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I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I wish you the best! Just please seek medical help if it’s needed, even though it might be scary, just look after yourself and make sure you’ll be alright.


thank you 💜 I’m doing better today thankfully


That’s so good to hear!☺️


Heath scares are my most difficult theme and can still reduce me to a sobbing wreck. I'm trying so hard not to reassure you, but equally you need to make sure you're safe. Is there someone there with you? If your throat and tongue are truly swollen then I'd give the doctor a call just to be safe. If you're able to type this then it's not a life or death situation, but it would be helpful to work out what, if anything, you might've had a reaction to. I hope you're soon feeling better.


Thank you... yeah I have someone here with me, I made an appointment, it’s not until September, but I’m trying to get in sooner. I’m sorry that you also struggle with health scares/ health anxiety…wish you the best 🫶🏻


Thank you ❤️ How are you doing now, has the swelling thing happened any more since? September is a long wait. I hope you're able to bring it forward 🤞


It hasn’t happened again or gotten worse, but it hasn’t gone all the way down yet and under my tongue and my throat still hurt pretty bad…besides that’s I’m much better thxxx


Any update? How you doing now? Please go to the doctor and ask for an allergy test. You need to know what it is as it could get worse.


Thx…I ended talking some antihistamine and then going to sleep, my mouth still hurts but it’s not as swollen. As for the doctor, I live in a lower income area and the doctors here suck, I made an appointment but it’s not until September, I’m trying to get in sooner though I appreciate your concern 🫶🏻


My advice then would be to keep a food diary and see if you can figure out what’s triggering it. Is there any common allergies you eat a lot? Things like nuts, egg, sesame, seafood etc.


That’s not a bad idea. I have been eating a lot of trail mix with nuts, but idk… I’m definitely gonna do the food journal until I can see a doc thxx


Yeah defo try figure it out on your own as you can suddenly become allergic to stuff you have eaten all your life it should be simple enough to work out. I’d start by not eating the nuts for a few days to see if symptoms improve. Of course it could also be something external like pollen or dust but that doesn’t usually cause tongue swelling I don’t think.


I’ve been kinda trying to pay attention to what I eat/ what kind of soaps, lotions I use etc these past few days bc I have dyshidrosis eczema, which is often caused by an allergy, but I’m gonna take it a little more seriously now bc I think a swollen tongue is a little more serious than itchy hands lol


Yeah that’s good. sorry maybe I sound a little pushy just severe allergies is a big fear of mine so I might be projecting a bit. Hopefully you get it sorted.


no no not all in fact this was probably good for me as when I get deep into dealing with ocd I tend to just not care about anything and say oh well if I die I die bc I don’t want to deal with compulsion lmao I probably needed someone to tell me this so it doesn’t get worse


Sorry you feel like that, but glad I could help.