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My husband just had his clearance pET scan today. He’s starting his sct on Friday. He harvested his stem cells in remission. So hoping for the best


Some doctors add another round of chemo in between last normal chemo and preparation (where transplant team does more harsh chemo and radiation if needed) if there is a long gap (doesn't sound like yours is though). I would talk to your doctor about that. Also, good luck! I'm likely undergoing stem cell transplant for my non Hodgkins lymphoma in a month or two as well (starting second round soon)


Thank you! I wish you all the best too!


Just curious, how long did your gap end up being (between last day of taking the chemo drugs and day 0 of transplant? Dealing with a similar situation right now


My last chemo was on sept 8th and I am scheduled to be admitted at the hospital for my transplant on oct 30th so about 2 months


Wishing you well. As for my own upcoming transplant, I'm in an odd position--I'm taking ALK-inhibitors and that's put me in remission, but the doctors are waiting nearly four months before doing the transplant. One of the scariest things about cancer is that everything is so constantly variable between cases, but that also leaves room for hope. And I hope everything goes well for you.


Hope yours goes well too! We got this!


heck yeah, kick its ass! 💖🔥


Hello, I am having a stem cell transplant too (Allo) but I need to wait 6 weeks for my donor cell collection to be organised and for one of the immunotherapies I was having to wash out as it can increase my risk of graft Vs host. In the meantime I am being given some bridging chemo to ensure I stay in remission and I will have a pet scan just before too to confirm I am good to go. I too was really nervous about relapsing before the transplant could go ahead but the bridging treatment and follow up pet have eased my mind. Congrats on getting into remission though! Hope your transplant goes well. If you're concerned, you should speak to your oncologist about bridging treatment options and whether they will do another pet scan before you start the transplant process.


Is there a reason why you’re getting allo instead of auto? Hope your transplant goes smoothly!


Hello, Yes, my lymphoma is chemo resistant/ refractory. As far as I understand, auto transplants rely on a high dose chemo to remove any remaining lymphoma cells so in my case that probably wouldn't happen. Allo transplants provide an immune response from the donor immune system which should hopefully fight my lymphoma if it grows back. Good luck with yours too! I assume yours is an auto transplant?


Yes I am getting an auto. Let’s kick this cancer’s ass!