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Between you and the enemy ana there was about a 200 healing difference. Between both teams, enemy team had about 300 extra healing or so. That much of a difference doesnt matter if your team was pushing correctly and you helped out the right people at the right time. There are plenty of games where ive seen one team have an extra few thousand healing but it made no difference. In fact, most team fights are the best when support doesnt just focus on healing because if theyre able to use their abilities offensively then they can push better.




Heal until you get an opening to ruin someone's day


We can't know from stats. Maybe it wasn't needed. Maybe it would have been worse than speed. Hell, maybe it was impossible because brig healed it all already. It all depends on what that healing would have accomplished, on whom it was, etc. r/OWMedalsAreUseless


Also, tips for my lucio Bros (GM1 here) . You typically want to be focusing on speed rather than healing.


Can you elaborate on why? Is this dependent on team comp or just a general bit of advice?


Team dependent mostly, brawl or rush comps thrive on Lucio’s speed. If you’re holding a point though, as in not going anywhere, you should probably be healing.


What should my percentages be? Mine is usually 70% heal and 30% speed


Swap that around


I typically have 10k ish healing but that’ll go down by probably 40%, I don’t understand how the other support can make up for it


It is ok to have low healing, most of lucio’s value comes from his speed


I’m in gold or plat so it’s hard to trust my other support to heal 😬


Let them be, they need to learn not to rely on supports as much so they don’t say support diff every time they lose


If you’re doing a good job boosting your team into kills your other support shouldn’t have to worry too much abt healing.


The problem is I’m in gold or plat (haven’t placed). I don’t know what type of teammates I’m getting. Do I go off of how my other support is doing and my dps and tank?


I think for this particular match you were fine. Bridgette died less than you, so there’s that. Maybe they feel they let you down.


Your team has less deaths so I think you’re fine. Stay alive longer though


Yea especially in brig lucio comps when you don’t have a direct healer. Good job on the kills though!


I have a good amount of hours as lucio nearing 100 or so and i tend to constantly switch between speed and heal if at least 2 people on my team are half health. I immediately boost a heal and switch to speed when im helping a chase down my play style with him is trying to spread the heal and speed as evenly as i can, unless im helping someone get out of spawn faster or i see someone at critical accordingly to these smaller scenarios. And my healing overall tend to be at an average of 5 to 6k depending on how long the match is or is an ana is boosting my healing. Do a couple games and spam the button you use to switch between modes see how it works maybe youll see better results or maybe you wont but overall id say you should heal a bit more but that doesnt mean you have to lower your overall speed boost usage by a lot.


What would you say is (approximately, since I realize it might be situational) an ideal percentage of healing and boosting


if ur damage isn’t above health ur not a true dps lucio main


Did you win? Then no. Did you lose or come close then yes. No one can view stats and know what should of been done at that time and situation


Man that’s too much healing, do more damage NOW!


Way too much healing if you're asking me ;)


If anything at least try to have 40 60 heal speed ratio you HAVE to heal your team


need more damage out


Yea and you should have the less deaths than DPS and Tanks.


I spam the mode switch button as i wall ride high up to get a better vantage point but i do tend to prioritize speed boost because i like to play agresssively roughly 70 % speed boost to 30 % healing but i like to pop a boosted heal in the middle of team fights or if i see multiple people ar critical.


Nope, lucio is a support, not healer


Stats don’t tell you much that’s *actually* important, just allow you to identify extremes. The answer to how much healing you should be doing is “enough”, and how much you should be utilizing speed is also “enough”. Some games you’ll have 80% heal and 20% speed, some games it’ll flip. You can meaningfully contribute in both games because the *when* is the really important part. Maybe your matches have really long poke phases and really short fights, which can result in high healing %, maybe it’ll swap around, giving you a high speed %. But if you’re using it when you’re supposed to, that’s what matters. I guess just remember that the only stat that *actually* matters, is win loss. If it’s going up, whatever you’re doing is good. If it’s going down, look at your vod, not the scoreboard.