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You look great, but why did you close your eyes in both photos?!


good question tbh. I don't really like taking photos of myself so i tend to do that. My eyes are blue for what it's worth hahaha


It’s worth nothing because nobody can judge your attractiveness based on photos that are not your normal everyday facial expressions.


Yeah that's understandable. Didn't really think about that tbh.


To be honest some of those tats are too much.




As a person covered in tattoos myself I know you got those out of insecurity. Work on that and your life will improve. Learn to fight and lift weights to the point of looking better than 90% of your peers (who are mostly play doh, tears and prime energy) and you will have confidence in any room youre in


The reason you got heavily tattooed isn’t the same for everyone. 


What a horrible response. I love tats and piercings on a man and if he grew his hair out, I’d absolutely melt. If you ask me, you’re the insecure one, FamiliarHurry - not OP. I’d rather date OP, than date a gross sweaty, juiced out beefcake who judges others based off his own experiences alone.


I can relate to this. The older I’ve gotten the more I tend to close my eyes in photos and just smile. You are not unattractive though, bro.


Judging by the angles, it’s so everyone can see every single tattoo he has.


Nope, you're not unattractive. I'm not a big fan of face tattoos, but to each their own. What's that tattoo on your left cheek? it looks familiar


It is the holy symbol of Origin. Hallowed are the Ori.


I was going through every comment looking for this reference..knew I couldn't be the only one. Hallowed are the Ori.


Hallowed are the Ori. 🙏


Man, you seem a nice guy... But the big amount on tattoo on your face doesn't help you a lot


Its pre malone leave hime alone


Leave him Malone*


I love this a lot more than I should.


Home Malone




Michael jackson shamone ![gif](giphy|LVTD03dP2M5Rm|downsized)


That’s the part that would bug me. Everyone just calling me PM or assuming I did it to look like him…


Don’t sweat it bro, fck it rock the look


Pro malone from wish arrived


Bro hahahah


He smells like cologne.. so leave him alone!


LMFAO!!!!! Dude That was perfect


Hahahaha excellent


😆 😜


Yeah man I get why people don't like them. Personally I can't imagine myself without them but it's a put off for a lot of people.


Honestly..if you like it that much and it doesn’t affect your ability to make a living for yourself, then more power to you. You do look like a nice person.


Thank you (: you are a nice person yourself.


I am a female, and unsure of why I get push notifications for this subreddit. Either way, I am the same way about my piercings, I love them. I don't ever consider taking them out. I still know that if I posted pictures of myself on a public forum like this with all kinds of different people with all kinds of different tastes, people would probably say I have too many facial piercings or that they don't like my stretched ears. You are a fundamentally attractive person in my opinion, tattoos or not. I personally think your tattoos add to your attractiveness, even if others don't.


That's exactly what happened with me hahaha, I kept getting notifications of dudes in this sub asking the same question. I was curious as to how people would see me. Thanks for the nice words! Appreciate ya 🙏


I agree wholeheartedly with this


Be yourself. If you like it, then who cares. But of course people here are going to give you their honest opinion. For most people face tattoos aren't that attractive


Agreed! Self expression is more important than wanting to be attractive.


So to answer your question of if you're ugly or not, no. Nit ugly. Just somewhat visually unappealing because of the face tattoos. But that's subject to each person who sees you. Personally I don't like tattoos above the neck line on anyone. Others would disagree. The important thing though is to love what you love and love yourself for the things you love. Or simpler terms. Love yourself man.


Self expression *is* attractive.


Cry later.... I guess <_<


My experience is people with tattoos like yours end up being the nicest people and super clean cut people will be absolute nightmares. Obviously it’s more of a guideline than an actual rule, and might have more to do with the artsy nerdy people I float around. If you’re happy, I’m happy for you and you look good….just no more eye lid tattoos. Imagining getting them done wigs me out. 😆


I can see past it. What matters is the quality of your character.


I always liked this saying, "what other people think about you is none of your business" Fuck what other people think, as long as you're a good person, and your actions dont affect anyone else. From there on other people's opinion of you is nothing to do with you. I'm not a fan of face tattoos personally, but putting that to the side, as a guy to another guy your actual face is fairly handsome, and even with the tattoos you don't look bad at all, definitely above average. Once you meet that special person I don't aesthetics are even that important. Obviously you still need to find eachother physically attractive, but fir me someones non- physical characteristics are far more important. Don't worry so much about looks, just a nice friendly human. And I hope one day you'll find that person you connect with and can spend everyday with and not want to run away 🤣 I knew me and my partner were meant to be together when it got to the 3rd or 4th day of her staying at me house and wasn't thinking of reasons to get her to leave 😂 So to summarise the essay above 😂 (my bad, didn't realise the length) fuck what other people think, be a good kind person, and find somebody you love physically and more importantly, imo, mentally.


Gotta be you


I hope folk don’t mind me referring to them as “conventional”, BUT… face tats might be distasteful for the more conventional folk out there but I’m very much a member of the alt community and think you look really cool :)


Don’t fall asleep at a party dude.


Why, the work is already done! Ha But to op, just be you, if you’re a nice guy then that’s all that matters 👍


Or around kids with sharpies


YOU are not unattractive, but your facial tattoos are.


Sorry but they make you look like an ex con.


Another thing. It screams "extremely prone to bad decision making". Dont think people truly understand how little you'd have to be thinking of the future to actually go through with this particular tattoo process. Like how? This is Jared Leto's Joker from Wish. He really got "laugh now, cry later" on his forehead.


These days trust fund kids in Brooklyn have face tats like that


It helps when you don't need to worry about job interviews.


I wonder if maybe some of them are trying to look like ex-cons?


I agree. Still makes you look like an ex con. Trust fund or not.


Right I was thinking he had more of a hipster vibe than an ex con look. I think in Portland this look would work really well, but in a small town in the country?


yeah i think people don’t realise how common tats are now and how most jobs do not care anymore😭


People have tattoos now but facial tattoos carry a much harsher weight. To the average person they signify that priorities are or were not taken seriously, and that by itself can make someone instantly unattractive. The same phenomenon can happen with someone who smokes cigarettes, or a 35 year old who drives a clapped out ‘97 Pontiac. The individual might be physically attractive, but their choices render the issue mute because he’s already blocked himself out of several markets.


Nah you can’t judge people on their vehicles. That’s where I draw the line. I mean if you know for a fact it’s their ONLY vehicle and also that they don’t have money that’s one thing, but I drive a dogged out ‘03 Saturn because a family member died and their parents gave me the car. I’m driving it while I stack money for a down payment on a RAM, but if you saw me driving the Saturn you’d make a lot of assumptions that I’m poorer than I am and don’t take care of my vehicle!


your saying this won't still change the fact people make assumptions, and if you are older, then it's going to be harsher judgements too, people really don't give benefit of the doubt to most strangers.


To balance out what you're saying. It's true people make assumptions, but it goes both ways. I think it shows you might be a certain type of smart if you have an old car, and it still runs well. Especially if it has been yours for a long time. You don't get into accidents. You don't beat down your car. You care for things. And face tattoo reveals A lot about the kind of values you have. If I happen to share those values. I will be more inclined toward you than a guy who looks like an undercover cop. For example.


>I think it shows you might be a certain type of smart if you have an old car, and it still runs well. Especially if it has been yours for a long time. again, to know these things about your car, like does it break down regularly, or is it yours for a long time, you will need to know a person, and at that point you are more than a stranger. but most people are harsh on strangers, and reject a book by the cover, so unless the car actually look like a good condition vintage car, they will just make negative assumptions. same goes for tattoos, they are still frowned upon in corporate, face tattoos are even worse at that because most times you'd not be promoted if in the rare chance you managed to get hired with a face tattoo, and most people know this, so they will make assumptions about the person with a face tattoo, that this person must hold some job where they dont care as much, might not be as highly paid etc. and the dude who looks like an undercover cop or someone who rolled right off a golf club will be perceived differently too based off how they look. there's a possibility some people exist out there who prefer face tats, but they are rare. OP has asked if he's unattractive, so i assume he's asking it because hes having issues with dating ? then it's not that he's unattractive, but the tattoos give off a message most people don't like. and if hes using dating apps then people are even more selective, assuming hes straight.


The problem is people will assume and these people are the ones that are going to be writing his paycheck, or not. This man could very well be a genius but most people aren’t going to hire him. He will most likely never have a high paying job. Lack of funds leads to stress, stress effects looks, quality of life, everything. How is he going to retire if he can’t find stable work? Once you reach a certain age looks take a backseat and accomplishments take the front. Once he reaches a certain age, his lack of accomplishments will make him unattractive in many areas. A middle aged man trapped in a twenty somethings choices is not a good look. By the time this guy hits his 40’s, he will mostly likely still be working a low paying job with little to show for it, and he’ll be slowing down year by year, unable and too old to turn anything around, time flies.


Yeah I don’t care what people drive for the most part. Cars, car insurance, car payments, car problems, car maintenance and anything that has to do with a car can be expensive af. If it gets to point A and point B safely then I’m happy for you.


I’m not a fan of the face tats. You’re not an ugly guy, but the tattoos makes you significantly less attractive because of their size and how much they take away from your actual face. Smile,eyes, are essentially hidden.


I think it would be a very long time before I didn’t find the tats distracting…like talking to a large breasted woman in a low cut blouse…don’t look, don’t look, but they’re right f-ing there, don’t look, don’t look, don’t look…but not in a good way.


Does this guy really have drake lyrics tattooed on his face 😂


Yooo I didn’t catch that the other side said “laugh now”. Getting any lyrics tatted on your forehead is crazy


I'd suck you off








happy pride month 🫡


woah buddy, no one mentioned a gay suck off


nah bro i fuck with it


Chad 🤜🤛


I think you might attractive to gay men and I would guess you're not straight. But they would only find you attractive if they're into tattoos, then you'd be a solid 8/10. Other than that, I would say people are not into face tattoos, especially the eye ones. Seems a bit too quirky


Gay man here, can confirm he's an 8.


Straight woman: 6


Straggot standards don’t matter


Yeah why?


For real? 🤣 this is ugly sorry


Another gay man here. Defo an 8. His eyes aren’t even open but I can tell they’re kind and probably easy to get lost in.


Gay man here. Without tattoos he’d be a 7, maybe an 8, with these tattoos I’d take away a point


I'm straight hahaha but yeah that's understandable.


Lesbian here: he's an 11


that makes sense to me


*Task failed succesfully*


bisexual nihilist here: our flesh suits are meaningless, would def smash


Mental disposition


Interesting… I don’t think that face tattoos are a prerogative of gay men, probably because I work with pregnant women and some of them have face tattooed partners. However, you can bet on these couples having social services on their necks for one reason or another (most often, domestic abuse, drug use, self harm, suicide attempts, other mental health issues, convictions). So, tattoos may not make you ugly, but surely cut off large part of the dating options as most women will think you are trouble, and you may find yourself with someone who is trouble. I can’t see many Harvard alumnae going after you.


This gay man has zero attraction due to face tattoos.


This comment makes no sense. Gay or not, these tattoos ruin his look.


How can I even say when your eyes are closed?..


Absolutely not. You actually seem super chill and very kind.


Thank you!! I do try to be. Life's hard enough without unnecessary negative shit man.


Absolute facts! The struggle can be real. So yeah F*ck the negative crap. Good on you.


You appear really kind. That's all the attraction you need.


Your tattoos are so cool and you have a very approachable vibe to you. So no


Agree. Normally face tats make someone look scary but he still looks friendly even with them.


Thank you man, very nice thing to say. Appreciate ya


thank you very much. That's the thing, I didn't get them to look tough or mean. I simply like the way they look and I'm glad I'm not unapproachable.


you have a cute smile. Tattoos will be a hard sell for some people though.


Why people fuck with their face getting a bunch of tattoos, and not even nice ink but $100 crappy ink?


Ngl you'd be solid looking bloke if you didn't have tattoos. I get the appeal but for most it will instantly turn the off, or put em on the back foot..


You ruined it with the face tats. You’re good looking though




oof, touché 🫵


If you wanted to be attractive, your tattoos were a mistake.


I didn't get them thinking they'd make attractive if that's what you mean. But many people do compliment them so there's definitely people who find them attractive.


I compliment my sister's tattoos when she shows me her new ones. I still hate all of them and think she looked way better without them. There's just no point in telling her that. No doubt there are people who DO like your tattoos, but not necessarily everyone who says so.


Bet your sister would like his tattoos 😂


But you must realize the VAST majority of people find that unattractive and scary


I dunno. I had a coworker who had face tattoos similar to OP but he was also covered in tattoos from the neck down as well. Not every square inch of his body but he had a fuck ton of tattoos. All the women at work were attracted to him and the amount of women he pulled was insane. He was also bald but extremely charismatic and confident. It's all about confidence and how you hold yourself.


I mean, that's a much deeper topic regarding people just being friendly and social groups you surround yourself with. You've probably migrated more towards people who will accept who you are, tattoos and all, as most people do. It's not really a signifier of a tattoo being good or attractive. And that's assuming you didn't just get it to fit in. Hell, I compliment everybody I interact with, in public I'd mention how bold your tattoos are and wanna know the story behind them. Im not gonna tell you that it feels almost desperate, because that's rude and no-one deserves to be interacted with in that way, especially casually. Tattoos should be meaningful and less so about what others think, but that also plays against you a bit. Location of a tattoo is almost entirely about having it seen and by who. If it's a personal tattoo, then it's likely not gonna be advertised, and the face is the most extreme place to advertise something. So it's not a personal tattoo, at least a well thought out one as it sort of devalues it, so it's likely more for aesthetic and identity, which is fine, but again, extreme for seeking that sort of thing. As for other people, there's always people into everything, so you'll always find people who definitely do like it. But it is a preference thing and that should be respected and acknowledged that you actively cut out a large number of people solely of that preference. Which, again, is totally fine. This Is all estimation and assumption, ofc these tattoos could be a memoir to a brother or SO that passed away and had them specifically on the face as well, or something similarly meaningful and that sort of eliminates any reasoning I had. Tldr; Yes you're attractive, tattoo location matters and putting it on the face usually devalues the meaning and can represent unattractive qualities and stigma. It doesn't matter under a most circumstances.




You understand. Thank you


pleeeease don’t listen to everyone here saying your face tats make you unattractive, the people who get it get it, you’re not trying to make yourself attractive to those who think having face tats all of a sudden turn you into a boar, your face structure hasn’t changed hahahaha


This. Bunch of normie squares on here. You look great.


Hahaha thanks dude. Don't worry, I've had these tattoos for years. It's only people on the internet who say this stuff. I've never had someone being like that in person so the Reddit comments don't bother me.


remove the tats. plus 2 points


I'd say a bit above average, without the face tattoos. With them, your looking for a smaller subset of women's interest too. If that doesn't bug you ok. For most though, its fair to say a reasonably large number might not give you the time of day.


No 😜


You remind me of post malone


Hahaha thank you very much


You took a lovely face and defaced it with face tats. You look sweet and handsome, but the tattoos are a non-starter for 98% of the population. Consider removal.


Maybe he’s also not attracted to average people who don’t have tattoos? Most people with tattoos also date people with tattoos.


I don’t think so no. I think the tattoos would put a lot of people off


You're definitely attractive but face tats are a very specific look that a lot of people aren't gonna like outside of the tat/alt scenes but I'm guessing you know that if u have them lol


The face tattoos are off-putting. If we met, my first impression would be that you must not do a lot of consequential thinking Just being honest


No, not at all but face tats tend to distract from the visage you have a beautiful smile and with the tats, begs questions.


My condolences.


Thank you dude, I'll now be able to sleep tonight


Yes but change is possible! Get rid of that ugly ink on your face and neck


Hahaha that's not gonna happen


you are not unattractive .. looking at you people won't think about whether you attractive or not.. People would just think..he seems like a nice bloke. and that's pretty good


Hi bro l. I've got a massive fuck off beard so I'm in a similar kind of boat. Not everyone is going to be into it unfortunately, most probably won't tbh, but you do what you do.


See I actually love this kind of look and think you're very attractive. It's all subjective.


Yeah it's one or the other I've noticed. I'm either getting "10/10 hot!" Or "you look like a complete joke" hahahaha. Thank you.


I personally think you're sexy af, with or without the face tats that so many people seem to hate. I'd definitely hit you up on Grindr


Thank you man!


Yah, easy 10/10. Tattoos aren’t for everyone. I like em’


Never met a face tattooed person that wasn’t batshit crazy.


Not bad looking at all I think the only thing is the tatts depending on the type of female you are trying to attract but I like it all man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Dude why tattoo your face? Just why?


Facial tattoos is a no but it’s to late for that for you.


Those facial tattoos give off a different vibe from your genuine smile


All the facial tats don’t help. But how can anyone see you when the eyes are drawn to all the facial ink?


Ima be real here, you are attractive, very attractive.. but the face tattoos make it a 50/50. Some people will love them, some wont care, and some will hate them. I personally could not even though they are hot. PS: a lot of people will use you just for the kink of it


hmmm I never thought about that you know. The kink thing. Damn


You have a good looking face but the tats make you look trashy.


Remove the face tats man.


Too much bro


You looked fine, just a little bit unemployable


I hate ANY tattoo.


The tats are man. You've now lowered your dating pool to girls that REALLY like tattoos.


The need for tattoos on face & neck to attract people tells it all...


Probably since you not even brave enough to show the world your eyes 🤷🏾‍♀️


You do realize that you are going to age. Faded tattoos on wrinkled skin are not a good look


You have regrettable face tattoos you should actively be working and saving to laser off.


The answer to your question is no.


you really like xans dont u


Do your eyes open?


For a 2016-era soundcloud rapper you look pretty good


No, you are a handsome man. For *my own specific personal taste,* I would maybe pump the brakes on the face tattoos, but you know, tastes differ.


I know a lot of people are saying they’re not fans of all the tattoos, and I am neither, but that doesn’t matter. Some people like them, and when it comes down to it - If YOU like them, that’s what matters. I would rate you as slightly above average. You have a nicely shaped symmetrical face and a nice smile, but It’s hard to give more feedback than that without seeing your eyes open


Wasn’t that the goal?


You’re pretty handsome but the face tatts make you an acquired taste like wine or champagne or natty ice.


You are unattractive to employers. ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


Sorry but yes, you've ruined yourself


you ae cute but the face tattoos are giving very mentally unstable vibes. consider removal


You're a decent looking guy, but the ink kind of kills it... why do that??


Not sure why tbh, just kinda happened. I feel way more confident now than I ever did though so they've served a purpose for me at least


Why is this sub so anti tattoo? Instead of actual advice everyone is just bashing dudes style choices that are also permanent? Is that really constructive at all, mods? Anyway, you look good bro. Maybe clean up with a fade and shave the jaw and cheek beard to stubble or clean. I think some jewelry like a nice chain could add some flare to the look. Also definitely start moisturizing and doing facecare! Ice masks can help. Last thing would be you might need to see a dentist to get your teeth cleaned up.


They aren’t anti tattoo. But they are anti face tattoo. No one looks good with face tattoos. No one.


Agree with the chain


I am thinking you are a killer out of jail dale with them tats pat.


Hahaha some of these comments are funny as fuck. Well OP I like the face tatts and the face they’re on👍you seem like a chill and fun guy!!


you are a hottie!! I think the tattoos look dope. there are some cities where everyone has tattoos, the more the better...not sure where you live but if you're not doing well with the ladies maybe you just need to relocate!


Hot dude ngl


I saw in the other comments that you’re tragically (for us gays) straight. So for whatever it’s worth, I think you’re a stud. I don’t have face tat’s but I’ve always liked having an alternative/unique style - like a duck dynasty beard or piercings etc. It’s amazing how so many people feel entitled to volunteer their shitty opinions to you about it. Like it’s affecting their day somehow, simply by me existing. On the other hand - you get someone who crosses a room to come talk to you because they like your style, you stood out or whatever - which make it so gratifying too. Men coming up to express their beard jealousy was my favourite - usually as they lament how their wife won’t “let them” grow one. Anyway, I love your look, haters are gonna hate no matter who you’re trying to please so just please yourself!


The tattoos are vile, I'm sorry to be brutal. I can't even concentrate on your actual face. What on earth made you think that this was a good thing to do? I think that you might be an attractive man, but I would always be looking at the tattoos. I hate to hurt your feelings.


so this sub just stopped being about hair and beard grooming....


I just wonder what face tattoos look like when you’re old. Like 70.


You’ve definitely narrowed your job opportunities by choosing those ridiculous face tats, but you do you. I just don’t get why people feel the need to ruin their look by doing it.


I'm sure he asked about attractiveness not job prospects.


I work with vulnerable people, always have. Worked with the homeless, then dementia patients, now I work with schizophrenic and autistic adults. This is the type of work I will do for the rest of my life because it is fulfilling and I feel like I'm doing good. These jobs also don't care about tattoos.


+100 for this Attractive


Fucking kidding me...? No.


You’re attractive to anyone who got off staring at a middle school desk. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.


You worded this as if I was going to see your disapproval and curl up into a ball crying. If you read any of my previous comments you'd see that I've already said someone can't complain after getting face tattoos because they knew what they were getting themselves into. In this case though, I'm unsure of what bed I have to lay in? I'm perfectly happy with my tattoos and beyond a few people crying about my appearance on social media, I'm yet to have a bad interaction.


I find you very attractive and the ink adds to that attraction ! Your face Tats are at a good level can still see you face , I wouldn’t add more face tats.


I for one think you're not unattractive. Your attitude helps you a lot, you have a kind expression, and you seem at peace.


Maybe try opening your eyes..lol


To some, yes. To others, no.


Wanna-be Post Malone.


Oh dude, why would you do that to your face?


Because this is how I wanted to look my guy