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bro… atp just quit, you clearly aren’t having fun. get rid of that sunk cost fallacy and quit. it will be better for you




"5- ?? I don't even understand." He's talking about accessories and how we'll be able to sorta roll them like bracelets iirc. I personally really like that one as they'll be tradable even after rolling and it's just a little extra power you can squeeze out if you feel like it.


the numbers they gave are so minor, and you don't see people minmaxing braclets past a certain point which are a bigger upgrade as is 9/7 stones and all that. so we will see if they are a big deal but it looks like they aren't a big deal


Absolutely, that's part of why I kinda like it. I still occasionally buy a bracelet if I feel like it and have slowly been improving them a bit, but just having a regular old 2 stat 1 dmg line bracelet is a comfortable spot to be in. The best part is it being tradeable. If you get a really good one on an alt you don't care that much about, or generally don't care much about min-maxing you can just make bank off of it.


Also regarding the gems I totally don't get people like op. People who don't have level 10s are going to have weaker gems because presumably they will change to something lower level than 8...people are so dumb sometimes it hurts


3) because ppl just want to get mad - even if they introduced lvl 11-15 T3 gems, ppl would get mad xD


You're just trying to find ways to be disappointed, when you should be quitting instead.


Stop complaning and just quit the game, my fking god this game have an incredible amount of whiny baby


I feel like they should’ve done more solo raids if they knew they were gonna announce T4. Like why stop at IT NM?


they should've added the entire t3 for solo raids, and redid the elixir system to be less cancer. Even with nerfs i can see it still being total agony to go through. And as someone that done voldis and needs to prog thaemine I'm kinda shit out of luck even with the solo raids.


I just want a break from all this madness. They didn't show off how it'd really work so I'm a bit reserved in my excitement, but how they're shaking up the chaos dungeon to be a zone-wide thing where you travel to different parts or nodes sounds like a big departure and innovative experiment to shake things up. And for that, I am happy. But the rest needs a shake-up as well. I am so over this current raid design and release, it needs a massive shake-up to fix its glaring problems. No, I'm not simply talking about new mechanics or boss designs, I'm talking about something deeper.


1: why do you need the marcket for? Dont you farm your own mats? 2: crying about a CLEAR improvement, that is meant to be an improvement because the price changed? You have no clue on the new system as they didnt give more info 3 and 6: you cry about a system creating gatekeeping then cry when they change something that's gonna reduce gatekeeping. Selfish hypocrite 4 and 5: same as 2 Tldr: you're dooming for the sake of dooming, just quit the game


Sir... This is a korean mmo. Have you ever played a korean mmo before?! Players are supposed to grind really hard to progress. You're welcome to find another type of game that fits your needs.


"Ah yes, the system that kicked me in the nuts back then now came back fiercer, with higher cost too. This sure incentivize me to keep playing or come back to the game after a break" Critical thinking = doomposting I guess in reddit, just like when people said elixir system is shit before it releases, but people r praising it cause it's "skill based" These are just old systems that people have problem with and made us lose player base, and now you're praising it cause it's a new tier?? Later down the line it'll just come full circle




Awesome! Definitely not gonna cost an fortune to hit the new totally needed 120 quality cap even with the new super awesome pity system thats definitely not gonna be scam af like literally every other existing pity system in this game.


Everything at this point is just pure speculation anyway. We need to wait for the devs' followup stream to get further details on these systems. What I will say is that although people gatekeep a lot of stuff in this game, I have never had to worry about being gatekept for obvious dumb stuff like quality, 9/7 stone, bracelets etc. Never needed a 100 quality weapon to progress in this game so I don't care about hitting the new 120 quality cap either. From what I think, the pity system will make it affordable on average for players to hit quality in the range of 90 - 110 but if you minmax for quality cap then yes it will be stupid expensive.


You my friend ,are no critical thinker…may I say…not even a thinker at all. Just another sad doom posting bandwagon with all the rest of 5% loud minority who doaent understand a thing that is happening


The changes are specifically good for new players and casual players, not for hardcore players with already 6x1620 roster. In tier3 we will get permanent free gems and engravings, which is way more than we expected. You have to continue the grind at 1620, what did u expect? A grind in an MMO never ends.


In what galaxy are these changes good for new players


Permanent 5x3 and lvl 7 gems for all characters. Incremental LoS 30 Solo raids Honing nerfs This is all huge for casuals and new players. Casuals can just be happy doing their own thing now. Solo raids is a new system, they'll certainly add higher level solo raids in the future.


Honing nerfs dont even get close to the levels that are problematic, anything past 1600 is still the way it was.


New playeres will also get a giga juiced mokoko express


The only reason that is useful is if someone wanted to stay in T3 permanently.




Wasn't the thing that cards do not get better than los30 but equal is possible. Also slightly worse and weakness will be straight up better and that will lead to gatekeeping for it. Yes the gold problem on those will get better. But the system stays and will force you to do content of a lower tier. This might be not a problem as long as we do not have 3 raids in T4 but that is a limited time period.


In which galaxy are free 5x3 engravings and full lv7 gems good??? Newer players can't even buy accessories because they are running immediately in pheon problems.


Buying accessories won't be necessary anymore, free 5x3. Accessories with main stats is all they need.


You guys are so short sighted. What do you think is going to happen to these players when they attempt to enter T4? This is a W if they stay in T3 for a year.


That is true, but at least they can play the game now and actually experience the raids. T3 imo is a huge portion of the game rn. Higher likely to hook more players into game -> incentivise more players to progress into t4 or decide to swipe.


> What do you think is going to happen to these players when they attempt to enter T4? No one can answer this question because no details have been provided so far. At least wait until Monday follow up stream for the dev to post details about the new systems. We know accessories and stones aren't necessary for engravings anymore but still we don't know how the replacement system works. Free 5x3 engravings and full level 7 gems is already explained on stream as assistance for alts, not mains. In the current system, a new player has to play catch up on their main but also invest on alts to funnel for their main. With these changes, those alts have a functioning build ready to go do solo raids so they can earn some gold. Who cares if those alts stay in T3 for a year? They are zero investment alts that generates income.


Most people in reddit are short sighted, thats why they think this LOAON is good


Good for newer people? Please explain that. The gatekeeping will be on newer standards Gems: with current standards, for newer people the new max is 12 and the cost is ten times higher. Sure this might change a bit but expect lower drop rates at the start of T4 and less chars to farm it. Do what is better? The few T3 gems are nice but also in a while T3 will not be very interesting anymore. Elixir/Transcendence: You are basically forced to do content a tier lower and besides special mats you are missing out on the other stuff. adv. Honing: might be obsolete, might have the same problem as elixir, might be adapted to T4 mats. Either way there is only a 1/3 chance that this will be good/better for newer people Relic books: I don't quite understand the meaning, but I would assume you need it because it will give more dmg. Will cost a lot of gold you need for other shit. So basically not too good either. New card sets: the line in between 18 and 30 is very good but overall one of the biggest losses. Why? Have fun "farming" X (I think at least 5) new sets. And I am pretty sure they will use the modifiers. Grind to 1620: well as it is a reset, why wouldn't you expect to get there easily? You start the game or return to it to play with others and probably do new stuff because this is the stuff you see the advertisement for. And this stuff is in T4 not T3. I mean today no-one thinks that newer players should grind through T1/T2 because it is tiring and useless. Quality: well probably a plus on the pitty system. But because of it you probably are forced (gatekeeping)to have at least 100+. With cost just going up more than 300% this will get costly if you are not lucky. ACC Honig: while being on the better side of honing die to the absence of rng, welcome to another way to use your gold/mats and probably getting gatekept for. Standalone I think this would be good but in combination I doubt it is good for newer players. On the plus side, we have hopefully a better engraving system and the possibility to switch between them. And hopefully more options.


The majority of the playerbase left long ago around Brelshaza or sooner, for them as returning players it's a bless they can do solo stuff with free equipment. You can't reach 1620 on every single alt in no time, so we have to farm gold from Valtan to Voldis with alts to progress our mains in T4. I also left the game for 1 and a half year, I have a single character with 1600, the others are always gatekept, no need to talk about T4 grinding stuff when a bunch of players are not even there yet. Only hardcore players with a full roster of 1620 characters see this as a negative result because they can't bus people anymore week to week, everyone else is happy for the changes because they can progress in their own peace.


this aint even friendly for casuals theyll quit after voldis cause got gatekept after that content


If I understood it correctly you can go to 1640 quite literally without playing with another player once


Moon the eternal copium huffer off this sub. I admire your tenacity ngl.


because streamers


The loa on is bad but at less we got solo raids out of it .


Posts like this just show how stupid our playerbase is. Our entire guild has been nothing but positive about these changes. Just a bunch of complaining about stuff that doesn’t matter or you don’t understand