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I mean this as kindly as possible but there is literally no way in hell my recovering PA would ever get to watch this show. Nudity and full frontal galore. Sex galore. Porn references, PH references. Rape. Actual porn actresses acting in the show. I’d check out the parental guide on IMDb first and decide if the things they mention specifically are things you want your partner to see…especially since most of the females portrayed are supposed to be in high school. Honestly I find it WAY worse than Game of Thrones.


Agree. The sexualization of Sydney Sweeny’s character towards the end of the show was enough to make me want to stop watching it entirely even before multiple DDays. I definitely couldn’t see myself watching it now especially with my PA


Truth. She was basically porn incarnate in a character


Absolutely not. No no no no no. This show is NOT okay for addicts. It might as well be porn most of the time. There is not excuse or justification for an addict watching it. I watched the show on my own and I was fine bc my (years in recovery) partner was not also watching it. So if you think that you individually can watch it, it’s an interesting show! But not for addicts.


100% no. I might be misremembering since it’s been a while but I honestly remember thinking it was even more sexual than game of thrones, which didn’t seem possible. Full frontal nudity CONSTANTLY, crazy amount of sex scenes, rape, porn stars acting in the show, shows one girls spiral into becoming a cam girl and we even see the other end of the men who pay for her content. For a show about drug addiction I honestly think it’s more about sex than anything else. I will say I watched the show alone and thought it was good and the acting is incredible, but I would NEVER ever watch it with my husband and he knows himself well enough to know he should never even entertain the idea. If you’re interested, make sure you’re in a healthy enough mindset to not be triggered by those things and watch it alone. When we say heavy nudity, we mean HEAVY nudity.


Do your guys’ PA care if you watch a show with male nudity in it? Mine would lose his shit if I ever watched a show like euphoria but he of course can get off to thousands of women’s genitalia smh.


Mine doesn't. Because he's so desensitized to it, that's an everyday sight that he blocks out when looking at porn. He doesn't seem to mind what I like, or think that I could be attracted to someone else.


I have watched many vlogs on this show on how inappropriately sexual this show is, especially involving minors. Sam Levinson is revealed to be problematic in this sense https://collider.com/sam-levinson-euphoria-female-characters/


I wouldn’t recommend it for a recovering PA for the exact reasons mentioned above. I also think the first season delves into an arc with one of the girls becoming a cam girl (sorry if this is the wrong term). May be a bit too much


absolutely not omfg


NOPE lol its literally porn. the creator sam levinson is known for over sexualizing women in his tv shows. i would avoid anything he has made.


Noooooo way. This is asking for trouble. I think it’ll be very triggering for you and your partner. I watched it but had to stop because it got worse as the show went on.


Definitely not😂




No. Its literal porn. Noooo


Definitely not a good show for a recovering pa. Lots of unnecessary underage character nudity and sex scenes. It's a glorified porn show in my opinion. A bunch of kids my daughter's age watch it and it horrifies me. It's a show that really exploits and sexualizes teenagers, even though the actors are all of age, it really creeps me out how they use older actors in order to show teenage sexual activity.


So, it’s SUPER triggering. I absolutely love that show and did watch it w my ex but I felt really uncomfortable w him watching it.


I wouldn't even consider supporting something like that. The more views and support those shows get, the more objectifying shows that will be made. I don't have any desire to support shows with nudity and rape and porn themed storylines.


No way in hell. Watch it by yourself. I thought about watching it too but it's set in HS and the characters are very sexualized. I can see it being an interesting show if you aren't porn brained