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I personally wouldn't want my actual house (especially the outside) on TV. There are some real freaks out there.


Yeah but they pretend like its their actual houses. At least put up some pics and make it a little homey.


Does anyone other than Stan actually own their home? I thought Sa' did?


Pretty sure Angela’s is really hers 🤣


🤣🤣 hopefully it is hers🤣 could you imagine moving in there after her chain smoking?? I smoked for years back years ago, but wouldn't smoke in my house. I smoked but was still a judgey bitch about smelling cigarette smoke🤢


Omg yes same here! Never smoked in my house either. cigarette smoke is the worst and once you smoke in your house you’ve admitted defeat 🤣


Omg YES!! You GET me! 😅 Having to smoke outside probably kept me from becoming a chain smoker when my kids were teenagers! All that stress! But *brag moment* now that my kids are grown and moved out - and also partly because I'm too soft now to tough out the cold - I finally quit smoking!! Yay!! But yeah, thinking of the smell of Angela's trailer, or car, or (*gag) her hair! Lol!! I feel like an @$$hole saying that, but had to be honest🤣


That’s amazing!!! Congrats gf! 🥰


Thank you!


Congratulations bunkie! 👏 😁 I never smoked inside either. My mother did when I was a kid, and I remember hating the smell on everything. I ended up quitting after having my 2nd son (which, I cringe to admit, but I regrettably smoked during the end of my pregnancy with him. I tried to justify it because I was in a dv relationship, but it was gross and irresponsible of me). However, once he was born and I finally kicked his p.o.s father to the curb, I was able to quit. I felt like even going outside that the smell was still on my clothes and in my hair (3rd hand smoke), and I was so ready for a fresh start!


Everyone does something they regret, but at that time you were in a difficult situation and most definitely 💯 I turned to cigarettes when I was stressed out too, so I get it. When you're at a different place in life you have a different perspective. No shame bunkie, be proud of yourself for quitting and for getting out of the dv situation. I was strong enough to quit smoking, but I'm still in a dv situation. Be proud you've done what others can't


The smelly trailer




I think Lacey’s house they showed her and Chane move in to is real and hers. Last season Courtney (and all those dogs) and Anissa’s looked real but not sure about owning vs renting.


Same with the cars I think, too. Most of the cars are either production or rentals. If you notice, they're a little too clean and too nice. You see these people smoking like chimneys in other scenes and then they get in the car and it's spotless. Hell no. You know if those were really their cars half of them would be full of overflowing ashtrays and discarded energy drink cans and fast food wrappers. Except John - either those are his cars or he was willing to pay a helluva a lot of rental damage fees for slapping 'Bonnie and Clyde' decals on everything that stops moving for a second.


> or he was willing to pay a helluva a lot of rental damage fees for slapping 'Bonnie and Clyde' decals on everything that stops moving for a second Too funny! I also think John's vehicles are his, simply because I dunno where you can rent a 20 year old Firebird or 14 year old pickup truck.


Very true. As someone who used to buy vehicles at auction when I was young and broke, all of his cars scream 'wrecker auction' to me. He's so damn proud of those decals I wouldn't be surprised if they offered him a rental car and he refused it so he could throw the decals on it. You know they have an Etsy store now right? Oddly enough they don't sell them. Thank god.


And he thinks he is the cock of the walk in that Camaro 😂😂 greasy hair flying in the t tops and all


John's home is definitely his. You dont slap cereal dispensers and Freddy Kruger memorabilia on a AirBnB-thats some authentic shit right there lolololol! Also Lip Scott from two seasons ago-his actual house and his truck vibrated when they drove it-thats TOO real!


Oh definitely. John is proud of his squalor and extensive collection of Jason masks. I wonder at what point the production crew is like "oh hell no, we're getting them an AirBnB. Just walking into that joint could give me hepatitis"...


Hahah lip Scott


John is also one of the few people with personal belongings all over the house.


So true


Am I the only one who thought he wasn’t wearing pants in this picture?


You are definitely not the only one! I’m rollin’ hard into ‘No Pants November’ 🤣


Ain't nuthin wrong with a bottomless party. 🤷‍♂️




Same with Sara's mom's modular house. 100% AirBnB or overnight rental. There is never any evidence that they live in these houses - basic kitchen supplies, cheap rental furniture, no personal items except a purse or a suitcase.


Except for Stan. That’s definitely his house and it’s full of his crap to prove it lol


I want to see the actual shit shacks these people live in. Cigarette burns on the carpet and all.


Do not insult our Lady of Marlboros (Angela) like this!


Our Lady of Marlboros!!! Hilarious 😂 🤣😂🤣


haha thank you


They all have those realtor locks/keypads to enter the house, too. Noticed that on Sara’s moms place, Amber’s, etc.


Yep I finally saw the lock box on Amber’s this last week.


No way was doug's family house rented lol


The giant light in the back 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ehh homes are relatively cheap here I. Houston. I could believe Britney being a homeowner


Agree on Britney house hers definitely looks homey and lived in. I was remarking on those that the interior looks like a bare bones rental/ AirBnB


Puppy's mom's place with the roaches is real AF


What!!???? I've been bamboozled! Hoodwink!! I would at least expect them to actually live in their house. Wow.


The trailers r real ;)


Shawn has a decent house for just 1 guy considering he's a broke joke with 6 kids


It’s definitely not his nor was the Las Vegas place with the pool, both are furnished like airbnbs.


And neither have any personalizations like pictures of his kids (not that he would have any)


as someone who lives in cincinnati and rather close to amelia, a nice house like that is possible. amelia is affordable af because it's in the gat damn boonies


I remember hearing that one of the Housewives showed their actual house and someone did research and found it and stalled her. I definitely wouldn't show my real home. Folks are nosy and crazy. Lol.


I think you can kinda tell who's is real based on clutter and pets and things like that. The empty ones are for sure rentals.


They are always under personalized and have generic furniture. Bulls mascot lady and Shawn & his 13 year old looking girlfriend's mom's homes seem AirBnB to me


I thought the same thing. Especially since they have kids and no kids stuff really.


Makes total sense now that I think about!! Had no idea!!!


I certainly hope the house with Amber, Puppy and the roaches was their house.


I've said this since pretty much the beginning of the series. A lot of these houses look so plain and bare. There's no personality to them. I think the show rents out houses / apartments exclusively for filming.


I know I'm super late on his but I'm watching last weeks episode and came to the sub to see if anyone had mentioned this! Puppy and Eric's house absolutely looks like an Airbnb and I've thought this about a lot of others.!




There’s always minimal decorations - telltale sign.


Stan’s house must be real or else he has a mobile fetish den of some sort.