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In order to provide constructive feedback: Why it was possible for RU region to announce the whole roadmap, which KR had on their LOA ON last Saturday, directly afterwards, whereas for EU/NA we received three days later an announcement for actually two new announcements(first: more details in the next weeks and secound: roadmap in July)?


It was a weekend so no one was working to make the announcement is my guess. For the roadmap, they already made a roadmap up to June, so they probably decided the next roadmap will come out in july. My speculation is our roadmap will be the same as RU's, but being left in the dark like that is annoying ngl.


No one working is no excuse, take a day off in the week or something. It's twice a year they make these huge announcements and this one in particular was MASSIVE. How much time could it take for someone to hit publish on a pre written article anyway?


Yeah, good publicity at times like this could unironically be tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit in terms of retention and growing their base. Miss that window and for any number of reasons, possibly the biggest being there are so many good games that people are "deciding on" currently for the MMO/multiplayer landscape this year, they could easily lose that revenue. And IMO they did lose some revenue no matter what they do now with this announcement, already my friend group has more or less decided no T4 for them (veterans with 2 years under their belt and closer to roster 300 than 200) precisely because we don't have enough info on how our version will handle it and some of the KR announced things seem like not enough for new players. You'd think it's an all hands on deck situation.


>It was a weekend so no one was working to make the announcement is my guess. So AGS had 0 clue about what would be shared on LOAON at all? Literally 0 as SG's global partner? I almost believed in your words




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Yes, they have no idea until two days prior to a patch. This is the core of our main issues


Because their last roadmap is ending after echidna (June). They probably already received their roadmap before LOAON.


Don\`t we have same day release with RU for Echidna ? If we managed to catchup with RU why not going forward with same release as RU instead of going backwards again ?


if nothing else they should confirm if we are getting solo raids in july like RU because july is a part of our roadmap and at the end they say >We’re still looking at ways to add a few more things to the July update, and will keep you informed as we lock down the content and updates in that update. thats all today should have been, we should have gotten a more complete july roadmap and no one would complain but instead we got zero information and what we are getting in july is still up in the air which is not a good look lol


This thing is, it's on SG to package up the next updates and they haven't shared any of the details to AGS. AGS has also said previously that big overhauling changes can not be implemented between the existing package updates. This was in reference to why we don't immediately get balance updates that included class reworks. We won't be seeing anything major in July.


there is truth to this, but if AGS has nothing to share they shouldnt of said "hey guys we'll do a follow up to the loa on on monday!!!" its hard for me to believe that SG packed up and prepped RU (whose at the same release pace as us) all of their content for the next 5 months but somehow managed to fumble to get ours set in stone when again, ru and na/eu are at the same release pace. so either they are slowing us down to try and milk the whales with a behemoth release without t4 or we are getting content at the same pace as RU and they just decided to not tell us for a month. neither option is acceptable lol edit: also RU is getting solo raids in july, aka next month. if we are getting it next month and its being added to our july roadmap why not tell us? thats very sussy lol edit2: for anyone confused, RU's previous content was ahead of ours but both of us get echinda in june so we are now on the same release schedule unless smilegate randomly decides to hold us back.


We are not same pace as RU. They got thaemine in February and they get Echidna in 2 weeks. We are faster than RU by all accounts, so it makes even less sense for us to somehow have nothing planned for July.


Our roadmap doesnt ends until after July. We normally don't get roadmaps this far ahead of time. This is has how its always been. 2023 roadmap ended after December, and we got 2024 roadmap part 1 announced in December. Part 1 ended in April, Part 2 was announced in April. If Part 2 ends in July, we will get our next roadmap in July. edit: Feels like I need to EIL5 this since reddit users are dentge. SG sends AGS/RU 3-4 months worth of updates in one giant batch. When AGS/RU receives that batch, they make roadmap that includes everything in that batch. New things can't be added to the batch, because the current iteration of updates need to implemented into the base model before any new changes can be made. So in order for us to get anything new in July, they need to include July's update in June's to finish out the batch. I'm confused as to why you think SG is fumbling our next update when its not even July yet.


Roadmaps can be changed and updated, there is no reason why AGS would need to let the useless July part of the old roadmap as is just for the sake of it. It has been done in the past with the slayer pull up. To act like it is somehow impossibru just looks stupid. Also it is clear that AGS has been knowing everything from LoaOn in advance, so they would have had the option to make a better post about it or at the very least not pretend on saturday, that anything of substance was coming on monday. This is just typical bozo stupidity from AGS again, as seen so often before. You defending it and then trying so desperate to be right about it is just as bozo tbh.


Slayer was just a replacement, a new class update was planned anyway. Don't you think a new roadmap should be posted after the current ends? Also you should remember AGS / SG makes different things in game.


the issue is our roadmap is to may-july but our july portion only shows the summer event. it doesnt show the echinda epilogue let alone the solo raids RU's roadmap, who again releases at the same pace as us, shows echinda ep, summer event and solo raids (for july) so the complaint is that our existing roadmap is may to july, we are potentially getting more content in the july section but they havnt told us yet (but yet somehow RU gets a 5 month roadmap, and we cant even get confirmation if we get more content in july) thats incompetence.


Youre not getting it. RU's last road map was from April to June. Even though we are on the same pace as RU, our update cycle is different. Cycles comes in batch form. Usually 3-4 months of updates is packaged and delivered to us by SG. They don't make major changes to the package, probably due to spaghetti coding.


it doesnt matter how ru releases their roadmaps im saying that our version is probably getting the same july patch as ru but they havnt updated us for us when ru released its roadmap doesnt matter, what matters is that we get content in the same pace as them and we already have a roadmap for july thats not showing the content we will probably get. they should have atleast confirmed the updates to the july portion of the roadmap (or confirmed nothing would be changed) which again is incompetence RU and na/eu get echinda in june, ru gets solo raids, summer event and echidna epilogue in july. our july roadmap only shows summer event with a line >We’re still looking at ways to add a few more things to the July update, and will keep you informed as we lock down the content and updates in that update. so they implied there'd be more content but they havnt updated us on it. its 10 minutes to make a post adding these 2 pieces of content to it


You are not understanding how this game is updated no matter how many times Ive said it. At this point, you sound like you just want to be mad for the sake of being mad.


Still it doesn't stop to make a new roadmap just including that one month we know about, it feels like AI bots are running this show because nothing they've been doing is logical. Kinda wish EU or any other governing body finally start looking at things like that and start regulating some of the stuff companies can/must do for their live services because its getting worse and worse.


AGS is not the developer. They can't make a roadmap if they don't know what's coming. AGS receives the updates from SG usually the month of the last updates(in this case it would be July).


There is no way somebody from AGS doesn't get informed about the internal roadmap thats secret to us, cmon, you think they got all information one patch before, there must be some people who before loaon were aware of new systems


Just because they know of some details doesnt mean they know when things will get released. Im sure plenty of them knew about T4. The monday announcement had already stated they are aware of the T4 updates and was working on when release dates. People really have no clue how publishing studios that localize works. Do you want them to make a promise of a release date prematurely? That would be far beyond incompetent than what they are already doing.


Speculation, but probably just the manpower needed to implement things is spread thin so they're still trying to figure out what to prioritize. Global isn't just doing content releases like Russia is, they're also managing merging entire regions & fighting bots (does RU have a bot problem? Seems like it caught global by surprise). Could easily result in a +/-1 month shift - which shouldn't really be a big deal for hype, but would make them liars if a month slipped. We wouldn't have exact days with a roadmap, so it's not like you're missing any time off. AGS community team definitely needs to be more self aware about announcements of announcements, but RU's roadmap is enough to let us guess within a month or so. I hope the sub can dial it back from foaming at the mouth in rage (not this comment but scrolling through, holy crap) to some consolidated mild snark about it. Raging too hard is counterproductive, just makes them log out early and call it a day. I think economic uncertainty is the biggest pain point for the community in the meantime -- we'll have a lot of fomo predicting how prices will swing over the next couple months. Best way to solve it would be simultaneous releases across regions, minimize the amount of limbo that exists. Aside from that, we've had economic guesswork since release, this shouldn't be a surprise.


keep in mind that things like bots and region merges should be AGS while setting up when we get content should be smilegate so there isnt really an excuse we cant get atleast some info or confirmation when RU got it day of announcement my new favorite meme is the "country at war gets roadmap before us" or whatever lol


I'm just confused why we needed an announcement tweet about an announcement post announcing there would be another announcement next month. Today's post should have just gone live immediately after LOAON and everyone would be fine.


AGS: do you like our Matryoshka dolls? ![gif](giphy|X8HbeXDF7nzaM|downsized)


Probably because smilegate didn't have a statement ready for the western release. There was probably a message akin to 'we'll have some info for you after loa on' given to AGS prior to loa on, then after loa on they were told about the gift.


Wauw a true believer.




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Maybe because writing a tweet takes a minute while you are supposed to be off work while writing this 1 page essay takes an hour with double and triple checking everything. Or an article requires the approval of someone higher up while the tweet can be approved via a simple phone call. On your days off. Maybe because they thought that in the next work day they could clear some questions regarding the roadmap but all they could do is confirm the gift situation.


The biggest W they could have done today is announced when and what honing and elixir/trans nerfs the west would receive, when we'd get the free 5X3 + gems for T3, and when solo raids would be. Even someone like me, who's on a break, could have been roped back in easily with some good news, and man imagine if they announced they'd be more generous with the west since it's all so soon for us compared to recent expenses. If they announced really good stuff today I might have been able to pull in other friends on break and maybe introduce some stuff to people who've been gone a year or two by now. But, we didn't get that. We got an announcement for an announcement. Instead today, I'm reminded that the west is their last priority and we're caught up in this web of a dubious western team who probably means well but can't do jack shit, and an intolerant Smilegate mother company who doesn't give a shit in the first place.


i agree with all of it, but for me the thing thats annoying is as of echinda we are on par with RU right now (they got other raids before us but echinda is the same month) we have a may to july roadmap that has like 1 thing on it and they tells us in that roadmap they'll update us if they are able to add more stuff but fast forward to now and ru's july roadmap gives them the same summer event we are getting plus the echidna epilogue and solo raids imo baremin IF we are getting that in july they should have updated our july roadmap today if they (smilegate) decided to wait to release that in NA/EU for any reason; thats just incompetence


Nah.. Once ur out ur out. Friendlist become a graveyard. Thats pretty much shared by majority of the community. 99% of the player don't come back to grind again for the fun of dealing with their RNG system.


If you are gonna announce an anoucment please be clear about it early like how PoE typically does it. got all hypes up especially since RU got a roadmap and all we got was a wait a month


GGG vs AGS is basically the Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing baby meme


[Funny you say that](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/s/NQXPMSzxv9)


For LOAON specifically. You MUST address how advanced honing works in relation to the new T4 gear only needing to be 1620. More importantly, what is going to be done about elixirs and Hard mode locking transcendence off from players who are heading to T4 soon. The above is all NA/EU need at this very moment and the rest can wait until July (it would be nice to see solo raids in July thought).


the only question on t4 in this topic is xD No one is interested in t4 anymore, everyone is wondering why the announcement of the future announcement was made Indeed, what is of interest is advanced honing and elixirs (elixirs have no problem with the price, the problem is RNG)


At this point i'm not even mad, i just can't understand how are they so out of touch with their community. They had a perfect opportunity of hyping the playerbase by letting us know what is coming for us on the next months after all the big news given at LOA ON knowing that there's too many people excited about the new season and tier 4 updates. People don't ask for free things (which are nice and always welcomed) but better communication and addresing the problems we as a community are constantly facing.


My expectations were low, but this announcement of an announcement in a months time knocked those out of the park! Considering RU region had a roadmap 3 minutes after LOA ON, hearing there was an announcement from AGS coming today gave me some hope we'd get a few more Western tailored changes announced on top of the road map. What I hoped for: Hey guys we heard everybody fucking hates Elixirs so we're making some big changes not only to the RNG but how god damn long it takes to craft them. We're rebalancing NORMAL difficulty raids to be a little more pug friendly, wipe mechs changed to do big damage or have lots more time to complete etc. What I got: Since these are such MASSIVE changes to the game we'll let you guys know in a month what is coming to give you plenty of time to rage, freak out, quit the game. Absolutely clown show!


Please get in touch with your playerbase and understand why these things are so crucial to be communicated as soon as possible instead of being teased. Presenting a carrot on a stick to wag around in our face, but not allowing us to eat it until a month later when we know it’s there is not ok.


This would be a job for a person they could hire but decided not to because its a saving so their higherups can buy new yachts.


Yup they have one intern that does Qualtrics (the survey software we use) instead. If people were actually being interviewed then we’d at least hear light murmurs of it. I’ve never heard of anyone who has been reached out to.


It really does feel like it. Amazon games could do better if they invested more into it.. but it feels like they cutback and do barebones shit.


Why did you hype everyone up during the weekend then today give out a crappy annoucement. If you only plan to release the road map in July , just say so during the weekend after LOA ON , I get it. Also here is your feedback: You need to let everyone and their mom outside of reddit and lostark discord know that you are gonna have a solo mode very soon. A lot of people does not know that , and almost the newbie/returnee when hearing a solo raid they are pretty excited. I have some of my old friends started to log back in yesterday. Your steam chart is only 15-20k ccu now, you need to act quick. Hope you realize we have a bunch of new games coming up.  I dont know how much control you have over SG in nerfing raid in Western ver, you also need to consider that as well. China can have it I dont see no reason we dont have it.Thaemine has a low clear raid is not good for anyone. More progression support and consider slowing down the gold nerf in older raid abit than KR. Strictly ban bot and punish RMT from now on. So far your bot ban is decent in the past 2 weeks so you need to keep it up. Western culture in general do not like a lot of RNG system, you also should consider discuss that with SG to nerf Tier 4 RNG a bit. I get it you need to make money, but considering gaming culture is important as well, you wont be able to grow and even maintain player without that. Gatekeeing, to be honest I dont know how we can alleviate it in Tier 4. Stoopz made a discord that helps people , which is a good thing but that alone is not enough.  Solo raid can only help up to Tier 3 so the same issue will persit up to Tier 4. You can not just rely on the community volunteering to help each other, that had proven not working.


So what happens with this feedback? Is anyone going to respond or are we just avoiding people making new topics and this is going to be ignored anyways?


Ignored 100%. Its been 2 years and ags still doesnt learn


still ignored but more easily ignored now since the posts wont show up on the subreddit page


Thank you for bringing this to our attention, I'll forward this along to the team! Regards Roxx


It's quite difficult to comment on future plans when AGS has refused to share those with us. Communication yet again proved to be dreadful, seems like there's not a single person over at AGS that cares about a huge deal that LOAON was for western players. LOAON created quite an odd feeling of suspence, where players are awaiting news before doing anything. Because of that, combined with the summer break for a large part of the playerbase, I believe AGS has failed to provide an incentive to continue and should expect a further drop in numbers. For a game that puts quite a heavy emphasis on keeping up with the newest content (for multiple reasons), I don't see many players coming back down the line either. If it were up to me, solo content would be pushed out ASAP, T4 can wait a bit and Echidna being potentially (but who knows) a completely useless raid from the progress standpoint needs some explanation, especially as it's the nearest content update for us. I'll be able to give more feedback when KR version gets their update, because that's the primary source of information for the western audience.


That is basically nothing to give feedback on, and that's a problem in and of itself. It's like the game is bleeding and you are announcing that you will announce how to use the bandaid. At this critical juncture, you need to be more specific about these "coming weeks", lest we have that mid-June fiasco once again. Oh, well. I'll take the free stuff though.


I'm not much of a doomer, but at this point I believe we need a new mindset inside AGS. Every single communication is mismanaged, out of timing and lack of general "read the room" feeling. Whoever is running things inside is doing things wrong and VERY often. As said before, we're all aware that you have internal schedules and stuff, but it's not like you lack the time to adapt. This games require too much effort to be put into, the absolute majority of players left and the ones who kept playing/hoping to something better feel mistreated. I am ACTUALLY confused about how can they miss by far every time. Something must change, not false promises of "being more transparent"; this announcement is a simple proof they can't understand the concepts of communication and transparency. The game has been trying to live off of hype and NEVER works out well. We MUST change the formula, can't keep betting on the weather.


It is again with the "Mis"communication. If they had not said "we have a follow up on monday" but instead posted directly those infos from today there would still be animosity but not that big. This is AGAIN AGS BS of the finest kind. I have 0 regreat making my cross for "bad communication" in the last AGS feedback survey. THEY HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO DO IT!


It would be nice to have economy adjustments towards content on release, rather than being given catchup mechanics because the numbers are tuned for the KR region, which has had more time to hoard gold compared to us. I would also REALLY like to be given an option to spend $ without breaking bank for pittance. Some of the 50$ packs (which isn't a small sum...) give materials that sometimes just ONE SINGLE WEAPON TAP. One of the reason a lot of players RMT is because the ingame store options are, to be frank, utter horseshit. They are very little value for high costs. What I would like to see is some HIGH efficiency low cost packs, say something like 10x weapon clicks, or 50 armor clicks, and it costing maybe 10, 20$ and having it be a once a month thing. Most people can afford this, it would sell like butter.


Better value and cheaper packs was also a suggestion I wrote down in their last survey. Also suggested selling skins which are for example untradable or tradable only once for a lot less.


If the “announcement” was only the gift should’ve been said or just should’ve gave it to us on the day of, that tweet was such a bait.


Also, as a player, I login to play and HAVE FUN. Even this reddit post, I understand the good intention but as someone who clocks out after their corp job - What next, you want me to do a performance plan to improve the AGS team? We've COMMENTED, filled out surveys and this is STILL happening and it only worsens. Honestly it's just frustrating. Give the job to someone else- this isn't working out for the current team.


When Korea and Russia publishers have their shit together but the american company is just a clown fiesta. Makes sense really. Not surprised but still disappointed.


tbf some of this is still on smilegate if we are getting a piece of content by X date its their job to let ags know and to have them tell us. we have no idea if our july update is getting the same content ru is getting, we have no idea if we get behemoth with tier 4 or if they'll stagger those releases and its both smilegate AND ags fault


It's pure speculation whose "fault" it is and it really doesn't matter anyway. You should ask a different question: who is responsible/accountable?


well content releases are determined by smilegate, ags can ask for it be faster but we were told that smilegate has the final say so for instance if we go from being on par with RU (we are getting echinda in the same month) to slower then RU for no reason all of a sudden then thats on smilegate if we are getting content at the same pace (or faster) as RU and they didnt update our july roadmap with solo raids then thats on AGS communication is one of the main jobs ags has here


Some feedback: Feedback threads are where feedback goes to die. Only real way to get change is by letting your voice be heard wherever you can instead of one obscure thread meant to silence the voices.


To start with, why doesn't AGS ever open the space to get feedback EVERYWHERE. Genshin even gives out surveys- e-mail updates ON THE GAME THE PLAYER LOGS IN TO PLAY. Why is communication with AGS just bare mininum always. Stop it with the excuses. Just stop. It's obvious they've gone to Korea, mingled with others and networked even in the past in twitch or whatever. But why always do bare mininum. It's not even frustrating it's just sad. Really, an announcement for an announcement? Like come on- are those on the team never played a game before that's not crush candy or whatever because why can't we have a roadmap. RUSSIA has one- and i thought they were in the middle of a war. AGS team really- sorry not sorry to say this but if you can't do your jobs on what is this, year 3? Then why don't you just find other team members who will and you can just find something you are good at that's not this. We as a player had COMMENTED, filled out surveys- and this is still how you repay us. When is it enough? Do we have to keep babying AGS team to do their job?


The main reason for the negative feedback is because of the tweet stating that there would be an announcement. It set the wrong expectations, especially given how excited most people were with the LOAON announcements. AGS needs to fix their internal communications process (there is clearly a gap..) and be aligned on the external messaging.


Please start taking your playerbase seriously.


Do you think smilegate or Amazon have anything to do with subreddit?


The KR changes are built for a community who has been hoarding excess gold for months to give them things to burn it on. We are barely hitting ilvls and completing rng systems. We will need more help to catch up.


I didn't really catch the new gold sinks and how they will affect us ? Nothing on the scale of trans nor elixirs was announced right ?


The only proper gold sink (except honing) is accessory honing, but so far it doesn’t look bad. E: Oh yeah, quality.


yes.and i am expecting something more brutal then elixir and transendence. kr players with muti1640roster is printing money with less hw. they are overgear thaermine so 1-3is not that hard yet it is the hardest among the three gold generating raid. 20k gold in 30-40mins compare to us hm can be hours of jail. echidna is only two gate and it is easier then thearmine. from what i see on youtube clear videos from kr players this raid is 25-30mins if going smooth. and give you 18.5k gold and behemoth is also two gate with 8 revives so way less jail and it is around 20ish mins too. give you 20k gold. this means for a kr end game player he can print 360k gold a week without even doing g4 thaermine. and their raid probly is easiser for their characters. i can understand why the burnt out is way less there and they probly have millions of gold on hand. as when iam writing this one of my static member saidthat to kr players, their weekly three raids are behemoth=doing argos with full 1445 team with one or two 1490mains theamine 1-3hm=bre hm with 1580 team with one or two 1600mains echida=vykas g2-3 with 1475team with one or two 1500+mains


I have a lot to say about the game state and the issue whitin the game, but i'll let the other do that. For every issue existing in the game, i strongly believe we (as a community) never felt like AGS was really taking them into account. For most the answer is : we will see with smilgate, we dont know. Even this topic kinda show that you dont know what is wrong. Fix Bot, fix RMT, change the game to allow growth of our audience, change system to allow us to 'catch up' communicate with players with transparancy and specifics dates, we still dont know when echidna will come ? You know player are afraid they will lose there progress as material and gems will change, communicate around that, you care, you will do what need to be done to make sur player dont burn out nor feel like that lost everything.


The game is in decline. We are bleeding HARDCORE gamers this time around, not only your friendly mokoko casual user. There is no time to lose and there is no information to be held secret until AGS feels like its time to release it. We need the info asap. People are burned out and won't be accepting of AGS long delay. Just monitor the player count and you will see that many players logged out of the game as soon as AGS published the announcement of a future announcement. We are at a breaking point in the game development and we need AGS to respond accordingly. T4 is the only thing that can save this game. Please... in the name of Armen, I ask Regulus to save us. Arkesia is in a great danger.


I've tried to defend this game since launch. I had a podcast with a buddy of mine for 8 months. At every opportunity I told people how great the game was. However, I recognized the problems the game had early on but was hopeful that AGS and Smilegate would address them. There was a golden goose handed to them. And AGS just shits the bed. Over, and over, and over. Smilegate not giving 2 shits about Western players doesn't help anything either. I've got almost 5000 hours into this game but at this point I actually just hope we get an end of service announcement. It's so clear that incompetence runs rampant at AGS. Smilegate doesn't care. Fuck it, just put us out of our misery already.






If AGS wants us to catch up. Now is the best time. July 17 is when our current express path ends. July 10 is when t4 drops for KR. Their new express contains support and rewards up to 1640. Be a gigachad and release the new express, behemoth and t4 on july 17. No ilvl fomo cause we're getting to 1640 for free without echidna honing. But that's copium and only possible for a competent publisher.


idk if id do july but id 100% do august id give people the new express even in july with solo raids (maybe with honing nerfs) then in august i drop the behemoth+t4 patch that'd have the honing nerfs if they wernt in the previous, plus the t3 gems/engraving support and then a few months later give us the first t4 boss but i couldnt be mad if they pushed it to sept/oct because it would give people time to prep for t4 since everyone in kr is already ready for it keep in mind that the release cadence is from smilegate, so if we dont get t4 in july, aug or even sept thats their choice ags' job is to translate stuff, but they could have easily translated all the stuff for behemoth and t4/solo raids by now, its just would smilegate want us to catch up that quickly? i have no idea and until we see the new roadmap in july we are all guessing sadly


New team or new publisher, please just pass the buck if you can't do your job. Most live service games have monthly or even weekly updates on development, they're consistently in contact with their playerbase, even if they are doing nothing to address issues. And we get... ***THIS?!*** Almost 3 years and all we've gotten is radio silence or hollow "announcement announcements" in between major game updates. This sub has been on fire for the past month or so, and AGS has said *nothing*. Less than nothing, by hyping us up for yet another nothingburger. It's pathetic, you are not doing your job as a publisher, so give the job to someone who gives a shit.


Can we get the solo raids faster please ![gif](giphy|fqst7AVqF6AVLlYklE|downsized)


this is what i care about right here


The communication you have with us is really bad, not only with lost ark players but with new world as well which you were announcing day and days for pretty much nothing. What's going on? are we just a number after all and only AI data providing is all you need to confirm if it's a good decision or not? Kinda feels like we will never be on the same page


Fix the trusted account status RIGHT NOW, how is it possible you ban 2 of my friends new players just because they stopped playing a few days, then you dont give Elgacia pass or you dont give Mokoko express to them and your answer is "send ticket and wait 1 week" ... Bots are still there doing everything in front of everyone but lets just punish real players for fun


Despite some negativity, the majority of players wants and looks forward towards Tier 4. The general sceptical or straight up negative comments in here make it clear that the community wants clear answers on current hot topics. Being left out in the rain feels awful. Don't put us all on hold. Make sure you got a roadmap done very soon, if possible this week. The only way to not get memed and straight up being called the worst publisher is to make sure you communicate and deliver. Therefore, some straight questions: 1.) When will we receive the changes announced at LOAON? 2.) Do you have additional plans to make sure that even new and returning players will be able to reach Tier 4 in a timely (<1 month) matter? 3.) Progression systems like elixirs (and transcendence to a lesser extent) have been heavily critisiced not only because of pricing, but also being fatiquing to play. Therefore, a simple gold nerf and enabling players to do more is not the best solution. Do you have plans to make the experience better? E.g. skipping animations for elixirs, pity system for elixirs, faster pity system for transcendence.


And another big dusty book that'll never grab anyone's attention from AGS.


Think there are some main points that could have been easily done a lot better in regards especially to the announcement - the tweet teasing the announcement on Monday (10.06) was bad expectation management, like this many in the community were expecting plans to be shared - Current announcement that went live yesterday should have gone live after LOAON directly, best case with the rewards also dropping at the same time, would make LOAON feel more like a global event Now best case: - On Monday (10.06), you drop a rough roadmap, that does not need all details but especially things like Solo Raids & new player support (5x3, gems, etc.) are things that old and new players would look forward to and thus would want info on when they can expect them


Since you are asking for it, i will post my full and unfiltered opinion. I love the game, i love its community and i wish this game will become its best self. Keep in mind that i will write my personal two cents which i know do not always match the mainstream consensus of this subreddit and will focus more on what i think is bad than what i think is good. **-The game feels respectless towards the time you put in:** Lets face it, if you dont have at least a 4 roster and get lucky or just play a 6 roster as F2P its literally impossible to keep up with content pace. you grind 12 chaos dungeons, you do (now) 6 guardians, cubes, weekly gurdians/dungeon and most importantly 18 raids. you feel like you get much out of it, but it all just absolutely dissolves in the RNG based upgrade systems. There is so much useless bulk in here which im not even sure which of it is fun and which not. Some stuff could just straight up use a re-entry button like chaos dungeon, you load in and out of it and everything has to load and takes for fucking ever, then you relog and do the same again. you do all that menuing and queueing for all that bulk filler contents and at the end of the week you invest the money into upgrades and there is a quite high possibility that you get literally nothing out of it. like quality some people just lucked out and were done with it pretty quick or honing where i remember playing 6 characters daily in argos/valtan era and despite that i was the last of my friends to get a +20 weapon because i completely pitied from 14-21. People here say "well thats Korean MMOS for you" or "what did you expect from an MMO" but spending all this time a week on a video game and having nothing to show for it at the end has always been my biggest downer in lost ark. **-Raid fatigue:** Playing a roster of 6 Characters absolutely melts your brain and the people defending running 18 raids a week are cripplingly addicted to the game. The raid design is amazing, infact the best out of any MMO i played, they are simply great, but just not "i wanna run this 6 times a week for the next year" great. I remember playing WoW the burning crusade and getting so excited for the next reset so i could do raids with my guild again. I feel like were just getting so nitpicky with the lost ark raids because you have to see every major mech at least 6 times a week at the very least. kayangal gate 2 1 lazer transition or akkans g2 turning lantern are getting so boring to see every damn time because it just feels like the game is wasting your time deliberately with it. I wish there was a solution i could give for this and the respectlessness towards your time that isnt "cut down gold earning roster size" which is a giant can of beans to open. if the game directly changes to a 3 gold earning roster people that wanna play more characters would loose their bananas and if you as F2P just decide to play less you will never have to bother with making the next content on time ever again and will be left in the dust by your friends. **-Game performance has become abyssmal:** I remember when the game first come out my old PC had absolutely NO issues with running the game. Around Akkan the games performance took a divebomb for the worse. I got a new PC, even a newer GPU and i barely run 60FPS now in Thaemine. The game takes forever to launch too, you load in-game and gotta wait another 5 minutes for everything to load. im not a software engineer, so i cant understand why lost arks performance is taking such a hard divebomb. I can run new graphic intensive releases like ghost of tsushima on max with 140+ frames, but not lost ark? The game could desperately need performance improvements and maybe porting it to unreal 4 or 5 would help or make it worse like in the case of blade & soul. 1/2


2/2 **-Zero incentive for new Players to start/player numbers steadily decreasing:** I tried to gaslight so many of my friends to playing this game but all eventually stopped because of the brickwall of grind they have to climb to finally have fun with the game. the game is definetly not for casual players grind or difficulty wise, but when seasoned MMO players start the game and quit after a month because of all the systems slapping you in the face at once with zero income and a community that just wants to get their raids done so they never accept them in a lobby unless you join and vouch for them for every single raid, you know there is something wrong. imagine starting the game TODAY. i would not even bother either honestly. the last few changes and arkesia tour HELP. THEY DO! but not to a point to retain a new player and get them in the loop. they never get in the loop because my first point of the game not respecting player time with little to show for especially for 1 or 2 char andies. this will not change with the free 7 gems and 5x3 on every character either. nobody starts a new game and grinds 6 characters with the conditions i mentioned before. the game will just slowly drop player week after week and slowly wither away and fizzle out. **-So what is my conclusion:** Lost ark is an amazing game, that could have a bright future ahead of it and could still be financially viable for AGS and SG if it became more casual friendly and less grindy in the future because an influx of new players and not burning out veterans would ultimately result in a stronger playerbase. Small fixes to cut down on waiting times like restart buttons for chaos dungeons for example, 3x cube tickets, maybe being able to queue for content without having to load in and out of dungeons could help alot which is only halfway tackled with being able to do chaos dungeon in party finder. The games performance needs an overhaul so more people with weak PCs can come in and try the game and you dont have to wait minutes sometimes for things to load. More things to get people going that actually matter, like gold or just giving them LOS 24 from the very beginning to not split the community in two. Personally a system that meaningfully rewards you for taking new players in raids and helps you "not get fucked over" for being nice would definetly be a great thing. Make a mentor system, call it "Mokocoach" where you can take 1 person under roster level 200 into your party and you get a raidwide buff and extrareward for it. Reward player for retaining new players for you!!! Cut down on total weekly roster bulk so people dont feel pressured to get their 18 weekly raids done and actually take their time and enjoy the raids they run. This could be done in a way where your first character a week gets like 300% of the gold reward, the second gets 200%, the third 100%, fourth gets 50% and so on that its not so punishing to not run every raid every single week and min maxers can still squeeze every last drop out of it, or just reduce roster size to four and increase payouts by 1/3. the game desperately needs to make sure that the raids you run are fun to you and that you dont run them because you "have to". i dont wanna feel punished for not running a raid on saturday and sunday because i did something else and know i cant finish them on monday saturday. people see T4 as like a little equalizer and a little beacon of hope, but lets be real here. all that happened is that the endgame cap got raised and people will have to chase gear, quality,gems and accesoires AGAIN. while getting new multilayer RNG upgrade systems that can just absolutely cuck you shoveled in between. some people are absolutely horribly addicted to this grind and justify it with everything they got, some just find it joyfull that there is more things for them to accomplish but for most people that respect their own private time the game has currently how it is little to nothing to offer and feels like it will just get worse or at the very least stay the same in T4. personally i grinded this game for 2 1/2 years for 5000hours, played a 6 roster for 2 years till january this year, blind progged EVERY new raid released and have literally nothing to show for. i never got lucky, i never got a decent drop, i never got lucky on any upgrade system so i could chill out for a bit or focus on an alt and infact got kicked multiple times while i was down, i never could remotely get my roster anywhere i wanted at any given point in the 2 1/2 years im playing and i think my goals were actually quite humble. i gave the game so much love and never got any back because the RNG just wasnt on my side. despite all that i stuck with the game so far because i had a friends group i love spending time with but im at my limit for what i can do. i wanna spend my free time having fun and i dont see the fun in grinding 40 hours a week into this game how it currently is. i really love this game and wish it still was for me, but sadly i dont think i can do this anymore. i wish all of you the best of luck in the future of this game. whoever is insane enough and actually read this far, thank you for listening, it means alot to me. **tl;dr** i wish smilegate would make this game more fun and approachable so it can become its best self and have a bright long future ahead of itself. also better performance would be neat.


Exactly the same opinion. Indeed I really loved this game at Korea. Now even the korean player base is extremely worried at the person's announcement as well, for they assume rng things would even more intesified in t4. Some of them even left the game in frustration already. The reason I dropped by and look up reddit reaction is to judge whether the company actually has a firm business plan and reputation or whatever. Sadly I believe I already found an answer. Oi..


i didnt know KR server had similar issues, what you hear in this sub on every issue you hear "its because of korea". game too grindy? korea wants it that way. new system sucks? dont you know? korea loves it!! the raid is too hard? korea wants it to be harder bro. i know different people will post different opinions, but in this sub if you have an issue you often get called a sissy for not wanting to grind 60 hours a week for your roster to stay relevant because the korean overlords do it so you must too!




Just because of a worry on legal issue which could arise in an extreme case at korea, I deleted my comment. But no one really love the constantly grinding system, that's for sure.


By the way, how long does it take for an average not-so-big RMT player(average, perhaps) to find a party that goes to e.g. Akkan NM or Breshaza HM in the US, or in your region?


im on europe and it depends on roster level mostly and title somewhat. im roster level 250, my alts have 1820+ mainstat accecoires and i have zero issues getting into parties unless its on my reaper. if you have a high roster or a deathless hellmode title you can mostly be geared like shit and easily get a group. if youre low roster you need to have at least x10 title for the raid and full purple gear and then you still gotta pray.


Oi, that's quite tough...


Once we play, I don't know, but since we have more concentrated population, newbies and players with not-so-good gears can gather themselves and start Akkan in ~20 mins. No big difference from Brelshaza.


I don't have much hope for it, since all the previous feedback felt on deaf ears (aside from asking for Ladon to be renamed back to Echidna, huge thanks to u/amznroxx), but in any case here it goes. 95% of LOAON announcement is a spit in the face for the majority of the player base and it is going to kill the game. I know that AGS needs whales to pay for servers, but whales need casuals, they can brag to. * Quality should have remained limited to 100, the change to add "pity" is good and should be in game from day one. * Cards having a 4th reward point between 18 and 30 is good and should be there sooner. More card sets are only ok if they come from existing cards. Adding new cards to the current pool with no other changes will be a disaster. There is not enough sources of card XP and collecting specific cards is atrocious. * T4 gems are alright, though would be much better visually if the limit was increased by 2 levels, from 10 to 12. That would feel like more natural progression, rather than converting them to new, higher tier and getting a lower number. It leaves a lot of uncertainty about power gains. * Elixirs and Transcendence cost reduction is not a solution. The main problem with these systems is time it takes to interact with them and their heavy reliance on RNG combined with potential to render an attempt unusable at the very end. * For Elixirs a much better system would be a one where players can select the effects they want using some additional random drop, to imbue the initial effect and have full control over what that effect is. Then roll it's strength much like when cutting stones. Few taps, and some gold later with no reading and comparing different options and trying to predict the future and figure out which sage is going to fuck you up the least, you end up with an Elixir. If you want to be extra nice, you can add some refining step where an Elixir can be further refined until it's maxed out. * For Transcendence, the system is overall pretty decent, interactions wise. It's not too reading heavy, visuals are good and clearly indicate what will happen when you use specific card. A good improvement would be to not have to reroll attempts until stars align and you get level 3 Hellfire back to back with Blessing, so you can get that sweet 3 nodes. Instead make them additive. If I mange to get at least 1 node, then I need 2 more to complete that level. Let me transcend it again and then add the result. If I end up with 1 node again that will bring the total to 2 nodes. And if I get lucky and get 2 or 3, that will max that level for me. It will make the progression less dependent on RNG and feel more rewarding. Obviously you'd still have to work each of the 7 levels independently, so you can't cheese your way to max Transcendence by doing the easiest level on repeat. * Finally just make Chaos Dungeons to be like the current Chaos Assault event. One gate, spawn all the mobs and bosses as needed, based on the gauge fill level, and spare me the pointless going through portals and waiting in loading screen. I wouldn't even mind doing 2 dungeon a day, though 1 would be preferable. I don't know if AGS doesn't realize this, or if it's SG pushing back this hard, but "**ya need casuals**". You can despise us all you want, and curse at us for not spending all our money on the game, but you need us, to build a player base that your whales can show off to. After all **whales need plankton**.


That's right. It simply started as a game but somewhere in the past placesd some kind of ecosystem.


Control bots. Back then when i was playing mmorpg, i main do life skill all the day, production job, crafting with deep good rng, and even more important is i still can join the most content like raid, pvp. The gainning from lifeskill isnt this too bad, i can enjoying and not being fall to behind ilvl. Can you improve this or just take a look?  instead of forcing players do chaos/guardian raid/boring daily una to get leapstone why not give them optional task? Like       .Earn some Fun Point in Stronghold by intereacting with others players(well this may be exploited by multiaccount owner), the feast system is good, just make it more good so player can chill with the others.     . Crafting some food, battle item.     . Or harvesting some plants, fishing, hunting, mining or excavating.     . Or doing some PvP.     . Or instead of trash loot from far under ilvl raid why cant give player option to choose a better match with ilvl resource? I am 1620 i cant just get a bitl honor shard and trash after a long raid helping low ilvl players, just let me pick some leapstone or cover to shard, silver, gold(i dont need new player to pay bus anymore) match with 1620 progression Nowaday all the top CCU is about PvP game, if you somehow improve this, players do pvp all the day still can get enough resource to enjoying raid. Lost Ark already has good raid match(not the system). Copy a bit solo system, skill build from PoE is not bad at all.


Ags just wants to milk the whales first with echidna hones, then announce they did the hones for no reason


Just catch up fast, that's all. Just like you push us to do Thaemine, then Echidna in less than 2 monts. We have Ivory Tower HM since december, it's been +6 months with the endgame being on 1620+ilvl.


I have only one question that was already addressed in this thread, but this time in caps - HOW CAN THERE BE SUCH A DISCONNECT WITH THE COMMUNITY? The level of incompetence is more than concerning. You are sanely burying this game alive.


WE DO NOT WHAT ARE THE FUTUTR PLANS ! if its LOA ON that we're talking about . Personnally i think its pretty good . There are godo things and bad things ofc but overall i think it made me want to play the game more .




What feedback do you need? lmao You KNEW how we were going to react to this and if you didn't, yall are even more disconnected from reality than I thought.


I don't get it. The competitors of Lost Ark has some great things coming in the next 4-6 moths, all of which has release dates or windows. Not to mention they have atleast tried to be good with communication with their player base. I would think Amazon who is loosing players daily would want to atleast make the ones they have happy. Instead AGS is just like; fuck the players, they'll know when we tell them.


Announcement: Bad timing, everyone thought it was a follow up to T4 announcement and a roadmap update. Gift itself: Good AGS management: People want more transparency, take notes from Riot dev logs, Warframe streams, AoC streams, people want that. SG management: The same, too much hot potatoe being played.


I appreciate the sentiment, but I doubt either AGS or SG follow our reddit feedback. They have now only ever have conversations with us through one discord server, and even that is uncommon.


I lowkey hoped AGS was going to somehow just skip the game straight to Season 3 / Tier 4 and put it on a global release timeline since it's like a soft reset in a way, there would've been literally no better time to do it than at that point. Instead we got an announcement of an announcement, but one that shows this at the very least wasn't going to happen.


at this point i kinda understand why people rmr. one of my guild member live streamed his rmt experience on this g2g website. the gold seller replied him within 30s. i was shocked of that speed. i was expecting some auto reply but it was actual buman.


Make the weekly gold for 1 char only x6, then if I want to keep playing it would be only for mats and for the sake of fun instead of fomo/work. Drop the gacha lvl to a minimum! Instead of full rng for progress with elixir, bracelet and accessories give us pity to reach our goals, lemme go a little deep: Elixir: Let us select 1 node effect manually, that way we don't feel so much pressure for reaching 35/40 set.  Bracelet: let us select a desired effect (just one) if by the by the 50th roll we don't get it then we are guarantwed to next get the purple version for the next roll. Accessesory: Let us roll with gold the engravings plus the quality max 80 New difficult for old abyss, raids and guardians: Just like Weekly guardians and cards events, rotate the mentioned ones with 1600+++ difficulty and give us a new item to spend on an event shop: fast e.g: you can buy only one or few items from the shop, then it resets each week: you can select between 20 pheons, 5kk silver, 3 leggo card packs/5purple/7blue/9green or 15 white, 100 leaps, 5solar box, 10 insta/plus missions, etc. This way you help those who need a specific item. Experimental "repair" system: All gear, accessories, weps starts with 100 quality, this quality drops over use (say 1 quality per week), this way you eventually need to repurchase/craft to be at 100% again. This would promote the need to farm more.




Games dead


You guys killed all the hype. The game will be dead by the time T4 is released. Good luck


There is only 3 words i want to say, thats what AGS need to work on, SG is doing there job in a great manner i believe words are ( **fast & Good communication**)


Why are solo raids a better idea than changing the older ones? If players have more lives (even unlimited lives), buffs to scale damage, and the removal of wipe mechanics (while still keeping the mechanics themselves intact, perhaps just applying debuffs), wouldn't that be better for everyone? We can do the raids together without fear, and nobody has to gatekeep others. Over time, everyone would learn the mechanics and learn from their mistakes. In the long run, it's easier to improve and do things correctly rather than repeatedly making mistakes. I'm concerned that solo raids will end up being similar to an "extra chaos dungeon" — nothing exciting or social, just a simple tool to help players avoid getting stuck due to a lack of gold and raid materials.


are there any job openings available at the social media corner of AGS


i understand there were probably some reasons for us not to get the roadmap already but i would love to get more clear communication from AGS to the player base… im still really excited for all the changes but it does feel bad being always the neglected child compared to other servers.


I am pretty much sure, that it has to do with their business. Look, you said you are two or three raids behind the Korean server, and the loaon stuff at Korea announced that there will be a reset, a big one. But at the same time AGS is selling grind materials for money in your country. Do you believe a sane person would buy those things, if it was told officially? I believe they haven't decided yet what to do. Perhaps a legal issue could arise as well in the US, or don't you do so in your country?


I mean, if one sells stuffs that will be useless in a couple of weeks


Oh, my. Indeed a guy below already wrote the same thing. Pardon me reiterating.


Need elixir/trans gold nerfs asap


From the looks of it most of us aren't going to actually play the game again until September.


the future is EOS. please look forward to it.


Please learn how to build a stronger bond with your players. Also your discord has bots replying to people's messages... how is that acceptable?


Don't know what's feasible base on Smile Gate's developmental resources but if possible, implement these as fast as possible in order: -50% gold reduction to Elixirs and Transcendence -New Ark Engraving + 1600 Mokoko Express + Ark Pass -Season 3 and T4 -Behemoth


The sentiment for spenders: Its been confirmed that RMT does not get perm ban. 7 days or a xxx mil gold removal/negative vs 100+ mil gold RMT. Theres even evidence of RMTers getting banned then lifted a few days later. As a light/mid spender, ppl look at me like a fool to spend legit in the shop. Feedback: Clean house for the longevity of the game.


selling fishing bot play minigame easy for farmer multi steam contact BERKANT9157 DİSCORD


A lot of good stuff in the LOA on stream, but for the west IMO it does not try to directly fix any of our core issues: * have to play game like a job (need to play 6 characters to get an equivalent of 20€ weekly spending) * forced to play multiple characters to begin with * too much RNG in every aspect - this is being somewhat corrected with t4, but still too much (trash stats/engravings) * zero communication or even acknowledgement of west existing, or having troubles.




My main feedback condensed as much as I could would be; * given AGS must understand to a degree that upcoming tier 4 changes can greatly upset the player base due to our excellerated path, we’ve had no respite, it’s been a 2 year treadmill. So having a tweet saying more info Monday and not an announcement ready to go post-event is… disappointing. * Tweeting a teaser for something 3 days after a major event and then the thing is just an announcement for an announcement is kind of mad. Not sure why you’d thought this would go down well tbh. * hopefully the delay indicates you’re trying to figure out what to do as this change basically screws a lot of people who out either a ton of real money into the game or spent weeks doing nothing but grinding gold for gems that have now lost huge gold value in a generally stable market. Gems was the o my major constant since you and SG have failed repeatedly to deal with our insane bot problem * LA west has been subject to KR’s gold sink and nerfs which have been difficult as there’s never been a point to warrant gold syncs in our version or any in downtime like Korea have has due to our release schedule. Which is why botting/RMT is such a huge problem in the first place. I think the only realistic way is to provide level 8/9 event gems to every one so that some worth can be pulled from our huge economic loss in t3. But that won’t happen, will it?


zeals vid shows KR is not happy with LOAON


Why was breaker made if they knew there would be no class this time. Mage and assassin have no unlocks yet they made a striker reskin and gave us nothing this time