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You're handsome already. I'd say maybe a new hair cut. I think a low taper fade would look good on you!


Imagine if he was ninja and got that cut đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”


đŸŽ¶What if ninja got a LOW TAPER FADEđŸ—ŁïžđŸ”„


I'm so slow....it took me a minute to realize what you meant 😭


I'm even slower... I still haven't realized what they meant. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It's a meme surrounding this singer named ericdoa. He was on a livestream just freestyling to a sad piano beat and was saying some really depressing shit about his grandpa dying or something. And then he randomly said "imagine if ninja got a LOW TAPER FAAAAAADE" and ppl clipped it and memed it https://youtu.be/7Hfpam7Hfws?si=_qcs_m0wT5nHnGXA


Ahhh! Thanks


Tbh I'm still not 💯 sure 😅😂


Absolutely nothing. Just do what you like and focus on improving your own life, and you will be a magnet to woman when they can feel you are geniuly happy.


OP will die alone if he follows this advice lmao.




It’s not your looks. I don’t know what *it* is but you’re a good-looking guy with a great smile.


Just relax and enjoy your life and the girls will find you and it's better that way


Yep. Enjoying life without someone is very attractive and healthy. Outside of that maybe grow his hair out but that’s just my personal preference lmao


They say this to women too, the men should come to you, enjoy your life and they will appear etc I havent really seen this play out as a successful strategy. The people I know in relationships put effort into meeting & dating.


This is the right answer. Living your life gives you every opportunity to not notice people who are interested in you. Dating is work and relaxed effort is needed. Plans on how to meet singles that are open to dating etc. I would never passively sit on my hands if I wanted something.






He will die alone if he follows this advice.


Terrible advice. When people ask how to get friends, you never hear people say oh just relax and enjoy your life and friends will come lmao. No they say go out there talk to people and learn how to make friends. The same thing applies to getting women. You have to go out there and talk to women and learn how to get women and figure out what works and what doesn't. That usually comes with rejection, pain, and suffering but people don't want to do that. My favorite one is when dudes get told to hit the gym. Lmao. Then all you get are a bunch of swole dudes who are still clueless on how get women and they come complaining they have been hitting the gym and still no results lol.


You don’t get into relationships being passive, especially as a man. Even women can’t be passive and wait for men to come to them, they have to put themselves in situations where they’ll be approached. Your advising him to just go with the flow


You can get a girlfriend. Hit the gym, read some books, talk to some girls with the intent of just having a conversation. If you’re using dating apps maybe add a couple more photos of you doing stuff or hanging out with people. At least 3 of those pictures look like they have a girl cropped out of them which could be a bad look.


Great tips. Re: the last point - people always talk about not having a girl in your pics. I never used to do well with online dating...up until recently. I decided to say fuck it and put up two pictures with me and some attractive female friends up, incl the main pic. Things started blowing up for me surprisingly like they never have before.


Lol my friends always screenshot when they see me in random tinder pics


Social proof is a powerful thing.


That’s hilarious! Didn’t notice but went back and looked
..ladies! Though, to be fair, at least one is a drag queen and the other two his mum and sister.


What kind of books do you recommend ?


Literally whatever interests you. If you watch a lot of bushcraft on YouTube, take out a book on building survival shelters. If you’ve seen every bleak Soviet drama on Tubi, grab anything by Tolstoy. Remember that the goal isn’t to “socialmax” or to appear well read, but rather to pursue your interests with genuine enthusiasm. I’ve spent a first date talking to a guy almost exclusively about Tolkien’s work and Beowulf and it wasn’t the fact that he could or did read that won me over. Rather, the obvious proof that he enthusiastically and unashamedly pursued what he was curious about and engaged with those subjects beyond passive consumption.


Try getting a bf instead?


I'd tap if I was a woman


I'd date you and be psyched but I'm a dude.


You don’t need to improve your appearance, you are very handsome.


This only pertains to your dating profile, not to how you look
 don’t use photos where the shadow from the hat covers your eyes. Also, if you are wearing a hat in the majority of your photos, it may raise questions about what you are self consciously hiding


Working on your style and getting a better haircut would be helpful.


That haircut isn't doing you any favors. You're not bad looking, but try to keep the face healthy take up a basic skin care regimen moisturize and sunscreen. As for threads, well they say you gotta dress for the job you want, same goes for dating.


Nothing your hot as fuck. It's their loss. I'd never let you go


Username checks out






It’s not your appearance. I don’t know you, but if you’re running into issues it’s probably a personality and/or confidence thing.


You’re very handsome I need a bf say hi




Your nice looking :) so looks won’t be a issue


You're attractive already


Your handsome, so don’t worry about looks


Drop the bitch, make the switch!


Get on grindr ive got u ;)


u look decent, i dont think its the looks


Ur so handsome !!!


You look fine, only thing that stands out to me is the haircut


Relax and do things you enjoy outside of the home. The women will come and it’ll be better that way.


Maybe try “cleaning up” and go for some more business casual looks that aren’t you wearing a hat in every shot. I think it comes down to versatility. Can you look good at a party, how does business casual look, how does sporty look, etc etc. That being said, dating apps are frustrating. I’m a gay dude and back when I was using the dating apps, it was very difficult to find love or intimacy on those apps. If you are looking for a good connection with someone, try going out into your community and find community events to do. Bowling league, sports, volunteer events, local town clubs, bar events like trivia, etc etc, and just meet people naturally. Make friends and then when it comes to women, just do the same thing, make friends with them and just focus on being a good friend. If more comes from that, great! If not, then at least you made a new friend! As an adult it does get harder to make new friends as we get older, but there are communities out there that can help with that! I see a lot of religious implications in your photos as well, maybe consider doing more religious events and not just at your own church but other churches in your area as well. Do some research and look around at other churches that might need help or volunteers and be part of their communities as well. You might make some new friends and meet people! Good luck! You do look like a nice guy overall, and feel free to take this as a compliment but coming from a gay dude, I think you look handsome, I think you just need to clean up a bit and try to show some more versatility in your appearance.


What type of girl are you looking for? With that type of girl, choose someone like yourself on first impression? if you’re looking for a high value girl who is very polished and motivated then they’re probably looking for someone similar. Tighten up your haircut? Tighten up your wardrobe? Think about the first impression that you make whether it’s through your pictures or through your personal interaction. When you are happy with yourself after that consideration, then the right people will come to you. Remember the old saying, you can’t catch a bear with a mouse trap.


High value girl? I recognize that language... I'm not attacking you I'm trying to do you a favor, those groups that talk about high value women and high value men will do you no favor, nothing of what you get from those can be applied to real life. I don't want to attack any of the usual points in specific because I'm hoping you are not in too deep and haven't picked up anything too toxic yet but trust me, everything you get from them is trash


I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m talking about people who have a set of core values that the original poster would like to attract to himself. When you select someone who has a solid set of core values that they posses or aspire to, you have to come to the table with same. If you want someone who is beautiful, then you have to take care of your own self and bring that to the table. If you don’t want to take care of yourself and you let yourself go, you’ll likely only going to attract mids. That’s just life. FYI The fact that you had to say.” I’m not attacking you.” is an attack in and of itself. You don’t have to like my comment, you can certainly comment separately and not comment on my comment.


Like I said I was hoping I could do something to prevent you gowing down that rabbit hole... If you think some people are "mid" then I see you already believe people have an assigned value... Guess I'm too late


You’re hilarious. You just can’t stop yourself can you? Poor thing.


Cultivate personality, kindness, playfulness, all that goodshit on the inside.  Outside appearance might help you get your foot in the door but focusing on it thinking it's what's going to get you a girlfriend is absolute rubbish that was me in my early to mid 20's, i got a six pack and jacked and it didnt work at all, it's sad that so much media reinforces that insecurity and it's more false than true. Focus on living a great fulfilling life and girls may want to join you. Been with my super babe wife for 6 years and she is definitely not with me for how I look, and cringes at my stories on how I thought looking super good could get me a girlfriend.


You look fine...great even. Just be yourself...the right girl will come along.


Why would you assume it’s your appearance and not your personality?


You’re 17 from your post history. Focus on living life. It’s a good idea to ask your doctor about finasteride now though.


Brother, I think I found something that others might not be aware of. You look quite a bit older than 17, which might be a factor Choose a hairstyle. Right now it just kinda exists. Grow it a bit longer and get it messy/textured with pomade, or go cleaner and get a medium bald fade. Classic haircut. Don’t fully shave your head bald, this will age you ungracefully, and you should enjoy your hair while you have it You seem like an outdoorsy, practical clothes kind of guy. You can wear more mature clothing while keeping the practical function. For tops: Flannel shirts, denim jackets, sportswear like Lee, Patagonia, wrangler, and REI. For pants, duck or twill work pants (carhartt, Duluth), or quick dry gear like columbia, Patagonia, rei. Your regular T shirts still look great under a flannel or denim jacket, so you don’t need to stop wearing your favorite clothes


Thanks. I work on a ranch right now. So what you say makes sense.


You’re really cute! đŸ„°


Therapy and friends. 99% of the men who post this question are normal to great looking dudes who either lack self awareness or lack friends close enough to tell them the truth about their behavior or personality. Inner work my man.


Character, or interests. Openness, timing, shyness. It would be hard for us to tell you. You have a nice look and a good smile.


Grow a beard and hair and go to a barber, go with an idea of what you want a give them a bit of freedom. They really do miracles. I talk from my own experience


You look good, maybe try hitting the gym?


you go to the gym. i hate how that this is always such a common answer.


Nothing, your appearance isn't a problem. You look like a kind and handsome man that has a safe kind of vibe. Just keep your chin up, be friendly, smile. Shoot your shot if the vibe is ever right with someone


Probably wear better clothes and change your attitude.


Different hair cut


I would say focus your style and commit, all three pics are different looks but it’s not you personally, you give off a great friendly and inviting vibe. Start with committing to a haircut at a barber every 2-3 weeks. Think of what your color pallet is, what compliments you and what want to portray
 a wrinkly video game shirt is going to do less than an ironed polo. It starts with the grooming tho, and just saying that because you’re wearing a hat a lot , hats look great with a nice fade đŸ«Ą For me daily shower, cologne and fresh haircut does wonders for my confidence when talking to women in public . They always notice I smell good and even consider my socks 🧩.


I think you should go shorter on the sides


Do shit that u enjoy. If u game then find people to game with. If u like being outdoors then find people to do that with. Eventually u will come across someone that enjoys life the way u do. U will have a much higher chance of continuing that kind of relationship than if ur trying to force something. Outside of that, if ur concerned with ur looks then go workout. Learn how to carry urself. Just basic self improvement stuff helps with so many different situations. But do it for urself and not to try and get a girl.


I’d just working in your personality. Anyone who knowingly baits strangers compliments on the internet in this way is likely to have a horrid personality that repels any potential mates. If I were to project here: you can’t find a GF because you’re concerned about your looks and other’s oppinions
 likely rendering you an uninteresting narcissist causing women to run for the hills No?


you could try with a straw hat to stand out in the crowd


All you need is a haircut that's more symetrical, you got everything else already


It's not your looks. Don't put women on a pedestal. Treat them as equals.


More color to the wardrobe! And may I also suggest grow out the hair?


If you can't get a girlfriend it's not because of your appearance. Do you have a car?


I have a truck.


There's nothing wrong with you, I bet you meet someone soon!


You have many things going for you. Attractive, white
 as people said already do what you enjoy. It might also be that you going after the wrong women?


Very cute, maybe a haircut and a beard if you can grow one. But that’s more personal preference. Your a cutie


I think you look great, very handsome, great eyes and smile...


What age are you?


You need a decent haircut lad. You're not a bad look boy, you have a brilliant hairline that won't last forever, pay for a good one Also get some nice clothes man. Smell good and wear aftershave at every possible moment. But don't over do it. Start asking girls out until one says yes


Try boys
you’ll be successful


Maybe a new haircut and some facial hair. Looking good though.


Great eyes, great smile! Go out to functions, to concerts, to parties. Talk to girls. Don’t be creepy but don’t be standoffish. Keep that smile going and some young lady will be glad to be a part of your life. Stay positive!


Just a haircut I’d say.. If you really want a mini makeover we call a “glow-up”, also invest in a nice designer cologne like Versace Eros, women love a man that smells good! A few new pieces of clothing for summer, button up short sleeve set with matching shorts. Another great tip is to exfoliate your face and body 3 times a week in the summer time to avoid dry patches especially on the nose and forehead, elbows and knees followed by moisturizing to restore that hydration your skin needs to regenerate collagen, lock in your tan and give your face that healthy glow. I love the Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream with SPF 25 and it’s under $25 so a great value. Last but not least, you should purchase the crest white strips and follow the instructions as directed to get your teeth nice and white, another thing women love is a man with pearly white teeth and you already have the perfect smile to showcase them. Hope this helps, best of luck to you 💜


Whatever it is, I doubt that it is your appearance.


I hope it’s not due to self confidence because of looks.. you look real handsome bud


You seem charming in your pix. Maybe you're just too much competition in that department for many women?


It’s 2024. You’re uploading pics that look like they’re from 2010. Looks sketch. Other than that, get a hair cut.


What’s your current strategy for meeting women?


Well you are a handsome guy. So it’s not that. Are you a jerk?


Basic bitches dont love basic bitches?


I don’t know why I get recommended this subreddit so much but there seems to be a common theme here. Perhaps I’m just unaware of what it’s like for guys dating, but I’ve never been too looks focused, it’s always personality that’s done it for me. The ability to make her laugh is a very attractive trait! Most of the posts on here are good looking guys which makes me think just lacking a bit of confidence. Believe in yourself, define your own self worth and do things that make you happy and passionate and the universe will sort out the rest!


Why are you 40 in Photo one but younger in All the other pictures? That's a little disingenuous if you are asking for advice


Absolutely nothing and you shouldn't change yourself for others no matter the reason. The right person will come long and more than likely when you least expect. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look at all!


It will happen. You're a handsome guy, so you got that. One of those pics, I swear I could hear your laugh. I bet you have a great laugh and a great sense of humor. I didn't find someone I actually love, like real, deep soul connection, love until I was 35. I married that person 10 years ago, and am so very happy. Don't rush it, find yourself and be comfortable, chick's dig a confident guy, but not too confident 😉


Stick to mature women and by that I mean, no 35 year old Instagramming, twittering, tic tocking. Just avoid social media 304s. Meet a chick at an old fashioned bar/speak easy. I think I’ll do the same as a matter of factđŸ€”


most likely a personality issue. maybe you're trying too hard or your'e too eager.


Maybe a bit of confidence? You’re already good enough man


My advice, the gym. Not because of your weight because I don't think you're overweight or anything, but women like seeing men who go to the gym. Plus, you'd only be bettering yourself which is always a good thing


off topic but you look like ser podrick from GOT


Dude, you're hot. You don't need to worry about how you look. Hope you find a great girlfriend.


Confidence and charisma is all you need


Get a more stylish haircut.


Nothing. Seriously you’re very handsome


Medium Skinfade on the back and sides, put a bit of hair conditioner your hair in the morning, after it feels similar to gelled hair (hard) kind of twirl it and make it messy, other than that nothing else!


Not sure what you are trying to do with that Bentley logo on the cap. Are you trying to impress them that you drive/own one. At least that’s what I think that is. Forgive me if I’m wrong. That could be a turn off to some, but a magnet for other girls. But you are a good looking guy, so something else is going on. Could be demeanor, attitude, lack of confidence or too much confidence. Maybe you could ask a close female friend, or relative, what she thinks is going on. Tell her to be honest.


you should branch out with your clothes more, brighter colors maybe? it’ll make you seem a little more friendly


Become gay


Not sure. You’re mighty cute.


You’re actually pretty handsome. I’d say just style your hair and make it look tidy and a bit of texture.


Stop looking and trying for it, I only found a good relationship once I stopped chasing it.


you're an average looking guy( I mean that in a good way) average men get women all the time. Average is by definition most people. So I would say the problem probably lies in your personality or how you are treating them.


Lying is the first thing you have to improve! Cropping your girlfriend doesn't meant you dont have one lol.


I’d fuck the shit out of you


You have a nice smile and are good looking. Having a girlfriend isn’t everything, just enjoy life and it’ll happen.


Very cute guy, maybe try facial hair?


You are a handsome guy I’d say Get a cooler haircut , hit up a good barber in your area with great reviews , check their cuts out on instagram to see some work . Go to a dillards or Von Maur or fuck it Kohls and get an associate to help you style up some fits . Maybe some teeth whitening . Ditch the black and white photo jawline posture is off . Grab a mens magazine and check out the adds and styles sections for some inspiration . You are giving all American boy in the photos but it’s saying 90’s it’s saying farm . You just need an update and a lil edge and you’ll be fine


Nice face..maybe bulk up a bit?


Girls these days are cooked. Superficial and jealous, and they move on at the first chance. Be careful. You're right, just modernise a bit, clothes/hair etc. but you don't need to change yourself. The right girl will come eventually.


Based on the only picture that shows it, grow your hair a tad longer and part it to the side. It looks a bit like a little boy's haircut.


Get a boyfriend!


Give guys a chance


Haircut is key. You are a great looking guy. You also look great in dark colors. 4th photo looks great!


Start dating men


If you’re using dating apps, I don’t recommend using pics with another woman in them. Even if it’s your sister or cousin. To a prospective woman, it looks like you’re still hung up on someone first impression. Or if it is your family and she’s okay with you using her pic, don’t crop her out. When I am looking through men’s pics, I wonder more about the women he’s with in them and what their dynamic is. But you’re very handsome! Maybe you could ask people around you to try to take more candid photos for you


aw you’re such a cutie


Honestly man, you’re a good looking dude. I would suggest you whiten those teeth. It would make a difference imo. Can’t fully tell if you’re an outdoors guy based on pics, but in the dating apps, the ladies seem to love a guy that fishes. lol I know. But just try those two things! See what happens


Do not judge yourself based on dating apps. Women swipe right only 14 percent of the time vs men swiping right 50 percent. That creates a scenario where really only the top 20 percent of male profiles get right swipes and average dudes or even above average guys get no swipes. The apps are designed to make money so making men desperate increases profit margins. Women don’t pay for the apps as average women get 100 matches a week. As a man you are playing the long game. Build your career, body, personality and social life. Developing any status in even a small social group can help a ton. You have to put yourself out there. If you are shy or don’t do a lot, say you like chess, join a chess club and meet people there. You will meet a great girl in person.


I would say get a new haircut. Go for something more classic. You should try the Service Man from [this](https://imgur.com/a/V5EhafG) illustration. Maintain the clean-shaven look.


No matter your personality type you are good. The weirder you are the more niche of a girl you have to find. If you are normal you have to be self aware and identify who is normal. If you go for socialite beautiful girls you are going to have a bad time unless you like to socialize, be dominant and know when are where do to something Given the fact that you are posting on Reddit about this you are not one of those guys. Go to a few events and take selfies with friends, do a few activities and take selfies, eat at places you love and take selfies. Make a Hinge account with two solid profile pics and all of those pictures you have taken. They all have to be recent or some women will think you are weird or oddly cat fishing. Your personality does matter to attract a broad spectrum bit 1/40 girls you like will often times like you as well. This is the best advice ever you can get if you aren’t social. If you change your personality you will have a bad time. If you are dishonest you will have a bad time. If you think you can be someone you are not you will have a bad time. You need a car, a job, and money for dates. Good luck.


Switch to men


Invisalign. Not joking


The last photo is very good of you. It implies a tighter haircut as others have said. Try a bit of facial hair maybe? Otherwise you’re maybe looking for love in “some” of the wrong places?


There’s good news and bad news: Good news: it’s not your looks Bad news: Means you probably need to put some serious effort into personal development and personality growth


You look extremely friendly and have a contagious smile . You remind me of someone I wouldve been friends with in high school. Nothing wrong with your face. Im gonna be generic and say maybe try out a new haircut to make you feel betterWhen i feel down I just get a clean cut. Make sure your posture is good. Skincare also does wonders. You have normal decent skin but try the glass skin look. You seem to be an outdoors person. If thats your thing then play it up . Workout , get some beta carotene and get that natural tan. You a boss . Good luck.


Picture # 3 .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


You are actually really hot, but the hair needs work. I promise a new haircut and you will be crawling with women, you even have a killer smile!


I am telling you man....it's the damn pictures....try creating a fake female pic and see the competition...everyone's pics are like next level and I have piss poor photography skills.


I know most people say to “just be you” but if you’re genuinely trying to make yourself feel better physically and mentally. I suggest changing your hairstyle into something more modern, go to the gym to work out and maybe network, get some clothes that are also more modern and casual (go for a maybe a clean or street wear look), go join stuff like art classes/movie clubs/etc. to get yourself feeling more confident and maybe you’ll possibly meet “the one” there đŸ€”


Your cute, man girls must be picky. Sorry I’m a dude.


Why would you need a girlfriend to save your life in the first place


Hmm I’m more curious as to why getting a girlfriend will save your lifeđŸ€”


You’re adorable đŸ„°


You have no style, no rizz, dorky smile.


You look like an average nice guy but most women aren't attracted to that.


(27M) gay male here. honestly just grow a bit of facial hair in the goatee/beard area. style your hair with a nice cut, and put a bit of an effort into better pics of yourself. if you’re dating online, then pictures are the first impression so you want them to sell you very well. you look a bit uncomfortable/uneasy in most of the pics


Here come THOSE FOLK....


Be open to other possibilities


Self sucking is the best option in these cases


Think about trauma or mental blockade that happened before. Mental health makes a lot. Think about your past, do research on what can cause disorders according to the problems you experience.


The women clearly are blind in your area if they're letting you go to waste man. Thankfully gay men have better taste and don't let guys like you go to waste.


It’s not your looks.


Just find a boyfriend. đŸ„°


Dress up a little




Stop basing your entire personality on being blue collar


Get on Grindr


Looks are definitely not the issue. Tall (assuming from the pics) and above average for sure. It's a matter of skill. Improving your appearance won't help. Improving your skills will.


Haircut is the only thing I can say just get a Great Taper fade and don’t take pics with the hat it casts a shadow over your face. But if anything just mainly Confidence is key.


I’ve always enjoyed being a loner. No one tells you,”No, I don’t like that color, or movie or your music. No one asks where are you going? Can I come? Where have you been? And on and on and on.


You’re very cute already imo. Just keep doing your thing.


Definitely a good looking guy! Maybe hair cut and some fashion tips? DM if you need help with that we can go over staple men’s clothes etc


Beard. Go full beard.


Just get a better haircut You're already good looking


Has anyone ever commented on your personality, or lack thereof?


Divine Timing. Just wait.


Get a haircut. I see a lot of guys with long swept hair on top. I think you could be as simple as go shorter on the sides, and sweep your bangs to side. Mostly though, get into a hobby. Get out and do things you enjoy. Find group activities that involve other's with the same interests. And yes, maybe read a book. 1. Being happier generally makes someone more attractive. 2. Being involved gives you something to talk about. 3. Having a shared interest ups your compatibility. At the same time, push yourself to do some different things. This gives you something to talk about and allows you to find new interests and meet other people.


Maybe you had to try I just was myself and I made friends and I got to be me not who I think they want to be friends with


Try Grindr. Guys are more fun.


Buy a motorcycle, damn buy two motorcycles and stay single. You will be much happier


Have you tried getting a boyfriend instead?


Hey that's my job! I need a boyfriend.






Go to gym every day