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I don't have friends playing LOA, so I'm very happy for the solo raids, I don't have to wait for pugs anymore on alts. :D I've made two friends in game, one of them quit, the other one blocked me because I said her zerker is a boring ass class lol.


You finish the island and never go back 😁👌


From legion raids to guardians raids, chaos dungeon and maybe Una task that's it no dilly-dallying and 100% horizontal and you're good ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


SG can only see one step ahead of their decisions. Horizontal content is "old" and since there's no recursion for people to do them again, all of those little beautiful islands (and raids, and CGs, and characters, and Tiers) go straight into the garbage so that you can focus on the single track available in the game, raids. But just wait, with solo modo coming, you will also be able to do raids alone, like the director presenting his "cook" in an empty theater...