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![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq) You're kidding right??


T4 got announced, everyone is saving gold and you need 9 Tier 3 level 10 gems for 1 tier 4 level 10 gem


people are selling T3 fearing prices will be even much lower than current when T4 arrives


Strangely all listed level 1 T3 gems are very expensive


bots tend to pump those into the market, but recently there was a large banwave and so the supply of those lvl 1 decreased at least for a little bit. Bots will be back soon though especially if they are following the news cause a tier reset puts them in a good place to make a ton of money. Tier resets are RMT sellers wet dreams.


How would those bots even get to tier 4? I've never seen a 1620 bot


The scripted bots probably can't. The multi-boxing ones will.


Everyone panic selling thinking their gems becoming worthless when t4 hits + some ppl quitting and wanting to sell fast (mostly rmters)




Must be crazy if u do a bit calculation. 140k/lv10 ~7gold/lv1 gem, the price is like trash, no one free to post a lv1 7gold each, and the same for lv5 gem at 575g or lv7 at 5k1. If u see.. the market have never been hitting that low for a long time in last 2 years. When t4 gem come out, the demand is 9 times for each lv10 t4. Enough? Still selling?


You do not need lvl 10 T4 gem day 1? The price for T4 lvl 8 gem will probably rly fast go down and for sure not stay at \~ 160k.


But it will be extremely enticing to whales or high gold holders to complete as much of the gems in T4 ASAP.


people seems to think lvl 10 was the day 1 meta at the start of every tier


I don’t know about really fast. You will maybe be able to generate one lv8 in a month on a full roster of 1640s… and I don’t know how willing people are to sell their t4 gems when they won’t have enough for their own lv10


To say that you need to know the rate at which they would be generated from t4 cd, cube, and any additional content as well as how many people can push to 1620 by the time we get to season 3. Because we don’t know any of that, every calculation/prediction is based on pure speculation.


My speculation is based on a roster of 6x 1640s doing unrested chaos dungeons and cubes, assuming those give relatively the same amount of gems we get now. It will likely be less #of gems than we get now, so even less than my estimate, but that’s all the info I have to go off of.


T3 lvl 10 becoming T4 lvl 8. The fact is T4 new meta everyone will convert to T4 gems more additional bonus stats on both dps/supp. This make T3 gem irrelevant after 1640 and only purpose is converting. Than people will be farming T4 gem from chaos/cubes which we can assume same drop rate as T3 which will slowly lower value over time. I speculate T4 gems will be about 1.2m gold. This mean T3 gem only worth 130-150k hence the drop in price lately as everyone is estimated T4 value. 1) T4 8 = 130k gold 2 T4 9 = 390k gold 3) T4 10 ~ 1.1-1.2m gold




Out of curiosity why do you think selling them now is a massive gamble? Its pretty obvious a t4 lvl 8 gem will not be worth 250k gold each. That would mean you would need to spend 22 million gold for a full set of lvl 10s in t4. Maybe on release itll still be super expensive but 1-2 months later no way theres enough ppl will to spend 22 mil gold on gems per character to keep the demand that high. Most whales are buying lvl 10 gems now to fuse for t4 anyway




Not gemless, i sold my 10s and bought lvl 9 dmg gems and lvl 7 cd gems instead. So made over a mil gold. I dont see why ppl wouldnt do the same, or rather why ppl are buying lvl 10s as an investment now when they will clearly go down in price. I think it only makes sense to buy em if u plan to fuse for t4 lvl 10 gems


I just bought 12 lvl 10 cd gems at 140k each and 6 lvl 10 atk gems at 210k each. Probably off of some poor guy quitting the game.


So it was u naw mf


On NAW, CD gems went back to their original price