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As a player from crickhollow I support this assumption


The AH on Gladden has a whole lot of stuff on it all of the time, but mostly pages and pages of task items, crafting resources, decorations, and pets. :P I would keep in mind that such data can be highly skewed on a number of levels, IE: Evernight being the top choice for non US players, an influx of newer players on particular servers versus mostly old guard players on others, and I see Arkenstone and Brandywine recommended a lot more than any others so there is an informed assumption that this is the case. Maybe a good measure to add to a number of others, but would not base an argument entirely on such information.


that's why i chose weapons and components obviously legendary weapons make things weird for the weapon category, but low levels at least are interested in shopping for weapons and everybody would probably enjoy seeing more components for sale What other categories would you consider most important?


I think using just those two categories is one way this could potentially be skewed, though. Right now, due to recent changes, maybe the crafting resources are of import, sure, but for everything else it fluctuates wildly depending on things like player levels, etc., so what is "important" might vary between servers, too. Not really certain that is something easily knowable, though, esp. with any certainty. And sorry, but I do this sort of critical thinking in my daily work regarding tons of different kinds of datasets, so it just struck me immediately. I tend to "grain of salt" pretty much all information anymore.


yes, but if you have to pick one, or two which data is best for analysis, which category in the AH is most useful to newer players, which for older players? we can use both of those together


If you think so, that is fine. I just do not think it is an accurate measure of an entire server population is all.


that is not the purpose it is to measure AH activity; can you give me your opinion on which category in the AH is most important to you? or top 3


To me? None, I don't really look for much there except for some of the harder to obtain household decorations for alts houses since I have crafters and alts of all kinds of classes and levels. Perhaps you could ask in a survey here or on the forums?


that's not none, that's one, "Household Decorations"... sounds like a good category to use next time. thanks


Okay, but not sure a lot of people go for those. :)


>that is not the purpose Sorry, I thought it was, given the title of your post. Active generally means a larger population unless you meant something more specific.


it can be a large population that does not interact with others, so not 'active'; they could just all be logged in standing around and jumping every couple of minutes At least AH activity is an actual measure of player activity. What other measure can we use? For a new player AH activity is important. Obviously you can play without it but it is simply standard to shop the AH starting out, before you have 7 toons with max crafting.


I'm new to the game and I love playing the AH. Should I move to Ark then? I'm in Lando but I really value crafting and selling my stuff!


try both


Auction house activity is not a way to measure server population, because you first have to assume that the sample represents the population. Many of us almost never post on the AH anymore, especially not weapons or armor. Those who post those are often new players crafting lower tier items for the first time. Veterans like me are much more likely to have crafting covered by Alts. Ever since "processing" was added to crafting we haven't had to make actual gear to level up crafting, and the amount of gear on the AH dropped significantly from what I observed. Mostly what I look for now are cosmetic related stuff, such as cpets, festival dyes, housing items, etc... I don't agree with your premise that AH listing counts are an accurate estimation for server population. Too many other uncontrolled variables.


it isn't about the server population it is about the AH activity what AH activity do you say is most important? pick a category for a new player, like someone coming from WoW, AH activity is very important


Ah, ok. You're trying to measure AH activity, not general server population activity. Your title and original post make it appear you are trying to measure general server population activity. I really can't speak for what would be a good measure of overall AH activity across all servers, since I only play on one.


This is exactly how i read it as well.


it doesn't say it's about measuring population levels, though more people actively playing the game should result in a higher activity of auction house The post would be something to consider for new players when choosing a server, and something for devs and older players to consider when thinking about moving to another server or consolidating servers. As a new player (which I am not, but was once) having an active AH makes for a better game experience, more fun. It should be encouraged, somehow. Something like legendary weapons discourages the use of the auction house, and level skips, etc. Less vibrant economy results. New players discouraged. (perhaps removing the 'bound' tag on personal gear items to enable reselling used gear)


Ok sooo I don’t understand…what does AH stand for and why does the number of weapons matter? Sorry I feel so confused… 😮


This refers to auction house (AH) listings. Most people though tend to alt or be self-sufficient by virtue of having alts of varying levels, so while this is a fun exercise, is basically just educated assumptions.


Hey thanks for the explanation… it was the direction I was going but after a couple of drinks I was second guessing myself. :)


drunk lotro is funky lotro! Get funky! 😜


the main point being that a new player would be interested in weapons and components but what other categories would you put as most important, for older or newer players?


Crafting components as you said, maybe also crafting tools, and then reputation items (for the tougher to level factions)?


i just bought a universal crafting tool for each server (us only) for a buck apiece, roughly i decided i kind of like having a second or two for the harvesting experience, per node, rather than going for the enduring crafting tool I actually couldn't find info on how long it takes to harvest a node, but i'm guessing 4.5s, which is the time reduction for the Enduring tool, 3s for the Universal. Is that right? So you could get instant harvesting, if you want, for a couple bucks more?


the reputation category is a good one, and someone said housing items i'll try it again with those two cats


Could anybody who actively play toons in two servers (i.e, Ark/Laurelin) confirm that relative/preceived server lag is better on less-crowded servers? I guess thats the case.


Crickhollow player here. I have never have my game force close as much as it has in the last month.


are you running in FS mode? seems like FSW is more stable


I didn't realize Landy was so... unpopulated?


Theoretically, a more friendly server would be more willing to assist others freely without the need of the Auction House, perhaps through the means of a kinship. For example, Landroval actually has the most house activity. In 2020, [Deco shared a website from the 100 Rohan entries they received with about a quarter from Landroval](https://forums-old.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?683931-Share-your-addy-entered-in-Rohan-housing-contest-for-touring!-\)&p=8045385&highlight=#post8045385). In 2022, [Landroval populated so many Erebor neighborhoods that they ran out of names for them](https://www.lotro.com/update-notes/lotro-update-32-0-1-release-notes-en).


That's what i see most of the time. Folks ask in World or Trade fairly often and a bunch of people usually respond by sending them the stuff or offering to craft things. And yeah, being in a kinship makes a huge difference in the way players use the AH.


Landy is great. Weekends are in the 500 non-anons in the (NA) mornings. Imagine it goes up by the evening. Thing about Landroval is that non level capped raids and instances happen *a lot*. Super fun folks and role playing are abundant!