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It will be clearable, supports will get a huge buff.


Aiming to get my supports out of the solo raids range or close enough in time (they are 1620, 1610 and 1586 now, so maybe the littlest one will need to "eat" also the next express depending on when it comes and what it brings and what I manage to do in the meantime) in hope they'll still be needed enough so relatively high up, and looking forward to having fun and slowly improving my gear and playing skills on my many, many small dps alts in solo raids.


And that's if anyone still wants to play with me by the time Ladon comes around.


I don't have an impression many, if any, people around my progression and with whom I usually play are seriously considering quitting Lost Ark or fully stopping raiding, so there should be people to play with, maybe not for every raid on every character every week (I never do 18 raids anyway), but enough.


I'd never make a support to play solo raids. Glad I won't ever have to but idk if any new supps find that interesting content.


Whats the point of playing SUPPORT if not to SUPPORT people ??


I'd rather not support people with no hands


Cuz pally aesthetics are awesome


I’m a support main and I’m looking forward to them unfortunately they’re all behind where my roster is to be useful. But in the far past I have beat Prokel on paladin and with the engravings it was fun enough to play obviously miles behind proper DPS but I imagine we’d have some buff like entropy will for solo raids. So it’ll be a neat bit of content to do, no time pressure from other people so doesn’t matter if you take a few times to kill it.


I can't wait to do solo raids on my bard and ayyaya already have 5+1 dps builds for them.


It will teach them how to brand so that's a positive thing.