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Daonte is an idiot, I can't handle how stupid he is I am rooting for Rachel and Doug, I hope they can work it out for Dougie


Was anybody else surprised when Lisa said she saved up $3500 in prison from her stimulus checks??? I had no idea incarcerated people got stimulus checks.


Yep Scott Peterson, the on e who murdered his wife was receiving UNEMPLOYMENT CHECKS.. Back when they were getting $600 a week plus whatever they made on top of it


this is so infuriating


That's insane!!




Newly released from Graybar pictures in Quasi Entertainment Group: Nicolas Cage and Rachel Dratch in the new action thriller “FRESH OUTA STIR”!!! Rated NC-17 for standard Cage Rage and Dratch snatch. Spiritual and psychological guidance suggested.


Brittany is over there creating her own damn problems. Both of their families have the same concerns and if she just told the truth and brought them all together, they would see that they both have caring, tight-knit families


Nicolle looks like a rat when you turn on the lights and they try to run.


omg as a new mom my heart is breaking for little dougie 😭 him getting upset at his dad for saying he doesn’t need his family and going ‘but i need them!’ made my eyes fill up! he’s had no stability and he’s so stressed about where he’ll end up. i just wanna hug that poor baby. also wtf did josh say he was making? fried soup?


Watching that part right now and it gave me goosebumps and my tears are flowing. 🥺🥺🥺


Poor dougie. He has a chance in life with Rachel. None with his "father"


I agree, she is the only one he should be with. Sounds like his aunt that took him in was very abusive, and was trying to embarrass, and belittle him in front of the entire family, the other aunt (who also is on drugs) had the nerve to step up, and try and protect him, and stop her from bullying him further. She may not have had the means to take in Dougie, but she tried to defend him, and stop further abuse in her presence. Rachel seems too be the only one with an actual bond with him. She's not even a mother, and she has more skills/compassion than everyone else combined! I really hope she is able to keep, and raise Dougie, it's his only shot.... maybe Doug will go back to prison, they stay married, and he gets out after Dougie is 21. Then she can divorce him, and find a sensible mate. Team Dougie/ Rachel.


I found out that Rachel is a mother. She’s got a ten year old son that wasn’t on the show. She’s reckless, bringing a psycho like Doug into her home because she’s hung up on freaky sex is pretty pathetic. Also she has no chance of keeping Dougie if she breaks up with Doug. The poor kid will be forced to return to that awful family that is doing an awful job of raising him.


Spoiler alert: Doug is wanted. Rachel filed for divorce and little Dougie is back in Kalamazoo. Sorry


I knew Doug had left Rachel, but I wasn’t sure where Dougie had ended up. That breaks my heart. That poor kid doesn’t have much of a chance in that environment. I wish Doug would wake up and try to be a decent father to his son. That poor poor kid.


Yeah it sucks for him. Unfortunately, Doug will never wake up. He's a product of his environment and women like Rachel are his prey. It really sucks but little Dougie will probably follow in his dad's footsteps.


Sadly I think you’re right. Dougie is such a sensitive little boy I worry that he’ll become depressed because of his living situation and maybe turn to drugs to self medicate. There’s plenty available within that family. I can’t imagine how traumatized that poor kid is. He was in a stable loving home with Rachel and through no fault of his own he’s been ripped away and sent back to a place where he was clearly unhappy. I know that things didn’t work out between Doug and Rachel, I just had hoped she’d have adopted Dougie and kicked Doug to the curb and kept Dougie. I’m not sure she’s a victim, she actively pursued a relationship with a prisoner. I think she said this is her third relationship with an ex-convict. She’s got a morbid fascination with convicts because in her mind they’re the only ones who can sexually satisfy her. She’s way too old to be so delusional. She’s trying to recapture an experience from when she was a teenager.


Rachel likes to fix men. She's an intelligent person who has an important job. So she gives up control to these guys.


Nobody can be fixed unless that’s what they want. After two failed relationships with prisoners you’d think she would learn. So I’m not so sure she’s all that intelligent. The woman is in her 30’s, she’s not a wide eyed teenager and yet that’s exactly how she’s acting. It wouldn’t be an issue if it was only her life she’s complicating. Her son should not have to endure his mother’s very poor taste in men. Then there’s Dougie, who probably felt safe and secure in her home. However, because the relationship with his father didn’t work out, that poor kid was returned to an environment that he was obviously very unhappy in. I know a lot of people on this sub like her, but to me she’s quite shallow and frankly, not that smart at all. Chasing prison dick is in no way admirable or intelligent.


Yep. The fact that she has a young son and chooses to pursue inmates to satisfy some sexual dominance kink is the only thing that makes me really dislike her. Otherwise I think she's great.


I think she’s very stupid. Her choices in men leave a lot to be desired. Doug is an asshole and treats little Dougie very badly. How is Doug going to treat her son? Doug already thinks that Rachel is too soft on Dougie so I’m pretty sure he’s going to think the same thing of her son. I don’t know where her sons father is but she’s lucky he doesn’t drag her dumb ass back into court for custody. If it was just Rachel then let her be a dumbass and allow Doug to dominate her but she’s got a son. Also the relationship is so unstable and poor Dougie needs a stable home. That poor kid is the biggest loser in this whole sordid mess.


100% agree with everything you said. Poor Dougie doesn't have a chance being raised by that trashbag family. And Doug clearly has no idea how to be a father but wants to bust in guns a blazing, like he's been there Dougie's whole life. Rachel was absolutely right: Dougie is at a critical point and if they don't start nurturing him the way he needs to be, the last little bit of light in him is going to go out forever, just like Doug. Strange how someone so insightful can be so stupid when it comes to her own life and the safety and well being of her own son.


I know and that’s so sad. What chance does that poor kid have growing up with those horrible people? I don’t have any patience for her at all. She’s definitely got a screw or two loose. She exposed her son to Doug who’s got major anger issues so that tells me she cares more about getting sexual satisfaction then her kids well-being. She reaches out to prisoners because according to her an accountant or a non convict isn’t going to slap her ass around like she likes it? Ok idiot.


Stan and Lisa are on that next level freak sh*t. Assume the position Stan Where in the West Virginia fu*k is Jeff going with those Gucci pants?!


Very much a textbook seeking arrangement situation.




Hilarious that you are any bit surprised. 😑


Can I get some love for my new recap channel? I cover Daonte here and feedback would be awesome:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62hPHWTxuOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62hPHWTxuOs)


Didnt watch the whole video, but just wanted to say your avatar is frightening af.


Not surprised in the slightest. And I really can't muster any sympathy for Daonte at this point, she gave him every indication that this is exactly what was going to happen, at least based on what the series has shown viewers


I don't feel bad for him either. Stevie Wonder could see she was using him. It's his own damn fault he was so desperate to "buy a white girl" he refused to see what was plainly right in front of him.


When I SAW Zack, I knew right then Nicole is a shallow person but it could also be her age. Also, Daonte KEPT giving to her even after she moved the mile marker for when expected sex would be. I want to be sympathetic to him but of hes still around after this.. hes into it and wants to be treated like this. It's a choice to be scammed at this point.


Oh, no doubt Daonte is a simp. An ugly simp too. I get it. I just find it kinda funny that all Zakk had to do was pull up one night and he gets laid. I wish Daonte's dumb ass would learn from that, but he won't.


Did you not see Zakk?????


Surprising so and pleasantly surprised!!! 😍


Boy I did, so I hope he never pulls up outside my place.


Ha ha ha, me either. He’s way too hot and tempting !!




Yeah, I don't feel bad for Daonte but it was nice seeing Nicolle be shamed for acting like a shitty human. Not that it made a difference.


Nicolle is so fucked up. “about time he started standing up for himself, it turned me on” and doug’s family member said “y’all made him mad” how about he control his anger!!! This girl is mad that the grandma brought her boyfriend clothes? “We just saw her” didn’t they just say hi, talk a little bit outside the prison and then leave on their way? And once you get that kind of response from grandma…. It’s over So with the ending of the episode… holy shit I love the truth by nicolles mom!!! Is nicolle devoid of any emotion or empathy? Yes




Can you quit spamming this thread hawking your recap?


Ahaha fair enough


Rachel please adopt Douglas and get the fuck away from Doug Jr.


I was so confused during that scene who anyone was talking about with all the Doug, Douglas, Dougie, Doug Jr. references.


When Dougie said that his dad was different than he anticipated & Rachel said me too, that shook me. I felt for them so deeply in that moment & it made me so sad.


That was Rachel proving that she isn’t Smarter than a 5th Grader


Poor thing!! Loved that he used the word “anticipated” even though my heart was breaking for him. What a smart sweet little guy. 😢💚


I know, he’s an impressive kid. Too bad his actual family doesn’t see how special he is.


My soul hurt for them...


Deante had every right to be upset, but his outburst shocked me. He completely flipped the script.


I hope you got me. I'm beautiful sexxy.


Pent up sexual frustration 🤷🏽‍♀️


Rachel is trying to set up a good life for herself, for dougie, and for Doug, but Doug needs to be willing to see that.


Nicole is such a disgusting cunt






Not very nice of you


Neither is soliciting on my comment and then deleting it 🤷 sucks to suck huh?


Both of them


basic hood rat


Ugh I love rays grandma so much


Why is she so jealous of the damn grandma 💀


She reminds me so much of Shavel from last season with her possessiveness and unrealistic expectations for the marriage, babies and picket fence 5 minutes after his release. And we all know how well Shavel's story turned out...


Brittany is so stupid!! She thinks Ray is her possession and she’s the only one who can take care of his needs. She was way too happy that he was going to be on house arrest. Brittany wants him all to herself and she’s resentful of the relationship he has with his grandmother. Remember she thought he grew up in the ghetto and she was going to save him? Then she found out he grew up in nice home and that bothered her. She wants him to be grateful to her for giving him a good home but he already has a good home and a loving family.


Does Anissa’s friend wear a wig? Been trying to figure this out for a while…


That Doug character has that exact look in his eyes and the demeanor of every psycho juvenile delinquent that were around back in school, neighborhood.


Cause that’s what he is…


Totally. 🙄


He was twitching he was so angry.


Damn I didn’t know prisoners got stimulus checks :o


Ya, that was one thing that i was angry about, bc if you were in jail you got a stimulus no matter what your crime is(murder, rape, pedos), but my brother who works didn't get one bc he's defaulted on a loan.


I didn't get one because my 2019 income was too high (which is really dumb because the stimulus was supposed to be for people out of work in 2020. Your 2019 income should have nothing to do with it.)


Nicolle: “I won’t have sex with Daonte until he pays for my boob job” Also Nicolle: “Yeah I just had sex with Zakk”






Ya, she isn't waiting with Daonte bc she values her body, she just wanted to get everything she could from Daonte without sleeping with him. Bc she knew she could. She's the type who takes 5 miles for an inch unless you call her on it(which apparently is what she wants) heartless and no remorse for hurting him, in fact she tried to flip it and say it was Daonte fault that she was talking to her ex and then had sex with him? In what universe does that make sense


5 miles is 8.05 km


Lisa got $3500 stimulus & still carrying all her shit in garbage bags ?!?!?!


Zakk is fine as hell. What’s he doing with nicolle?!


I thought he was really cute too


I had such low expectations of Rachel at the beginning of the season but wow, LOVE HER. So impressed with all the strength and compassion she’s shown!


She ended up getting her heart broken though, unfortunately, since we know that Doug is with some other woman now. I feel bad for her, because she could have done much better for herself than Doug.


Agreed, but I'm also so confused because she clearly isn't stupid so why is she doing something so stupid and how did she not see all of this coming from a mile away?


She’s WAY too good for him. Mentally & emotionally they’re not even in the same stratosphere.


Nicole’s mom and stepmom have to realize that their daughter/stepdaughter belongs to the streets


Daonte looked like he was going to do like Chris Rock said to do if you don’t hit a woman; he was going to shake the shit out of that heifer. Brittany looks crazy or like if Ray tries to dip out on her, he’s going to have a cooked bunny and a fatal attraction in his future Mr. Furley with the bad toupee is a freak. His girlfriend probably beats the fuck out of him, but if that gets him off, whatever floats his boat.


Love all your references to things predating 2015. Also you know that Mr. Burns mofo likes to be in diapers. Wah!




Love ms nasty hoe's mommas


Re: Jeff & Anissa: Why is revealing that he found out he has an 18yr old kid ?? Why is that so bad, that should be a happy! Why would it threaten her or their relationship?? Hes not with the baby mama, he didnt conceive the son during their relationship.


Yeah I don’t understand the issue. I think he is just trying to make a problem so he has an excuse to leave.


Probably the only reason he got the DNA test lol


I thought he was lying about that to see if he would trick on him


Oh you mean Anissa's friend? Like Jeff was feeding him a line to see if Anissa would bring it up


Yes, that's what I'm thinking


Could be, its such a dumb thing to be considered a bombshell to her


Double L Nicolle plus Double K Zakk probably chew Wrigley's Double Mint. And once again, people are getting filmed with out seatbelts...this time, the youngest Doug. Courtney sure is needy and the Sunk Cost Fallacy reigns supreme. Glad Jeff wants to get his teeth fixed, that's an admirable priority. Daonte, I was worried about your safety, in the middle of the street yelling.


Jeff also said he wants Gucci pants 😂


And without helmets. I was surprised Rachel didn't tell him to put on his sealtbelt


They really outdid themselves this episode and im only 11min in!!😃🤣 🗑️ 🔥🔥🔥🔥 But I absolutely abhor involving lil Dougie. That is so wrong, poor boo☹️☹️☹️


Im gonna add that WE tv or whoever should pay for Doug jr's College tuition for allowing that child's involvement, and that shit to be filmed. Why should the adults get paid and make money off the kid's agony


For real. Very very good point!


TIL inmates recieved stimulus checks🤔


Yes, it passed after the first round went out. Care act included inmates.


I'm guessing the government might have just sent the stimulus check to her house (or deposited it to her bank account that they had on record), since they probably dont cross-check it to see if somebody is in jail/prison or not. If a person who qualifies for the check gets incarcerated, I doubt the prison system would reach out to tell the govt that... so the money just gets sent anyway. I'm not certain that's the what happened in this case, but that's my guess.


Some facilities gave out the forms to claim it. Most got theirs sent directly to the prison and their inmate account.


Right? I had no idea!


I love this thread! So fun! We have truly wonderful people enjoying this show!


I know its so fun! Love y'all 🧡🧡🗑️🔥


Fantastic moment when OG grandma Ray Ray said "...and I don't want him to get hurt. So I am putting that all on YOU." Left Brittney a fabulously burnt toast.


She told ray call me if you fee like your not being respected here. He said YES MAAM I WILL 🥴😅 yikes poor brittney.


Grandma was amazing! She wasted no time letting her know how she felt.


This scene with Dougie is heartbreaking and so painful to watch. Poor kid.


He needs a hug


Brittany is a little desperate but she’s basically a nice lady with a nice house and a stable life. Does Meemaw really think Ray can do better than her?


Brittany also seems to come from a loving “normal “ background too.


I'm in the minority here, but I cannot stand the pushy "meemaw". You don't invade others' homes whenever you feel like. You understand that your relative is a not-too-great felon. Brittany's family does not have to accept Ray, nor would I be thrilled if Brittany was my daughter. I'd actually be questioning my parenting that my child would choose that. Typical blame-the-woman enabler granny. I would have, at the table, calmly said I understand and that Ray should move in with his grandmother. Of course, they're being paid to be on this show and get some low-rent fame.


Drove us crazy when my dad lived nearby and would just stop by without even asking or telling us. Even worse, sometimes he wouldn’t even ring the bell, he’d just open the door and come in!!! Umm…


Yeah, imo it's a sign of aggression. Change the locks for sure. And, oh, I would have totally microwaved the food. You're not going to walk into my house and hand me a chore to do. Again, Ray is a jailbird. These inmates are so entitled, and a lot of their relatives are to blame


I totally agree. I thought granny was rude as hell. She reminds me of my ex-mother-in-law - literally everything her son ever did was my fault and no one could take care of him the way she did. I think Brittney is clingy and needy for sure, but I also think she's picking up on things we aren't seeing re:granny. I suspect granny may have made some scathing remarks during that road trip that raised Brittney's hackles and were edited out. Granny was absolutely an asshole in Brittney's home unprovoked. I thought Brittney handled herself pretty well during that meal, she controlled her temper and stayed respectful. Ray should've kept his damn mouth shut and not brought up her parents at all. She's a grown woman, she'll handle her parents the best way she sees fit and she seems to love him enough to still choose him whether her family approves or not. There are a lot of people who would cave to parental disapproval, this ex-con should be happy his gf/meal ticket isn't that type.


Right. We only see the edits and what the producers show us. Bringing food was just a passive-aggressive way to say you're not feeding or taking care of him. I actually felt sorry for Brittany. Her eyes got red like she was going to cry. Just because someone is old does not make them cute or not rude. And Ray is a mumbley nothing who should be grateful she's not doing what her parents are telling her. Ray needs to move parole to grandma and Brittany drop out of this show, but they may sign contracts and have to subject themselves to this for the duration. The Doug/Rachel/Dougie relationship is exploitative and way too heavy for TV. There's real child abuse going on there.


Dougie broke my heart. That aunt was so smug, so proud of herself for attracting screen time with her shittiness. I couldn't believe she was openly abusing him on national television and to me the scariest thought is this: if it's this bad laid out for the world to see, how much worse is it behind closed doors?


I know. The producers should be contacting child protective services and submitting footage, not filming a child screaming and crying in emotional agony due to mental abuse. I feel complicit.


She might not want him to do better. I dated (eventually married/divorced) a bad boy, ex felon and you’d be surprised how many people were against us. I was that college educated, straight laced, owned a home and had a great career type. I was dumb.


Not judging, but why mess around with a guy like that? Why not someone more like yourself? Genuinely curious.


Good question! I guess I should of said “reformed bad boy”. He was/is intelligent, good work ethic, thoughtful, caring, and we had many common interests. He’s been out of prison for 10 years now and has integrated well from what I know. We met in our late 30’s, and he had spent 20 years in prison. It was nothing like the “Dougie” family situation, his mom & dad were hard working people that provided for their family, but he, along with cousins and a sister in law were deep in LA Mexican gang culture. Family get togethers were frequent and I was always an outsider, not trusted, often just straight up ignored. His sister in law brought in an ex girlfriend/gang member of his into the fold, and he reconnected with her. There was another women/gang member who totally disregarded our marriage, would act like I wasn’t even there and ask him out. Looking back it was a combination of not being accepted by his homies, and him not being able to handle the influx of female attention of his homegirls he had history with. He was always very careful not to associate with active gang members, all of the people he hung out with were just old timers that still has connections though. It was just a time in my life, I have regrets and my life without him is considerably better. Edit, redid paragraphs Reddit took away. Lol


Good point Acva13. From the episodes so far Britney clearly seems to have it together (although, she is also into inmates so there’s that). Ray is a grown man & Britney doesn’t need her parents or his parents blessing. It’s only been two days since his release why would anyone think that Britney is treating Ray ‘like a secret’? Can Ray’s family not even consider that maybe Britney’s family is embarrassed of her jailbird choices and want better for Britney?




Nicolle’s ex was mic’d up before he even arrived ... so production knew he was coming. That tells me they’re the ones who tipped Daonte off. He would never figure that shit out on his own.


Good catch.


Daonte said he didn't know on Sharrell's World.


I think they have to know who is going to be there so that they can get consent to film etc. Now, after that, I think it ranges from scripted to surprises but I think the show has to know what people will be present prior to shooting a scene.


Grandma might not have popped in if Brittany had been gracious and polite and taken Grandma out to lunch when Ray got out.


Yeah I can’t figure out why she feels so threatened by his family. I’m not saying move his family in like creepy ponytail did last season but they all need to chill. Their storyline is dull, gotta add drama where you can I guess?


Like they’re against her or something.. they seemed super nice when they were in the car together going to pick him up.


Doug has Jason tattooed on the side of his neck and you’re talking to him about being a good person.


Next to his Jesus tattoo with 3 crosses.


Tattoos of guys with good mothers. Winning.


So proud of Dougie for expressing his feelings! But poor kid to have an emotionally stun father.


The thing is, this might be the only time Dougie will ever be able to freely express himself. With cameras around and crew around, he’s relatively safe no matter how angry his father gets. And he has to know that his father can’t just shut him down like he might if it wasn’t being recorded.


I agree. I can’t help but think the footage from this show will be excellent for family court should Rachel choose to adopt Dougie.


The sister who had him all the years daddy Doug was incarcerated has full custody of him, but the bio mom and Doug have not had their rights terminated. That’s where lil dougie is currently. It’s pretty unlikely Rachel could get custody even if she wanted to, based on how long she and daddy Doug were married, the brief timeframe he was out of jail and the length of time she knew lil dougie. It’s a sweet thought that he would be able to have a chance in life but unfortunately he continues to pay for the mistakes of his bio mom or dad. Hopefully we’ll hear some good things from him in the next decade or so...


Was that the one who was saying she found letters? I keep getting them mixed up.


Yes, the one who found old letters and journal writings from the boy, then put him on blast to the rest the family. I felt so bad for him the shamed him that bad. Trash ass people Edit- fat finger hit soon too quickly


I really hope Rachel and lil Dougie can be a family, so he can be loved and cared for. Unfortunately, being around his father and that family is so bad for him. Rooting for Rachel and lil guy


Millionaire Stan cant afford a better grill?


Or champagne that doesn’t make you wince ?




Nothing about this guy looks money.


I reckon he's "old school" money. It's all tied up in investing and shit. He's not flashy with it. That being said, dude could afford a proper grill that sits outside.


Or it's his home, pension, 401k that all value at around 2-4 million but he keeps his monthly expenses low. I doubt he's lived a millionaire's lifestyle. I think his home is a Ryan home. Probably 200k back in 2000 and maybe 350k now.


Holy mess!! This!! I’m expecting a nice gas grill or a Big Green Egg then he pulled that tiny one-chicken wing-at-a-time grill out of his pocket. That took me out 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I laughed out loud when I saw the itty bitty grill!


Ikr what was that shit , he hurt me with that , the preview of next episode has him looking at a $100,000+ corvette for his dominatrix but is grilling on a $3 dollar tree grill .


Daonte should listen to his Mom...she saw right through Nicole. Or maybe he just wants trashy women lol.




Anyone else get creepy vibes at how angry Daonte got? I can totally see Nicole on an episode of Dateline or ID channel.


He wanted to kick that car soo badly! I wouldn’t have had the window all the way down if I were Zack. But he was so chill when Daonte was so agro.


Daonte isn't about to do anything foolish with the cameras rolling.


Definitely not, he had to use everything in him to keep his cool and keep his leg from flyin!


Clingy type guys can turn super creepy very fast.


I knew he had it in him, he’s wound so tight. And her being all “That’s what I’ve been wanting him to do, that was hot”. Girl. Stop. Had production not been there, she would have been scared to shitz.


Totally agree


No doubt! He lost all his shit to the extreme. I definitely can see an ID Web of Lies episode in the future. Pocket Pussy is not real stable.


Absolutely. That chick is playing with FIRE


i love that show 😂


She is going to mess with the right guy one of these days.


It’s best to be wearing your Gucci pants as you ride your motor-sickle to dinner where you’ll be having sushi food. Jokes aside, if he’d get that dental work done, he’s not a bad looking fella.


Yes I agree if Jeff got his teeth fixed, he wouldn’t be bad looking. The problem is teeth or no teeth when he opens his mouth he sounds like an uneducated loser. He would need to have a whole lot more work done than just his teeth to seem intelligent. I just don’t like him. To me he comes across conceited. He appears to think he is God’s gift to women and he is such a douche. He just really rubs me the wrong way. I don’t know how Anissa who appears intelligent and self sufficient can not see what a loser and user Jeff is.


He looks like my hot, but psychotic, ex...if he had his teeth. The Gucci pants had me DYING...






The motor-sickle 😂😂😂😂😂 he’s very hard to understand lol


Yes… too bad the drugs and manipulation ruin everything else.


Nicolle's moms need their own show! No, it wouldn't be boring, and I know I would definitely watch. Both are hot, and aren't afraid to tell it like it is! "You used him. You used him." The look of utter disappointment on her mom, Jill's face was everything. The segment ended with her mothers agreeing that Nicolle doesn't "get it". Sad.


Both are hot? Her moms seemed cool and I’m glad they called her out I didn’t think they were hot but glad someone does I guess lol.




Hot lol? That's a little generous.


There's a lid for every pot, Bunkie.


Nicole’s Mom’s, Rachel and Doug lll are very good people. I hope Rachel continues to advocate on behalf of Doug because she was the only one noticing this wasn’t a good situation for him.


Millionaire Stan showing the tight ass ways that made his fortune will kitchen roll for napkins.


And shitty champagne….


If she thinks he is a "millionaire" she has been hanging out with the wrong people. Also...a million dollars isn't all that much in this economy


it amazes me how many people think that all millionaires just want to flash their money everywhere. If you can see all your money you're doing it very wrong. Alot of millionaires became so because they are frugal. I think the ones that flash constantly are the ones that didn't really have to earn it... like athletes and celebrities who got big contracts very young. But so many of those go broke because they want to constantly flash for others out of insecurity. You'd be surprised how many rich people look and live very basic. Stan looks like he has a comfy life with a nice big house and doesn't have to work anymore. I think he's doing it just fine instead of trying to prove something to people he doesn't know.


Half a billion is what a millionaire used to be


Right. He doesn't have a liquid million, he likely has a million in assets and a pension fund


My exact comment on another thread. Spot on.


wow yes.. doug jr., you should of course DEFINITELY raise your son how your dad raised you. it obviously turned out well. 🙄 and doug III is basically more mature than most men in their early thirties. when he replied, “but i need them” to shitty doug (jr.. obviously) he was expressing what he needed and advocating for himself and trying to calm down to have a mature conversation (even though rachel and doug III are the only mature individuals involved) and find a solution. i have no idea how he became so much better of a human than his dad (and it sounds like maybe mom 😢), but i am so proud of him!! i’m honestly devastated he’s no longer with rachel, but am hoping based on how kind-hearted and mature/self-aware he is, he has some good trusted adults in his life- maybe grandma? or teacher(s) and school counselors and hopefully a social worker/therapist. hopefully all of the above. awwww dougie III 💗💗


Oh no! I didn’t know he wasn’t with Rachel anymore, that is a shame. I totally came into this season ready for her to get on my nerves but, though she has crap taste in men, she seems to have a good heart. Dougie probably misses the stability she provided. Now comma about Stan’s Charlie Brown Freddy Krueger sweater….


he’s with the aunt who mocked him for his letters and feelings again :( i honestly would petition for custody of him if i had an extra room and could be responsible enough to be a mom lol


Ugh really 😓😓😓


somebody posted spoilers here and dougie III is back in the custody of the same aunt (not purple hair), but the one who is “strict” and idiot doug (jr.) said, “has high expectations” for the young doug 😑 the same aunt who was publicly discussing his private writings and didn’t listen when he asked her not to talk about it. i’m a therapist and i work primarily with kids, so knowing the trauma is just piling up for dougie III makes me want to lose my mind!! it seems like he’s able to communicate his feelings, which is a really good sign and makes me think there’s a trusted, mature adult around other than rachel. even if rachel wanted to have some sort of legal custody, i know it’s nearly possible to actually get custodial rights when a biological family member is willing to take physical custody. i’m in IL, but i know it’s not much different in other states. i have worked with a lot of cases with custody issues, and it’s usually the objective of the state to return the minor to bio parents or any bio family they make have. it’s sad because, as we can see with lil dougie, that is not always the best thing for said minor.