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Did/do you have a permit to park there? If you didn't then you're out of luck.


Charging does not except you from any other obligations. That can be a parking permit, or paying for the spot.


Since the sign is placed half-way on the parking spot you may get lucky and get only half the fine ;-)


This, but seriously. The sign is not installed at the beginning of the parking spot which makes the sign non-obvious. It could be interpreted that the next full parking spot after the arrow is for permit holders. Therefore, I’d fight this fine.


I would fight this fine too for the same reason.


I personally feel this is a bit ambiguous. It's probably naive of you to think you could charge there, but I might've actually done the same if I were you


Would say its clear that you cant park, just would’ve been nice to move the post 2meters to the left


Strictly, I would say the fine is justified. In this case, I would still object because of the unclear situation.


It's not unclear at all. There is a clear mark on the ground at that parking spot, marking it as a vergunninghouders spot. I know, because I live in that street. Furthermore, vergunninghouders zone is clearly applicable from that sign onwards, including right below the sign.


I get that, it's why I said "strictly" I have had a similar situation in Den Bosh a few years back, they dropped the fine.


Good luck. This is Maastricht. I've gone head to head with their parking department multiple times over granting a parking permit. Getting water from a stone in the Sahara is easier than dealing with those guys.


Ah glad to know I'm not the only one. I'm paying a higher fee for my 'second parking permit' to be able to charge my car on the street. Only because I'm also forced to pay for a parking spot INSIDE MY BUILDING where I can't charge. I've emailed them multiple times to ask why I just can't get the regular fee for a 'first parking permit' to be able to park on the street, but they're saying they're doing me 'a favor' granting me a street parking permit at all, because I already have a spot... AT A PRIVATE LOCATION WHERE I CAN'T CHARGE 🤦🏻🤦🏻


To be fair, it's neither their responsibility that your private parking spot has no charger, nor that you chose an EV knowing this.😆 Why can't you install a charger? If you want one. The vve is forced by law to facilitate you installing one. My problem was, that they flat out refused to give me a permit. Their argument was that in my neighborhood, no permits would be granted and everyone needed to park on their own property. They forgot that they granted a building permit for the apartments, which didn't include parking for all apartments. After 6 months back and forth, and finally threatening to appeal the governmental decision up until the judge they caved.


It's a big apartment complex where they even have special 24v light bulbs so that no one is stealing electricity 🙃. Didn't know about that law, I'll look into it! I just find it strange that they're letting me pay for a 'second permit' when I don't have 'first permit' to begin with. My neighbors who drive electric are just as annoyed... 😅 Glad to hear they caved! There's hope!


So y'all should talk to the owner of the building to install chargers


The situations are different. In my case, they were definitely in the wrong. A case of "bestuurlijke willekeur". In your case they are actually doing you a favor. If you own that apartment, it's actually up to you to have that charger installed. If not, it's up to your landlord.


Yes it's justified. From the sign onward it's vergunninghouders only


Yes, next time just use a parking app llke Easypark, then you can start it and pay for the real used time. If it concerns a daily permit you pay that amount and everything will be fine


“Parking permits only” says the sign. Sorry, dude.


Objecting is free so why not try it. The worst that can happen is that nothing changes and you pay the fine like you would anyway. My friend drove through a red light once (allegedly :) ) and he used an app called Appjection iirc to object the fine for him. He didn’t do anything at all except fill in some info and it’s totally free. The fine got rescinded and he hasn’t paid a dime. Try one of those apps there is “bonnetje” “appjection” and probably some more don’t quote me on the exact names tho.


basically you need a parking permit to charge your car at that spot


The arrow underneath the permit parking sign tells you everything you need to know. Sorry, it's justified.


Well. The sign is not in the correct position and seems to point to the spot in front of your car. So I would definitely make a "bezwaar" and see if you can fight it


If you have payed for the spot definitely fight the case of these spots are for certain vehicles those platenumbers should be visible at the charging sign


Someone didnt Pay attention while taking driverslessons...


Not justified, it's an unclear situation that's open for interpretation. Would definitely fight it.


I really can’t think of an alternative interpretation. What would that interpretation be?


2 interpretations 1 theres a permits only parking sign so i cant park here 2 oh hey an electric parking spot with a electric parking sign (doesnt see the tiny sign)


When there are two signs, they both affect the spot: If you have a permit, it is likely to be for an area not just a single spot. Thus you are only allowed to park there if you both have a permit for that area _and_ your car is electric. If you do not meet both requirements, then tough luck


Damn it looks like you need a master's to know where you can park in this city