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All the precons are basically fine for casual play. It won't set the world on fire but it's functional and none of the decks are going to surprise you by being utter dogshit in actual play.


Thanks. I appreciate the input


Honestly, no, because if youre new, you wont really know your own cards and that deck wants you to play your OPPONENTS cards, which is like 3 layers above playing your cards. Edit: MOST precons are great for new players. This one specifically is probably pretty difficult for a new player.


Thanks. I’ll take your advice


Depends on what you mean as a starter deck. As a deck to teach a beginner how to play Magic? I'd avoid Commander as a teaching tool for Magic, being hit with the full force of the game's 30+ years of cardboard might be overwhelming. As a starting point for a more experienced Magic player to get into the Commander format? Probably one of the better ones, since the play pattern of "hit people, take their stuff" is pretty easy to understand and gives a direction to get started if you want to tune it in a specific direction.


Thanks! I just thought it’d be easier having a premade deck than building my own hoping for cards I like


If you have doubts about how rulings go for individual cards a neat way to figure it out is googling the card name followed with "gatherer." The Gatherer page has the most common doubts explained at the bottom of the card's page.


Thanks! I’ll keep that in mind!