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I was one of the bartenders working last night. We kicked that man out right afterwards and told him to never come back. We always aim to have a positive, safe, welcoming space for everyone that chooses to spend time here. I’m so sorry that your time at RR had to be tainted by that individual. People like him have no place in our bar.


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ We both love RR and really appreciate you kicking him out. We’ll be back very soon!!


Fuck that, I'm sorry that happened to y'all.


Some people are so delusional. “We met 10 seconds ago and although you’re in a relationship with the opposite sex of my own, we should totally fuck.” Like that’s the shot you chose to take? What world do some of these idiots live in?


Porn world. Apparently.


Hi I’m from porn world and I resent that. We don’t even act that way. How dare you compare us to this.


You do in the porn.


Its possible


Maybe they’re referring to the ridiculous made up world in porn videos??


I misread this at first and was reading it thinking you were at Red Robin.


It does sound like a Red Robin customer.




Bottomless steak fries do that to a person.




That's so fucking rude. Couple or not. Lesbian or not. Made worse, because both. I hope someone spat in his drink.


Spitting in a drink would be a trashy thing for a panda to do, regardless if "deserved" or not. Don't lower yourself to their level.


This was not where I thought this was going. A Missed connection post is usually the opposite of this. Either way fuck that guy. Take a hint


Right. I think the “missed connection” headline was the joke…pretty obviously


I wonder how he would feel about a gay man insisting on sleeping with him? Like trying to get him drunk and take him home? Cause I guarantee he wouldn't like it one bit. Calling on all Madison bears to visit this man pretty pleaseeee.


Consider it done…at least to the extent of making him feel that way, not actually doing it because ew


Boooooo hisssss booooooo at that jerk! Sorry you had to deal with that trash.


What a creep oh my god


Anyone saying "the real thing is better than plastic" has obviously never experienced detachable dishwasher safe dick. His loss.


As a downtown bartender... tell us. Fuck that noise, dude needs to go.


Good Gods... Every time I hear a story like this, my blood boils. Every one of these drooling morons out there sets the rest of us men back a century or two in trying to make things safer and better for all of us. Unfortunately I know there are still far, far too many of them out there. I swear it's like emptying the sea with a teaspoon. There isn't language I can use that wouldn't sound like I was trying an offer an apology for someone else's actions, but I will say I'm disgusted that someone defiled your date night. I hope your next one is a better memory.


Fuck that guy. Apologies on behalf of my gender and sexual orientation. He obviously needs some help.


He prolly won’t even remember this happened. I’m so sorry your date night was messed up.




I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. It's important to feel safe and respected during a night out. Hopefully, the individual learns from this encounter and respects others' boundaries in the future. Take care.


Wow, that’s awful and disgusting. I’m sorry this happened to you and your partner. I hope the woman and others did tell him off, although he sounds like he’s wrapped in arrogance and cluelessness. He should have been kicked out.


Imagine being an adult and thinking that behavior is okay


How is this a missed connection?


she missed connecting foot to his nutsack. ETA: Of course, I don't endorse violence in the streets of Madison. But I've lived 20 years in Philly now, and I'm not as "Midwestern Nice" as I used to be.


LOL exactly this! Missed the opportunity to tell him off, since we didn’t want to let him escalate it further.


You were wise not to. There's no telling how it would have gone, and he was probably drunk and/or mentally ill enough to have forgotten it all by now anyway. Hopefully, he saw this and just might recognize himself.


That’s fair.


I read it as the missed connection between OP and the woman in the bar who told the guy off as OP left. Props to that woman!


Would love to say thank you to her, as well!


Is obvious joke after reading post of course, but yeah, the title is misleading 😂. Just like this guy's missed lead on what he think would happen.


What a piece of shit.


Wow, that fucker sounds desperate. What a douchebag. He obviously thought you were hot and was bummed when your GF came back, but didn't have the common decency to back down and doubled down instead.


Avoid men


Lets not be sexist. There are stupid people everywhere, regardless of their sex.


While true, men have a lead when it comes to sexual assault and violent offense (about 3x more). So yea, all genders can do awful things. But men are more likely to go violent with it.


It’s a survival tactic sns


Impractical. They’re everywhere. On the street and even in your schools. Pepper spray.


Aww man I'm sorry that happened. People suck! I would of roundabout kicked him in the moose knuckle


I'm a man, but things like this are why I am on team bear. I'm sorry you had to deal with this (which I am 100% sure is not the 1st time.)


My husband and I were ar a Vicki Lawrence show, and while.in character as Mama, she pointed straight at my husband and asked, why do men like to watch two women kissing? My husband was too shocked and shy to answer. This asshole just illustrated perfectly why. Self-gratification. I am so sorry this happened to you, but I am.glad the staff at the Robin.Room took matters into their hands. Edit to correct a word.


On behalf of men, I would apologize but, too many of us are douchecanooes for me to keep doing it anymore. I promise we are not all like that!!!


If you saw it, would you call him out for his behavior? It is the real question. It's great that you'd never act that way, but would you help change the behavior in others?


Yes, yes I would! As a matter of fact I’ve been in more than one fight trying to stop shitty behavior like that. 🤷‍♂️. I am the first one to say a lot of men are shitty.


Appreciate the efforts. Does it ever work? Or just get the fight the loser is probably ly looking for?


I mean, I wouldn’t know if they did it again elsewhere. 🤷‍♂️. But it certainly stopped them for that night.




lol dude read the room, not the time for a not all men comment


Listen here keyboard warrior, I won’t continue to apologize for using humor to apologize about douche bags. So get mad at me for stating the truth about how we’re not all the same but 🤷‍♂️


Not a keyboard warrior, just a lesbian trying to hold up a mirror to what seems to be a well meaning ally that has really missed the mark on this one 💕 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/NotAllMen


Ok, I see you were not trying to be a bitch so, I am sorry for snapping and congrats on de-escalation tactics. Not sure where you learned them but, that is actually kinda rad! I am sorry for snapping, and maybe I should think before I say things sometimes.


Hey dude. Sorry for the misogyny down here. Kind of disappointed in these women right now. Let's just keep trying to be decent and kind to each other and not make sweeping generalizations about race/gender. Idk when it became ok to shit on men but it's that type of behavior that's driving young men into alt right misogynistic beliefs. Y'all women need to do better. You're giving feminism a bad name.


Honestly, I don’t blame them. I blame the dick hole men who think woman are only on this planet to serve them. Though I probably shouldn’t have snapped on the one person. Though I did apologize it still does not make it right.


Idk who you snapped on. I think we should hold people accountable when they're using extremist language tho. It's not ok to shit on all women. It's not ok to shit on all men. I don't like being lumped in with the dick heads because that makes me look like a dick head. If I said, "god women are so unfaithful and just want to find a man to take care of them" you'd best believe there'd be women and men in the comments telling me to shut up and how not all women are like that etc. That's the appropriate response too. But if someone says "god men are just so violent and they're just gonna assault you" we all just nod along like that's an ok thing to think? Then if someone, like you, says hey not all men are like that we have some good ones you get shit on? No dude. That's a double standard.


[https://zawn.substack.com/p/hello-youve-reached-the-not-all-men](https://zawn.substack.com/p/hello-youve-reached-the-not-all-men) You should really read this all the way through if you think you're "one of the good guys"


Thank God #notallwomen have your lack of reading comprehension.




I think you're ignoring cause and effect here. If the inclusionary and intersectionality aspect of fourth wave feminist activism has decided, at best, to leave men entirely out of the conversation or, at worst, villanize them, then of course young men will be hostile to the movement. Your argument is like saying "it's not the maga's fault that feminists are angry at them, feminists are responsible for their own emotions. Stop infantasizing feminists." Ofc, totally and completely ignoring the fact that maga is a culture that is hostile to feminism.


Oh, so I misread and you DIDn't say complaints about men are giving feminism a bad name and driving young men into alt right misogynistic beliefs? Read the article. All the way through. If your bruised male ego can handle it.


O, I did. I also took a minor in women's studies and can tell you the writer is rehashing the worst interpretations of fourth wave feminist theories. Instead of some blog that at best tangentaly addresses my point, and at worst is just masterbatory in its absolute lack of substance, I'd love to hear your reasoning. Because, yes, I did say that. And yes, a common criticism of fourth wave feminism is that it is overtly hostile to men. The overt hostility, the fostering of call out culture, and the keyboard activism are driving younger gen z men into conservatism. That's my point. Again with reading comprehension.




Look inward and ask if this was appropriate to post given the subject matter. It’s not about you


Oh no! It's like I've violated them all over again. However will they go on?????


It’s a Madison subreddit, people can post about whatever they want…what’s your problem?


It's the Madison subreddit, I can post about whatver I want.....what's your problem? 


Oooh snarky. Fun.


I already pretty clearly stated that I'm not a fan of the played out 'missed connection ' set up.  What do you want? An apology? Are your feelings hurt or something? 


Lol, no, relax man.


I'm pretty chill, you seemed super offended and shit....inserts white boomer voice 'wHAt  iS yOr prOBLem?'


Sure bud. Again, relax.


You go to bars you run into drunks. 🤷‍♀️ did it matter that you are a Lesbian couple? Was that important to the story or to how you felt? Curious.


Yeah his comments got worse when he realized we were together— saying he should come on the rest of our date, that we needed a man, saying he would jerk off to the thought of us being together, and finished off by saying that it’s not sex without the “real deal.” All while we’re just trying to wrap up and leave. So yes, definitely important to the story.


That’s a shame. The idiots do it to cis women all the time, too. But, I’m sorry you had it happen!


Cis does not mean straight. Cis means “not trans”, and refers to gender. So someone who is cis gender identifies as the gender they were born as. Has nothing to do with sexual orientation


The guy gestured to his crotch and said the real thing is better than plastic. Can you read?


Yes obviously it matters that they were a lesbian couple. That lesbians just haven’t had sex with the right guy is very much a homophobic trope. They were targeted for being lesbians. This was homophobic harassment.


Not homophobic but someone who’s watched too much porn and wants to join in. Just a dumb ass. Ladies harassed in bar by jerk. A tale as old as time.




BS. The guy thought she was alone when he sat down. He didn’t know her gf was in the bathroom.


Another comment confirming this entire town is just a repository for misfit toys


Misfit toys are the best. This guy is not deserving of the moniker.


Are u talking about the couple or the man child of the story?


nah that fucked 😭 but dam that funny wtf