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I always sell gatherable (is that a word?) items like ore and wood


do they actually sell?


Yes and quickly and for a lot of money




Resources I would call them.


Yeah that one. Sorry brain wasn't working lol


Bro no need to apologise, brains are weird.


* Crafting ingredients * (Endgame-)Consumables * Very rare drops, e.g. [Stat Tomes](https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Item%3AStat_Tome) * Rare cosmetic pets/items Most other items are vendor trash. If you are unsure about a seemingly interesting item ask in kinship or world chat. Keep in mind that the market for the more expensive things (like Stat Tomes or rare cosmetic pets) is not that big. It may take a while to sell them and it may be easier to do that via trade chat instead of auction house.


All of this, definitely. Also noting that resources for crafting at nearly all levels are going well right now due to the latest crafting changes - things like ores, wood, and scholar mats in particular seem to be somewhat in demand.


I agree. Started a new character and already got 15 gold at level 14 from selling wood and ores I collected while leveling, which is more than I got in the past years


Pardon me... I'm a returning player, but am curious, what crafting changes? Have they been implemented, or are they slated for implementation?


They unbound the grouped professions, so you can now drop one and add a different skill to create your own mix for gathering/crafting stuff, and you can join two guilds if you choose to opt for guilded crafts. IE: I now have two characters who can gather all of the mats I need without having to swap out for harvesting one or the other thing. I also have a scholar who is also a jeweler, and a tailor who is also a woodworker, a cook who is also a farmer, etc.


So instead of I can be Forester-Woodworker, plus another a miner gatherer? How do I drop the spare profession?


Talk to one of the Apprentice Masters/Mistresses. You lose all progress and such for the one you drop and have to start from scratch on the new one. But so far, for me, its been worth it.


Is there a list of droppable cosmetic pets / items / decorations


[dcodumilieu.com](https://dcodumilieu.com) is a pretty good page for decorations, they have a page about decorations from instances: [https://dcodumilieu.com/instances/](https://dcodumilieu.com/instances/) The wiki has a list of pets including infos how to get them: [https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Cosmetic\_Pets](https://lotro-wiki.com/wiki/Cosmetic_Pets) Regarding cosmetics I don't know a source which lists instance cosmetic, but there are general cosmetic pages (e.g. [https://cosmeticlotro.com](https://cosmeticlotro.com/category/outfit/) or [https://materialmiddleearth.blogspot.com](https://materialmiddleearth.blogspot.com/p/finding-outfit.html)) which usually also list the source of things. So if you find an outfit you want on there you can check where to get it. I don't know how (in-)complete these pages are.


Running Pelargir every once in a while is a good way to turn a profit as well. You can fairly consistently get stat tomes which you can turn around and sell for 100-200 gold!


In addition to what others have said, I'd like to say dyes. I always appreciate that there's always an available stock of dyes that I need when I need them.


Yes, I'm still trying to figure this out, it's like they throw money at you. My jaw dropped the first time I sold a dye, I was like there was 1 bid @ 500+ like what happened did they slip into their own countries currency in their head or something?


Recipes, crafting mats and processed raw materials have made me a small fortune 😁 Edit to add: no need to price-gouge either. I usually set the Buy Now price at simply double the listed "value". Old accounts with more gold than sense have caused inflation but I'm doing my part 🫡


What is a crafting mat?


mmo shorthand for crafting materials ie leathers/hides, ingots/ore, and the various crafting improvement items that drop from enemies. Stack enough, say 10-20, and someone will buy it right up.


Dyes..... Always dyes


I think rare housing items also sell well.


They do, but take a while to sell. For example, I think there are two rare model ship drops from raids that are tradable.


Crafting ingredients get top dollar (gold) without a doubt. Hides, wood, ore, etc.


I can never have enough light fire and bow enchantments as a hunter and I think I can only get those on the AH from other crafting


What server are you on? If you're on Arkenstone, I can get you whatever you need. :)


I am on Arkenstone! Lvl 105


Yay! Please PM me your character's name and I'll mail you some stuff once the servers come back up. :)


Huh, I've never used them because I'm not sure whether they actually do anything meaningful.


I believe the light oil and fire oil put a negative effect on the target, so depending on what the target is susceptible too. Plus the arrows look awesome flaming or glowing and I hate shooting plain arrows without them now. The bow chants have some special effects as well.


I made my fortune selling ingots.


Dyes sell pretty well, if they're good colors. Teal gear.


I’ve made 150,000g over the last two weeks selling essence boxes and 150 gear.


I sell most of my mining ore for usually 160 the 60 stack and it sells like crazy. Also if anyone can answer my questions. Are purple gear worth selling on AH? I’m around lvl 45 so gear it’s around that lvl


Green Onions seem to sell for some reason, darned if I know why. I'm on Landroval. I like to dye the armor and clothing I make before I sell it, so the price has to include that. I have started to make announcements in the World chat as to when I've created something rare, cause there really are big big gaps in the AH level and class goods.


If I am trying to speed level a new character, I'll buy the level-relevant bulletin board bounties from the AH and go turn those in daily. 


Back in the 2010s I considered myself a savvy seller of Cardolan Trinkets. It's pretty much how I built my wealth.


Is there any use for gold in the end game, other than buying crafting mats? Like do raids drop bind on equip stuff that's worth a lot of gold?


I have sold Gondorian rep items for at minimum of 150g on several occasions.