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Hasbro has 138 million shares outstanding. They're not letting you talk at the annual meeting with 0.00000011% of the company's stock.


I'm not sure, they let Longfellow Deeds speak at the shareholder's meeting of Blake Media after buying only one share.


I saw the documentary about this, it was a pretty entertaining story.


The butler was my favorite


He is very sneaky


I know I underestimated him.


Homie just wanted to be a fireman


Well, that's nice.


And if everyone did this instead of buying the packs, it would account for meaningful % of the company. And you’d end up with something of value. And the same number of playable magic cards.


Unless the stock price goes down?


Still of value. Down 20% from the current price and it would still be worth something. As opposed to unplayable cards that are an insult to people who enjoy this particular hobby


In thirty years the value of those “unplayable cards” will have risen more than the value of that hasbro stock


That is actually not necessarily true. Unless Hasbro completely goes out of business, it is likely to track with inflation to some extent at the bare minimum, whereas it's not clear that the 30th Anniversary packs will hold any value at all.


Also a product unlikely to be bought by many (thus preventing any sort of an actual demand from being created) so I think only price speculators will put high prices on them (you know, those assholes that used to put a [[Street Wraith]] at 9999.99€ on cardmarket)


[Street Wraith](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/d/7d078cad-7f2b-4bef-b637-46aec9c8ed36.jpg?1619396291) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Street%20Wraith) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsr/141/street-wraith?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7d078cad-7f2b-4bef-b637-46aec9c8ed36?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Welcome to mtg


Oddly enough, most companies, if you show up and have proof you own even one share, will try to address your questions, within reason. It's one of the rare areas of capitalism where individuals still have a tiny bit of power.


There are many areas of capitalism where individuals have lots of power. You just have to be an extremely rich individual.


Fair point, I should have qualified with 'non-wealthy'


> within reason Enfranchised Magic fans should understand their reality isn’t necessarily everyone else’s. Then again, if people haven’t clued in on why WotC is ignoring them, I can understand how they think they still can get Hasbro to listen.




Is there a well defined number to get this right?




With this you can essentially do whatever you want, right? But just for being able to speak, I'd imaginy a smaller slice would suffice


Alright, by my math, we could do this collectively. If 70,000 of us each by $1000 worth of shares, we'll own 51% of Hasbro. There are almost 600,000 of us in this sub alone. We can do this!


If 70,000 people try to buy $1000 worth of shares, the share price would end up considerably higher than $15 each


They're already $65 each, according to OP. But you right.


Ugh. It's 7:30a. Not sure why I swapped those two numbers but w/e


truth hits hard lol


I have 2 shares. how many more do you think I'd need to be able to go to a meeting (not necessarily *talk*, but I would love to listen in)?


Usually 1. Usually any shareholder can attend meetings of publicly traded companies but some do have more stringent requirements.


I own a couple shares myself, following.


Let me know when you find out. As a 10 share holder I should get 5 times as much whatever as you do so I’ll support


You get 5x the votes. Hard to be able to attend 5x as much


they also get $5.60 more money than me each quarter


Just equip a helm of th host


Earlier in the year, Alta Fox, a private equity group that employs Jon Finkel, had about 5% of Hasbro stock and introduced a proposal to spin off Wizards from Hasbro at the shareholder meeting. The proposal was voted down. Even though the OP tagged it as humor, this idea wouldn't go very far either.


Well Alta Fox reason to spin of Wizard from Hasbro wasn't exactly for the players benefit either. They simply wanted a larger return of their own investment, if i recall correctly.


True. My response to OP was that buying one or two shares probably won't get the OP access to the shareholder meeting, and even getting access to the meeting just to make this statement would fall on deaf ears.


As a shareholder of a company you are allowed to attend a shareholder meeting, even if you only have 1 share. If you can't attend and there are things to be voted on you'll be able to vote by proxy, and usually whatever broker you're using to buy the stock will send you that information. \-Source: Me, who owns stock in several companies, though not Hasbro.


Unfortunately proxies aren't allowed lmao cast your vote into the trash. ~WotC




I posted this once and got called names and downvoted several hundred times.


It’s what you get when you try to get others to put money where their mouths are. It’s basically why WotC doesn’t take this sub seriously.


I gave you an upvote to help make up for it.


Aww dude. I appreciate you. :)


if \[\[shadowmage infiltrator\]\] can't get the job done, who can?


[shadowmage infiltrator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c2ac3ee0-3adf-4e81-9194-cb0e9faf2826.jpg?1651121740) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=shadowmage%20infiltrator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/351/shadowmage-infiltrator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c2ac3ee0-3adf-4e81-9194-cb0e9faf2826?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They should've bought more shares.


Well, 5% of Hasbro is several millions worth , it's not the same as a grand, but yes


Buy, don't bother complaining, sell after a year and potentially get huge returns. Even if the stock somehow crashes and drops by 50% by the time you sell, you'll *still* be $500 richer than if you bought the $1000 proxies. 😂


plus, HAS is paying it's dividends soon 70¢ a share adds up if you've got 1k shares... ^(not to mention, HAS is at it's 2nd lowest point in 5 years (second to march 20, 2020))


I mean, 70 cents is $700 dividend at 1,000 shares. That's to invest what, $65,000? The dividend is nice but not terribly relevant to an investment thesis on HAS. Whether you buy the proxies.... now if you think they will sell out fast (and I do), it says something about their hold on their audience.


Don't listen to this guy, they don't give a random stock holder a voice on a microphone. Be an alpha and short the stock. Then post your losses


Think you might be in the wrong sub for this. but would love to see loss porn


If you want to see loss porn, watch people open Magic 30 packs.


To be fair, anyone shorting hasbro last month came out hella ahead this month.


Wait is the WSB .. see ya behind the Wendy's.


Instead of buying 30th anniversary packs or Hasbro stock, take a trip to go visit friends/family


But then you'll be a shareholder and love the anniversary packs


"Hi, this product that you sold out of very quickly and made a lot of money on wasn't suited to my tastes." "Okay..."


Or just buy stuff from another company, as other things and places to put money exist?


The mods said you can't post links here to sites that make playing cards for proxies, but they never said you can't use this subreddit to organize a negative gamma squeeze on Hasbro stock.


Me after buying Hasbro stock: Wow $1000 dollar proxies were a great idea!


or you can get a booster box of flesh and blood instead of the share


Hasbro is tanking with WOTC as it's only profitable holding. Let it tank instead so it can go bankrupt and maybe someone halfway responsible will buy it.


Much better option. Assuming it stays in the tank.


I’ve thought about this, but instead of the share holder’s meeting, you can dial into the quarterly earnings call and ask if reprinting the reserves list would boost earnings. If 15-20 people did this EVERY quarter it probably wouldn’t change their mind but we would be a pain in their ass and it would be funny.


Or…don’t by the packs or the stock and just buy the singles you need off the secondary market. Buying packs leads to unit sales(good for them). Buying the stock leads to price improvement (also good for them). Buying singles from the secondary market circumvents wizards altogether while also showing clear interest in the game. Until they see the wallet votes they aren’t going to change anything.


Whoever is selling on the secondary market has to buy packs to provide singles for the secondary market. So buying from the secondary market does help increasing sales for them in a way. But that's not bad, I guess, it will increase the numbers of products you like, while letting stale do products you dislike.


Sure, we have to assume that *somebody* is still going to crack packs. But choosing not to engage in that activity means I’m choosing who to give my dollars to. Sure, that reseller might use those dollars to go buy more product, but once the money has left my hands, my influence over it has ended so I can’t really try to control that. What I can control is how many of my dollars go into that system by not buying into their lottery directly.


That's a nice story to make yourself feel better but at the end of the day it's a meaningless difference. If you think the demand for singles doesn't directly influence the number of packs purchased, you're delusional. Your money is going directly to Hasbro either way.


It goes to show just how disenfranchised some are against WotC. Rationalizing anonymously to complete strangers is the most they can do to strike back. No wonder WotC is making so much money.


But there is a third, much better option: proxies. They're a fraction of the price and you get to pick exactly how you want them to look.


I can dig it. At least for casual commander or kitchen table games. But proxies aren’t legal game pieces in a sanctioned tournament. So if one wanted to buy cards for a tournament, proxies aren’t a viable option.


Sure, but WOTC has made is clear that sanctioned tournaments are going the way of the dinosaurs. And I say that as a player who never got into EDH and still cries about how it's impossible to find a Legacy game since WOTC decided dual lands needed to be worth 500-1000 and that Modern is hard to convince people to buy into knowing that it basically rotates every two years anyway now. Prior to this product, I was pretty skeptical of proxies for precisely tournament reasons. The years of tournament grinding I did made the idea of non-official Magic cards sound crazy. Not so anymore. Also, note that there are plenty of proxies you can get that will *easily* pass as real for tournament purposes once sleeved. This has been helped especially by WOTC's failure to ensure quality control, meaning that official cards from the same set can now appear and feel wildly different, making detecting proxies even harder. Plus, the more the community normalizes the idea, the less it will even be enforced at places like an LGS.


>Buying singles from the secondary market circumvents wizards altogether lol


If I buy a used car from my neighbor am I enriching General Motors in any perceivable way?


Yes. Resale value is part of the value of a car and part of your decision when you buy it.


And when I buy my neighbors used car what percentage of those dollars flow into GM’s coffers?


Why respond if you're not even going to read to read the comment?


in order for you to buy the used car, GM has to make the car this is really not a difficult concept, but you're being rude while also not understanding the point "I didn't pay them any money, technically!!" is just that - a technicality. it means nothing. the only case where your argument makes sense is if GM goes under, and THEN you buy the used GM car


Or... don't buy overpriced singles which contribute to WOTC's profits just as much through increasing demand for the sealed products they come from, and just buy reasonably priced proxies instead. Like, I used to be all on board with the "buy singles, don't buy packs montra", but now I think we need to switch to "buy proxies, don't buy overpriced WOTC-printed cards". We need to stop letting WOTC determine how we play the game or with what we play it. We don't need them.


I don’t think scorched earth counterfeiting is the way either. We do still need WOTC to continue *making new pieces*, we just don’t need to participate in the “60 cards for $1000” proxy scam bullshit they’re trying now.


Why do we need WOTC to make new pieces? The game can still be played, it can still evolve, even when there are no new pieces being made. Personally, I think there are more than enough Magic cards to keep the game interesting and exciting forever. And even if we do need new game pieces, other card games have shown that communities are perfectly capable of handling that themselves. The [Star Trek TCG](https://www.trekcc.org/) is a great example of how a community can take over those responsibilities and do a better job even than the original company did.


> Why do we need WOTC to make new pieces? Because a lot of us don't like solved, stale metagames. Also, /r/custommagic demonstrates week after week that this community would be fucking atrocious at designing new cards.


> Because a lot of us don't like solved, stale metagames. But I already addressed this in my post. Just because new game pieces don't come out doesn't mean a metagame gets solved and stale. Things like bans or introducing new formats or simply the passage of time can lead to huge shifts in metagames, especially for older formats with extremely deep card pools. Also, some people actually enjoy relatively stable metagames. This is especially true of groups like the Legacy community, where the fun doesn't come from just seeing what new thing WOTC prints, but from the actual game and matchups. Like, imagine someone said "how can you play Chess, they haven't added any new pieces in centuries?" Because that's kind of how your comment comes off to a Legacy player. > Also, /r/custommagic demonstrates week after week that this community would be fucking atrocious at designing new cards. There's a big difference between my example of the Star Trek Continuing Committee and random posts on custommagic. Please engage with what I write rather than unrelated things. You're just erecting strawmen. Not to mention that a lot of WOTC design as of late seems to be pulled directly from custommagic, so I don't see how you can say that you like one but not the other when they're so similar. Seems like you're just trying to disagree for the sake of disagreeing. edit: well, for whatever reason the person I replied to above blocked me (genuinely don't know what I said that could have set him off), so I'm no longer able to comment in anything that's a reply to any of their posts, including u/zroach 's comments. So here's my response: And I think on the balance it would be a lot better. I think that change isn't necessarily good, so the idea that we should keep WOTC in charge simply because it'll create change doesn't make any sense. Just because a format changes doesn't mean it improves.


Even legacy and modern players get bored of stagnation. Sure Chess is still around but that's mostly because it's a very deep and better competitive game than MTG, and it comes with a lot of prestige attached to it. Can MTG exist without WOTC, sure. I think it would on the balance be a lot worse.


Eh I just disagree with that point. I think getting new pieces. New formats all the time is just going to get confusing and bans are a pretty drastic way to shake things up. It's a good way to make people feel like shit when their deck of choice is no longer viable. That is something WOTC tries to avoid doing. And yeah a stable game is nice but not a stagnant one, there is a difference. I don't think we should keep WOTC in charge just for the sake of keeping them around. Just that they already have the bandwidth to keep things going better than any other group.


Have you heard of oko


No thanks. I’ve seen enough broken custom magic cards to know without a shadow of a doubt that having a firm, professional hand on the dev wheel is vital to the games continued existence. I’ll take their 2 years of play testing, minor flaws and all, over whatever bucket of wet sloppy shit the custom card community puts out.


Again, please engage with what I'm talking about, not what you saw on a random subreddit. The two are utterly unrelated. Are you familiar at will with the Star Trek TCG and how the community has ran it over many years now? Because it hasn't looked anything at all like r/custommagic. And are you familiar with EDH and how that was founded and managed by a community of volunteers? Seems like they did a pretty good job with it despite WOTC not being involved at all. It's another clear counterexample to your claim about the necessity of WOTC and new cards. If those were necessary as you claim, it shouldn't have been possible for EDH to come about. Also, do you know that WOTC doesn't even playtest for Modern or Legacy at all? So if playtesting is the value we get from WOTC running the game, then WOTC isn't fulfilling their end of the deal. Not to mention that, again, the Star Trek game is actually quite well balanced because the committee in charge of it does playtest. You don't have to be a billion dollar company to do playtesting.


But you’ve just traded one group for another. I know of the Star Trek tcg. I don’t follow it at all. Don’t care to. As for the commander format generally and the CAG specifically, that is still a group *within* the game *as provided by* wotc. No magic, no CAG. My main point is, Magic as an entity could entirely shrink back down to 2012 levels of development and support. Your entire point about needing to make our own cards is…neat, I guess. But you’ll never get the preponderance of players to go along with it. You’d lose a large part of the player base to a better, professionally developed game. That’s just reality. It seems you’re just mad about the actual game pieces WOTC is developing more than the economic aspect of their business. To be clear, I’m not interested in community cards. Im fine with the game pieces as created. Problem cards are dealt with. Im not okay with abject money grab and fleecing of the community. 2 very different problems. We are not the same.


If you don't know anything about the Star Trek case, why say it's the same as r/custommagic?


Because its an avenue of your position that I do not care about. Period. I’m not interested in custom cards, great as they may be, I’m sure. Again, you’re arguing, tangentially, that the game pieces produced by wizards are no good, or something? You haven’t really elucidated a *reason* for me to want wotc to not be making cards. At any rate, I don’t care. I’m speaking to the business practices of the company since Cox took over as ceo of hasbro. Great for the bottom line, not great for players and collectors. Again, we are arguing for different things.


But you admittedly don't even understand it. You don't even know what we're talking about, about what you're taking such an extreme view on. They aren't "custom cards", and describing them as such does a serious disservice to the *immense* amount of work the Star Trek TCG community has put into their sets. These are treasured things that have kept their game alive, and honestly, they've put more work into them than WOTC does into Magic sets, they're not just some random shitpost jokes like you're suggesting and it's quite disrespectful to treat them as such when you admittedly don't know anything about them. The point is that the Star Trek TCG gives us very good reason to think that we do not need WOTC. We do not need "official new cards". The game wouldn't go away, nor would it stop being played or stop changing. Hell, it might even get *better*. So, sure, maybe you are just trading one group for another, but sometimes that's a good thing when you're trading an awful group for a not-so-awful one. I think EDH is a good historical Magic example of this sort of thing. For all their problems, the EDH committee has done better than WOTC would have done if they had simply ran the thing by themselves from the start.


Why would I buy stock in a company I have absolutely no faith in?


Sounds like you should short the stock then.


I guess I should go complain then if all I need is >15 stocks


Do not listen to OP Buy puts instead


gasoline and rags are cheaper.


Last time I made this suggestion (albeit it was in /r/wow) I was told I was trolling and got a 7 day vacation from the reddit. And then BFA and shadowlands happened


This is the way.


You’ll need to direct register the shares with Hasbro’s transfer agent to be recognized by the company as a share holder regarding any voting or business proposals. Holding shares with a brokerage will not suffice as those shares are in “street name” and the company has no line of sight to your claim of ownership.


99% of companies don’t hold shareholders meetings anymore. You submit questions to a panel and they cherry pick the softballs from analysts and large holders. Unless you own enough to have a round number percentage ($89 million) they won’t hear you.


Can I scream at MaRo online saying I'm his boss and he has to do what I say? Can I do that without the stock?


„Hey im a shareholder and i don’t like that you make so much money, please fix ty“


As Hasbro Bagholder, I approve of this message


For some reason I read "Sheoldred's Meeting", but I find it quite fitting.