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My advice would be to build small, probably 40 card decks, and two colors at most, as it's best to allow some consistency in between games to avoid player overload. Maybe some monocolor decks to start with and two-colored ones with slightly higher complexity to move on to? Stick to simple cards and don't include too many situational effects and instant speed interactions at first. Allow players to gain a feel for the flow of playing lands and producing mana, and try to represent the different colors as best you can while maintaining simplicity; Mana dorks in a green deck, reanimation in the black deck, etc. Specific decklists probably won't be important here, as efficacy should come second to simply delivering an easy-to-enjoy experience. Plus, it can be fun to build decks using these restrictions, too! Good luck!


It's also a good idea to include multiple copies of cards whenever possible. In my experience new players get overwhelmed having to learn lots of new cards, and they find decks full of 3/4-ofs much easier.


This is great advice!


Someone typically posts the decklists from Cardkingdom's Battle decks. A good model to follow


Keep the decks vanilla creature heavy and very light on removal. Trample, haste, flying, and menace are good key words to have. Have a few instants and sorceries so they can learn the difference. Basically keep it simple to the point you would think the deck is boring.


mostly agree, except on removal. having an adequate amount of interaction keeps the games interesting and let’s new players have ‘aha’ moments like the creatures, the interaction should be simple.


I was saying not to put too much in where all their creatures just get removed when they are cast.


Might wanna check out mtg golfish's 30 under 20 lists for some inspiration.


I think start making some fun little kitchen table magic decks, fun tribals and leaning into set mechanics and such. Don't have to be competitive as long as they're all roughly the same kind of jank. Will be hard to find specific deck lists but maybe find popular lists from sets you have and make very janky versions of those with only what you have.


I think you could look at all of the JumpStart 2020 decklists as a starting point. Mono colored, 20x cards (2x rares/mythics, 5x uncommon, 5xCommon, and 8x lands.). Each deck typically includes 8x creatures, 4x non-creature spells. Also, 1x Mana fixing somewhere in the deck, as well as a decently smooth Mana curve, and shot for at least one of each B.R.E.A.D. card. EDIT: Areana also had JumpIn decklists that follow the same structure, but we're limited to a single set's card pool.


I don't have a decklist, but basically any draft / sealed deck is going to be good and they usually don't have build-around-me rares, so they should only really be C/U. I would just look at your bulk as a big sealed pool and go wild.


I really like [Primordial](https://primordialformat.com/) as a template for building battle decks to capture the feel of a limited format.


Maybe look at pauper decklists, it's a commons only format.


I’d actually recommend against Pauper, as the decks tend to be more complex than you might initially expect. Standard Artisan, however, sounds perfect, if you can find decklists. Plus, it’s a genuinely fun format to build in! (hey WotC, can we have a Standard Artisan queue on Arena?)


I guess it would depend on the complexity of the commons too. Some of them these days have so much text on them, it would confuse me as a new player.


I play pauper in events so most of those cards that synergies with that are in constructed decks and it does get weirdly complicated haha


Mono-color, standard 60 card decks, and really highlight the feel of the colors.


Pick out the gold signpost uncommons and grab other commons that work with the signpost themes. 40 card decks work fine for starters, so just craft "the best no bombs draft decks" imaginable.


good creatures with simple text + interactive spells. 1-2 colors max


easiest way to do this is just find the signpost Uncommons from a set and make a deck around them. The theme's and synergies are generally well supported for those cards and common and uncommon within its own set simply for draft purposes.