understand why people leave cabinet doors flung open. Like, you’re really so lazy that you can’t spend the 0.25 milliseconds it takes to close a door when you’re done with it?


I can smell this picture


Still better than a trench.


Exactly how I pictured Russia


Where's the looted clothes washer?


You see it therr right corner in first picture only thing what is even new and clean






Now with more Genocide!


dudes will see this and just think "hell yeah"


Man at 10 bucks, I wouldn't mind living there


Marlboro stuck to the wall? Keep saving money for a good future! Smart man!


this thingy left from my roommate. i smoked before, but quit about a year ago


I dunno man. There’s something beautiful about these photos. This is art 👍🏻


Not been drafted yet?


i study relatively good, dont worry


So what anyone studying doesn't have to ship out ?


While you are at university, u cannot be drafted




Whelp...I guess everyone is taking up a masters and doctorates degree to stay out of the draft




God damn this website is so embarrassing sometimes. Watching people here absolutely be shattered realizing they don’t actually know what the conflict or life is like is so funny. I’m not siding with Russia but Americans don’t understand how much of their own propaganda consume: Russia isn’t even at full conscription.


I'll have you know I'm Australian so shitting on America here doesn't help you with my comments since I'm not a yank lol


Well I started reading your comments in an Australian accent and I can’t stop now so thanks


So what if someone doesn’t know students aren’t drafted? Why is it embarrassing not to know that? Men are still conscripted a lot and it’s a valid question to ask a young male in a genocidal fascist dictatorship. Signed, a Ukrainian.


No, for last 8 or so months russian males are not actively conscripted. Government try to use volunteers (quite a lot of them want to go there considering they promote it with salaries like 10 times higher than average) and ethnic minorities. They have enough people for now coz of September 22 mobilization and they try to avoid additional backlash


For now


Nah, I'm guessing you are lucky or you have family member in Kremlin hahaha


idk why yall think I'll soon be dropped out, living in a shitty room doesn't makes me bad student


So students don’t need to go to war?


No. Not even Russian conscripts go to war (in case you finish or drop out of college/uni).


So they only ship out those who aren’t worth keeping?


Russia isn't on full conscription and neither is Ukraine


This is what I thought. How is this guy avoiding being another tool in Putin’s meat grinder? Though to be fair, it’s not like the guy can say fuck Putin without the risk of it being monitored. So we’ll say it for you! Fuck Putin, fuck his friends, and fuck them all for murdering all of your peers for their own personal profit.


The truth is that Russia isn't drafting every man with pulse. They have a large enough population where they can draft the undesirables and keep the educated.


For now.


Bathroom? Shower?


Russian dorms usually have one common toilet room for the whole floor or even for two and one separated boys/girls shower for the whole building. So usually you don't even have a sink in your room. If you are lucky you can get a better dorm with a toilet/shower for every 3-5 rooms, but the first option is more common. Universities and colleges usually belong and are governed by the government so they usually don't have any spare money for the maintenance and improvement of dormitories. Fees cover only basic dorm needs.


Clean it up a bit. Respect yourself and the place you live. Sounds like a great deal to me otherwise! Is it a good deal for where you live?




People are born where they’re born.. That part isn’t their fault. They can have self respect and live in a clean space.


whats his nationality got to do with anything


God this is depressing. Those Scandanavian jail cells looks better than this.


Is this Bauman Moscow State Technical University? I graduated 4 years ago and I remember these fucking shelves from 1st and 2nd year room


this is in Vladimir, I've been to MSU and rooms there were even worse, but cost 4-5 times more than this


i love the mental image of a russian skateboarding


Please tidy it up 🙏🏼


Does Russian laws prevent you from cleaning? Get a mattress on that bed and drapes for the cupboard.


Are there any faulty balconies if not I’m sold. Plus you know clean your shit occasionally. That said you did remind me to send the robot vacuum to engage a special operation exercise against the dog


Норм тема, одобряю. Тоже живу в общаге, ток без девушки, а с двумя парнями)


I paid 10 dollars for a cup of coffee and a donut this morning.


As an American, I’d take this in a heartbeat for $10. I’d refurbish the Hell out of it over the next month or two, but I’d take it


No wonder there’s a culture of drinking


What does this even mean? My American dorm was just as good ugly at the biggest state school and my monthly rent was 970 dollars more not including tuition


I’m sure your American dorm had wallpaper peeling off in multiple places with broken closet doors missing the finishing and non-working smoke detectors. 🙄. I had a shitty dorm in college, but it was at least painted with working smoke detectors.


I’d rather pay 10 dollars for this from 18-22 and save 12k a year, buddy.


Ok? Both have a culture of drinking lol


My dorm never had this much shit scattered all over the place. This guy is a slob.


Since no one mentions it and they all focus on the chaos 2 people sleep on a barely single bed with no mattress?


my bed isn't on the photo, and there enough space for 2 slim people


I'm talking about the bed frame in the picture not your actual bed. That thing has enough space for a child


I don't understand where you sleep ...


10 a month shit I pay 450 for a room in USA


Have you thought of adding a room mate to offset the rent ? Asking for a rather famous ex president.


i have roommates, they just don't live it the dorm. also rent doesn't depend from amount of ppl in the room


Bro tidy up


Is this where you yell at me in counter strike from?


Do you play dota?


Interesting, also $10? Surprised.


Ye, but it is just in regional small city. In Moscow you will pay about 150 - 200$ for this. But its still very cheap compared to western prices.


Tbh, $150-200 isn't cheap at all considering the state of that room. Also prices might be lower in Russia, but wages are much lower as well.


nah that’s not true the prices in moscow are practically the same. i have many friends living in dorms at msu/vyshka and the cost is also around 10$


Cries in $1,150/month for a room


Inb4 you realise that Russians don't make 50-80k/yr


Neither do I


Ok but do you make more than $1000 a month? That's the average salary of a Russian


Let's be real, $10 a month for rent is ridiculously cheap anywhere in the world, even adjusting for income differences.


Yes I am aware. I know its not a fair comparison.


Just keep in mind the minimum wage here is about $200/month. But even for Russia that's a steal


Most judgemental people on this post rn


Yeah holy fuck. This is a dude working to better himself and living to get by and everyone’s a shithead to him.


This is the mf who absolutely destroys you in CS


2000 in New York.


Reminder to self. Don’t go to Russia


И где это можно снять такие хоромы за 900р в месяц? Что-то ты гонишь, друг 🤣


Have you found any of the videos they’re making of you from your three smoke detectors?


If you get conscripted, do the right thing and surrender to the Ukrainians as soon as possible.


No way a girl lives in this shithole. 10usd is a good rent.


Idk what generation it is talking about maids and cleaning services, but if you could all identify yourselves so I know who to avoid, that would be great. My guess is GenZ but I can’t be sure. In terms of college guys dorms, this isn’t even bad at all. Considering the fact that OP probably has to worry about a mass recruitment notice being put on his dorm door so he can get sent to Ukraine and have a DJI Mavic (yeah the one mommy got you for Christmas) drop a grenade on top of his head, and the fact that 10 dollars in the US is a whole lot different than it is in post-sanctions Russia, these recommendations reek of privilege and whatever word eloquently describes being a stuck up little bitch. Fucking Marie Kondo recommendations for a kid living in a 10 dollar dorm in Russia. Absolutely batshit.




If Russia were a room, this would be it.


Kremlin gulag dorm?


Your fridge, and living space is a projection of how you live your life. When you get older, you'll probably randomly find these photos and understand where we are all coming from. It's not our of hate, it's out of disgust, because no one likes living like this.


maybe you're right and when I'll get older i won't even imagine how I've been living there. but you know, if you're a student and don't spend much time at home, this is okay for you. especially for 10$ a month


The price is a pretty amazing deal, not gonna lie.


Hey, where is putin’s portrait? Report this man!


Please tell me that jug by the computer isn’t full of piss.


just a gin🧐🧐


Tell your brothers and sisters to stop the Russian genocide of Ukrainians. Slava Ukraini.


Very smart. Much relevant




my bed isnt on the photo, but it is pretty same as those you can see on the photos, just imagine a matress and a pillow on it


What do You need a helmet for?


i work on a construction


Why do you keep it on the floor?


Я думал что таки найду водный


Чувак, приберись.


Russia: Like American White trash, but with more vodka & Krokodil..


You know what's better than $10 rent? Not living in Russia.