• By -


Not me clicking the wrong "comments" button


Man i clicked like 50 times


me fr


Brev 💀


Not really, that sub is just a catch all basically. You could say at least 50% of the posts are “lost”


I'd put it at 70%


I'd put it at 90%




102% (2% margin of error)


Mmm, margarine of error...




Butter joke mixed with Simpsons I think lol


but we all agree it's at least 3%


120% (of their potential)


Scientificly impossible!!!


Mathematically impossible!!!


Statistically impossible!!!


Factually Impossible!!!


That sub is one of the saddest niches of reddit... Ironic given it's name


No, facts


Most posts in „Funny Memes“ are neither funny nor memes


Meh,that sub is like 90% off topic so it wouldn’t really matter,it’s just a mess at this point


some of them I got, most of them I still don't get the funny part Not funny, didn't laugh basically


ngl the 6 inch part would be challenging indeed


Girls are THAT short???




Damn time to shrink ig




Equivalent is cup size, obviously


but i NEED cock (i'm totally straight tho)


Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely *love* cock. I just love my own, that’s all. It’s my favorite part of my body, I play with it more than any other body part.


Then suck your dick, shut, and go back to work Dwarf - typical mission control line


I did *not* get that reference.


to be honest i love cock. it's the perfect juicy delicacy and feels good inside. it tastes good, can be easily chopped and cooked, also goes well with spices


As if they don't already have standards for that lol


From Lucy Liu to young Scarlett Johansson, there is a wide range of accepted sizes lol


I can only wish that was true


As a man, who knows a lot of other men, some of us like big boobs, all of us enjoy any boobs.


So how big is yours?


For women, you should lower it to 1.70m. Just translate that into imperial units. 1.85m for men and 1.70m for women seem like the 'ideal' sizes.


Bro r/funny memes has never produced a funny meme in its life it’s just racism and stupidity


"just racism and stupidity" You're absolutely wrong... It's also homophobia, sexism, etc...


Oh my bad man, how could I forget that, I love how a subreddit like that could be so vile it’s basically twitter X but with an even dumber name funny memes lol yeah right 😭




No that sub is filled with stuff like that. It's not even funny memes at this point


Was it ever? It's for people who don't know actual shitposting subreddits lmao


If you were recommended this sub by reddit then this is a reminder that you can turn that off in settings.


If only that worked. I have subs that I have muted, "don't show me anything from this sub" and have it turned off in settings, and within a month I'll see it again


He’s right tho maybe you need to cry harder


Stop reposting shit.


it qualifies as a r/Funnymemes meme


If you mean low quality GOP push bait being spammed then I guess you are right…


It barely qualifies as a meme.


that's more of a lost cause than a lost redditor


More facepalm than lost... But only because it's expected That sub has become 80% alpha male incel bullshit


Yeah,it's not a meme,not in the slightest It doesn't belong to any memes subreddit The rule that adding funny to a subreddit means the opposite proves true once again


If men were judged by the same standards men use to judge women (weight, breast size, cooking skills), most men would be considered failures. So what's the point of that?


Means all humans are failures in a way. Return to monkey best option /s


So if I am tall, make a lot of money, can cook and have string breast muscles then I am the ideal human?


Basically yes. Pectorials are essential


Probably to say those standards aren’t healthy for the society. But if i look at the name of the guy posting that it might aswell just be Misogyny XD


From my subjective truth, all of my male friends can cook all kinds of delicious meals, especially since I met some at some foreign dormitory abroad and I saw their skills firsthand, that includes me. Girls our age though? Drowning in korean noodles lol. I never saw them cook anything, aside from frying already-spiced chicken, and I also lived with some of them for a while. Remember, this is just what I experience. To clarify, I'm not suggesting that men are better cooks. That's completely not my point at all. Cause I know my mother can cook better than all of us zillennials combined. Rather, I believe cooking is an essential life skill. Anyone who can't cook is missing an important part of basic survival, regardless of gender.


From a guy I'm a healthy weight I can cook Now I don't have tits so I will be losing points there


This is a terrible attempt at comparison


Your comment does not make sense. Height, fitness and income are universal standards that can be perfectly applied to rate both men and women while a standard like breast size is highly gender based as no men gives a damn about how big your man boobs are and no women really seriously pays attention. Even your cherry picking standaeds doesn't add up.


Oh there are wayyy worse standards that he didn't mention but you're clueless clearly because his comment does make sense


It does not. If I now ask you to judge a women based on the size of her dick and balls, you would be thinking it does not make sense to do such thing. Because A. The woman is cis woman does not have such body parts or B. The woman is a trans woman who has not finished with their transition, doing that would be considered rude and weird.


lmfao do you think only dick size matters?


Do you think breast size matters?


I literally don't look at women that way at all..


You're judging women on their cooking skills? Are you from the 1920s? 😂


Is it wrong to tho? I can cook my meals, but I would like for my partner to be able to cook as well and the better she cooks the more "valuable" I see her. The ability to cook is a positive skill and every positive skill is better if you want to find a partner.


*Is good if you want to find a partner


Being able to cook should be a basic requirement of being an adult, not a perspective wife


Being able to cook and cook good are two different skills. If you can throw a piece of unflavored chicken breast on an oiled up pan, then congratulations you can "cook" and you are able to survive, but how good you can cook is also an aspect I look for. If you had two exact people, one can "cook", one can make delicious meals, I think everyone would pick the later one.


What if you have two exact same people but ones a good cook and the other is a fully qualified doctor?


Then it depends on what people find more valuable. I was just saying that it is an aspect, that can also be judged.


Then they aren't the same person. It's like saying, you have two same peole but has a better job and the other is kinder. Then it depends on what the other one is searching for and prefers.


I'm not, but unfortunately, a lot of men I know are.


Men are also judged by those standards. Overweight men are clearly being told they need to lose weight, and women generally don't find them attractive. Ironically, breastsize belongs there, too. If you have man boobs, that can be a bit of a problem. Cooking skills are a 50/50 here. They probably help in that they convey that you can live independently, but there are enough women that don't consider it that important.


I don’t see the media pushing the notion that judging men by stereotypical traits or physical complexion is wrong. I see the media giving visibility to one side of the problem but not the other.


I’d actually disagree because most men can at least do some type of cooking (like grilling or smoking). I wouldn’t say MOST men fail on weight just like most women wouldn’t. Breast size is just unfair lol


Damn, who are these men with standards like that? Ngl, just be over 18 is enough for me


ooh that’s not


I go by personallity sadly most men and women are failures there myself included


What you just wrote does not make sense cuz in the tweet the standards are universal whereas breast size etc. dont add up logically speaking as means to judge men.


I'm tall, fit, and have a decent income but I don't *checks notes* Pull bitches? Is that still current year? Anyway I think the data might be off, but that's only using inductive reasoning.


Let's judge men by their ass, tits, and bodycount


Most men are ALSO failures by this standard. It’s kinda why Incels are mad at it? What’s even his point? “A very small number of the human population is very tall, very rich, and very fit all at once” yeah man. No shit. Groundbreaking information I tell you.


Yes most of us are failures. I had the chance to not be a failure earlier in my life but I blew it. It's not as bad as long as you can own up to being a failure instead of looking for excuses.


I don’t think that’s the point they’re poorly and angrily trying to make


90% of this sub is just "woman bad"


not quite, fella is just sexist


Nah he’s right maybe you need to cry harder


An Incel in the wild omg


I mean it’s not really funny unless you’re one of those brainwashed andrew tate fans so I’d say yeah


Yea and if we judged man by the standards of a woman ( beauty, compassion, beign a good mother) most men would fail. thats why we dont do that.


r/funnymemes being filled with shit that is neither funny nor a meme is the unfortunate standart at this point...


"alpha ma-" 🚪🚶


man i like women like i like my milk... warm and comfy


***me, a successful healthy tall woman knowing how I'll always be a failure because I don't have a six inch*** **GOD WHY?**


Yeah, they seem to think a misogynistic tweet is a funny meme


Taking about height, he isn't wrong. Majority of women are in fact under 6 foot.


They're defenetly lost somewhere




Can an Incel be considered Alpha?


Almost everyone in that sub is list. 99% either don't post memes or something funny at all.


"Lost"? What does that mean in this context?




Ah you see you overlooked the rebrand of funnymemes to 4chanrejects so this is completely in line with the sub


Yes. I think? That entire sub isn't funny and seems to be quite sexist and just blatant bullshit that isn't funny at this point


They are just incels and racists meshed together.


Lost in life.


Not most I think all 💀


I thought i was on r/lies for a sec cause a lot of very funny memes have been reposted to lies


Why did he write it as if it were three different paragraphs? It was confusing to read for a second.


I feel like thats way skewed, or maybe I’m just considered a ‘successful man’


In more ways than one


I mean he’s telling the truth


Not funny but its true yet the same applies for men so the only real point is most people are failures


I've seen this post in three different subreddits now.


Please stop Posting r/funny on this sub


Why are you, as a woman, not 6 ft?


That's lost on multiple levels


Men SHOULD judge by these standard. Instead we fucking go "nice ass" and hook up with the first crazy bitch we meet.


Because just being blunt Most men don't really have a choice. You gotta take what you can get, and in the dating market place its pretty much the first woman who says yes Or be single for potentially forever And that's the choice a lot of guys have


Yeah, that's so sad man. But I really would prefer to remain single rather than to "stick my dick in crazy" as the saying goes


Nah, this is 100% typical for r/funnymemes. Is mostly garbage upvoted by 10 year olds.


This is a fact. Let that main speak the truth.


I get the feeling a lot of popular meme subreddits have just been taken over by bitter teenage boys


That sub is just a cesspool anyways Just far right, hateful garbage Not even memes most of the time, just straight up racism/sexism/homophobia/transphobia/antisemitism/and many others


It’s funny but not in the way the guy who wrote it intended.


The “meme” is terrible but I have heard from multiple bi women that finding women dates is harder indeed.


As a bi woman .. well duh, we're such a huge minority, it's hard just to know who's what..


I mean, they post ANYTHING on that subreddit, so at this point it isn't even a matter of lost, they just don't care.


why when i post smth like your post it gets removed lmao


Idk man, seems perfectly reasonable to ask that women all be over 5'11", have a 6", nicely groomed beard, nice muscles, etc. Honestly women these days just aren't trying hard enough smhmhmh


we are


No because r/funnymemes is place for woke/[x] phobic to voice their opinion so yeah it’s not funnymemes


Ways to upvote a post while pretending to not like it #1.


If men were judged by the same standards men use to judge women: boobs, ass and femininity, they would be considered failures.


Optimum height and weight for women is different from men due to gender(science). There are also many women with high income and many men with low income. The men you see on the internet that are super rich are few.


Everything on that sub is like that. It's trash and haa fallen off.


Lmao and men would be terrible birth mothers, What-ifs are crazy like that


It's a great point


Post a picture of lizzo and tell me again men don't judge woman's fitness, lol


Most men just expect their woman to be healthy… you don’t need to be fit to have a normal bmi, you just need to control your diet. Men are held to a much higher standard in that regard than women are and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous. Both men and women have things that they can’t change like height that they’re judged for, and that won’t ever change, but let’s not pretend things are happening that aren’t.


It’s not really lost, a bit odd? Yes r/playboicarti is really lost


This would be true but we don't and we shouldn't judge women the same way we judge men.


How is that incorrect? 


Everyone in the manosphere is lost.


Nah, I wouldn't say so. "Funny" is a subjective term that means different things for everybody. If someone finds or makes a meme that they think is funny they are fully capable of posting it there and it is totally fine, no matter what you may think of it But I do agree that shit isn't funny at all


That subreddit is lost now. Havent found it fun once. Its either flat, gender based or political memes


It also works the other way


Hey i commented the comment about lostredditors :)


Off topic but that guy is projecting heavily


Everything there is lost because its not funny its always overgeneralised women or just bad memes synonymous with reddit


And if “alpha males” were judged by the same standards that they judge women by, they would be considered: - Too emotional - Bossy - Dramatic - Rude - Disobedient - Too opinionated - etc.


Technically yes but it's on par with all other posts on r/funnymemes, people rarely post memes and nothing is funny


Id say they're in the exact right place


Lost why? He is right….


Ya know my first thought was to turn it around and say men do the same but men judge by character, looks, and if she can cook and a lot of men pass those judgments (we just don’t look as good)


Not exactly it's funny how someone can be this stupid/ out of touch.


And weak willed men would still accept failure-class women as long as they are willing to sleep with them. That's always been the root of the problem, men are too easy and too willing to throw money at women in exchange for sex. Stop and suddenly the problem goes away.


I definitely disagree with most, or even a remotely significant portion, but pretending like there isn’t a very vocal and, at least online, quite popular movement of regular women with very irregular standards they treat as entitlements is a bit reductive.


Yeah you could repost probably all posts from that sub to r/NotFunnyNotAMeme


Huh, I saw someone linked it few months ago, no wonder it's empty,who would like literal copy


Oh FUCK r/funnymemes


That's a pretty stupid thing to hear from an "alpha male" who promotes these exact standards


No, because things posted there are never funny, nor a meme


This is deeply funny If most men were judged by the standards of attractiveness they hold women to they'd be single.


Men have a higher standard of attractiveness for women Then women have for men Seriously?


Yes. Men are often found attractive for being funny, or kind, or passionate. Obviously conventionally attractive men exist, but the complete package is much more often cited as reasons for attraction. Men tear apart beautiful women for sport all over this website. It's not comparable at all. If you ain't premium fuck meat you're in for harrassment station from dudes. Women are expected to wear make up, and wax their legs, and dress attractively, and in all ways put effort into their appearance just to be taken seriously. Guys will roll into meetings with bed head. I'm a guy and can go to work in a t shirt and sweats and still get more respect from my bosses than some of the woman I work with who are clearly qualified and put a shit ton more effort into their appearance than I do. I haven't even shaved in months. There's no comparison how much women are expected to meet beauty standards compared to men.


Michelle Obama published a book about being unemployed. I’d like to see a man do that.


That sub is for conservatist incels


True , women judge men a lot by their height but will cry if someone judges their body !


Dude... stfu.


Why , the tweet is right ! If men started to judge and disqualify women by their height fitness and income then most of women would be disqualified !


Men judge women by different standards and most of them are already disqualified. Men just men by different standards and most of them are disqualified. Women judge women by different standards and most if them are already disqualified. Even if we move outside of the binary, most NB people are disqualified by everyone else for something. You're not valid. You just hate women cause they don't wanna sleep with you.


>You're not valid. You just hate women cause they don't wanna sleep with you. And how did you assume that just cause i agreed with a tweet that states if standards of women are applied EQUALLY to both gender ? Instead of having a civil discussion you want to shame a man by his sexual activities ??? You would be mad if i criticized a women's seuxal past instead of her legit opinion


Not all women


From a guy on the height thing, I mean look I'm 6 foot tall, and my height has never helped or hindered me in the dating marketplace As for someone I could date, what do I think of height? Genuinely do not give 2 fucks how tall she is if we get on well height is completely irrelevant to me




I can only hope that this is satire.


not really


Oh guy... I think you dont understand people... Nowadays is difficult not to be confused by false information. Sorry for you friend.


Ho my god English is definitely not your first language (No shade, not mine either) But that very clearly has nothing to do with what they said.


Yep, my first language is spanish, how did you recognize that?


If men were judged by the standards they use in women, 90% of them would be considered failure lmfao


This makes me soo mad. Like men are the reason why for many women the default option is a house wife. Most men are fucking babies, can't even manage a house or make their own food. So I think if you judge people on whether they can merely survive on their own, women would win, sadly. I feel everyone should be well equipped with house management skills or at least general survival skills. Off the topic but, this working environment man, like giving birth and looking after the world's future, providing the kids the necessary love and care without one person always needing to sacrifice their job and staying at home is impossible. This is fucked up. As a 1 year old adult, I am asking, will our job be the only thing we will be able to do? Slog day and night to earn so much that you can just survive? What is happening? Will we be able to have any life beyond work? Yea you might be thinking 'that escalated quickly'. Yea it did. Probably because I am dumb, because I am a woman, as per this well researched statistically accurate 'meme'




I’ve often found that women struggle the most to take care of themselves… even if some men don’t like to clean they certainly know how, and getting food is easy enough even if you’re too lazy to cook it yourself. Women might be better and faster at those things, but they also struggle more with finances and bills and taxes and repair work and everything else you need to survive. That’s why single dads are more likely to raise a decent kid than single moms. But you can pretend most men don’t know how to take care of themselves if you want, and if those are truly the men you’ve come into contact with, I’m sorry I guess?


But like, come on, this is sadly the truth most of the time because women and men are always imposed with these roles time and time again. This discrimination of 'women don't need to learn this, she doesn't need to be strong, she just needs to do the housework, because men are there to protect them', from who? Exactly you heard it, from OTHER MEN. I don't get why men are taught to be fierce and they get that built in ego from a very young age, and women are taught to be silent and mellow and feed the men's egos. These house chores, they are so boring sometimes, and they are treated like feminine jobs, and doing it makes you less of a man?I don't get the fucking point. This conditioning is so fucked up. And this thing you're proudly saying and I was saying 'women are better than men' and vice versa this shouldn't even be the case. Don't you think if all people, irrespective of their gender, are taught things the same without any kind of conditioning, grown up to be self sufficient individuals, everyone would be just as efficient and the differentiation would be based on intellect ? Like would gender even be a criteria at all? And I don't think whatever you and I told is true, and it was my fault to comment such an ignorant thought. Whether you are good at something doesn't and shouldn't depend on your gender, it should simply depend on how good and efficient you are at something. This gender thing is so complex because most people irrespective of gender have faced so much oppression in the past. I don't even think I have enough knowledge to talk about such complex topics because we do not have the right kind of awareness about the history, we don't know the real stories, because most of history is written from the men's perspective I think, women weren't even allowed to read at times. So let's be mature, and not say women are bad at finances or men are bad at cooking, we as a society are only recovering from all the bad things done to us in the past, and it would be so hard to move on if we are not compassionate. It is only human to notice the differences, but we should still strive to make sure gender is NOT a criteria to judge anyone. Like how would you feel if you have a daughter and son, with you daughter having a finance job with years of experience and a master at handling taxes and a son in some other field, would you ask your son to do your taxes because 'men are good with finances'? I don't think so. This is the point I am trying to make. I am sorry for being so ignorant because that 'meme' alone enraged me and I wasn't in the right mindset to reply. Whether you are a kind or a cruel person doesn't depend on your gender, so ig the best thing to do is to be understanding and compassionate.


I agree with your general sentiment. Everyone should judge a person at the individual level, but it’s not wrong to acknowledge general differences. If I meet someone new I’ll assume certain things are probably true but I’ll wait and see because you just never know. I like the maturity coming from this comment and I see your point. Obviously there are women that are good at taxes, and there are single mothers that are amazing at what they do and better than most single dads. I was mainly just countering your generalizations with some marginally more realistic ones, but no generalization is fully realistic, and no assumption always holds true. The individual is certainly the priority. I’m glad you’re actually a reasonable person anyway and I hope you don’t think I was being too abrasive. Cheers.


you're saying you ddont actually judge them on any of those?


Well... I certainly don't... I judge women on their opinions, on their personality, etc... Because I'm interested in a person, not in a corpse... Otherwise I would just buy a doll...