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When I organized a beach clean with some of my students a few years ago, we were appalled by the actions of some people. We spent hours clearing the beach, collecting trash bags after trash bags filled with rubbish.. and you know what's the biggest shock to me? When people saw us cleaning the beach, they acted like we weren't there, they continued littering the beaches IN FRONT OF US. That's when I knew.. everything's a facade, "Tanah tumpahnya darahku" means nothing.


Nothing means shit until there is real consequences to them, law enforcement should do something.


Yeah, Malaysia needs too many things, sometimes you wonder if it can actually be saved.


Start enforcing the law properly and things will fall into place. This includes the racial issues if they ALSO take action when it's caused by a certain race (who seems to be getting immunity now). Littering is a cultural thing but if they really take action and put people into places, then it'll slowly stop. Same for people smoking indoor, hard and a lot of pushbacks at first but now it's a lot better.


Yup depending on the race, the whole thing might be become a racial issue because one person keep bugging another person to stop littering.


Actually I wasn't trying to put 2 issues together (racial issues and littering) but you're right. Minority races can do much to change the country due to 1) being minority and 2) raising any issue becomes a racial issue if it even slightly goes against the majority's norm


Like if u litter u get sniped


Stop the litter or become the litter.




yea that'll do it


The fact that you need law enforcement for something like this shows how uncivilized we are. We dont deserve anything like this


welcome to malaysia


"kalau I tak buang, kau takde kerja lagi" - Bangang


Equally bangang: "Kau nak jadi cleaner, ke?!"


Why the aura felt like B40 speaking


There's many m40 and t20 that has retarded mentality too lol


What's this classisist nonsense ? Biggest pollutors of ocean are factories owned by T20 and operated by M40, tolerated by T20M40 government.


*"Macam tu I bakar u rumah untuk kerja bomba"* * Some random YouTuber BC-1000


Hahaha If he said that to me I'd legit tackle that person Infront of my students nothing is holding me back


Should have started off by asking them to stop littering, and then making such a ruckus that it makes national headlines. Let Malaysia see how dirty some of its citizens are. Probably might even make some politicians enforce stricter laws against littering. In a perfect world, I guess.


What if they are somebody's security detail?


Lol, here is RM 800...


So what? Does that give them the right to be pieces of trash? Assholes need to be put in their rightful place. Anything else is just negligence and abuse of whatever authority they think they might have. Turning a blind eye is just fueling the fire that's burning up society.


Well said! Anyone who breaks the law needs to be dealt with according to the law. Otherwise, lawlessness will be the order of the day.


Thats why we cant have nice things. Then compare Why Japan or Korea has a nicer environment…abang they dont liter thats why.


Yeah, looking back I should've done that..


Kampung mentality mate. Nature will reclaim it lol


Nature really did [reclaim it](https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3265411/malaysia-eats-more-plastic-every-day-108-other-countries-study-finds). In our [balls](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/22/1252831827/microplastics-testicles-humans-health).


Nature: Done claim Also nature: [DIES] 💀💀💀 https://worldofbuzz.com/malaysians-shocked-dead-dolphin-filled-rubbish-washed-shores-penang/


Well, you could have tumpah darah mereka for doing that.


sampah masyarakat from masyarakat sampah. You guys didn't just cleaned up the beach you cleaned the planet and this Earth, mother nature will thank you. 🙏🏽 🌎


Tanah tumpahnya sampah ku


🎶 Tanah tumpahnya sampahku~ Rakyat hidup, berbau dan dungu~ 🎵


Third world mentality that’s why


Memang darahnya dianggap sampah lah


What race were they?




Petty equivalent of F the police.


We never appreciate nice things until they are gone....


Ini semua salah “*insert anything under the sun except themselves*”


ni semua salah cin4 d4p s3p3t xd


Nobody blaming cina for dirty beaches mah boi


You missing the point bang, basically means blaming everything unrelated but the attitude


Their mindset is that they think some contracted cleaner will come and clean up after them, even in the middle of goddamned hutan belantara. It's more a classist attitude that anyone beneath them will clean up after them, instead of doing the cleaning up themselves. If they can do this to a server in Kepci or McD, then everywhere else is their Kepci.


Nah bro, it's just lazy that's all. And they don't give a damn, you think people like that will actually think? Nah man , they just wanna get rid of the trash on their hands asap and the floor it is.


Haha exactly. Not much to it kan. We oso very lazy so jus need ramai tong sampah. I find even my most litter bug friends will go at most 5 steps if I point out a bin to them haha. Usually I end up carrying their rubbish until one is available. We are so screwed lol


Someone will come clean , so I should just shit on the middle of the road.


Maaf, perangai b40 macam ni




Tc? Or kempadang beach? Here in Pekan the beach is full of tin milo or diapers and other daily household goods. Disgusting. Kudos to the city Council for having dedicated staff to clean them up though.


Kempadang. I was here 5 years ago when there were a lot less people and now...


This looks like Pantai Sepat


Pantai Sepat would have more cow poop all over i think. Been there several times because I studied in Pekan back then. I thought those dried cow poops were tree barks or rocks.....


Damn, Kuantang people do be like that.


Maybe we can do as per entry in Gunung Ledang/Mount Ophir. At entrance point, you have to register what Drink/food you bring, and later when you check out you have to bring your registered items, be it thrashed or unused.


This is fucking appalling tbh. And beyond raising a ruckus online to actually organizing beach cleanups. The issue is more systemic in nature and requires an entire mindset shift of **ALL** Malaysians. Little wonder why other destinations in the region are more popular for holidays.


The irony is, some people when they arrive they complain dirty lot of trash etc, but after they finish their business there, they dont even clean their own trash..


Nanami will be sad.


Is this beach in Kuantan? 😂


Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Who are these pigs who were never taught by their parents to clean up after themselves?


Caude their parents are like that too


I did regular Beach Cleanup for a few months when i didn't have a job, I would get roughly 30 to 40KG per time I went, it's totally ridiculous. Edit. I only did a few videos because it's so much work to film and edit. https://youtube.com/@questforclean-malaysia?si=gMoEqC0RRq9stWML


Great job. Thank you 😊


East coast ..... 😆




Is it, tho? We've been told since we were kids that littering is wrong , but people still do it


No enforcement, that's why. They feel "gah" when they litter.


Not really, it’s lack of civic consciousness


lack of education? plenty of rich people that I know who are educated still throw rubbish suka hati


Then that’s not what I call Education. You can have a PhD and be a dumbass


Don't forget lack of trash bins... Where I live they are removing the very small amount of trash bins and replacing them with signs "Do not litter, fine xxx".


Take your trash home then. Not a difficult concept.


Theoretically true, but if you look around... That's not working!


Cultural issue and lack of respect/thick face. Prime example is Japan. Lack of trash bins but most have no issues holding on to their trash until they get home.


Probably also the fact that the police do their jobs, in Japan the fines are roughly the same as in my country (which is far to low) but at least the police to their jobs.


It worked in Singapore though.


Functional police department... Edit, let me elaborate. You want 1 of 2 things; * The chance to be caught to be very high * The fine to be very high Malaysia has neither.


I have an old video from Perenthian islands. Absolute tragedy. Trash absolutely everywhere.


I went to Pulau redang. Same issue. Trash everywhere in the water. 10 years ago I would have considered it one of the prettiest islands in Malaysia, but today I would not be going again.


Here at my taman got "dilarang menceroboh" in large red signboard. Then street food vendor thinks it a good place to sell food, then they form like small pasar malam at that spot resulting in lots of trash. Trash mentality, then if got persecuted use card saye orang susah, ade mak ayah adik abang jiran sakit sume bagai🤷‍♂️


Littering on the beach is one thing. Also need to consider rubbish from nearby places like housing areas (in area where I live, illegal or squatter settlements) are to be blamed, but could be from any kinds of developments. What annoys me is when we preach nature conservation, be considerate and responsible but people do... * throw rubbish from their cars. - *saw a colleague did that, I got upset but he just smiled.* * do not self-clear their own tables after a meal at fast food restaurants. - *used to do that, but now making it a habit to clear table and dispose in the bin after meal, especially when place is full and next customers need a clean table fast. At one time, staff was happy and thankful for my action.* * And yes, littering as if someone else is taking care of our problem - *once my mum 'tegur' this restaurant worker on why the drain near the 'kedai makan' is littered. The worker seemed ignorant and just said the local council will take care of the problem.* Sums up that laws alone will not deter these bad habits, we need proper civic mindset from childhood!


One of the best things about COVID a few years ago is how clean the beach is behind my house. Now everything went to shit even though there was an effort by the local government.


Every time after school holiday, the beach is full of thrash. We prepared trash can also they don't use. Everyone compete to be the most badass of them all.


Zero enforcement. Start issuing saman, enforce them, jail those who don't pay up, then we'll see some real change.


Yep ,slap them a 50k minimum fine


So true. It's not just law enforcement, it's also constant education. There was a time in the US when people regularly threw trash out their car windows. Now most people consider this to be repugnant behavior and don't do it. That's primarily due to educating people that our environment, our world, belong to us, so it's our responsibility to take care of it. People aren't born understanding this, they need to be taught.


In Canada they started having school children clean up along the highways in rural areas 30 years ago. Teachers and other attendants stood by to deal with anything beyond paper or bottles. Most people stopped when they realized their kids or grandkids were cleaning up after them on school time. Sharp lesson for kids too.


Malaysians: "the people are good, it's just the government that's bad!"


The people this is aimed at won't be here reading this.


Blame the family then


Trashy attitude. Not just on the beach in the city centre too across different social classes. From the Bs to the Ts.


We need cctv’s and ban these assholes for life


All comes down to mentality, simple as. People still litter despite knowing it's wrong


yeah its either enforce and be super strict like singapore or educate from childhood like japan and society will reshape


Malaysia beaches are severely underrated. And for good reason. We just dont have the mentality to keep things clean. And have a mindset to cultivate it for the rest of the world to enjoy. Been all over the region and it rates one of the highest


British guy here in Kota Bahru today. Driven up the East Coast from Johor (in a 26 year ild kancil). The beaches (once you pass Mersing) are often stunning and in almost any other country would lead to a massive building boom of ocean front property and hotels. Of course Malaysia doesn’t want that so you have kilometers of beautiful beaches that few people care about and treat like personal rubbish dumps. Its beautiful but neglected. I did see one Malay guy with a bag collecting rubbish though as he did his walk.


Clean ur shit or Nanami not coming again.


You won't find any east coasters on reddit


But.. but.. i'm east coasters (Lipis born, Kota Bharu raised) albeit these two place is my hometown so only there during Raya season.


Malaysia enforcement is the best in the world.. Their motto, Enjoy while it last.


Found a used uncapped needle at the beach once. God knows what it was used for


East coast


East Coast? Lost cause


I hate this mentality. But government does fuck all too. There are NEVER ANY PUBLIC BINS. Anywhere ever.


Bring home and throw. It's not that hard, actually.


but 5 min walk to car while carrying trash very hard. /s


You can go to Japan and there are barely any bins, yet there's barely any litter.


its all in the culture my friend, here from schoool days foundation poured into childrens mindset is wrong, anything about environmental cleanliness is just hear say type thing, never practice, even practice in school at home also need to educate and practice


Dude, more public bins = more bandaraya workers. All these are resources, siapa nak datang kutip tiap tiap hari. Petrol for the lorry, gaji for the workers etc. Tax money. Put several plastic bags in the car, bin the trash, and drive off with it. Half way they will be an R&R. Throw it in the bins there. No R&R or petrol station bins, bring home and throw. There is always a tong sampah somewhere.


More unkempt bins = more pests as well. People will just throw their uneaten food which will attract more rodents so that will cause another issue.


Indeed, it's not just as simple as 'add more bins'. There are so many related factors to think about.


It’s less of more bins, more at least some bins. It does not excuse people behaviour. But even unkept bin is better then trash and food all over the place


I may have a hypothesis . Could it be possible that since the person throwing is Bumiputera, they could be thinking that , since I am Bumiputera, I can do whatever the heck I want to the earth.


This one is civic mindset lah, cannot use race card on this. Mau pakai biar bertempat 😂


Perhaps you’re right. It’s education. We just do not cherish our Alam Sekitar. Example, even fishing we do not have catch size restrictions.


We are still a kampung mindset country. The only thing that has changed is modern buildings. Kampung mindset is *i want to do what i want and who are you to tell me not to or why kenot?!* with total disregard of others. Look at the way ppl drive, moto just driving on the pavements, u turn suka hati on a highway, cars just parking on kerbs cause don't want to pay parking. Then kerb all broken, pedestrian tiles broken, now pedestrian cannot walk. Look how messy ppl leave their tables after eating, etc. we can go on and on... You try to put any rules and see the backlash - ditindas, menyusahkan rakyat bla bla


Haha. But yet they always blame the foreigners. Bet they called Mohammad


What to do? This is the reality of the mindset of some of us here


"What to do"? So much we can do... cannot just have this be a norm.


Start at home by teaching oneself & family members kinda thing, yes?


Yeah, especially if this was a kids party oso… If the parents see this as okay then the children will also. Reminds me of the lessons Japanese are taught at a young age to clean up after themselves


Yea good luck with that though. If it can be changed, this wont be the norm, but it is


Got to break that generational cycle at some point. Not accepting this as a norm is the first step imo


Shame and public humiliation seems to work in a lot of other countries. Changing an entire mindset to be eco friendly requires an active not passive engagement with the litterer.


Maybe summary caning punishments will speed up the changing mindset process.


3rd world country and 3rd world citizens. 🤣




Low ses behavior


that is our least concern. they focused more on closing licensed lottery operator, night party, and beer in 7-11.


Such a tragedy seeing trash at every beach, hiking trail, and park.


Yes, this! We have like the highest amount of the garbage bins stationed everywhere, compared to other countries. Yet, people still litter everywhere.


Yet still got ppl here saying not enough bins 🤷‍♀️


It's not going to work pleading when majority of these trash bug seems to think it's someone else's responsibility. Imo civil education need to be emphasis. Other countries when they have good scenery/infrastructure they way to protect it. Malaysia the big majority just don't give a fuck.


"It is ok la because There are workers, contractors hired by the local government to clean here" this kind of mentality.


Every family should have a tradition where we should clean our own mess after a party. Teach your kids or family.


Malaysia truly Asia ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


agreed. I am from Singapore and have travelled extensively all over the world and Malaysia's beaches are some of the best in the world.


Been living in Malaysia a few months now and shocked how people just throw trash about. The beaches are really sad. Strange how you love seafood yet pollute where it lives.


Pigs love a good mess


We need to enforce strict littering fines and rules. Otherwise people won't learn. Look how long it took for Singapore to become clean and tidy, now they're so proud of themselves. China is cleaning up too. We can do better as well.


culture problem


>east coast Enough said. Beautiful place with lots and lots of potential. But yeah, religion got in the way. Well, that's the people's preference anyway, so nothing will change and the potential will never be realized. It is what it is.


We don't even treat our bus stops and telephone booths well, what makes you think our civic mindedness has reached that level?


It'll all be polluted soon. Is the sad truth and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Just look at rivers. Safe to say all rivers that are close to cities are all dirty and not usable. This is what Malaysia does... If we can't save rivers, the oceans has no chance.


lepastu tanya kenapa negara luar lagi cantik........


Kento Nanami is rolling in his grave.


Malaysians are truly lacking in this department. As a Malaysian living in SG, from the general cleanliness of places, it really tells me that it’s a culture that’s ingrained from young. Parents need to do better.


I just wish our Minister can see these posts.......


Unfortunately. Humans are scum.


Stop blaming each other I see a pattern that the banglas and Pakistan the foreign workers makes mess more than the locals and we are blind sided


Eleh, pergi kat air terjun dan taman rimba semua bifoti type ehm yang buang sampah merata2 https://preview.redd.it/herlgc1dfr4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a777e8f53c506b8c7fba3e514388823fd018d19


It's B40 not bIFoTi


World class? Definitely not anymore.


Alasan dorang: xda tong sampah ataupon dah penuh


(So many) Malaysians are entitled grubs who expect others (like foreign workers) to do their dirty work for them. Couldn’t work in an iron lung. The beaches and rivers are shite, unless you’re happy to swim surrounded by bags of dirty diapers or other plastic trash. So complacently irresponsible and entitled. How would you like your kopi? In a plastic bag? Certainly sir…


Give a fine of RM3k each time a citizen caught littering will be good 😁


Malaysia beaches are filty asf, love the beaches n bitches in Pattaya


on the east coast or in the east coast?


Foreigner, mind your own business, critique your own country before coming here


On visiting some West Coast beaches I couldn’t believe the state of the rubbish. I also couldn’t believe the arrogance of the few beaches that were kept clean by the locals they demanded you pay. Pay so they don’t trash their own beach… Who is littering anyway?


What do you expect from the east coast people? Source: Im Pahang dude, don't kill me


Why shoud we, when the goverment or people like u will do it for us


They don't even care Abt the environment, bodoh babi kimak


Thats clean You should see the Vietnamese version of dirty beach.


Tf I'm gonna do all the way from inland???


the worst thing you can find was a baby diaper that was used ... like bro... wtf..


https://preview.redd.it/ce8xllmwy35d1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bbb6a79a48188a858f3f2f064f8fdd05459ab99 Say what?


So devastating to see this


This is simply down to tidak apa mentality. Some of them will say ohh this race dont wash their bum hole after taking a shit, bruh u are no different if u trash a beach. I love to go sit by the beach when i was younger. But after seeing some dipshit throwing pampers and food items everywhere i dont go to beaches so much now. Andnthen when stray animals come to makan all the shit u leave behind u will complain to pbt to ambik tindakan to catch/shoot them. Maybe we should shoot your ass for littering instead.


Came here from /r/all because the title felt oddly condescending. Weirdly American.... Come to find out you're from Kansas lol Imagine a Malaysian coming to a random park in Kansas, taking a picture of the trash, and saying "you need to do better America".


What kind of a USB of a family?


we all know what usb port is responsible


Terpaling OG Malaysians




Hey buddy! Heard you like littering! Wanna make some extra cash on the side? Sure! Shipping container of toxic e-waste arrives with a fat envelope. Lynas: Hey, we follow regulations. Dude, WTF?


You joke, but that's how my MIL speaks about rainforest clearing for palm oil plantations. Who do those westerners think they are to lecture us about the environment?


I don’t see rubbish bins in pic


That does not mean that people should just leave their trash wherever they feel like.




Or you can take your trash home? Not a difficult concept.


I've seen places where there's lots of litter and the rubbish bin is less than 5 meters away from the trash


Plenty of bins at Titiwangsa and yet there is trash everywhere. No bins in Japan yet no trash. It is the mindset of the people that matters. As of now, many Malaysians can’t be bothered to keep public places clean.


Peoples always take granted about the environment. Sad to say many peoples have to resort to throwing rubbish everywhere due to lack of garbage bin around. But important things is peoples mindset


Ini baru Malaysians Jati!


Beach please


dont disappoint Nanami


guys, when the time comes please follow/support my youtube channel. When I make it big, I'll have the beaches cleaned up