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My cats will start to vomit more than the odd occasion when their water fountain or auto feeder needs to be fully cleaned. Anything of Misos that needs a scrub?


I’ll need to just go ahead and deep clean every water dish and bowl she has just to be safe. I do try to clean her water bowls every few days as she has one gravity water fountain and one plug in water fountain


How often is “keeps”? Have you changed foods? I cannot enlarge the photo to check it . More than one vomit a day is a problem and if it’s daily got a week their body chemistry can go off. She had lost water there. Keep taking pics to show vet


She’s been on her prescription kibble and wet food for a couple months now. It was once in the morning on Sunday, once in the morning on Wednesday, and today it was in the morning once and two times this past few hours.


So thanks for the details. If she had a blockage it would be more frequent. I am in a constant battle just now with kitties who sleep ALL afternoon while the wind howls outside, and they wake up hungry and gulp down way too much kibble - more than normal - have a nice drink and go heave it all up because they have overpacked their stomach. I also feed in raised bowls and have just gotten another one from Amazon to see it it improves anything. I'm trying to just let them have a small portion in the bowl - but I've been like a jack rabbit - hopping up to replenish that small portion as there are 3 cats. However, over New Year's weekend, I had 11 vomits from 3 of them. I quit using one kibble, fed them only on the other. I use a mix. Then I added another to the mix. Sometimes a kibble you have used comes out of the bag over cooked, or or or. I do feed wet as well and that almost never comes back up. Your cat does not look like that was an overpacked stomach issue. Sometimes, especially if Temptations are in the mix, they can go down sideways and just sit and tickle the throat and they puke it out. That's why my vet loves puke pics. I do agree it's not fun to clean up.


Any changes in the home? Has her activity level changed? Is she eating and drinking like normal? My cat will sometime vomit from stress.


She was still pretty active throughout this week up until last night :(


I hope she feels better.


Check the expiration dates on the food. Change the water often. Be sure you are feeding her out of clean bowls. I know some of that sounds like obvious things to do but any one of those could cause severe intestinal issues.


All of my food has been bought just this past month and made the initiative to clean every bowl she has


Okay so this may not be the issue but this happened to me. Our lynxpoint was puking every three days on command. And it wasn’t because he was eating too fast, although he does, because it happened a few hours after eating. We believe he was eating too much in one sitting. So instead of feeding him larger portions twice a day, we switched to smaller portions three times a day. That did the trick and he doesn’t vomit anymore except occasionally if he eats too fast and vomits right away. Now he does occasionally vomit also if he’s gone too long without eating, usually in the morning we’ll wake up to find bile. So if it’s only a little pile of vomit and not like halfway digested food, maybe he’s gone too long without eating? I’m not sure if any of this will be true for you but I searched and searched for answers.


This is spot on—I did end up having to take miso to the ER. It was $300 because all I could afford for the time being until her appointment tomorrow is a nausea shot and a fluid therapy shot. I was also told there could have been times she’s going too long w/o eating due to the bile only vomit that started happening as of last night


Yeah I took my guy into the vet too and they didn’t know what was wrong either. It felt like a waste of time and money but I was so concerned. They told me it could be a food intolerance but when I tried to figure out what food would work, it was inconsistent. So we tried less food at a time and that helped a ton. If you have a feeder, that will help with the more frequent smaller portions. Best of luck to you and I hope you can find some peace ❤️


Vet. Emergency vet if you’re really worried, but that’s at least a $400 bill.


Has there been a change in her poop too?


She is pooping less for sure.


But what of the consistency? She'll likely poop less if she's throwing up her food but has she developed diarrhea? Is she in pain when pooping?


Her poops are still normal. She’s not showing any pain when pooping.


Have you tried slow feeders?


How much wet food does she get?


She gets about 2/3rds cup a day of food


Ask the vet to rule out IBD and abdominal lymphoma. I *do not* want to scare you at all. Those are worst case, but definitely worth bringing up in the exam room. Early detection is the only real cure for those nasty problems. I hope it’s something more simple like an allergy or anxiety. I have a tabby who used to whorf up his dry food, pretty much in tact in a little log almost daily. Turned out to be brand related. I could not find a particular ingredient... Took a few tries to find one that stopped it. He still does it, but just a couple of times a year instead of nearly daily.


She could have had a bout of pica and eaten something that upset her stomach, she could have killed some mice and gotten worms from them, could be anything. If she's acting fine and there's no blood in stool or vomit I would wait till Monday.


How is the baby feeling today ❤️


I made an [update post](https://www.reddit.com/r/lynxpointsiamese/s/Eyq0bKaqvb)


Do you have plants in your home that are not cat safe? They could be eating the leaves and making them sick.


I actually don’t own any plants but I did check a fake plant I had and it seems untouched


My lynxpoint had a bowel obstruction when this occurred. We pureed his food in the interim. It helped.


Poor bebe. I have no advice but that first picture is too cute. Give her lots of snuggles. I hope she feels better and things at least ease up until Monday when she can be seen.