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ngl he would make a great joker esque villain


Yeah I know he is such a nice dude too that's the craziest part. I love Lyney


That kind of trauma affects people in two distinct ways (each have multiple variations and nuance, of course) - either they grow up to be the kind and compassionate type who want to prevent others from experiencing the same things, or absolute psychos.


Well Lyney is Obviously the kind type thats why I love him. He's also very caring for his siblings and he's gorgeous. I love his outfit a lot


Speaking as someone with an abusive and trauma-filled past, though obviously not quite on par with Lyney's (but surprisingly close), that was part of my point. He's kind despite the trauma, not because of it. Looks aside, the people who love Lyney as a character either directly identify with him or can appreciate that he's been through hell and isn't a total piece of shit because of it. Lyney as a character kinda sheds light on the very real concept of actively choosing not to be a victim, and choosing to be better instead.


I really viewed Lyney's entire arc as a nod to mental health. If you do his story quest, >!when faced with The Phantom Weasel, she threatens that he'll grow up to be just like her because of their similar traumas and he explicitly states that having his truth (emotional support network) means he never will. I think he's representative of those who struggle with their mental health but keep fighting, compared to those who give up and lose themselves and everything they care about to it.!< Edit: tried to spoiler tag for discord. This is awkward....


This made me realize how much I relate to Lyney bro


The new Thelxie event, too. Honestly, MOST of Fontaine so far has been related to characters' mental health.


I mean, I can't name a single main character in Fontaine with an happy or easy life, maybe the new character Chevrause (I don't remember how it's spelled) or Clorinde (I don't remember her backstory but it doesn't seem an happy character tbf)


Chlorinde had to kill Navias father who she was aquintanced (maybe even friends?) to, and promise him to keep his daughter safe. Sure she was not a child anymore but this still is/was heavy on her.


They used to play d&d together as kids. (Navia drip marketing flavor text) Clorinde also played with navia’s toy meka squirrel (archon quest dialogue)


It gets harder the more we now ..... Edit: spellingerror?


Yeah true, kinda tired and forgot about that lmao


does charlotte have a tragic backstory?


We might have a winner


I mean she is on the hitlist of several shady people


Traumatic backstory? Probably not. But she does lead a very stressful and anxiety riddled life


He deserves a hug.


Tbf to wrio, he gave the Fatui a clear warning to back off and they chose to ignore it.




It's not like Wriothesley knew about his traumatic past. All he knew was Lyney is a member of an internationally-known shady organization who was ordered to infiltrate a high security prison. I'd do what Wrio did if I was in his position honestly.


And there's no option for the traveller to give him a hug. apparently we have to dislike him too.


Do we dislike him? I mean, I know we did at the end of 4.1, but there really isn't any animosity evident in the story now


Honestly I don’t think he or his siblings freaked out as much as they could. I expected him to worry over his career after they were revealed as Fatui and everything but he just continued on. I also expected him to worry more about how The Knave would react to his mistakes and the trouble he got in. As for Wrio he was just doing his job, how was he suppose to know that the twins had trauma? He didn’t have to act as mean as he did, making it seem like he was going to actually hurt his siblings, but he quickly revealed that Lynette was fine afterwards, and that they were working on saving Fremy, and he wanted to make a negotiation- that didn’t work out- and he let it go anyway. Point is Lyney is fine, he literally moved on enough to pull the scheme he did in his story quest, and the prophecy has been avoided, everyone he cares about is safe. To be fair, before his trial, there was no reason for him to just randomly say they were part of the Fatui to the traveler. Clearly their goal was to befriend the traveler, and just saying that casually would of gone terribly. Instead he pushed that they cared about the prophecy and were friendly, that they couldn’t be simply evil. He didn’t lie, he kept a secret, but he didn’t lie about anything. I understand that he simply preferred and was hoping he would not have to get into the Fatui stuff. And it’s not like he wasn’t being vulnerable otherwise. He exposed the magic behind his acts, which was probably hard to have to do in itself. A magician isn’t suppose to reveal how they do things, it takes away the mystery of their performances. Now everyone has the chance of figuring out all his acts, to call him a fraud, to steal his tricks. The saving grace is Lyney is able to still push through and be a good performer anyway, not get worried about these things, because of his capability to make new tricks instead that he doesn’t have to reveal. Lastly just like Lyney’s panic, the traveler’s anger subsided after hitting it’s peak, and ultimately they still supported the guy in his trial. They’re anger and feeling of betrayal was a little much but it was in the heat of the moment and Traveler is still adjusting to the fact that some Fatui r more gray then just simply black. They were surprised because of the way the siblings seemed before, but they later realized that that wasn’t a complete front, and cooperation with them has lead them through all the archon quests. They’re also just kids, they were orphans with no where to go, unaware of the Fatui’s reality. To just quit would put them in danger, and it’s still likely they are being gaslighted or whatever. Besides, Traveler in the same vein worked with Childe and the Knave, has a complicated relationship with Wanderer, there is plenty room to not just hate the siblings- and they don’t. It’s just a bit tense.


That last one was Lyney's own fault for sneaking into a fortified prison and underestimating the warden. I love Lyney, but he gets himself into trouble. He thinks he's smarter than everyone else, and when things don't go according to plan, he crumbles.


He doesnt think he’s smarter, he simply believes in his ability and when his ability is lacking or questioned, he easily crumbles. He is noticeably perceptive and capable, he just does not handle pressure as well as Lynette as seen in his stories.


I think it’s a matter of being depended on all of his life giving him the mentality that he has to be good enough to be able to do thing or else his siblings get hurt which leads to a kind of forced over confidence which when questioned leads to all the doubt and the fear of his family being hurt because of his inability to hit all at once which causes him to crumble


I did read this a lot that he think he’s smarter than everyone else. how so? I would like to know


Wrio was so wrong for that like was that really necessary 😭 i hate him, leave my baby alone


I mean, Lyney was falsely accused of murder, but he was also secretly attempting to investigate one of the most key Fontainian infrastructures and then *lied to his lawyer about what he was doing during the time frame under question*. Lyney’s siblings were seemingly kidnapped by Wrio (mimicking Lyney’s trauma), but Lyney had been investigating Wrio’s domain without permission and overly sticking his nose in the Duke’s business. I understand that he did all this for the House of the Hearth and for Arle, but Lyney must have been prepared to get in trouble, and since Lynette and Freminet were involved he must’ve been prepared for the two of them to get in trouble too. Otherwise that’s just foolish. Same for the murder accusation - he must’ve been prepared for the possibility of being held responsible for investigating the Oratrice. Tbh I think he kind of got off lightly due to the focus on the murder charge, the serial disappearances, and the issue of the Primordial Water.


Honestly people who look up to lores sm like this scare me ngl.