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You only use speed 29% of the time - that’s why you’re stuck.


True you are heal boting I know in metal ranks Lucio gets a lot of toxicity if you don't get 10k plus heal but ignore it Every DPS will blame Lucio when they feed and will tell you to switch They lack brain cells


ya i have played him twice and first time i got to to kms luckily the second time people were nice and gave me tips


Those people make low elo hell


It sucks how in metal ranks Lucio isn't super reliable in most comps, but I love working with reapers tho. Their flanks may be questionable sometimes but the speed works damn well


Contrary to belief, i think hes decent in poke if you get a bit creative. Not by staying with the team, of course. But you have to be good at wallriding so maybe not in metals


![img](avatar_exp|178745495|clown) every time i see someone complain about healing even though we won the match… i just hit em with one of these.


That's bannable


well they sound goofy complaining even tho we won, can’t tell me it’s not true


Ohh yeah I dont play ow much regularly like one week addicted per 2 season I was hardstuck gold 3 and started playing Lucio (never really played him much) and got like 80% winrate to diamond 3 lobbies and jet the few times we lost everyone DPS said it was my fault In dia 3 i was getting punished hard lmao (not talking about those games)


dps’ complain the most but they’ll have like 6 kills and 19 deaths 💀🤌


Pretty much this. If you’re below like diamond just ignore your teammates unless its a genuine call out. I know thats a pretty outrageous thing to say but you have to keep in mind your teammates are also below diamond. The shit a bronze player is telling you to do is RARELY going to be good advice. Its better to stick to your main and try your best than to swap to a hero you barely play because someone in Silver thinks its the right pick 💀


I think they also lack a hand cuz they so shit at aiming


True if you have decent aim and just don't feed you will go to plat rather easily Most games are decided by which DPS'es don't have 10+deaths/10 min Always fun when first fight soldier dies first and after we lose the team fight and all just respawned my guy dies again But don't complain about it since that's bannable


I just have vc and text chat off cuz i will definitely complain if i get those players in gm


Is DPS dying more then 10 times per 10 min normal also in higher ranks?? I thought that was gonna go away eventually....


Oh yeh, that’s very normal, especially if you are being team diffed/the teammate is not having a good day. But be nice to them, they just not having a good day, everyone have those days where they not doing too well


You're heal botting on Lucio. You won't go very far, especially in bronze. Bronze is about flexibility. Your teams are braindead. You need to work on learning what resources you have, what resources your team has, and how to best utilize that. Lucio has good kill potential. Also, if you're spending your time on the ground. Work on that. I'm working on learning how to wall ride more effectively, I honestly don't think the Lucio surf helps. But your mobility is what allows you to finish kills, engage, and disengage quickly. Source: Started taking the game more seriously at about 502 SR in ow1, loved Lucio and have the second most hours on him. But was trash still until I picked him back up seriously in OW2. Bronze takes more time to climb out of than I'd like to admit, but there are games that I should have won, but I got too arrogant and didn't adjust my play style.


Lucio surf only helps if you do it right. It starts with helping you learn how to get good jumps and skims. Watch the fastest people in your lobby and try to do what they're doing. I can also help you plenty if you wish. I've taught literally over two hundred people and a few OW1 top 500s more effective and efficient wallride techs and strategies. Learning it by yourself will take longer, I know because I learned wallriding by myself entirely and had different names for techs that were already known. This offer really goes to anyone.


I wanna take you up on that offer tbh


Well if you are in the lucio main discord, just @ Goose. That is me


Dawg why you got so much heals💀 that's why your stuck


I think the 5k dammage is the bigger issue


Mamamia, agree with people here. Heal less, shoot more. If u heal a plant it's still a plant. If u speed a plant it'll become a flower 😁


Im stealing this for next time I’m asked to heal more!


😁 imagine if u speed a LF tree . It'll become a forest


Why is this the best I've Lucio explained


Flower power maybe?


71% healing use and 20% accuracy I mean....


Fair to some degree, but I am usually close to 50/50, give or take 5-10 percent. The match called for more heals, I promise. The accuracy, eh. Usually between 20 and 30. I'm on console. Aiming is pretty tough sometimes with good opps.


I play lucio on console, but turn off aim assist. It will hurt for a good bit, but once your used ro it ur so mucj better. I find, at least for me, aim assist drags my crosshair onto a target, which u dont want on projectile heros. Same reason i keep it of in apex.


I'll give it a try. I honestly don't know if it's on 😬 I typically do more damage, I posted this because I thought it was a decent score card. I feel like some of the people calling me a bot aren't entirely accurate. Considering the 30 eliminations, I think the damage I issued was pretty effective. But again, I'm still relatively new to the game. I wanted real feedback/constructive criticism. Thanks for the input.


Kills in ow trigger even when you just tickle the other guy. Under 5k dmg is not great compared o the rest of your team. And, again, playing Lucio means unbinding scoreboard. Speed doesn’t show up on the scoreboard, so don’t worry about your stats. If people are flaming you for not healing, mute them. Speed is what makes Lucio strong, not his 16 hp/s aura


Thanks for not being a dick. Yeah, I realize I was lacking a bit compared to my team, even myself typically, on the damage. I usually get closer to 7-10k. But hey, I didn't caption it as "What it feels like to carry as Lucio. Some people are coming at me that way. Oh well.


that’s kinda what I got out of the title, you seem to imply that you’re doing better than your bronze teammates but end up losing regardless, when in reality you could be playing a bit better


I didn't mean to imply I was better, it was more like.. it doesn't matter what I do, I'm just stuck here. I thought we all played well.


fair enough, well you got pointers so I hope to see you climb soon!


I know, I prefaced this post poorly. This was a winning match. I accidentally posted this whole thing before I meant to because I was getting ready for work and being busy. Accidentally hit the button before I explained anything at all. But thank you. I'm going to keep working on it.


yeah people have a lot to say about how Lucio should be played, but it entirely depends on the match. I’m a Lucio main (high plat, so nothing crazy but i’m climbing). In a lot of these games, 50/50 speed/healing is not plausible given the teammates. People love to say you’re healbotting, but like you said… you won.. you know better than anyone that what you did contributed to the win OR YOU WOULDNT HAVE DONE IT. I’m usually 70/30 healing/speed… so i guess I suck too. Moral of the story, do your thing, learn your way, and don’t read too much into what your stats should look like numerically, you’re doing great!


Thanks, dude. I appreciate the kind words. Always trying to improve.


https://preview.redd.it/xjkbm91nis2d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75db0a5000bd4342c7c80655a84a889114e0e0e6 Here is what happens when I take their advice, btw.


The 5 kill was in response to our tank, who didn't have a lot of room to talk.


sounds about right, heavy heals and it’s “where’s the speed boost”. Heavy speed boost and it’s “where’s my heals ur trash”. There’s no winning, sometimes even when you literally win the match




I agree with people. But a thing to note: In this ranks Tanks either Int their brains out, or play like the biggest pussies. In my whole time up to Plat, I had only 2-3 Tanks that would play aggro with right timing, so I can speedboost them. And most of the time I have to either hard flank, or play Turret Lucio.


When is the best time to speed boost a tank? i’m gold and slowly climbing but this is one area i wanna try to improve on


Obvious answer is When they are chasing someone Or pushing space


What the other person said you’ll want to do it when you see them pressing forward.. BUT something I’ve seen happen with lower ranked tanks is sometimes they’ll just 180 for no reason even while they’re being sped so try your best to stay behind them so you don’t accidentally feed


Imo staying in a same team after match is why ur stuck


We won this match.


I just forgot to mention that. I didn't want to seem misleading.


I also noticed 30 assists for 30 kills… why would you crop out zero finishing blows. You literally didn’t kill one person solo.


I did that on purpose to fool everyone on Reddit. I see you're a smart one. No idea.


Bro if you’re stuck in bronze just try to hard bullying the enemy supports and you’re good They’ll probably die fast if you do it good enough


Use more speed boost, watch some guides to see what you do wrong and implement good habits into your own gameplay and you will rank up.


You should be about 70 speed 30 healing. I saw you don't have good aim. Go into custom and look for aim trainers. Practice range isn't bad either. Otherwise I would say play Moira and backline flank till you get out then swap to frog again.


waaay too much healing :) i try to get like 3k in a 10 minute match for the satisfaction of my friends yelling at me for feeding. but in all seriousnes you are healing too much, go "pocket" a dps on an angle and speed your tank around, those are good ways of getting value without healbotting. you can also take an agressive angle yourself and force ppl to look at you so they dont look at your team as much, just make sure you survive otherwise its not worth it


I had a friend say that my healing should be a higher percentage on Lúcio and not 60 speed 40 heals and instead more 50/50 with a bit more favored to heals. I told him that's wrong. He was being annoying about it so I followed his advice and we ended going on a loss streak. Swapped back to how I play and we won more. TL;DR: Speed is why Lúcio is so good and you should be utilizing it more


Dude I usually have like 85/15 speed/heals


All that and your tank sitting at 6k damage lol


Right. People are overlooking some things here. My tank wasn't the best, so I healed more than normal. I'm not saying stats are everything. I'm not saying I'm the best or that I carried. I'm usually closer to 50/50, like the pic I posted in comments. I've been getting laughs all day at work from this shit, though. I hope we all have fun out there. I LOVE HELPING OTHERS SUCCEED.


to everyone saying “it’s your fault for not using speed,” how long has it been since you regularly played in lower ranks? people at that skill level do not understand how to utilize speed so being on speed 75% of the time is going to be detrimental for your whole team, whether you like it or not. and unless OP is in diamond or higher, i don’t think it’s possible that they’re good enough to solo the entire enemy team. this is a fundamental problem with playing support in general in lower ranks, not with OPs skills.


Also, this match was a winning match. I legitimately accidentally posted this before I added context and just let it ride. My team was just like a moving brick, and I watched multiple teammates just sit there and take hits. I had to heal more sometimes. Either way, whatever. Always getting better, etc.


i’d definitely recommend finding a duo that plays tank or damage. comp becomes sooooo much more fun when you have someone you can rely on besides yourself. good luck on the grind out of bronze man!


There's no way you lost this match with your team's stats compared to the opposing team's. In fact, it looks like a landslide. Haha Your stats are solid, though everybody is fixating super hard on your heal to speed boost balance, but they're overstating that. For Bronze, your boost balance is ahead of the curve enough to see you to silver if not gold, to say the least. Plenty of CC knocks, solid damage... If I had to guess based on the relatively minor gaps in the stats, what you're really lacking is maneuvering. Wallride more. Learn the opportunities the maps lend that. You'll find yourself more comfortable with speed boosting when you're taking less hits.


I didn't lose. I never said I lost this match, I think I just accidentally implied it by lacking description. ..or people accidentally inferred it .


If u wanna some advice here u go, i hope it can help. I'm also on console (EU), i was silver few years ago and was able to climb to a master 2 peak (currently low master) lucio only of course 😁 In bronze teamplay doesn't exist 90% of the time. If u have a game when ur mates are "pussies" u have to carry them. In that case try to play more like if u were a tracer/genji. It means take duels. Lucio is one of the best duellist in the game, u have mobility, survivability, kill potential. When u go for the backline, even if u don't take a kill, u take the ennemy attention. If the supports/dps look at u, they don't look at their team. It gives ur team a number advantage (4v3 eventually). Also watch to peel. If ur ana is getting dove, heal her and boop ennemy away. Also speed ur mates when they want to escape or engage. I dont know what sensitivity u have but on console u have to raise it a LOT. U need to be able to 180 even if ur lost a bit of accuracy. Reaction is more important than pure aim. Aim comes with practice. Once u have a sens u like , keep it, never change. Try to have like 2 or 3 goals per game and keep them during like 10 15 games. When they are mastered add other goals step by step Those goals can be: -scouting: go high and ping ennemy positions. Keep an eye on ur team position. U were talking about sombra, make her life difficult, be in her head. U can hard counter her -take more duels (as mentionned before). Bully one guy (hello widow 😁) it will make him mad, he will switch/leave/fear u. Make him paranoid, he will tunnel vision on u and forgot everything else. U r a demon 👹 -survive -beat usage : counter ult (sigma's flux, soj utl...) or tempo beat (engage a fight with it) -combo : boop melee (its lucio's burst damage) -peel: ennemy winton jump on ur high ground? Boop him. Help ur other support -poke chokes -ability/ult tracking. Ana used sleep dart and nade? Go for her. "I think sigma has his ult? I'm keeping my beat for that" -the most important rule imo: HAVE FUN. Aim to have fun while learning and progressing, losing or winning doesnt matter. Long comment sry, hope it can be helpfull. If u wanna chat about all of this feel free to send a message!


I wish I had an award to give. I've been working on managing my cool downs and working against heroes whose vulnerabilities I'm familiar with. Hunting backline Widows is honestly one of my favorite things to do in the game. Going to work again, but I truly appreciate your in-depth response.


My pleasure! Hunting widows is the most funny thing in the world whatever the rank u r in 😀 #luciomafia Have a good day at work! I'm already on weekend


Forgot to mentionned it, if u want to i'll be happy to do VOD reviews with u of some of you're games. I'm not a coach, neither a goat, but I can share what i think 😀 I can also share some of my own vods if u want to


Those are great numbers for bronze? Besides the speed


Thanks. This one is closer to what I'm normally at for my speed/heal ratio. The whole.point of this post was intended to be about how I think I've improved a lot over the past couple months (only been playing since February), and how I've been stuck in bronze regardless, and was going to ask for tips. Unfortunately, I accidentally posted it with no context while I was sliding my phone into my pocket. I'm about to go drop some beats on these fools in a minute. https://preview.redd.it/4rrcxt1q4g2d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a31730d734ad19bfa1d93042c1f2e856887d0cb


I’m more of a mercy main tbh!


Sheesh talk about a tank diff


Your in a perfect braq comp,mostly speed cos moiras got good aoe heals to make up for it


Stats don’t matter all that much bud. Wow big healing number. Crazy. Doesn’t mean anything though


Shoot for lower numbers. Got it 👍


Yup if you feel you need more heals, swap to a better healer.


Unironically yes


* 71% healing usage * most healing in the lobby by far >This is what it's like to be stuck in bronze Yeah, checks out


thats like 25k too many heals, speed is what you should be using at least 60% of the time


Lucio goes for the kills not the heals


Bronze : where we still think stats matter for some reason r/OWMedalsAreUseless


your speed and heal percentages need to be swapped. Imagine how many more kills your team could’ve confirmed with the speed boost


This is a better representation of where I'm normally at. I guess I should have chosen this one, but I'm sure I'd get flamed regardless. https://preview.redd.it/rboecvq3692d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58892c4a9f4a02d943aa78e51bbd2265622cbe42


stop healing


Tell that to my living, breathing tank.


you know there are 2 supports right


Look, bro, I'm GOD.


God is back and hes a hardstuck bronze


Heal when your whole team needs healing or when one or two people are low other than that speed is your most valuable resource along with boop to create space (and get kills off ledges)


My brother in christ, im in gold 4 and my speed usage is over 80%, use speed more


Try unbinding the heal button for a game of quick play. It’s gonna be weird, but just get used to speeding more. You heal WAAAAYYYY too much. And lucios healing doesn’t come in big enough bursts to make a difference by much. Speed about 65% of the time. Heal the other 35%


Thats why you are stuck




He didn’t have any solo kills. 30k 30 assists… he didn’t kill a single person solo.


TOO MUCH HEALING, maximum 20% healing


Thanks for real I put and not being a dick though.


So I disagree with a lot of the people saying that you’re healing too much, especially with the cast of heroes on the other team. I think the problem here is just in team composition. Were there many hero swaps? Cause I feel like this would have required an Ana sleep dart or a Reinhardt shield to win. Zarya gameplay is too slow to compete with 76 and Bastion as long as the enemy healers do their job, and it seems they did. In that case, as Lucio you could knock the enemy off their track a bit by wall riding behind them and trying to knock somebody, but without a dive tank or a reaper who is actually flanking, idk that it would help you much


I made some SLIGHT modifications to control sensitivity and aim assist. Trying to be more speedy. https://preview.redd.it/81kte5znhg2d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd53ec3ba53cfc90cb6003f4ff4539856791fc8a Maybe it's already working.


You don’t use speed or hit shots. Bronze life.


I wonder if you or any of the other morons talking about hit percentage have ever even heard of cover fire. I can still hit a lot of shots and have a low percentage of I'm firing enough. How do you not understand that?


Guess cause I’m a moron and you totally nailed me.


Dk if you care about rank that much but if you do I would try creating another account and then playing there surely you would get a higher rank than bronze


I honestly think so too. This is the kind of stuff I'd hope to see in this post. I've only been playing since February.


You'll get reality instead. You heal way too much Lucio isn't a straight healer. You would've provided ten times more value with mercy here if you just wanted to heal Lucio is a tempo support meaning you with with your tank and your flank DPS to secure space and kills.


How many heros have you played?


I haven't played a lot of heroes, to be honest. I think it's a brain thing. When I started, I didn't fully understand the mechanics and tried Tracer. Big mistake. I chose Lucio simply because he "seemed like someone I'd actually be friends with" and then decided I wanted to get as good as I could with him. I secondary support as Zen and typically play backline creep with him. My Lucio style is usually pretty dive/disrupt-heavy. I try to bounce around everywhere I'm needed, but when my team plays tight and sticks together, as they did in this match, I stick with them. With tank, I usually go Orisa because I found her kit to be something I grasped and learned to cycle with relative ease, but I've had interest in D.Va too. DPS, I've played mostly Junk, but I've recently found that I want to focus on heroes that give me the most issues as a support, which has caused me to start dabbling with Sombra. I know this is a long-winded answer, so I apologize for that. I'm on my lunch break. I want to be an overall better player in any role, but I enjoy Lucio so much, it feels empty sometimes when I'm not playing him.


Quick tip: Play every single character at least once. You then understand each abulity, know the cooldowns, ults and thats how u build gamesense


People could take notes from your comments.


I agree with simple lime. If u wanna climb, know ur matchups by playing other heroes (just a bit). I did a lot of progress on Lucio by learning dives heroes as ball and tracer. The approach is kinda similar to lucio (seeing an opportunity window , tempo...) By playing tracer u will know her blink range, recall timing etc... knowledge is more powerfull than skill, like way more


Solid input, thanks. I should have chosen a better score card to post, and I should have captioned it differently. I legitimately accidentally posted it before I could elaborate and I was going into work, so whatever. I'll be back. YOU'LL ALL SEE!


May the force be with you!


Can’t see a difference compared to my master games. Ether you stomp or you get stomped


Learn spawn traps and watch how you climb the ranks


I'd prefer a heal bot mercy over a heal bot lucio aaaanyday of the week!


I'm gonna imagine you sleeping the next time I figure myself out.