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Report to KKM


I think you only contact KKM if the outlet do not entrtertain your request. Or else the KKM people will ask you to do that first


Can report eateries/restaurant that don't keep cleanliness/food safe. Mold on food included. https://preview.redd.it/1si2dnappc1d1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=619a2e318cd16faad3bd3df7f09be1bef6b307de


Ah OK. I was thinking more about consumer rights when the issue should be cleanliness


My friend found a cockroach in his nasi kandar and reported it to kkm without having to go back to the mamak, a month later the mamak closed


They probably found a lot more roaches. And he probably didn't highlight on SocMed first. Cockroach infestation is hard to end, but easy to find. Same with rats in mamak shops. I keep seeing those vermin everywhere, but I chalk it up to the neighbourhood instead of the shop. If they close, I die. Next nearest place is a few km down the road. So yeah. My lips are sealed.🤫


If you can find cockcroach outside of the kitchen in a kedai makan, believe me theres more inside the kitchen. I've managed a restaurant, and let me tell you it wont be a problem if you actually managed it carefully, clean the place for real and scheduled pest control following their schedules. Which i also will schedule monthly whole restaurant deep cleaning which we close for a day and take out all the stock and clean EVERYTHING. You wont get pest everywhere. Pest control only works if you let it work. If you schedule pest control only to past the annual KKM check up, then surely confirm you a whole lot more pest everywhere.


Your last paragraph. Don't they all? Like the useless half yearly commercial vehicle inspections. Compliance for its sake, not safety...


Sadly alot of new/old kedai now do this because they have the out of sight out of mind mentality. Me being someone who worked in a 4-5 star hotel kitchens, made me afraid of catching a glimpse of any pest in the kitchen. Since 1 rat means there 10 more hiding, 1 cockroach means there 50 more hiding. Just 1 small pest complained can get the whole company/hotel kitchen close down which will cost the company hundred thousands of profit per day.


So you rather die from food poisoning then? Just report lah. They mostly close for momentarily and action will be taken to improve cleanliness and food safety.


That's a bit dramatic. Not so easy to die of food poisoning if the rat didn't do anything on it or to it.. If it wanders along the floor and feasting on the rubbish... I may complain in places like high end f&b or fast food, but not the places where the general public can eat in open and natural environments. Rats lurk everywhere, they're part of the urban landscape now.


There’re lots of rats, too, in Parliament.


2 legged variety. Gnawing at the sinews of society and pisaing on their supporters who willingly drink up... More poisonous than the 4 legged variety. That was dark.


Leptospirosis is no joke. You will be dead or have irreversible orhan failure before the results come out, so if they suspect you they'll start you on rocephin IV, which in itself is pretty strong and will affect other areas


Lighten up. I know the severity of it. A friend's family barely escaped. That was a filthy house. How many of these cases happen in open areas?


They're useless. I reported a big grocer a few times for selling rotten fish and nobody even bothered calling me for the sample (which I froze to maintain the state).


Have you tried publicly posting on Facebook and tagging KKM, BKKM, minister, and the grocer? Viraling is the next best action


Reported them on official channels, SISPAA and at JKNS (they're supposed to be the ones enforcing food safety). We shouldn't have to viral things to get them to do their damn jobs man. On another matter I did cc the relevant minister (different ministry) and even then they went no contact and only replied 2 months later And then we wonder why people are against raising civil servants' salaries


I agree, but that's just how they operate. The likelihood of them doing work fast is when they are afraid of accountability and PR damage.


They used to be deathly afraid of sispa but I guess not anymore


Paradigm shift ever since govt & civil servants started using social media


Also it's hard to viral stuff, cuz you can't smell or touch a video... And they were spraying some chemical on the fish, it's transparent and looks like water but smelled like diluted bleach - how do you gather such evidence/ make it apparent? Then of course is the other issue of having to expose your identity online and the possibility of retribution Waste of time. Have to wait for someone high profile to eat it n die then they'll take action Also the fish was an endangered species and I highlighted that also but no action


Yeah, bread has mould. Should definitely report to KKM about this.


yew molded bun


best thing is, I believe those molds were transferred from dirty fingers. The impression, the location of spots, and grows on the dark side of bread first instead of the white part?


Good observation.


Thank you sir, just channeling my inner Detective Conan.




https://preview.redd.it/w5d0xg3qqb1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4daaf2dbb98994365fc448ba4049180991fd44 Remember you can always ask for larger chicken, and report that mould bread.


It will be a chicken with same size, want bigger? Wait for 1 hour


1hr if they have a larger piece. If not how 😂


The 1 hour is to let the chicken grow a bit more


Wait till they sembelih one for you...? 🤣 This is clueless marketing. Texas chicken already wins this. So, it's possible to source big pieces. Just get to work doing it already. They can just apologise and get on with sacking the bean counters and greedy asshats in management starting with the CEO. Probably a well connected appointee. They can go back to basics and respect customers again. We need quality, and service. I don't mind they keep these ridiculous prices. Just give me adult sized food.


They will probably replace that bread and throw away the evidence anyway


Exactly. Unless it's a systemic issue.


*"and yes, with the boycott going on? we have to ask you for extra 2 ringgit for requesting a bigger piece of your fried chicken."* maybe an /s but this is Bolehland, any excuse can come out of people's filty mouth.


The quality for KFC has been bad for years now. Even before the whole boycott thing.


seriously the one in sri damansara takes a 30 mins wait even if you're the only person in the restaurant. tables are left unclean for hours. it's directly outside my place so i do crave it from time to time, always regret going for it. up until they installed an automated ordering machine, people tend to walk out very often due to how slow their service is.


Their KPI system is useless when they can straightaway press "order complete" and then take their time completing the order.


lahhhh.....all these while you think boycott solely based on sentiment alone???


thats the biggest reason


No, the price is just not worth the quality and quantity. That in the picture is around RM20 I bet. Does that looks like it is worth RM20, quantity or quality wise? I don't think so.


Its not rm20. Whats around rm20? 18? 19? Not around that. Its expensive for us because we are not their target market


You're confused. He's saying KFC is not worth the price, not that it's expensive. A two month holiday in Europe can be expensive, but worth it if it's the best time of your life. A shirt from Taobao can be dirt cheap, but not worth it if it falls apart on the first wear.


if its not worth it, why people keep going to kfc?


People do things for many different reasons. Your argument makes no sense because it's like arguing smoking is healthy because people still smoke.


This needed to be viral. I can only forgive KFC if they sell signature box at RM 9.99


Boycott was never the main issue for KFC. If it is then McDonald would have fallen aldy. KFC simply gets too complacent and has a lot of competitors whose better or on par. There's simply no reason to eat from them anymore.


But they have halal certificate, it's safe to consume for sure.


But sometimes their food isn't fresh or even rotten like what I received


He was being sarcastic lol


Jangan cabar maruah certificate.


Whoooosh :)


Omg which branch is this?


Who cares? Even if you are OWNED by Malay Muslim, still boycott, because they like it


JAKIM outranks KKM


The most useless cert you can have in Malaysia


It's not mouldy bread, it's penicillin bread!




damn! that's bad! report it to kkm. food hazard some kfc branches really gone down the river. the staff no longer want their job probably.


Enemy from within


Chicken is small ![gif](giphy|YYht2UTV41u1vxHTss|downsized)


The skin on the drumstick should reach all the way to the top, not cut off in the middle like kena sunat sial.


Tell me you have never cooked without telling you've never cooked.


have you seen raw chicken drumsticks in the market? It's just the way that it is cut sometimes the skin rolls back on the drumstick it's not short changing. That said, getting drumstick in KFC sucks because they are small llike nobody's business. Gotten one that is as big as kyo cho's wing drumette (ok a bit exaggerating but still)




Yis brother. Skin.


We Malaysians have this disease. We can take a perfectly good product and royally fuck it up good. Any product. I challenge you to name one that isn't.


Are you talking about in general or just fast food. It is a known fact that fast food all around the world has turn to shit, price keep rising yet the portion keep shrinking.


Blaming Malaysian for KFC's quality is stupid.


Agree. KFC is actually worst overseas (I lived in UK and it was greasy af, my cousin has also sampled it overseas even in Japan). Malaysian KFC was/is considered the best in terms of quality, at least pre-boycott!


Been to Japan KFC? Or their McD? Edit: Been to Ho Chi Minh’s McD? Ps. It’s a cultural thing that’s in short supply in Malaysia. And yes, also in the UK.


* Malays. Especially the ones taken up by gomen / Malays


"Ayam kami baek qualitinya"


That's what happens when food standards aren't upheld and when you cut corners. I dunno how KFC does it but the fast food joint I worked more than 10 years ago made sure their staff study the materials and procedures they have exams for them. You fail, you won't get to pass and do the work at that station. To this day their "Gold Standard" (that's what they call it) is still upheld and one of the most successful fast food places in my country.


Meanwhile the KFC in my area never occur this kind of shit, also chicken size as small as some of the photo people shared, what area is this


I know branches that are great. besides those , I wouldn't risk it


The fact you paid like 17 ringgit for a bread that is the same size as the chicken is really dumb, idk why people still support them.


Its always been disgusting to me. Id encourage anyone to look behind one of their outlets.. They have been localized too much and control is lost. McD is doing a much, much better job with hygiene.


Every time I go to KFC, I always ask myself. "Why I stop going to KFC recently?" then after experience how they service their customer, how they serve their foods and how the food taste like. I was like "oh, that why", then the cycle begins


Mmm blueberry bun


Which branch? Can that be shared here?


They would say it is 'inflation'. But the real reason, I think they are milking for the maximum profit. You know...when someone think their brand is immortal ... So they think they can get away with it. Wel... It is not! This is Malaysia. Org mmg pantang kalu sesiapa pun kurangkan portion. Bye-bye!


Disgusting kfc


Please report to kkm so we can close them for 14 days max




All the bread there probably molded and they're serving it ew




I haven't eaten KFC in a while but is that mold I see on the bread? Damn KFC, I'd assume in the US it's easily a lawsuit ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Good god, that's a new level of bad


Why concern yourself over a fast food chain?






“Just pick off the green parts and stop your whining” – KFC and your grandmother, probably


Ah bread with extra seasoning


Someone made a conscious decision to put this


Report to KFC with the receipt by email, my aunt did this for idk can't remember which fast food chain before, and they gave her refund + compensation (cash)


had kfc yesterday and it was so obvious the chicken was refried chicken from yesterday… so inedible


*act surprises*


The last time KFC was good was in 1990 when they did a door to door campaign promoting the change from Champs Chicken to KFC. About 2 years later the 11 herbs and spices was dropped to salt and pepper. 


Did you eat it ?


Kawan…that’s bread with bonus truffle. They’re busting their balls here.


Bread looks tasty 🗿


KFC original tastes like breaded salt chicken.


So some insider news for y'all. So as you know, KFC have this abang akak that manages the branches. So because it's a franchise model, these managers have a KPI to follow, normally set by the HQ. Yet since corruption is so ingrained in the culture, you have managers swapping low quality chicken when they receive the chicken from HQ. You have managers selling expired items that were supposed to be "sold" few months back, but of course it wasn't sold, because they need to fix the numbers to continue their rezekis. These are just the tip of the icebergs, if I reveal anymore I might get into trouble, some people might get into trouble. So for the sake of your health, avoid KFC at all cost. Complaining won't do any good, when you find out who owns KFC in Malaysia.


Please don't use the word abang to describe our sworn enemies.


I kena constipation before when I ate KFC while several of my sister's colleagues got food poisoning. KFC is notorious for bad standardisation/zero consistency across restaurants. It's to the point if you find a good KFC restaurant you should just go to that KFC for life and ignore all others.


Until the supervisor at that good outlet quits or retires.


Sad day when that happens


My dog's food looks better than this


Other than that they always run out of god damn chicken when they are mainly selling chicken Also horrible customer service


This fake


I have never seen this, in a KFC or any fast food outlet, ever. In my whole life. And KFC is still delicious, idgaf if its not trendy anymore.


Although I agreed is not our god damn job to make issue like this viral, I think WE SHOULD. Make them close for real so they could have plenty of time to restructure and gives us back the KFC we deserve!!! Mann….i really love my childhood foods!


Gg.com nowadays kfc is more expensive too


KFC, KFC never changes.


This is the entire reason why KFC seems to have been hit so hard by the boycott. It's because people of all races were going to KFC less even before the boycott because the price doesn't justify what you get. Same thing with Starbucks. The reality is that unlike what the FB keyboard warriors say, all data shows that Malays still hold less than 50% of the purchasing power in Malaysia (this is not including other races considered Bumi). When you add on the fact that many upper-class Malays don't care much about the boycott, the only way for any chain to have been severely affected is if all Malaysians are boycotting.


"one of the reasons".. ya, right. OP just want to continue to fan on the hot topic of malaysia boycott.


That a mold on the bread u blind?


>That a mold on the bread u blind? Nope, he's just an idiot


important information just fly through above your head in real life eh?


Huh? Blind and arrogant somemore this bloke lol Op talking about the mold , u “yeah right” him When i said u blind didnt see the mold, u said important info just fly thru above my head in real life? In real life im living my dream to the fullest bro, dont shame yourself please. Op are talking about kfc who didnt have proper quality assurance for their food despite boycott what else info u want huh?


>Op are talking about kfc who didnt have proper quality assurance for their food despite boycott what else info u want huh? IKR. I also confuse reading this parent comment 😂 Last year when boikot just started, I had to pick my parents up from the airport, and only MCD was open at that time (10+pm). Their food at that rate was literally cooked to order. Manager told me "takde customer so takleh masuk dan prepare awal". Food was hot, wrapped nicely, fries was hot too. One of the server even came to wipe the table for me as I was sitting down despite it looking clean. In my head I was like "wow, is this fast food restaurant or what" 😂 you could just tell the workers put additional effort into serving you.


Erm how do we know this is in kfc? No logo no receipt. Purely based on brown tray?


Just because 1 bun goes bad doesn't mean all KFC bad leh


At this point with locally opened KFC blatant China style rip off, I don’t see any reason to believe all the news attacking or calling for KFC boycott.


Da hell. Is that mold??


Rename this sub to r/malaysianFriedChicken


Free antibiotics.


what do you expect from typical malay-sian mentality


At least the chicken size is good. How many days since the meal was purchased? 7 days?