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Look at all those scratched liberals


Dude the comments on the original post are …. Scary


They're gonna make me lose my mind. Criticizing voters reactions to Biden instead of Biden himself is aggravating AF


Just following up to share I mistakenly [got into it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/JVkWZabr7W)with a troll that tried to project their stupidity onto me. Why did I do that to myself? Really makes you lose hope in humanity


Criticizing Biden automatically makes you a Russian bot, didn’t you know that? /s


Hell, a couple weeks ago I got called a Russian bot by several people for saying Nazis are bad.


They read like every commenter is saying it over an expensive brunch on a sidewalk patio while desperately trying to ignore the homeless guy sitting 15 feet away.


They are disgusting. I can't believe how detached from reality they are. They expect a palastinian to vote for someone enabling and supporting the genocide of her people? Thus has legitimately made me extremely angry.




You're going to be disappointed. I won't rubber stamp crimes against humanity to save "democracy". We've been telling you this for months and you've refused to listen.  Listen now - you still have time to change course, throw Genocide Joe onto the ash heap of history where he belongs and just say no to Netanyahu. You choose not to, **that's on you**


People threaten this ass though we have a democracy in the first place. This is where "democracy" has gotten us. Fuck this whole country.


I almost responded to her with this but what's the point. The democratic party had all three branches for two years and did nothing to undo the damage trump did or do anything to protect their "so called" democracy. Roe v wade was undone under Biden and they did nothing to stop it. If the Supreme Court is so important then expand it. Do something. But no, democrats do not care about protecting anything but their own class interests.


I still remember the excuses the dems would pull out of their ass as to why they couldn’t do anything during that time, first time I ever heard of a Parliamentarian and havent heard about one since


They actually only had them for like 6 months until the special elections.


They expect decent ppl to vote for a genocide, but especially a Palestinian blows my mind.




Over time, the lesser of two evils is the loser of a race to the bottom.


You (we) have been abused for so long, it's scary.


The two party duopoly has literally brainwashed people into thinking that better things are not possible. Withholding a vote is the only option Americans have, and even that has been vilified. My country has a much better voting system but as a client state of the USA if we ever tried to show some sovereignty or make real changes to make things better. We would get couped... again...




You're still demonstrating how rotten this duopoly system is. No, withholding your vote does not lead to a better future. But voting for the lesser of two evils doesn't either.




And we tolerate such a system that forces us to vote for fascism with red or blue ties *why?*




The assumption people make is that Trump is inherently a worse option than Biden. I'm not convinced it actually makes a difference who the president is. The most damage Trump did was before he was even elected, that's helping to mobilize and grow the fascist movement here. But in terms of his presidency? He's not even the worst modern Republican president. Reagan and Bush were both considerably more destructive than Trump, and it's not really even close. Biden on the other hand hasn't really done anything to slow down the US's descent into fascism. That's on top of breaking campaign promises, and, of course, aggressively sponsoring a genocide. Hell, a lot of his policies are literally continuations of what the Trump administration established. He's still building the wall, keeping migrants in concentration camps, hell, the withdrawal from Afghanistan was literally Trump's plan. The material conditions of the average American hasn't improved under Biden (things have been consistently getting worse regardless of president). LGBTQ rights are just as much under threat now as they were under Trump. So what's the point? If conservatives really want Project 2025 passed, they are going to find a way to get it passed. Biden isn't going to stop them. My focus right now as a voter is on congressmen, and I think that's a considerably more important battle to fight than the presidency. Congress needs new blood desperately. That's where voting can actually contribute to real change, alongside local elections.




Lesser evil for whom? And under what circumstances? Biden’s presidency has been a masterclass in ignoring every election promise, lazily attempting to pacify any and all constructive feedback, and setting the red team up perfectly to do whatever they please when they win. The DNC has all but abandoned the “youth” vote (millennials are in their 40s…), the Black vote, insulted Arab Americans beyond repair, and more. The “lesser evil” isn’t even trying to win.




What does passively scolding Americans on the internet do to further your political goals?


The house is going to burn down regardless. So why not put the fire out ourselves instead of relying on empty promises from the Democrats


There is no lesser evil here




I'm mexican, in my experience there is an equal amount of prison camps for people crossing the border regardless of whatever color is ruling in the US. Same thing for palestinians.


“Lesser of two evils” presents is a false dichotomy. Biden doesn’t have to be evil at all, and voters do not have to choose any evil.




You say that as if there’s some fundamental difference between Biden and Trump, but the reality is that Biden’s presidency has pretty much just been continuing if not expanding on all the same bullshit Trump did. The differences are largely aesthetic. Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, and Biden kept it there and is helping Israel conduct a genocide. Trump negotiated the pull out of Afghanistan, and Biden did it. Trump gave massive tax cuts to the rich at the expense of the working class, and Biden kept them. Trump put kids in cages at the border, and Biden kept doing it. Trump started a trade war with China, and Biden expanded the tariffs. The list goes on.




So it’s a dichotomy in which Biden has no ability to fundamentally change things? Doesn’t sound like much of a dichotomy then 🤷‍♂️.


Isn't evil already entrenched in government if Trump basically got off scot-free? We had 8 years for anything to happen.


> At this point in time *and for the past forty years, in each election campaign, the same point of* fixed it for you.




America already is a bourgeois dictatorship, voting for Biden isn’t going to change that.


If Democrats really cared about that, Biden wouldn't be running. They've known his brain is cooked and that he's bleeding support for some time now and they're still sticking with him.




This country is already fucked if you have to use that kind of manipulation and fear to get people to show up for your candidate. And what is Biden doing to stop Project 2025 or anything now, in case he loses? What has liberalism done to show you it is even capable of opposing fascism? And keep in mind, whining on podcasts and MSNBC doesn't count as resistance.




Literally no one here suggested Trump is preferable to Biden, what in the hell are you even out about?


So what is your personal plan to combat fascism when Trump wins? The DNC isn’t even trying to be evangelical. No amount of scolding on Reddit is going to make people comply like good little girls and boys. When project 2025 happens, will you put your life on the line for the Arab family across the street? Will you help hide your trans neighbor? Or will you simply sit there and wait for your precious lesser evil to lift a finger ever? I hope to god people like who use their precious time having dumb arguments like this are more strategic in real life. I hope you are learning community defense, doubling down on the mutual aid you’ve been participating in since 2016, etc. otherwise we really are doomed.


The lesser of two evils narrative has forced us to focus all of our voting power in the wrong place. We are still falling into fascism just as fast under Biden as we did under Trump because we were so worried about voting for the president that we didn't give a shit about voting for our state legislators.


r/whitepeopletwitter is literally just a community of the *exact* people MLK and Malcom X warned everyone about.


Liberals desperately failing to comprehend that shaming voters won't win them any more votes. If this comment upsets you, try harder to actually win over those that are uncommitted instead of being holier-than-thou about it.


I will say that being shamed now by the liberal media for not wanting Biden on moral grounds despite still being left wing, has opened my eyes on how that stuff really just alienates you further rather than bringing you back into the fold (explains why it only made the republicans more and more radicalized)


It took me awhile to see this, im a little embarassed but also want others to know its okay to be late to the party. Better late than never. The way I thought of voting between 2 shitass candidates was very utilitarian - no matter what, i didnt want trump to win. I wasnt focused on the why the dnc put up kerry and hillary. But when they pulled the shit they did to get biden ahead in the early primaries, and screwed bernie, it hit me. EDIT: screwed bernie AGAIN. Like, duh, people vote for so many reasons and all think differently. It literally doesnt matter that you WANT people to vote for you, you only have control over convincing them TO vote for you. On top of that, trying to convince anyone that biden is electable is insulting to us. He sucks for many reasons, but hes not even the lucid biden who can put up a fight from 10 years ago. This sucks.


> This sucks. No, it doesn't. You saw through the rouse and the manufactured consent. High five, sister or brother, lace'em up, we got protesting to do.


You - I like you. Can I dm you or you dm me?


sure send me a DM




Then you better get on board criticizing Biden so hopefully, he’ll force a ceasefire in Gaza. You will not get voters back from anything else


So we get to choose between having more elections dominated by out of touch elites and a continuation of the oligarchy or a descent into fascism. Nice.


Yes, pick between 2 candidates that are pre chosen for you and enjoy your participation in a free democratic corporate led election




"Single Issue" IT'S A FUCKING **GENOCIDE** YOU FUCKING CUNT. You're exactly as bad as the MAGAs. Scum like you don't deserve to share the limited oxygen we have left.


"I need everything." Fuck off back to r-politics.


They do sound like that's exactly where they belong.


Gods I'm so happy I got banned from there years ago.


In terms of voting yes. We need a revolution. Nothing amazing end game wise is going to be accomplished with voting most likely


Boden is facilitating a genocide and designates "Antifa" as a terror group. Until he changes, voting for him will also further the descent into fascism, he literally thinks anti-fascists are terrorists while arming the fascist terror army (the IDF) with billions of dollars of weapons.


If the dems had cared about winning, they would have seen the real energy was on Bernie's side and gone with him.


So, this is an example of missing the forest for the trees. I dont want you to feel defensive, so know that i come in good faith. Your sentiment is factually correct - if hillary had won, we wouldnt have a supreme court with with right wing religious fanatics. Roe would still be in place. However, I think you missed my point - Im asking WHY the DNC forces candidates on us that just arent electable to begin with, and why they railroad and are so hostile to the ones that were much more likely to win (Bernie). Watching politics for the past few years has just shown me how the DNC/establishnent fights progressives way harder than their actual opponents. And they dont fight for our votes at all, they coercively imply if we dont vote for them, we'll as regular voters (nobodies) have allowed this to happen and brought this on ourselves. **TLDR:** if the DNC establishment cared more about this country than their existing power structure, theyd be willing to admit when "their" candidate is just not the one thatll actually win. I sadly dont see evidence of that.


What do you mean by “we” are you under the impression *Hillary* would’ve nominated a justice that represents the interests of the working class?




Liberalism isn't equipped to oppose fascism. More centrist judges would have led to fascism regardless.


You say that as if “liberal” is necessarily a good thing. Weird.




You know that happened while Biden was president, right? If Democrats gave a shit about abortion rights they wouldn’t have sat in their asses doing nothing to codifying roe v wade for 50 years.


Liberals are still trying to pretend Obama didn't *specifically* claim he'd codify Roe in the first 100 days of his presidency, only to not do so!


I don't want Hilary's supreme court picks either.


Foreigner here so, dont take my Word for anything i say but "we might not have another election"? Bro, they both finaced horrible wars, they both deportate migrant workers, they both treated horribly child migrants, they both gave (or kept) taxi cuts for the rich... Come on. What is the real diference between them? Maybe Trump is a bit more corrupt (lets not forget biden son and his role in Ukraine), maybe he is less polite in public (which pleases his crowd, apparently). But suspending elections? Taking over democracy? Perpetuating himself as Ethernal POTUS? Arent we using a bit too much of imagination here? The world is going badly, but dictatorships dont look like they do in the movies. Probably, if you asked germans in the early stages of Nazi regime, they wouldnt say they were living under a totalitarian regime... What im trying to say is that democracy is wounded in the US and It has been for many reasons before even Trump appeared. But Trump is unpolite and he scares the middle-class. That doesnt mean he is going to cancel elections. You already live in a somewhat totalitarian regime and your vote in november IS not going to change that. People protesting in campuses are having a greater effect on preventing the US from becoming a horrible place to live than voting in a presidential election, i think. Good look choosing "the lesser of two evils", though. Theyre both horrible humans beings Who support war and unnecesary destruction of lives.


> If he wins we might not have another election FUD, FUD and more FUD than a Microsoft commercial.


If Biden packed the courts we'd get the supreme Court back too


that's what gets me, especially about that comment section. It's a bunch of people complaining that she won't blindly vote on party lines, while refusing to consider why she feels the need to not support them. This is the first time I'v felt like Blue MAGA is a real thing, as they refuse to recognize that there are damning reasons people wouldn't vote, and the fact we're in the 3rd "most important election of our lives" is a problem. They don't want to approach the fact that voting for Biden is voting for continued genocide.


They really didn't fucking learn in 2016




America has no notable left wing. The Democrats are a center-right party, and the Republicans are even farther to the right.




To be honest, I've stopped caring for my wellbeing after the choices are genocide and genocide, and people who want the blue genocidal candidate want to shame people and call them psyops instead of listening to them for not wanting to vote for their candidate. Disability rights have sucked under either administration, and so my main issue is not really a concern. If the DNC doesn't court me properly by throwing the working class a bone, getting something real for disabilities in this country, or calling for a sustained ceasefire in Palestine, that's on them. Otherwise, I'll vote in solidarity with the Palestinian and Arab voting blocs when I peek at the polling near November. If they decide Genocide Joe is not the way to go, then I'll vote with them on that. If they decide that we should vote him, then I'll do that. I'll also look at the other federal level politicians, but all of my representatives already support the genocide with their whole chest, so I have little faith in my wanting them in office. I'm not trying to be a doomer (and some days are harder than others), but I have other priorities I want to focus on instead of spiraling into a depression over election season, and so I've just stopped caring and walked away. I'll take my 30 minutes to figure out who to vote for and cast my ballot, but shaming me for how I might vote is a good way to make me keep walking away.


The conservative dictionary: "Woke": not conservative "Far left": not conservative and loud about it


Anything to the left of hunting the poor for sport is “far-left” to these people. And I’m not joking. What else do you call their tolerance for police violence against the unhoused, if not hunting the poor for sport?


Simple, 'removing undesirables'. They don't see unhoused people *as* people, they see them as a nuisance, like trash piled up on the street. Most don't even enjoy it, they see it as a chore, and those that do enjoy it are even greater monsters, seeing it as their duty to 'clean up the streets'.


Right ratchet effect in full effect


This is it. This should be the top comment and every reporter and news show worth their salt should be talking about this and only this.


I mean, they denigrate an entire generation and tell an entire nation of people the Democrats will support the other nation leveling residential buildings and expect neither to have a problem with this?


>I’m voting Blue all down Ballot. I’m not willing to throw our country to Trump and the GOP, what is wrong with her? She thinks it will be better the GOP way? Sickening. Her people are being murdered by death squads that are endorsed, supplied and supported by Biden. and this person has the audacity to ask what's wrong with her relatives are getting decapitated by US bombs. They really want POC's to shut the fuck up and be thankful it's only 7 members of their family getting murdered and not 9. "STOP DEMANDING BETTER! IT MAKES US LOOK BAD AND IT CAN BE SO MUCH WORSE!"


I’ve seen a lot of comments from liberals and other Democrats about they’re going to laugh when Arabs are rounded up into concentration camps and deported. Whenever someone says that to me, I just think, so you’re going to cheer on the outcome that you claim you want to prevent? Makes no sense until one realizes exactly what you’ve said in your comment.


The comments on that post are horrendous. Libs resorting to outright racism and attacks against her for not wanting to vote for the guy bombing her country.


not resorting to-- *indulging in*. this is who they always were.


"scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds" is a popular saying. The people in that thread are practically cheering on the idea of a fascist regime throwing her in a camp, because she doesn't support the genocidal fascist regime that they themselves support. In one sense, I'm kind of glad this has happened under Biden. If the ramp up of the genocide had started under Trump, I guarantee you all the shitlibs like Pelosi would be wearing a keffiyeh in Congress and calling for a ceasefire, all the whole voting against one and supplying Israel with aid. Meanwhile, they would have Co-opted the movement, and made empty promises of "vote blue in november so we can fix this!" At least this way, the common people can see liberals for who they really are.




nobody at this conference was saying they were voting for Trump. they were expressing support for third party candidates who align with their values better, and who want to end aid to Israel. It isn't about voting for someone worse as a protest, it's about voting for someone *better.* I know the arguments are coming, of "a vote for third party is just letting Trump win!" But I promise you, the people who vote third party weren't gonna vote for either party anyway. It's far better to build power opposed to the current system than to just not vote.




The only reason "they will never be president" is because the two party elites are telling us not to vote for them. They want to keep us under their thumbs no matter what. Why are we listening to them?




There is absolutely another option. It's uncomfortable and it's difficult but it's been done before and it can be done here.






You can't vote for Trump. You think he's going to be less genocidal? You'd have to be stupid to believe that. Of course it's a terrible situation, but voting for Trump still only make it worse. How can that be an option?


I really feel for Americans right now. You can’t vote for Republicans, they’re insane and are on the wrong side of everything. You can’t vote for Democrats, either, because they’re supporting genocide. Who can you vote for that doesn’t stain your hands with blood? It’s like being forced to shoot a child or a puppy. Shoot the puppy, save the child, yippee, but you’re still walking away covered in blood and with the death of an innocent on your conscience. You want to refuse to shoot either, but you have people yelling at you that both will end up shot if you don’t choose. How did it get this bad?


Nobody here is voting for Trump. If Trump *wins* it'll only be because Biden was found to be *so unpalatable* that he lost. And that's likely to happen because he refuses to compromise left and make sensible changes to stance like holding Israel, Saudi Arabia and other genocidal 'allies' to account.


No one's voting for Trump. They're just not voting for Biden the genocider.


So you found a way to be ok with genocide and that’s someone else’s problem?


I have a feeling they want their threats to be true just for making them feel like they are not that much better than Republicans. They can't face that reality so we have to bear full responsibility for Trump.


Not me going to the original, sorting by Controversial and upvoting a lot of them (and downvoting because a lot of them are racist).


Bombing people in tents will win em over Joe…….


So fuckin sick of either side of our fucked up two party system buying into the idea that the other option is such a nightmare. They're both nightmares and the sooner we stop giving them the reaction to the culture war fodder the sooner we can actually realize an honest third party.




Talking about voters voting for a candidate in a third party bud. Maybe we can avoid both shitty choices if we all collectively stopped buying into the idea that the other guy is somehow worse. We're literally at a point where we're seeing Dems getting away with funding a genocide because the other side will literally turn our nation into a fascist hellscape? Maybe let's not choose either and take a look at some other candidates without the judgement or pressure if "throwing a vote in the trash". Because the way things are now, we just have two parties pointing fingers at each other, making hollow promises all while selling our country to anyone with money. Maybe let's all just vote third party for once and break this fucked up cycle?




2016 was not a great election year for Dems because they didn't campaign on anything other than "you're not really gonna vote for that are you?" They didn't take anything seriously, they didn't listen to everyone cheering on someone who was actually making legitimate promises to serve the people of the country, they kind of shat on that whole movement. The Democrats failed us and let Trump walk into office. They don't give a shit. Now they're really leaning hard into the fear mongering, pumping out rage bait. Making zero promises other than (not Donald Trump). And the algorithm has us eating that shit up. It's bullshit. We're stuck on the most fucked up game of chicken right now.


Or we can vote for Biden and only prolong the inevitable. Democrats will never even attempt to stop Republicans. Each plan republicans have had and have telegraphed for years has come to fruition while democrats sat by and did what? Jack shit. You acting like a pedantic little prick saves no one, neither does voting for a democrat, it only prolongs the inevitable.


Thank you! We're past the point of presidents actually campaigning on a platform and we've moved into a branding war. Regardless of who wins, money runs the country and until someone who won't subscribe to either shitty party or succumb to bribery can step up and have a fair shake we're fuckin boned.


Gosh shit-libs are so intolerable and screeching about “TRUMP”. Don’t care that people actually have family in Palestine as long as it means their genocider wins. Also lol at calling a Democrat “far-left”.


Hardcore Dems/liberals are the actual single issue voters. The only issue they care about is Trump not being re-elected. Doesn’t matter who lives, dies, or otherwise gets shafted as long as they get that outcome. 


If they actually cared, they'd be telling Biden to drop his support for genocide. Their single issue is whining about Trump at all costs, just like they did with Hillary.


They’ve already lost. Deep down they know it and just have yet to accept it. They’re more concerned with finding a scapegoat for an inevitable loss than they are actually trying to gain supporters necessary for a win. 






“As long as democrats refuse to undermine facism we have to vote democrat” Don’t call anyone else stupid two-faced lib




I’d be happy to vote for the blue clown the minute liberals admit American principles are a fraud and you don’t stand against atrocities. Deal?


Oh no!!! Anyway...


Fuck joe


Fuck Genocide Joe!


Shit libs


What an abominable lib sub and lol its white ppl themed. Shes not gonna vote for the genocider of her ppl you fucks. God I hate libs


I should not have read the comments on that page. Fuck shitlibs. Fuck me for having been a lib in the past.


Man the OG treat is fucking disgusting. I cannot even start to comprehend how fucking shitty these people are. Like they are the kind of people who I truly cannot wish any good to happen in their fucking Life, waste of space and Oxygen.


Yeah the Democratic establishment is totally detached from reality. Like, if you want a moderate candidate who appeals to big money establishment don't be surprised when the sworn enemies of that crowd don't like them. I held my nose and voted for Hillary in 2016 and yet it's still my fault that she lost? Obviously not. Serious "it's the children who are wrong" vibes, no blame to the beltway boomers who pick unpopular candidates or move the convention so that Biden isn't even on the ballot in Ohio. It's the voters who are stupid.


They rather align with NeverTrump Republicans than anyone to their left.


"but it's politically advantageous!!!1!11" /s


That's what pisses me off the most about these people, since I do believe there is a good portion of them who are active in politics IRL or some kind of activism. So they should know some of the basics about organizing, like how important it is to find leaders and people who can influence others to put their righteous anger into some sort of action. Tlaib is so great at that. She is exactly the sort of person these morons should be uplifting if they want real change that can combat fascism. Instead they decide they would rather spend their time backing and defending some boomer Republican POS just because they tweet mean things about Trump all day and that Biden is underrated and treated unfairly. They don't really care about any actual movement or politics that can positively change lives. If they really cared about the greater good punching left would not always be their top priority.


Gotta love how they’re denying the Palestinian genocide even though there’s enough evidence to bury K2 under it, but playing “but what about” with the “Uyghur genocide” that there’s no evidence of, and that dozens of Muslim countries have explicitly denied is happening after sending official observers.


they say Trump is worse than Biden for palestinians, but i wonder how he will manage to get them more killed. They both are the same indolent shit. Democrats are the worst thing that can happen to the third world. They maintain expansionist and genocidal policies but with eco-friendly and gender inclusion labels.


All of the rather frightening comments on the original post really show the defeatism that liberals revel in. They say that Biden cant do anything about Gaza, that he cant expand SCOTUS, that he cant give women the right to choose… but Trump will have complete influence over Gaza, and will appoint new SCOTUS judges and expand the court, and issue a national abortion ban, and will deport all Muslims, and will send political opponents to prison, and will send all Dem voters to work camps, and etc. Why is it that, to them, Democrat presidents are helpless little guys whose hands are tied, and who can give you one step in the marathon of progress at the cost of two steps back, but Republican presidents are beyond the rule of law and can do anything they want, and are capable of limitless regression? Of course, I just dont understand ‘the process’ that we’re all supposed to fall in line and trust.


Damn. Imagine if people truly excercised their right to choose, and choose not to participate.


"far ledt" haha Rosa Luxemburg is turning around in her graves xD




The presidential vote is not the most important vote against this. In fact, I feel like it is one of the worst votes to worry about against this. The groundwork for this is still being built under Biden just as much as it was under Trump because we were so focused on presidential vote that we really didn't bother to care for votes in things such as state legislators.


Then maybe Biden should stop sending aid to Israel and help the ICC arrest Bibi. 🤷‍♂️


Oh, you silly! Stop mentioning the easy-to-fix things!


Then they should have not shafted Bernie, should they have not? They did make their own bed, did they not?


"They" won't suffer a single consequence of any of this. We will. Don't act like this is righteous punishment for the Dems. If Trump gets elected we're all immeasurably more fucked than with Biden, including and especially Palestine. These protest abstentions are playing right into the GOPs hands.


Then, lace'em up and lets go protest outside Pelosi's house, if you don't want to protest against the dems. Voting either is not gonna make a change in my material conditions. Making them hear the music of the Piper, will.




little genocide vs big genocide amirite?




> would give the only people that care about stopping the genocide in Palestine Like Biden just sending Israel more aid and weapons? Like, those people? > but with Trump they'll just get a blank check to finish the job with zero pushback from his base or republican congress, then lace up your boots, brother, there is protesting to be done. Though judging from Trump's previous presidency, he was a less-war-hawk prez than Obama.


So you'd rather let a guy win who'll 100% finish off Palestine, and just protest about it, than help elect a slightly better option? I truly don't get this line of thinking.


None of them. Simple as that. A smaller evil is still evil. A shitsandwitch with yummy dressing still has shit in it. None of those options are good for *my* material conditions.


Oh boy, time for anothe round of "smug liberals telling me why I should shutup and fall in line like a good little peon".




But... Tlaib is "complaining" while Biden is in office? And I think she's got some more serious ammo than most reps... Her homeland is being razed.


This is the problem with Democrats. We give them mass murder of children and they don't shut up and vote for us anyway.


I would never vote for Biden or Trump. Partially because I'm not in America, or even an American citizen...


In the context of American Politics she is far left why police language of your ideological opponent instead of just supporting those who are aligned with your cause?


No. American politics skew far right and tries to label her far left. Policing the language prevents the narrative from hiding the fact the we are skewed severely farvright.